Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists

April 7, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – North Sudan army has been observed to deploy attack helicopters and tanks near the contested region Abyei, a monitoring group said on Thursday, citing satellite images.

Zambian peacekeepers with the UN Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) are pictured on patrol in Sudan’s Abyei region (UN PHOTOS)
Zambian peacekeepers with the UN Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) are pictured on patrol in Sudan’s Abyei region (UN PHOTOS)
Ownership of the oil-producing region of Abyei is claimed by both north and south Sudan, which voted earlier this year to become fully independent.

Recurring clashes in the region as well as failure to reach a political settlement have stoked concerns of a possible return to north-south civil war which ended in 2005 with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

The status of the region was supposed to be determined through a referendum in January but the vote has been held hostage to disagreements between north and south Sudan over the right to vote.

International organizations including the UN and the International Crisis Group previously warned that north and south Sudan armies have displayed an aggressive military posture within the range of the region.

The Satellite Sentinel Project, which was started by American actor George Clooney and other activists, claimed that its newly acquired satellite images show that the north’s Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) has in recent weeks deployed “two attack helicopters and at least nine battle tanks within the range of Abyei.”

The group warned that the move “constituted a major escalation in the military capacity of the northern army (SAF) in the disputed area.”

Reuters reported that SAF spokesman, Al-Sawarmi Khaled, said that the army had no troops inside Abyei and that it was free to manage its resources as it saw fit in Muglad since the area is in northern territory.

“I can say we are not going to do anything in Abyei. We are not going to attack or fight in Abyei,” Al-Sawarmi was quoted.

The UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) has intensified patrolling of Abyei in response to a spike in fighting between the north-linked nomadic tribe of Messirya and south Sudan police in the area.

North Sudan President Omar Al-Bashir agreed with his south Sudan counterpart Salva Kiir on Thursday to start implementing an agreement signed earlier this year in the town of Kadugli to provide security in Abyei and allow members of Messiray to cross into Abyei to graze their cattle.



  • Waucity

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    I think the leadership in Juba is taking thing too slow..No clearification on Southern Sudan boarder,Abyei promise has been brokened and so on. I Think, everything the north is plaining is to go to war because it is the north that is holding everything back, I think Southerners should be more awake than this…The Maseyeria are monority who don’t even live in abyei and so should not be holding the majorit from boarding, let arabs go, they are better off living by themselves, oil is a blood of our past, their is in Arabia and not in Dinka land..We gave them option for so long, which was get rid of Shar’a and let people live in freedom and they refused, now chances like this are better than shar’a..And if they don’t think so, then let them move, like our people moved away in their states..

  • Janafil

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    Having Gunship and tanks for fighting the South is not new to South Sudan terriories, but it is new to Khartuom or North Sudan territories, this time our gunship and other plane fighters of the South Sudan are going to mess up and destroy your capital Khartuom and your children,eldres and women will see new bad thing for their first time so initaite the fighter first and we will answer you horribly.
    The good thing you should do is to let Abei alone to decide were to go

  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    Hello the so called Khartoumers!

    It’s time of no mercy to barbaric tribe called Mesirayia.

    Let’s Dinka Ngok not be tempted by fear or political curtain that speaks of bringing peace but nothing will happen later on when they leave the area.

    Beshir with his tribe Mesiriya won’t give an appreciation but arial bombardment and land attach will appear thereafter.
    We should not allow anybody to graze or sleep in Abyei unless by forceful penetration.

    Zero tolerance oyee..
    Go……… trators……..!!!!!

  • Tiger black
    Tiger black

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    our military in south sudan must deploy too many soldiers along the border of Abyei and all the border immediately

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    If the north believes that only force is feasible to solve issues, they must know that international community is very serious this century about human rights abusers. Learn the Libyan and Ivory Coast lessons dear northerners.
    No force will keep Abyei in the north and remind yourselves that ABC and the Hague ruling on Abyei are ropes on your necks.


  • Lat Dak Nyaroah
    Lat Dak Nyaroah

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    Arab behaviour is not a new thing to original Sudanese (Southerners). Whom do they want to scared with their tanks and Jet fighters? Let them just attempt to order attack to South and they will see what will follow next. I think negotiation to resolve Abyei issue is the best solution. It is upto Abyei People especially the nine Ngok Dinka Clans to decide where they should go.

    Junub Oyee! SPLA! Young people Oyee!

    United we Stand, yes we can!

  • artise Jose.
    artise Jose.

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    yes they are intenting to launch attack definitely, where are you those who claims that you were protectors of others tribes in the south rather than our contribution all!!!

    you were the one who sold that area to arabs because salt,sugar and like always to be slaves washing utensils,plats,spoons and taking away the sewages of arabs.

    look here, in Greater Equatoria,Greater Nuer and mong others have no any single arab claiming such a nonsense to possess land right in those areas. where is Luka Abiong, deng Alor,and others used to distablised and manipulate the leadership of your poor leader.
    hell to you!!

  • gais juvan
    gais juvan

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    i wish somebody called himself “Dinka dominated SPLA” could comment Here!
    Yesterday when i visited SPLA soldiers deloyed to issues related to Gen. Athor, 80% of the total people i saw were non-Dinkas, (NOT Dinkas), Why are Dinka people fear fire front line????, why sending NOne dinkas to get rid of revolutionary Dinka Athor?? Dinka are just fearing to Die.
    go and get rid of athor instead of sending different tribe.
    same on you,

  • Sala Gai
    Sala Gai

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    Dear all reader
    You are entirely inventing true guys, but there is no Country whereby a wily dog should be fetched to the people and can’t harm unwieldy dog.

    Subsequently it’s the factual that Mr. X is a wily Dog due the crises he had made in his previous era. So fellows Am not ease on roughly which did occur in worldwide and is notorious international.

  • Janafil

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    Are you mad? remember what was the dotcom said about this kind of comments? you suppose to concentrate on the content of the this article, not bringing in the issue of triblism any more!!! let’s leave those behavoius to women and you if are a women then go a head with those kind remark and sure you are going to be remove from website of men!!

    Major General Janafil

  • DeltaBravo

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    To Gai

    I really don’t know what you mean. I just lost my Cousin and the rest of young men from Aweil recently in Malakal. iam Dinka myself,so please running your mouth on Dinka in general.

  • gais juvan
    gais juvan

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    Dear Janf”
    This is not tribalism, if your are Maj,Gen. have you witness what is on the ground???. I think NOT, True can be said man. am man like you. You might no know, but time will come for you to know, and the regret will be on you sofar called Maj. What are you upto??
    Go ahead and delet me from this web. if think my comments are wrong and aganist. witness can prove me right.


  • Akech

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    I personally have known the plan made Khortoum government,but I don’t whether our government have plan for any move toward thisdeployment by Khartoum.

  • Gathoth Gai
    Gathoth Gai

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    You right brother,

    Abyei, are parts of Republic of South Sudan,we can not let’s Arab Immigrane kill Dinka Ngok or treating them like a slave in their own Land.Incontrast,I think our Lt,Gen,James Hoth and H,E,President kiir must put this threat on action right the a way rather then later.


    Gathoth Gai

  • jubaone

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    Thank you brother! The fact is the Jellaba want to take Abyei soon or later. The sons of Abyei are disorganised, fearful and cannot put up any meaningful resistance against this impending occupation of their land by the Jellaba. Why can´t the SPLA-dominated Dinka come up to their rescue? Fact is, they also cant. They are banking on other non-Dinka Junubin to do the “dirty work”. Today, there are more than 60 Major/Lt./Brig. Dinka Generals in the SPLA. So why cant they go and flush off the Mesiriya? The Nuer have bravely defended their lands against the Jellaba. Luka Biong and Deng Alor have been “southernized” after having married a Junubia or Habashi woman. They have forgotten where they come from. Others feel comfortable being slaves to the Jellaba.

  • Refuter

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    you mother fucker coward nuer do you think dinkas can fear death? who had been straggle to get you freedom while you were hiding with your mother sister and brother now its a time for you to fight we dinka are not going to defense you anymore its a time for us to take rest you are cowards just relying on other to fight for you.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    Jose and Jubaone,

    Do you guys think we care about your contribution? no because we know who you are and for that we are capable to offer our lives for the Abyei area.

    Abyei issue is far from your nose. The problem of Abyei is not about only Dinka Ngok but for every South Sudanese.

    This is issue is about the border but not about who has sold the land or the defender of the land.

    You must chose to stay away from Abyei problem and let the other South Sudanese or SPLM/A deal with the North without you because two of you are nothing to offer on this critical issue of Abyei.

    Stay away please, and we will deal with the North. We are capable to response to any aggression,better know what you are talking about.

    This is not my supprise because it has been your chronic malaria that when you see tanks, North troops, and airplans,your nature is to run and join them.

  • amon

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists

    It’s true that Abeyi is ours but our GOSS officials are just busy with plans on how to steal the development fund from doners and oil sales to buy houses in the neighboring countries, remit them in the foreign banks and pay the school fees of their children abroad. So that if war breakout again they can go and live in those houses, do think that even they care. Our soldiers don’t even have moral because their families are poor, their children are not in schools and they are not even well equipped.

    Internal rebellion is the order of the day in the South now, everyone is suspicious of one another and worried of who will rebel tomorrow and North is busy deploying the troops.I tell you only God will help us from those loathers in the power.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    North Sudan deploying its troops in Abyei is a serious concerns to all Southerners not alone the President and Vice President of RoSS, SPLA affairs, Generals” Nhial,Hoth and Ping
    SAF deploy troops because they fears of losing Election on Southern Kordufan State Governorship to SPLM. You all knows that the current Governor is indicted by ICC with Bashir awaiting to the be arrested one day from now, no safe heaven on Earth except to commit suicide in attempt to take South and North Wars. Security Council watches the development very keenly. The air strike impose to them in Port Sudan is just a Warning to War mongers.
    Presumably, Border demarcation is already deadlock and to follow up needs reservation of CPA Chapter.
    Ngok Dinka not to Vote and have peace with Misseeroya Tribe.
    There are few way forwards.
    • The Border should be demarcated by Security Council and Abyei as rulled out by ICA.
    • UNMIS should deploy all Men in Abyei before declaration of the Status.
    • SG Pagan should pressurize the NCP with threat of overthrowing the RoSS all those evidence should be hold to the chest and I banned Omer Bashir not enter into South Sudan.
    • Keep all SPLA Men in serious engages and Pay them salaries on time with New uniforms.
    For those who thought SPLA is for Dinka should reverse theirs conscious of thinking and take the Name of Liberators as SPLA even if you see them poorly dressed and imminent hunger in them, please Give them due respect and trust to defend the Nation South Sudan. I know that not very one on the same truck on the Name of SPLA to be maintained as Defend Army. Reforms must begin with time and patience.
    SPLA take the Lead and safeguard the Nation ROSS though there are numerious Nyagat in it compositions.
    SPLA oyeee

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists

    Abyei problem is not going to be solved by force.The Hague ruling gave Dinka and others who are living there to vote. The resolutions offered by the US and the AU were rejected by the SPLA and not by the NCP!

    There are official international organisations who are monitering the situation like the UN and local like the jointed military command who are monitring the situation. Let us go for a win-win situation , a win-loose situation would not solve the problem.

    War is not a solution. It is big big problem1

  • SPLA,corrup

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    SPLM will be blamed for all the genocide that will take place in Abyei tomorrow because they have no clue how to protect its own of Abyei. SPLM have lost its legitimacy dramatically they are shipping money now abroad and left the country in dilemma it’s very ashamed for your leadership Mr. Kiir….shame on you….UN troops must be in the area that is what I believe will prevent atrocity in Abyei ……

  • Makjohnson

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    You talks of deploying more troop in Abyei to be lead by who??? For you who thinks of SPLA to protect people and the land of Abyei, I thinks you 4get that, all the Generals in Bilpam are bussy only of stealing soldiers’money to secure their way after all fightings to the west. The researc shown none amongst the pake generals remains in Bilpam cannot resist SAF advancement.

    War in Abyei is not new and people of South as well the enemy in the North knows that, Peter Gatdet was the only SPLA commanding officer fight back the enemy in Abyei when all consummers Generals hide themselves in Juba. Without him, every efforts by the SPLA to protect people and the land of that area is completly not there. You will see the next race. Morever, people like Philip Aguer would’nt 4get that, Gatdet instead will be by himself secure the defeat of the SPLA out of Abyei to approve that, he is ( Peter Gatdet) realy needed by the people of Southern Sudan despite all tribalistic comments he ( Philip) used to post in the name of the SPLA against his defection

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    North Sudan army deployed military hardware in Abyei, activists
    Deploy your military hardware in Abyei too in order to avoid surprise attack like that of 2008.This is final serious fighting you have ever fought during the time of struggle .you need to be ready for everything concerning annexation of Southern Sudan land. Abyei is the land of our ancestors no matter what. We shall own Abyei either by force or by international arbitration court. “SPLA give them fire” By John Junub.

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