Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

April 13, 2011 (BENTIU) – The local government in South Sudan’s Unity State
along with Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) division four Command decided to initiate a policy aimed at conscripting state citizens into the army in response
to the increasing difficulty in recruitment.

On Sunday the state governor addressed a congregation at the Presbyterian Church in Bentiu town to persuade the community to release their young men to join SPLA’s division four, which is based in the state. He called for young men who were unemployed to be trained in the military. He said this would be beneficial as they would be paid and it would prevent them from idle.

Governor Taban Deng Gai who recently came back after a week from Khartoum urged the citizen to take part in the recruitment drive. Gai added that know was a good time to join the SPLA as there were funds available for training.

The recruitment drive began a week ago. In Leer County police acting on the instruction of the Commissioner, who was in turn following a directive from the Governor of Unity State, have been reported to have forcefully enrolled of young men in Leer Country into the the SPLA.

This directive was given one month ago by the governor to the nine counties Commissioner demanding that each Payam [district] Chief should contribute 12 men for service in the SPLA.

Local citizen said it is the first time they have seen forced recruitment in Unity state since the signing of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement between Sudan National Congress Party ruling north and South ruling Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) – the political wing of the SPLA.

Many of those forcefully recruited have been released following please from family members. It is not clear how when the forced recruitment drive will end.

Local people have told Sudan Tribune that believe that the recruitment drive is to counter last months apparent defection by Peter Gatdet Yaka to the Khartoum government. However, Unity state’s government deny that there is link between Gatdet’s defection the recruitment drive.

South Sudan is due to become independent in July but has been blighted by internal rebellions since last year’s election, mainly led by disgruntled losers in the election.

Gatdet’s forces fought against the SPLA for large parts of the North-South civil war but integrated his forces into the SPLA in 2006 after the SPLA became the official army of the South following the 2005 peace deal.



  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Well,i discourge the ideas of forcfull recriutment of the young men into the army,because anything which is done out of intrest or the heart desire will never see any progress at all,it will be better if its comes from the heart.

    Because such one are the one who turns into a visionless soldiers by the end of the day to follow the enemies of south Sudan.

    You can mobilize them to join the Army by explaining to them the visions & aims of the SPLA.

    Think positive.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    There should be no force when it comes to joining military,that is absolutely wrong move by the SPLA commanders.
    That is individuals choice and should never be taken by force.
    SPLA are still maintain their jungle’s thinking capacity which has supposed to be gone during CPA 2005.

  • thieleling

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Dear Readers,

    Taban, Kuol and Kiir must have an “Hyena Exit” in south sudan leadership. The trio’s ‘evil axis’ MUST END NOW.

    Taban is getting this directive from Kiir to counter Major General Peter Gadet Yak; Brigadier General Carlo Kol; and Col. Gatluak Gai etc….in Unity State.

    This is doomed to fail because the citizens of the state know there is a sinister motive, desperate act, with sheer foolishness on Taban, Kuol(doing the same thing in Jonglei), and Kiir. Kuol already equiped and trained a personal army in Jonglei to counter Athor.

    The Referendum is done successfully. Now, it is time for the final liberation from the yoke of tribalism in south sudan. No Jallaba, just our own house cleanings. South sudan has so much unfinished business to do. The Time is NOW!!

  • thieleling

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Dear Readers,

    Taban, Kuol and Kiir must have an “Hyena Exit” in south sudan leadership. The trio’s ’evil axis’ MUST END NOW.

    Taban is getting this directive from Kiir to counter Major General Peter Gadet Yak; Brigadier General Carlo Kol; and Col. Gatluak Gai etc….in Unity State.

    This is doomed to fail because the citizens of the state know there is a sinister motive, desperate act, with sheer foolishness on Taban, Kuol(doing the same thing in Jonglei), and Kiir. Kuol already equiped and trained a personal army in Jonglei to counter Athor.

    The Referendum is done successfully. Now, it is time for the final liberation from the yoke of tribalism in south sudan. No Jallaba, just our own house cleanings. South sudan has so much unfinished business to do. The Time is NOW!!

  • thieleling

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Dear Readers,

    This is a forwarded msg: “Mayom Declaration”!!



    My fellow citizens of South Sudan,

    DATE: 11/4/2011

    Today it is historical day in South Sudan as country and its people. It is a day that will go dawn in history of new nation for second phase for our liberation struggle against unjust rule by our sons and daughters in the SPLM led government. From the start, we thank all Southern Sudanese for their free choice which all of us had tirelessly worked for and resulted to be the Republic of Southern Sudan on the 9th of July2011.

    My fellow citizens,

    Our nation had groomed a monster that will swallow generation after generation in terms of bad leadership and extreme level of corruption which poisons our values and tradition that rejects thefts in our midst. It is a fact that the comprehensive peace agreement was a landmark in the history of the Sudan in general and South Sudan in particular. It set the country on the path to democratic transformation and the respect of human rights.

    For South Sudan, CPA promised the people of the South the exercise of the right of Self-determination though an internationally supervised referendum, instituted government that was, for all practical purposes, independent politically, economically and security wise. It is true that we had been running our affairs by ourselves without interferences from Khartoum, but our bad administration in Juba always point finger to Northern Sudan to cover their failure.

    Is it logical that the disappearance of billions of pounds from our finance be blamed on the North?

    My fellow citizens,

    What we saw in the six years of the interim period was a complete deviation from the path set by the CPA. There is an absolute failure in the area of good governance. For instance our entire nation has witnessed rampant corruption on the top echelon of GOSS. It is shocking that only five years in government, the private bank accounts of the leadership of GOSS in foreign banks fatting from Zero to tens of millions of Dollars! Little wonder that the more than 20 billion dollars of oil revenue received by GOSS could not be seen in terms of tangible services delivery in areas such as health, education, water, etc. Our children went without schools while the Children of our leaders enjoyed the best education in foreign lands. Our people continued to die from treatable diseases while those in charge and their families visited the best hospitals abroad. In fact, the current leadership of GOSS never felt the sense of belonging to the South for their families continued to stay in their expensive mansion in east Africa, America, Australia, etc. These leaders of GOSS continue to siphon off the meagre resources of the South bleeding our people dry. Who is now the enemy of our people?

    It is crystal clear like a noon day, that the accounts of GOSS were never audited for the last six years of the interim period. The noise and empty statements of zero tolerance of corruption in Juba is bogus and hollow because none in Juba is capable of doing so for they are all in the thick of it.

    My fellow countrymen,

    Your armed force, SPLA, is in a miserable state. It is budgeted more than 40% of the total budget of GOSS every financial year. Yet, your soldiers are poorly paid and some of them have not received any salary since the CPA was signed! The General high command eats up most of the budget allocated to the SPLA. Furthermore, many officers are not given assignments and promotion system is so discriminative to the extent that many have been in one rank for almost ten years. The wounded heroes had been forgotten and even the families of the martyrs are neglected.

    The law and order has broken down as police is poorly trained and its functions are taken over by private armies, and unconstitutional security, the so-called, Special Branch, whose bulk are one family and one ethnic group. The judicial system is politicised and a good number of judges do not deserve to sit on the bench. Hence you cannot speak of the rule of law in Southern Sudan under the current injudicious leadership.

    In the states the security has broken down due to tribal and sectional fights gripping the South as the traditional leaders are deprived of their traditional authority. County commissioners have turned the counties into fiefdoms and their misbehaviour has become a source of insecurity. On the political level, the SPLM leadership continues to pursue the politics of exclusion within itself and outside it. It denies the other Southern political parties the right to propagate their ideas and present their political program to the people. Above all, the SPLM leadership used SPLA high command to intimidate other leaders in the South reducing the level of our supposedly national army to a party militia. The noises of victory by the SPLM in the last elections in the South are preposterous and ludicrous, we in the SPLA know the truth.

    The exclusion politics of the SPLM has generated extreme disillusionment with the SPLM among the people of South Sudan. However, many people were restrained from taking action by the fact that everybody was awaiting the conduct of the referendum. This was misread by the SPLM as impotence and inability to do something.

    The leadership of the SPLM was abusing our patriotism for their narrow interests. Again after the result of referendum was announced, the SPLM reneged on the resolutions of the South -South dialogue conference on post-referendum arrangements thus throwing away the last chance for the South to close its ranks. Now that the people of South Sudan have voted for a state of their own, now is the time to say enough is enough.

    My fellow citizens,

    To bring to an end the suffering of our people, and stop the glide of our newly born state into an abyss under the current corrupt gangs in Juba, I have decided, today, to denounce and reject the evil practices against my people by GOSS leadership. The objectives we intend to achieve include the following:

    The dissolution of the current government of Southern Sudan to be replaced by a national broad-base government agreed upon by all the South Sudan political parties,
    A meeting of all the South Sudan political parties shall be convened immediately to discuss and agree on the transitional process and form a transitional government of South Sudan that shall prepare the newly born state for independence,
    The army of South Sudan shall be taken care of and transformed into a truly professional national army.
    The transitional government shall carry out general election in the Republic of South Sudan within two years to elect the Constituent Assembly that shall promulgate the permanent constitution of the Republic of South Sudan.
    Priority to be given to services delivery to our people.
    Take practical legal steps to bring all those involved in corruption to account.

    Dear Compatriots,

    We remain committed to the letter and spirit of the CPA

    and shall negotiate in good faith with the government

    of the North the outstanding post-referendum South-

    North issues.

    I appeal to the officers, NCOs, men and women of the

    SPLA to abandon the clique in Juba and join us in

    the struggle to set South Sudan on a correct path as the

    difficult task of joining the club of nations of the world.

    Struggle continues,

    Victory is certain!


    Major General Peter Gadet Yak;

    Former commander air defence and deputy commander of division three SPLA

    Brigadier General Carlo Kol

    Deputy Commander of joint integrated units Juba SPLA

    Hon. Col. Bol Gatkouth Kol

    Former Member of Parliament, SSLA Juba SPLM.

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Bonifacio Taban Kuich did governor Deng brought Peter Gatdet.? If not why.?

    Well, where is Peter Gatdet Yaka.? He has been back to Khartoum again for the third time but how a shameful his family are now.? He is here in Khartoum thinking for money to be given to him, but he had no Idea that, Northern Sudanese are now looking to go to Southern Sudan after their independence, because the money in Khartoum now are dry in the bank. Could his family call him back to come Southern Sudan.? How his family are feeling when their son seem to have no stable place and could it be possible for Peter Gadet Yaka to make another apology to his people Southern Sudanese people.?

    Obviously, there will be hundred of thousands Southern Sudanese who were in the SAF will eventual come to join SPLA very soon, why Unity State need recruitment for what reason.? In addition to that, Nuer people need to think about two things, 1 why they seem to be weak when there is a need for second large tribe to do good thing in Southern Sudan. 2. Could it that history of going back and forth Khartoum government hurt the future of Nuer tribe in general.?

  • Nyieth-Aguthon

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Is that a forceful recruitment? Make sure you write a consistent report without distorting people’s opinion. Taban was asking young people in the state so as to join the national army (SPLA) voluntarily, particluarly those with willing hearts, he did not force anyone to join the army.

    He was referring to the economic difficulties being faced by the southern Sudanese and stressed that there are a lot of opportunities in the army (SPLA, therefore anyone interested can join because sitting idly like this, is not good.

    The wealth gap in South Sudan is wide. There are more than enough indications in the South at the moment to show that the wealth gap is widening, and the government should take steps to narrow it.

  • Gatbentiu

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Theileling,or whatever you called yourself,your message which you claimed to be written by Major general Peter Gatdet and titled “Mayom Declaration” why was it called Mayom Declaration? when Gatdet and Carlo Kuol defected they were not defected from either Mayom nor Unity State,if its because Gatdet is from Mayom then what about Carlo Kuol?

    SPLA in Unity State must stop this backward idea of forceful recruitment into army,to make it worse the recruitment was done in towns and the victims were government/INGOs employees and school students yet the criminals which suppose to be recruited are busy in villages planing only to killed themselves and raid cattle from their neighboring villages what a shame!!!!!!

    [email protected]

  • amon

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state

    Stop promoting Gadet’s rebellion in this forum, the reasons given here is not enough to stage a rebellion to end injustice and corruption. The solution to this is simple, dialogue, the CPA that you are talking of was brought dialogue. Let those who are stupid like you thinking that’s the right thing go and join the rebellion, for those of us who believe in dialogue will continue to fight this corruption and injustice through a peaceful means.

    There are many ways to fight corruption and injustice one of them is simply talking to the street and force the government to implement your demands.

    I repeat this, rebellion is not the quickest solution to the problems but creation of more problems and suffering. Look, did the Egyptians and Tunisians go to bush to bring about the changes that they want?

    If Gen Gadet had asked us to take to the street, I think thousands would have followed him, but to follow him to the bush for another 21 years, NO.

  • the significan Dinka
    the significan Dinka

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Hello every one i know it is too distasted to called myself DINKA DOMINATE SPLA/M but we must a knowledge that they majurity of people who fought the war where Dinkas. and by the way i had change my names to this one here,since the classical work doesn’t ever have to be understood entirely. But those who are educated and who are still educating themselves must desire to learn more and more from it. God bless the people apart from riek machar
    But still i will called Dr Riek machar whatsoever i whan because i don’t like him as ever body don’t like him too.

  • Liberator

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state

    Thanks for posting this article which was published on Monday by South Sudan.net website. I hope Sudan Tribune followed suite and publish this declaration soon.

    The “Hyena Exit” as described by James Okuk and you is at the door for Kiir and his gangs. As to forceful recruitment of young men in Unity State by the Taban Deng Gai and his communist party won’t help the situation. I would argue this type of technique will actually be a great supplier for Gatdet Yaka forces.

    Laurent Gbabo of Ivory coast met his “Hyena Exit” only few days ago. And the communist Gangs in Juba will follow suite very soon in the same manner.

    Gatdet yaka the former commander of air defense and deputy commander of division three is not someone to messed with, and thus, there are many sleepless nights by those big bellies Generals at Bilpham GHQS.

    TIME has come for the corrupt few robbing the other loyal eight(8)million good citizens of the emerging state.

  • Nhomlawda

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    What a hell is going on in Unity State? This is another nyagat attempt to recruit more members, give them SPLA weapons and turn them against SPLA and South Sudan. This is a conspiracy to make Unity State ungovernable by GOSS through increase in arms circulation among brainless nyagats.
    SPLA can recruit from Eastern Equatoria, Western Equatoria, Western Bar El Gazal, Lakes, Warrap, Northern Bar Gazal, Abyei, and Jonglei (Dinka Bor, Murle, Padang, Jie and Kachipo) but not Unity, Upper Nile and CE states. These three states are anti development and peace in South Sudan and their numbers in the SPLA should be scale back.
    Unity State army officers in SPLA are now rebelling against SPLA, how can SPLA still recruit from this brainless nyagats state? This is a conspiracy that should not be tolerated.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Are you not feeling a shame of promoting your militias to be general or commanders of air defense.
    I never heard that peter Gadet militias became one day commander of air defense. so who was the deputy by that time man?
    You are so little brainless kids ever see in south sudan.
    Just go and overthrow your own government in unity state,and dont mention Juba. Juba is part of the Great Equatoria with intelligent people who deserve to live not to die when you defeated in elections.

  • amon

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    @the significan Dinka

    Amen! you have been baptized in the name of the cow and of the bull and of the calf.

    Yes, you are the majorities in the South, in the SPLM/A, in the GOSS, in the corruption, in the stealing of the public funds and in the act of lawlessness. That has been known all over the world and there is no question about it.

    All these will come to an end one day.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Thieleng and the likes,

    Believe me or not all of you will soon be on Khartoum streets begging for foods and money before being arrested and taken to The Hague with Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and the other two.

    Time for being militia Generals on the pretext of corruption or poor leadership in the South as if Peter Gadet, George Athor and the likes have track record of governing South Sudan before, has gone.

    Seeing is believing. Wait and see how all of you will be regretting and finding yourselves roaming Khartoum streets before heading to The Hague.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Thieleng and the likes,

    Believe me or not all of you will soon be on Khartoum streets begging for foods and money before being arrested and taken to The Hague with Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and the other two.

    Time for being militia Generals on the pretext of corruption or poor leadership in the South as if Peter Gadet, George Athor and the likes have track record of governing South Sudan before, has gone.

    Seeing is believing. Wait and see how all of you will be regretting and finding yourselves roaming Khartoum streets before heading to The Hague.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Thieleng and the likes,

    Believe me or not all of you will soon be on Khartoum streets begging for foods and money before being arrested and taken to The Hague with Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and the other two.

    Time for being militia Generals on the pretext of corruption or poor leadership in the South as if Peter Gadet, George Athor and the likes have track record of governing South Sudan before, has gone.

    Seeing is believing. Wait and see how all of you will be regretting and finding yourselves roaming Khartoum streets before heading to The Hague.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Dear Comptriots

    In the eye of Law this forceful recruitment for the civilians of Unity State is unfortunately and unappropraite decision against the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan in Article 49; hereinafter:-

    Sub-secetion(1)said that. It shall be the duty of every citizens in Southern Sudan to uphold and abid by this Constitution and respect the laws of Southern Sudan;

    Sub-section (2) described that every citizen in Southern Sudan shall in particular:

    clause(a)defene the Country and respond to the call for National service in accordance with the provision of the Interim National Constitution.this Constitution and the Law;
    clause (d)avert and combat corruption and sabotage;
    clause (k) respect the rights and freedom of others.

    My question address to H.E the President of South Sudan and H.E the Governor Taban Deng; under above Article, is it allowed or permitted the forceful recruitment in only one State? if is not provided by our Constitution why the current Governor of the Unity State undergoing forceful recruitment for the civilians of the State cited above.

    This order is contrary to the law and fundamental duty of the state citizens as said by our Constitution.in any case whereby there is an urgent situation in any part of South Sudan the SPLA as a national army and their duty is to protects the interests of the State and security of civilians;
    The Ministry of defence should direct its troops
    to move in the area where the threat is.
    Let us assume the attack of General Peter Gatdet Yaka to unity state in that condition its not only the citizens of unity state fight against General Peter Gatdet force’s.

    In simple word,since malitia George Athor Deng started his rebellion against the Government of Southern Sudan there was no any decree on the part of the State Govt or GOSS for the forceful recruitment in Jonglei State as being conducted unity state today.
    This moved is unlawful and unacceptable for the fundamental rights of the citizens of unity state and is not wise decision for the future of The Republic of South Sudan otherwise Governor Taban decision will end with human catastrophe.

    may God Bless the people of South Sudan.

    By Diu J.Kuek

  • the significan Dinka
    the significan Dinka

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Cruelty is contagious in uncivilized communities
    Some gang in sudantribun are also rebelled against comment too why? are guys trying to cover the truth or what?
    well Good for you because we now knew who is the controller or sudantribun nuer]

  • the significan Dinka
    the significan Dinka

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Cruelty is contagious in uncivilized nuer communities where everyone when to be a leader, what a shame?

  • amon

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Yes, yes SPLA must recruit Nuer to go and fight the Nuer rebellion, No Equatorian or Dinka will die this time. Koul Manayang used Equatorians during 91 to fight the Nuer rebellion, this time we shall wait for hose who will come and attack us at home.

  • Mony de Jang
    Mony de Jang

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Thieleling and Liberator:

    Why do you guys reject recruitment of your starving youth into the SPLA while they all lies below illitracy line? Where shall they find jobs and the era of seeking employment by use of force like that of Paulino Matip is coming to an end? Didn’t you hear that our brilliant Equatoria brothers are going to hold a conference which will deliberate on the future good governance where we shall have a corruption free Southern Sudan? Then where shall they survive in such restricted policies? Or continue dying in cattle rustling and provide man power to the future hungry politcians? Isn’t it better to get recruited so that the Nuer can become majority in the SPLA for easy overthrownment of the Kiir’s led goverment and so that your dumb Vice President can takeover? Anyway, it is up to you to decide.

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Only to the article,Gatloth Gai in Bentiu.

    Brother,Bonifacio Taban Kuich,who is the writter of this articl mine to you is that:when writing an article don`t excluded “facts” and talk arround.

    Recruitment here is not only the forceful one,but also voilent.Where is a number of inoncent young Nuer men killed at Koch and Mayom counties during seizing?

    Don`t be journalist of that kind,otherwise we have an excess to the madia source and accusse you of not giving detail in favour of Taban Deng.

    This recruitment in Bentiu alone mainus others 9 states, proved that Taban Deng is a president of GOSS instead of Kiir who is just symbolic president driving like a vehicle from place to place by a drunkard man.

    We know this recruitment is becuase of Gatdet`s defection and Bentiu is ones of target with no truseful arm from the old one.Thisis done thus that these fearless Nuer boys will be new in the armies and give them a huge money that they never recieved in their life buying thier life and kill themselves with Gatdet.Haa,haa you are liar,thisis more oil om fire.These guards have learn about you.you can prove it during april general election when you were voted out from state governor. if not your father Kiir plus your agents bought,could you be in Bentiu today?

    What failing gov`t!!!!!!

  • Deng Francis
    Deng Francis

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Paul Ongee, the second Arab man! Do you know your comments are always nasty and full of disgust? Why do you always rush to comment against Khartoum yet you are residing in Khartoum and you are eating with the Arabs?

    Are you any better than the jallaba? I don’t think so. You cannot pretend to sit reluctantly and pretend nothing is wrong in South Sudan, in fact you may not know that things are hot in South Sudan and that we are sitting on the timed bomb waiting to be triggered and explode. This is why the issues that were to be sorted out by the SPLM leadership were ignored and as a result they have now transformed into the problems that we will not be able to solve.

    SPLM is on the verge of collapse, even if you don’t admit the truth. This is the same thinking that landed SPLM into this unfortunate situation because senior members of the party don’t want issues or problems to be solved in a pragmatic way and instead burry their heads down and pretend everything is fine. Gatdet is not a simple man. He is not like Athor, he is a brave soldier and a strategist for that matter. I know he will make GOSS crumble and shake it because apparently there is no body to fight or confront him.

    Remember what he did in May in Abyei; were it not because of him, the SPLA were defeated for good and could not actually manage the SAF soldiers. That is why you hear of conscription of youth in unity state into the SPLA to fight him because they know the current SPLA is weak and cannot deal with Gatdet in a serious military confrontation, and to make matters worse, SPLA dinka generals don’t want to die because they have gotten the sweetness of wealth and money as most of them became rich overnights in Juba.

    I don’t support Gatdet and his initiative at this time as its still too early. He should have waited till may be next year if the current GOSS led SPLM does not want to change their bad behaviours then from there he can act.Otherwise his concerns or reasons for defection are genuine and real!


  • Dave Rock
    Dave Rock

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    SPLM is becoming more and more criminal! Forceful enrollment into army is a long-time-ago concept. It is too late to revive that unkind practice. The world is watching, the hague is watching, and tears of those mothers who lost their young sons to the struggle for South Suidan are not dried up yet. If SPLM insists to do such thing it will be the end of it.

    In 2005-7, many civilians showed up volunteerly to joint army, but they were told they were “UNCONFIRMED” and not qualified to be soldiers. Why now people should be forced to joint army? why it sholud be applied in one state by one governor? Is it fear of Peter Gatdet? It sounds so crazie.

  • Theone

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    The article was about forcefully recuits of jobless young people, not your animalistic behaviour and tribalism, try to have a little brain when u come to a public forums

    You all make me sick!

  • Tobiin

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Theon, well take your ass to hospital and get treatment instead of complaining here. We all know our problem in the south is not yet solve therefore people have right to do whatever suite them.

  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    SPLA forcefully recruit civilians into army in Unity state
    Dear Govenor Taban
    Why you playing with your civilians to recruit the young boy in to army ,is you who discide or a goverment of south sudan? but we know that you have agree with the kir some , but do not kill the Bentiu community .

    Thank by Gatbentiu

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