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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei parliament rejects 2011 budget draft

April 6, 2011 (BOR) – Jonglei assembly has rejected the 2011 budget draft in its first reading, as presented by state finance minister, Aquila Malith Mam on 6 April.

Speaker Chol Wal in Jonglei parliament in Bor, April 6, 2011 (ST)
Speaker Chol Wal in Jonglei parliament in Bor, April 6, 2011 (ST)
The budget draft was criticised by the parliament due to what they saw as errors which need adjustment by the state council of ministers, before a second reading.

In a press statement last month, the speaker of Jonglei Assembly, Peter Chol, criticised the state council of ministers for not presenting the 2011 budget for discussion, alleging the February –March teachers strike, which called upon the government to pay them January housing allowances, and the subsequent withdrawal of civil housing allowances for all civil workers in February, was caused by insufficient use of 2008 budget. The 2011 workforce in the state is much larger.

Chol told Sudan Tribune that finance minister Aquila and local government minister, Diing Akol presented the proposed state budget for 2011 after being requested by the house to do so.

Chol said the parliament has not passed a budget since 2009, saying the current parliament, whose members were sworn in, after April general elections in June 2010, will try their best to make sure that the budget is in place.

Jongeli’s 2011 budget is expected to cover housing allowances and other benefits civil workers are entitled to.

The budget is expected to include state incomes, projecting the collection of local revenue and financial support from the Government of South Sudan and the Jonglei state expenditure.

Jonglei state is among other Southern states whose revenues collected from taxes reached over SDG1.2 million (US$450,000) a year, as revealed by taxation officers. However, financial mismanagement remains a big challenge.



  • Hero

    Jonglei parliament rejects 2011 budget draft
    Stop the blame game and do what you’ve been task to do! People are anxiously waiting for your leadership.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Jonglei parliament rejects 2011 budget draft
    There is a possibility that the current government officials will be questioned about what they have done with tax money collected over all these years when the youth take over offices/power in all the states. Lots of money has been collected and nothing tangible has been done with that money.

    Tax money is supposed to used toward public good that benefit the public.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever that begins in anger, ends in shame

  • Waucity

    Jonglei parliament rejects 2011 budget draft
    Ahmed Chol, alot money have been collected..Please, i know that alot of money have not been collected, you have to first caculate entire income of Southern Sudan and then talk of money have been collected..From whom have the money been collected, entire public does not almost pay taxes….primarily of low income or lack of jobs at all. Runing administration of the Government is not cheap. One that I think they are not doing is they are not using the public to volunteer at some levels, since they don’t pay taxes..That’s what I would do.

  • Garang's Son
    Garang's Son

    Jonglei parliament rejects 2011 budget draft
    It is good that, Jonglei parliament play it roles for the first time.why you are been sleeping for so long????????????? the State in genenral suffer alots that,every things is under the resolution by the council of minister’s leaving you the parliament you are not who the know but you are brought by your people as you know. and with out this small people suffering under the leardership of day, you would have not be the kind of who you are?????????????????????????? TELL THE TRUTH & THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Akech

    Jonglei parliament rejects 2011 budget draft
    Good job Peter Chol, This man call Aquila is playing with their job I read last month about strike made by teachers which is very bad to mistreat them when they are paid with only 100$ look at amountand calculate the day of month that you use such amount.
    I read about the meeting that done with Deputy governor and some by James Mayen who said if they don’t as it said, we will consider them as they decline from the work and yet that budgate of house rent was pass by council of ministers as well parliment of state.

  • redarmy

    Jonglei parliament rejects 2011 budget draft
    Wonderful news, for the first time to heard Jonglei State parliament rejected 2011 budget.We thought you are sleeping my dear MPs.All the citizen of JS are ever screaming for what is paining them all along up to now, on solution for their problems.we were been proud during election to elect our representative as our eyes in the government but they fell totally to do so . they are there for the suck of their own famies not for us guys. they are ever been silent by giving them bundles of money and make silent not to shout any MPs do it but u will not secceed for your first time lies. Are u brave now not to fear lion again or u want to be like mr. Fox?

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