Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings

April 20, 2011 (JUBA) – Both the southern army and rebels fighting the southern government should be held accountable for the gross human rights violations in Upper Nile last month, a US-based human rights body says in its latest report.

SPLA soldier in Juba, file photo
SPLA soldier in Juba, file photo
Over 60 ethnic Shilluk people, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW) were killed in fierce clashes that took place between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) soldiers and a rebel group led by Johnson Olony on 6 and 7 March in Owachi: an area located near the north-south Sudan border.

The 19 April report was the outcome of a research mission HRW conducted in the first half of April in Upper Nile state. In their findings, they allege that southern soldiers “fired indiscriminately at civilians and burned and looted homes.”

“If the Southern Sudan government wants a sustainable peace when it becomes fully independent in July, it should demonstrate its commitment now with a prompt and thorough investigation into human rights violations in Upper Nile,” Daniel Bekele, HRW’s Africa director says.

He adds, “Southern Sudan’s government should show no tolerance for crimes against civilians by either side.”

The organisation appeals to the southern government to institute an investigation into the incident and ensure that those responsible are prosecuted while the innocent, who are still in detention, are released.

Nearly 7,000 people, says HRW, have been displaced while the actual number of casualties from the impromptu clashes reportedly remain unknown. The organisation, quoting a local leader, say the area still remains inaccessible by UN and humanitarian agencies allegedly due to “the large presence of SPLA soldiers throughout the area.”

“Neither the armed forces nor the rebels took sufficient precautions to protect civilians from the conflict, despite clear signs that the fighting was imminent,” Bekele said, adding that, “The government should send a strong and clear message that it will not allow soldiers to abuse civilians or fail to protect them during clashes.”

Reacting to the HRW report, Phillip Aguer, the SPLA spokesperson dismissed the findings of the report, saying it was based on “rumors and unfounded allegations” against the southern army.

“Much as I have not seen the Human Right Watch report, I don’t think their findings truly reflect the situation on the ground. The SPLA is mandated to protect the southern people against any form of aggression and not to harm innocent civilians. How can we kill people we have been fighting for years to liberate?” Aguer told Sudan Tribune by phone.

The army spokesperson also denied accusations that his forces, carried out a “mop-up” operation, which allegedly involved arresting and detaining scores of Shilluk men suspected of links to Olony’s rebels and to Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-Democratic Change (SPLM-DC), the political party led by a Shilluk politician, Lam Akol.

Peter Lam Both, the Upper Nile information and broadcasting minister remained cagey on the allegations made in the report especially where the southern government was allegedly involved.

“After the clashes, we all know that the government launched an investigation into the matter. Let’s wait for the findings to be made public,” he said.

HRW appealed to the southern government to not only remain accountable to the population, but to seek remedies to the underlying grievances fuelling the conflict in Upper Nile, including land disputes.

“These steps would put the southern government on the right track as it prepares for the declaration of its independence,” says the HRW report.

The semi-autonomous region is Southern Sudan is set to declare independence on 9 July, following an overwhelming vote for self-determination in a January referendum. The vote was key part of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), which ended over 20 years of civil war in Sudan.



  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings
    SPLA didn’t kill anyone and had no intention to do so. The rebells are responsible. SPLA went to protect civilians but not killed any of them. It was an accident on the SPLA side but an intentional on rebells side.

  • man-of-his-words

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings
    Shut the hell up boy,stop being with one side how you know ?investigated the matter before you jump to conclusion.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings
    No that is wrong SPLA had never committed any crimes in its strugdle histories leave alone now it’s became national Army.

    The silly idea with Nyagateen is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later such as Riek machar Lam Akol Athor Deng Dut Peter Gatdet Yak and David Yau yau plus many nuer leader That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in what a shame.

  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings
    You are a man of your own indeed but your brain is empty. Am telling the truth but not judging. SPLA released a clear statement saying they will take action to protect civilians. Where were Mr. deaf

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings
    Man Koryom 2
    Best insult or bad ibsult will not help you argue your point of veiw here brother, what i try to said here is the fact not to insulate the wrong which meant that the SPLA did not commite any crime in its histories since the begining of the struggle apart from those who defected from within and go to committed the crimes then came back with no shame so if your father or any relatives was nyagat or still nyagat,then just take it easy man there will be a day that they will die with shame.

  • shadowmaster

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings
    Funny how the SPLA complains about northern forces attacking villages and now here is the proof they are the ones doing it, killing their own people. Without John Garang, the SPLA has lost its way with Silva Kirr, he’s not a politician like Dr. Garang, hes just a brutal rebel leader.

  • Mading

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings

    Not only Kiir who is a brutal man but it seems all of us including you are merciless. Why do these rebels go and attack the local civilians and leave the SPLA?

  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings
    Mr. Dinka whatever
    In fact I wasn’t commenting on your comments and if you do understood English very well. Then my comments were directed to “man of his word” who criticized my comments above. I am depending the SPLA, why would you called my parents nyagat and you don’t know me. I think I didn’t mention your name or anything. Please evaluate and understand comments before you run your mouth.

  • emadven

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings
    Why would the rebell kill their own shilluk people. SPLA can’t be praised all the time. that gives them a chance to get away with injustice. come on now.

  • unityfirst1

    Rights body accuses SPLA, rebels of Upper Nile killings
    To all the readers!!
    Simple as its!if the spla did try to protect their own civilians during the fight and some of their bullets did hit the innocent civilians,then the spla will be held accountable because what they have killed weren’t an animal such as like a deer or anything like that to let them get away with it,but they have killed a numberous of human beings.

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