Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei

By John Actually

April 20, 2011 (BOR) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) has initiated peace talks with South Sudan rebel David Yau Yau in Pibor, asking him to re-join the SPLA and be reintegrated.

Philip Aguer Panyang, SPLA spokesperson
Philip Aguer Panyang, SPLA spokesperson
The SPLA spokesman, Colonel Philip Aguer, confirmed that SPLA initiated a dialogue with renegade Yau Yau through division eight commander, Major General Peter Bol Kuong and the commissioner of Pibor Count, Akot Mazee .

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Juba, Aguer said Yau Yau showed his willingness and commitment to re-join and be reintegrated into SPLA. He did not say when the peace talks began.

Agur acknowledged that Yau Yau and his forces might be somewhere in Lekuanguele, preparing to join SPLA for reintegration. He declined to reveal the number of Yau Yau’s troops.

Yau Yau rebelled against the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) after losing the 2010 general elections. He launched his first attacks on civilians in Pibor county, killing women and children before he joined George Athor in Khorfulus, Pigi county in February this year where they attacked many areas.

Athor is a dissident commander SPLA and unsuccessful candidate for the governorship of Jonglei state in the April 2010 election. Athor and his forces are generally considered the SPLM/A’s most powerful adversary. On 30 April Athor’s forces carried out an attack against the SPLA’s base in the Upper Nile state and went on to seriously disrupt the life of people of Jonglei state, in a series of conflicts.

Yau Yau launched several attacks in Gumuruk, Boma, Bor and Duk since he rebelled in 2010, killing many civilians and causing insecurity in Pibor, Duk, Twice, Bor and Ayod counties. Yau Yau’s recent activity includes:

12 April 2011, a recent attack in Gadiang, one SPLA soldier was killed and three others wounded in an ambushed laid by Yau Yau’s forces.

25 March 2011, another Gadiang ambush laid by forces loyal to Yau Yau on the Gadiang-Yuai road killed a driver and one SPLA soldier sustained serious injuries.

5 October 2010, attacked a boat that left Pibor headquarters for Gumuruk carrying seven civilians, killing three people including a women who left behind a four month old child.

Several attacks on healthcare centers in Pibor have been reported, forcing Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) to suspend their activities in the area.

According to Sudan Human Right Baseline Assestment (SHBA), Yau Yau is from the Murle tribe that lives almost exclusively in Pibor county, bordering Ethiopia and the south-east corner of Jonglei state.

Unlike other insurrection leaders, such as George Athor and Gatluak Gai, Yau Yau was a civilian before launching his armed revolt following the April 2010 elections. He studied theology in Southern Sudan and Kenya and then served as the Pibor county secretary of the South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Jonglei.

He subsequently ran as an independent candidate in the state’s parliamentary election for the Gumuruk–Boma constituency seat, representing Pibor county in the Jonglei State Assembly. He was defeated by SPLM candidate, Judy Jokongole, who won the race by a wide margin.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    The silly idea with Nyagateen is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later such as Riek machar Lam Akol Athor Deng Dut Peter Gatdet Yak and David Yau yau plus many nuer leader That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in what a shame.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    Now SPLA is really talking. I mean they have come to their senses. Please extend the same initiative to all the disgruntled generals so that peace reigns in the entire South Sudan.

    To those who were propagating war in this web have you now seen the exit door, shame on you. Instead of advocating for peace you waste time instigating and fueling war, yet you live in safe heavens while our local citizens die like flies all because of your war mongering attitude.

    To SPLA initiating peace is one thing and sustaining it is another. Stop marginalizing your colleagues in the power hierarchy and take ACTION on the corrupt, because only then will you be seen impartial and peace will reign in this land.

    Peace Oooooooooyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee
    South Sudan Ooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyeeeee.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    Now this is how you people got it wrong, the SPLA has already made peace with them that is why they joint the SPLA but due to their greadness. they left a gaint, what do you think we can do to keep them firm without dellusion?
    Death is the solution to solved their problem.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    funny people in south sudan,
    David yauyau studied theology!!!!
    Idiot is supposed to be pastor or priest some where in south sudan ,preaching the word of God he acquired in school…
    I bet he studied in kakuma refugee camp,kenya.hahahah.

  • mama justice
    mama justice

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    Lo Isu,
    Good request but I am tired of their decisions and action of taking arms every time they are disatify with the SPLM. According to me, there is no need for dialogue because they go and come then go again.This will never stop because it has become a habit to rebel. Let them overthrow the SPLM if they are smart or SPLM should show them.

  • the significan Dinka
    the significan Dinka

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    Dealing with backstabbers such as Gai tut Dr Riek machar Gatdat yak and many more nuer gang, there was one thing that I learned. They’re only powerful when you got your back turned to them
    shame on who was bron to be a backstabber.

  • Garang's Son
    Garang's Son

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    am sorry hear this dialogue between the SPLA and David Yau,he killed good number of people he is for peace talk yes what of those whose lost their life under his rebellon??? if people reach to defector and coming back for peace. that is promoting rate of rebellon within the country.if SPLA can manage the 21 years of civil war with the Arabs why not to crush those those defectors.

  • Abugurunchol

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    look at kakumase student who study in kenya attemped to overthrow the SPLA ,what wrong SPLA did for you guys.and we giving you chance to go kakuma to learn as eye of southreness.and we remain to protact you in feild of war against NCP, shame on you guys.

  • Green is beautiful
    Green is beautiful

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    Lo lsu,
    This become a game so that you rebelled then people get to know you, after that you say i need a peace then you demand a position that you were not suppose to get.

    a civilian wants to overthrown the government that gave him a position of SSRRC. Yau Yau is stupid and criminal.

    He has to keep going

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    If we could create a citizen vacuum(I mean a place in which citizens don’t live), in South Sudan so that we lock this renegades and the war mongering SPLA into it, I would be the first to endorse war so that we see who is really powerful at war.

    But my buddies we have to accept the fact that any bullet fired irrespective of whether by SPLA or the militias can kill our innocent citizenry. In war it is believed that who ever is found at the enemies area of operation is an enemy, yet we cannot rule out the existence of the innocent.

    For the above reasons I advocate for dialogue and condemn war, war mongers and all those who advocate for war.

    You need to put yourself in the position of those innocent citizens entangled in the war fronts, and feel for them that you can make a genuine decision on which of this two options to advocate for. If you live in bungalows, mansions and suites in Juba, London, Sydney or Wisconsin, please our local communities in South Sudan are living from hand to mouth leave alone affording that luxury. Stop making our people suffer because of your irrational comments.

    Say NO to killing in South Sudan, no matter the cause(except nature’s call). Lets allow our rural people a chance to develop and enjoy life. We are tired of living a wretched life in our own country.

    I rest my case!!!!

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    This reporter is deliberately misleading the ignorant readers outside South Sudan. Yawyaw was a civilian but he was forced to enter the bush when he was dragged from the classroom in Pibor where he was a teacher and severely beaten. That was how he was turned a freedom fighter. John Kaku and those who were with him were deceived by those Jonkoz slaves in Pibor, the like of Akot, Joshuwa and Kalashing etc. They deceived those victims saying let us make peace. They were then slaughtered with knives like goats in Pibor. That is what will happen to Yawyaw ‘kan dagaso taani’ I am sure of that. They want to deceive Yawyaw so that they will kill them all. YA YAWYAW AWAAKUM TADGUSU. Again, Yawyaw had killed SPLA soldiers in self defense after they were attacked first. Those who killed women and children are the Jonkoz Dinka SPLA who are now terrorising and murdering civilians. [email protected]

  • Madior

    SPLA opens peace dialogue with renegade David Yau Yau in Jonglei
    I don’t like the idea of negotiating with these gangsters. They all make false excuses on why they put up arms against SPLA. We have court , if individual has an issues just file your case at the court of justice instead of killings innoncences people who have nothing to do with your problems. Shame on you guys, I don’t think if any your colleagues battle SPLA after July,9th 2011. You guys got decision to make, either join the SPLA now or remain in bush getting incentive from Khartuom regime. Which I am sure , they will be soon be ended in less than 60 days. Good luck with peace, hope it would turn out alright.

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