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Sudan Tribune

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INTERVIEW: Darfur Mediator says time for dialogue process has not yet come

April 14, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — The Joint Peace Mediator Djibril Bassolé said he was surprised by the unusual criticism directed against him by an African Union body. He further reaffirmed that the necessary conditions for a dialogue among Darfurians are not yet met.

JMC Djibril Basolé talking in a press conference held in Paris on 1 March 2011 (ST)
JMC Djibril Basolé talking in a press conference held in Paris on 1 March 2011 (ST)
In a statement released last week the African Union Peace and security Council (AUPSC) strongly supported a plan to end Darfur conflict through dialogue among Darfur tribal and civil society forces.

The Council also accused Bassolé of ignoring its directives to coordinate his action in Doha with the head of the AU High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) for Sudan, Thabo Mbeki.

In a telephone interview with the Sudan Tribune, Bassole regretted he had not been invited to update the meeting with the latest developments in the peace progress. He further said welcoming positive criticism that can help in his efforts to broker a peace deal.

“I am somewhat surprised by the form and substance of the criticism expressed in the press statement issued by African Union Peace and Security Council, an institution for which I have a lot of consideration,” he said.

“If I had been invited to the AUPSC meeting, I could brief the Board on the progress of the Doha talks,” he further added.

“When peace talks are stalled, it is usually the Mediator will be subject to any kind of criticism. I must accept and take into account those criticisms that are useful and constructive,” pointed out the Joint Chief Mediator.

The Council agreed in its meeting of on 8 April 2011 that the Darfur Political Process (DPP) of the AUHIP should begin on 1 May and urged the hybrid peacekeeping operation in Darfur UNAMID to undertake the necessary preparations for this conference.

However the meeting stressed that the DPP should proceed “in a manner concurrent with and complementary to the Doha Talks”.

Despite the endorsement of four chapters in Doha, the government and rebel groups failed to agree over the issue of Darfur administrative status. Khartoum refuses the idea of establishing a regional authority to administrate the three states of the western Sudan region as demanded by the armed groups.

The Sudanese government further went to announce the organization of a referendum on the disputed issue; and ignored rebels’ demand to stop this vote because it breaches the framework agreements signed with them and reinforces the distrust between the parties.

Bassolé said he agreed on the need for a dialogue between all the social and political forces in the restive region in order to “strengthen civil peace and promote social reconciliation”.

He however stressed that “a successful and effective” consultation implies to prepare the necessary ground in a manner to ensure the support of all the stakeholders to the process including the rebel groups.

“Personally as an African I would recommend to the former heads of states who are members of the (AU high level) panel to conduct a dialogue process that will get the acquiescence of all Darfurians and that will not be rejected or fought by those who are not part of it for the moment”, he said.

“The complexity of the crisis in Darfur requires a consensual approach, slow by nature,” he cautioned.

Backed by the Sudanese government, the DDP is rejected by the rebel groups and seen by the international community as a new obstacle hampering the ongoing efforts to end the eight year conflict in Darfur.

Darfur movements describe the head of the Panel Thabo Mbeki as supporter of the government of the president Omer Al-Bashir since the time he was president of South Africa. In 2007 when they rejected to take part in a process sponsored by the Libyan government the president Mbeki jointly with his Sudanese counterpart called for international sanctions against the rebel groups.

Western diplomats also say such process cannot take place under the rampant insecurity in Darfur where the state of emergency law and the national security law are enforced. They believe such operation would gather only the supporters of the ruling party besides leading to the collapse of the Doha process.

The mediation prepares for a general conference to be attended by all the stakeholders in the region including representatives of the internally displaced people, tribal leaders, civil society groups, rebel groups and the government.

The gathering should debate on the pending issues in order to reach a consensus allowing the mediation to propose the final peace agreement to be submitted for signing by the parties.



  • Hero

    INTERVIEW: Darfur Mediator say time for dialogue process has not yet come
    Mediator Djibril Bassole is a real champion, and the people of Darfur are absolutely behind him. Don’t worry about these ill-criticism. AU have alway been in Khartoum’s shoe.And they are known for that.


    INTERVIEW: Darfur Mediator say time for dialogue process has not yet come
    Djibril Bassolé you are genuine Africa man, therefore you are not wanted there. The Chinese man heading the AU named Jeng Peng wong is working hard to make money from Khartoum like that Arab man Salim Ahmed Salim before he leave the office and go to live in Wang Dong as Salim is now in Oman. But the former President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki takes you as personal issue; because he has business unaccomplished with his friend Bashir and his family. He wants his electric and other businesses to extend to Darfur then to West Africa as soon as possible.Bassole you are African and you have no where to go after you leave office, even if you want to go to France as Francphones Presidents do, these days Sarkozi don’t want you these days because he is busy with Libyan oil.So please fight for you people in Darfur; and be Blessed.

  • Hafiz Mohamed
    Hafiz Mohamed

    INTERVIEW: Darfur Mediator say time for dialogue process has not yet come
    The rivalry between Mbeki and Bassole is not helping the peace process in Dafur , I think the AU has to be blame for that you can’t have two peace process at the same time.
    It is right to have a joint Un/AU mediator and a process which get the support of the international community through the UNSC intervention as many Sudanese and Darfuri
    Specifically don’t have faith in the AU, and from the way the AU handle this crisis I think they are right.
    With regards to the DPP that is a failed process before it even start, you can have a political process without security and conducive environment for proper dialogue, that can only
    Be held when we have a genuine peace agreement.
    The AUHIP is not the right body to carry dialogue in Darfur even if we have a peace agreement simply because no one trust Mbeki and his advisors like Alex de they are they are associated with the
    failed Abjua process, the only issue which unified Darfuri,( armed groups. DPA signatories, CSOs, IDPs and others) is no one want to see Alex in anything to do with Darfur. Where are the first Mbeki panel’s recommendation included the hybrid court they all the shelve.
    The DPP before peace agreement is waste of time and money. The AU need to liberate itself from the old OAU way of thinking and move forward with the AU agenda to be
    able to restore its creditability among Africa and not to just be
    Dictators club.
    Hafiz Ismail
    Justice Africa Sudan

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