Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator

April 11, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — The leader of the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) Abdel Wahid Al-Nur slammed today the recent decisions of the African Union on Darfur peace process and warned that such move will hamper any political solution for the eight year conflict.

SLM Leader Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (AP)
SLM Leader Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (AP)
“We condemn the biased decisions adopted by the Peace and Security Council of the African Union regarding the efforts undertaken by the Joint Chief Mediator Djibril Bassole and we warn that such move would impede any chance to reach a political solution for Darfur conflict” Al-Nur said.

The rebel leader also disclosed to Sudan Tribune that he and the joint mediator are coordinating to meet soon to discuss the ongoing efforts for a negotiated settlement for the conflict.

In a meeting held on 8 April the AU Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) blamed Bassole for ignoring its decisions for peace in Darfur and not coordinating with head of the AU High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) for Sudan led former South African president Thabo Mbeki.

The meeting, attended by the Sudanese presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen who is tasked with Darfur file, also requested Bassole to provide a “comprehensive report on his activities and any future plans by 30 April 2011”.

Al-Nur, who is not part of the Doha peace process, denounced the position of African body saying that they had first to condemn the daily violence and “the genocide” committed by Khartoum’s army and militias and to ask Khartoum to protect civilians.

Hel also said “Mbeki’s plan for peace in Darfur does not deserve any support because it lays the ground for Khartoum to officialize the status quo of injustice and crimes in Dafur” adding “this is why we reject it totally”.

“Mbeki also is not the right man to undertake any effort for peace in Darfur because of the personal business he conducts with the Sudanese regime and particularly Al-Bashir family,” he accused.

He further said that he is keen to keep contacts with the Mediator despite the that he didn’t yet join the peace because “Bassole has proven his is most credible mediator who works tirelessly and honestly to end the conflict”.

“This is why we respect him and believe that he can broker peace in Darfur. Khartoum has more than ever proven its blatant contempt for the rights of Darfur people; and the military solution obviously is the only option it has,” he added.

The Sudanese president Omer Al-Bashir issued a decree to organize a referendum on Darfur administrative status after refusing to concede on the issue at the negotiating table in Doha with the Liberation and Justice Movement(LJM) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).

The two rebel groups denounced the move saying the government breached the framework agreements signed with them. JEM delegation stopped talks with the government while LJM said will keep negotiating but warned it will only abide by the outcome of the peace process.


JEM rebels today downplayed Sudan’s accusations that Ugandan government is supporting the rebel group to carry out new attacks in Darfur.

Gibreel Adam Bilal, the spokesperson of the rebel group, said that “there is not peace to undermine”, adding they are negotiating with the government since eight years ago but however they did not reach a political agreement with the government.

He accused the government of obstructing the ongoing efforts for peace in Doha by withdrawing “the most important files” from the negotiating table.

“The government should leave procrastination, and be more serious in dealing with the file of the negotiations and peace. The international community has become more pronounced on the need to resolve all the pending issues in Doha and therefore there is no room to pull some issues from the Doha forum,” he added.



  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator
    Condemn what?! This man talks as if he cares about Darfur. As if he had co-operated with the AU Bassoulie. He had never partcipated in any peacful intiative except Abuja and diddn’t see Darfur since 2002.

    People are suffering in Darfur while he is wander from one place to another!

  • johnny

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator
    Africa union has been so reluctant over the conflict in Sudan since their so called Kofi Annan was in office, it is obvious because it is Islamist dominated and their strategies are ever of the same interest, islamisation and arabization of africa and especially north Africa, justice shall prevail it is just like a dog wanting to bite its tail.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator

    Blah blah blah…. blame everybody except the devil (NCP).

    You can fool some people, some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

  • AAMA

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator
    Ya Sudani,

    Mohamed is right this time, this guy is a fake leader, he is a disgrace for the Darfur cause, Khalil and other are much more genuine than him. He is basically sitting in France doing nothing and claims he represent the majority of the Fur people. His people are killed everyday and he is enjoying life at their expense, what kind of leader is that?


  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator

    The illogical Jalbbi in southerners shoes!

    The illogical JALABBI in disguise!

    I am not. Am not like you everybody is an angle except the devil NCP.

    Doesn’t work this way!

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator

    The likes of Mohammed can hardly be right, simply because of their twisted racist mentality and a weak attempt to appear genuinely concerned about the plight of the African Sudanese as long as the status quo of the current North Sudan is maintained.

    Your point doesn’t make sense either, Bashir is likewise living an exceptionally good life while millions of Sudanese are suffering, his brother is one of the richest businessmen in Sudan (if not Africa). But Mohammed still worship Bashir and his gang of mobsters while pointing the finger at Al-Nur. Would you like him to return to Khartoum and be detained at will without charge for months so as to serve the interest of the Fur people from behind bars?

    Mohammed is the kind that is quick to throw stones at other people’s houses while living in a glass house. Irony doesn’t get more ironic than this. I have seen for a long time now how he constantly insults southerners & Darfuris with derogatory remarks as if he had suffered the same way they did for over 5 decades, its like the White plantation owners during the slavery era insisting that Blacks should be grateful for what the White man has provided for them.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator
    Ya AAMA

    Khalil Ibraim is more genuine, are you serious?? That man has untold blood of southerners on his hands back when he was dubbed Amir Al Mujahideen, recruiting so called holy fighters to unleash terror on poor villagers, he made a lot of money during his rain of terror as a government official in Central Equatoria state.

    Those of us who know Sudanese history and not spoon fed our news will never forget the atrocities.

    Khalil Ibrahim only rebeled after failing to secure his military promotion and his political ambitions (with Al Turabi), that’s when he realized the bigoted minds that run the NCP lead government that had used his likes to fight their dirty war, were concerned less about religion but more with power and supremacy based on ethnicity (ARABISM).

    I actually feel sorry for Mohammed as I do for the oppressed African Sudanese, he’s just a by product of the Sudanese state of mind courtesy of the NCP indoctrination program.

  • piol

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator
    Thank you brother.you realy put those devil worship of Bashir in a mute.Is my first time to see Mohammed Ali frustrated.when you see arabs frustrated,thats means you are wright and they cant acknowledge it.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator
    A chance to reach a political solution in Darfur is what we all need it. Somebody like Nafi Ali Nafi will never present a lasting solution. It is a high time for the Darfurian rebels to unite for the sake of their people. it is obvious that the African Union on Darfur peace process is frustrated enough because of the rebels disunity.
    Unlike the South war waged by the SPLM/A for decades, most of Southern factions and militias were allying them selves with their common enemy in Khartoum, leaving the SPLA as the dominant force fighting and negotiating on behalf of the oppressed people of southern sudan. Practically it is hard for mediators to bring 3 or 4 different factions of rebels on one table to negotiate with their common enemy. As such, the Darfurian rebls should at least work for minimum common program which will enable them air one voice during negotiation.



    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator
    Those who don’t know former President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki would think that the man grew up in townships or Soweto. However;the man was living in London and has never smelled gun powder or tear gas in his life.He couldn’t believe that he was nominated as a candidate for the South African Presidency elections standing for ANC in reward for the role played by his father Comorade Mbeki for the cause of the people of South Africa. Unfortunately the conspiracy theories he learned in London; tried to apply them at home against the genuine freedom fighters. Mbeki failed on his attempts to divert the cause of the people of South Africa and he lost his office due to that. Nothing left for the man to keep on focus of the media, therefore he has to look for the way out. Then he though since Gaddafi is an Arab man and making himself as king of Kings of Africa why not me?????? Its to say that Thabo Mbeki is no more than a businessman who sold the blood of people of South Africans and will sell blood of the rest of weak African communities for just to stay on focus. People of Darfur due to African Union politics are victims of the businessman called Thabo Ben Mbeki.He has no children then others children go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • telfajbago

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator
    What peace and security council of the A.U doing at best is issuing pro-west verbal condemnations to selective incidents,and at worse strengthening dictatorship in Africa;accordingly No good will come out of such puppet organization.futhermore; it’s the irony of fate that,Thabo Mbeki who had multi-billion investment projects with Khartoum is allowed to poke is nose so long on the issues of Sudan and Darfur.Since when clueless political prostitute blinded by self interst and who betrayed his own comrades of the struggle; fit to arbitrate.

  • syklops1

    Darfur rebel leader rebukes African Union for its position against the peace mediator
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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