Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

April 26, 2011 (BENTIU) – South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit has issued a presidential degree asking Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai to allow northern Sudanese oil workers to return to work in state.

Northern oil workers were evacuated after militia under the control of Peter Gatdet Yaka clashed with the South Sudan army (SPLA) in Mayom county that has claimed the lives of over 35 civilians and soldiers since April 19. Gatdet announced his defection from the Southern military in March complaining of corruption and bad governance.

On Tuesday, Garang Ding Aguok, a government of South Sudan minister for energy and mining visited Unity state to investigate why the state governor decided to evacuate northern workers at such short notice.

Ding said that he found that the Unity state government had taken the decision in order to protect the safety of northerners within the state, as many civilians had been angered by the heavy loss of life in the Mayom clashes.

All the 130 workers have been returned to work according to local authorities.

The South Sudan government and army claim that Gatdet is backed by north Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in order to destabalise the oil-producing region. Khartoum has denied that it backs any of the seven rebel groups fighting the Juba government of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Gatdet joined the SPLA in 2006 after a 2005 north-south peace deal made the former rebels the only legal armed force in the south, apart from joint units of the northern and southern armies, which will now be dissolved following the south’s vote for independence.

The Republic of South Sudan will come into being on July 9 following January’s plebiscite. Gatdet, who for much of the civil war he had fought against the SPLA while being backed by Khartoum, has declared that he intends to overthrow the southern government. According to UN figures over 800 people have been killed and over 90,000 displaced in fighting in South Sudan since January’s largely peaceful referendum.

Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai said the reason the 130 northerners workers had been evacuated from the oil field was to promote better security. Gai added that oil production continued at the normal rate despite the lack of engineers caused by the evacuation.

Of the engineers on site 28 were northern Sudanese, one was an expat and one southern Sudanese. While the northern workers were expelled, the expatriate staff demanded to be evacuated but were not after they received security guarantees, the governor said.

The Unity state governor said that for the last week oil production had continued with only the one southern Sudanese engineer at the oil production base in Manga.

Following an immediate evacuation of the oil workers on the 19 April after SPLA clashes with Gatdet’s militia – known as the South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA) – about 300 northerner Sudanese are estimated to have left Unity state.

The Unity state governor said Tuesday that oil companies must recruit all drivers and cleaners from the area and not employ northern Sudanese to do these jobs as per an agreement between the state and companies.

Greater Nile Petroleum Operation Company (GNPOC) says it will send 25 Southern Sudanese employees abroad for training.



  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Thank you Governor Taban Deng Gai for initiating the replacement of the cleaners and drivers with South Sudanese. Even junior management positions should be given to South Sudanese. And also plan to recruit more South Sudanese engineers to gradually takeover in the next three years.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    It is decree, Not degree,go to school too.
    Decree mean formal order or rule of law issue by the head of state.
    Dont even write your own things.

  • Green is beautiful
    Green is beautiful

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Taban Deng
    has help those workers but if they return then it will be their own responsibility if something happen to them.They company have to train some unity citizens to take over.

  • Garang

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    “South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit has issued a presidential degree asking Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai to allow northern Sudanese oil workers to return to work in state.” /????

    What brings a presidential degree here now? No need for the governor to allow the oil workers to return to work by a presidential degree as it is their right to return to their places of work as long as the security situation is back to normalcy.

  • amon

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes
    Dear Mr President,

    How long shall we continue to depend on the experts from the North, I think it’s time now for use to learn and get promotions to the posts that were held by the northers. This was what we voted for, they will come and apply for jobs later as foreigners so that we can tax them.

    Look at how they embarrassed our MPs in the national Government by not accepting them in the next house. I know you are using diplomacy, but those friends of yours are too deformed to understand.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    There was a time that His excellence the magnifinces super powerful leader and founder, the father of the SPLA/M Dr John Garang De Maboir Atem pariah Mr General Goodman taban Deng Gai as a one man with ten man in him,
    This give all the south sudanse truth about Taban leadership special SPLA/M members like him more then any nyagat in south,
    Everthings he dose is a will of southernse apart from militiamen of all time, whatever he dose[taban] is south sudan pleasure.
    Mr Deng Gai is the one that convened Mr Dr John Garang to allowes the wicked doom evil oaf gangster Dr Riek machar to to came back in the movement, and if it was about whatsoever, that doom ganster aka Dhurgon would have not be there by now. thank God we have good leaders in nuer society.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    you know how to kill your own brother and yet you dont how work in oilfield!!!!!!!
    what a shame!!!!!!!!!!!?
    you need ready food,but you still killing the servers like what happened in kuol manyang state,aka, jonglei jungle.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Dinka Dog,

    You will worship Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon in July. What will you do, commit suicide and join the unionist John Garang?

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Omoni jr
    Are you here to teach commentators or to bring in your helpful ideas?
    Please refrain from unnecessary criticisms. degree and decree sound the same on pronunciation
    & different in a written forms.
    Back to the point, Governor Taban, we are proud of you; concentrate on thinning out northerners’ workers from oil companies so that unity sates citizens get jobs.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Truthteller aka truthcover.
    I know you was born to rebelled eventhought there is no reason to fight,
    but for your information mr traitor, it is better for me to warship Gon rether then worship dhurgon,
    In my life i will never forgive those useless gangs who committed crime against their own people,
    riek machar will die befor 9 july, and if he is not dead then he is just ajakass and ajoke,
    death to him

  • actiongatkuoth

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    hey !!!

    Omoni jr, look at your useless stupid dinka kiir for his degree is he anormal person????
    haaa haaa president kiir we Unity state Citizen we already take our degree before you please,don,t lose you time for your stupid speech,
    no need fore your degree in our state,

    haaahhaaaa president kiir fear that if bashir know that he will be under arrest,

    no time for your degree kiir!!!!!!!!!1

    schame on coward president kiir and his tribe food lover dinka,

    thank, Bentiu is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Dinka Dog,

    You are a son of born coward commenting like a real man while hiding at a dark corner. You will worship Dr. Riek Machar in July. I can guarantee that to you, otherwise go and commit suicide.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes
    Taban expelled the northern workers as he precieved this is a punishment to goverenment in the north for what he alleged as support to the rebells by the government in the north.Oil production has stopped,and the oil facilities were facing irreperable damage due to disuse.Taban has the right to replace northerners with southerners.That it is his right and that is his country.Expelling 130 workers will not affect the economy of the north.Stopping oil priduction will affect the economy of both the south and north.Oil is vital to the south and very important to the north!

    It will be stupid to think that the north will creat instability to destroy the oil industry in the south.Though the oil is in the south , the north will get a huge benifit out of that. You like it or not!

    Taban refused to return them, the Chinese were not happy and both governments were not happy, hence the presedential decree!

    The president of the GOSS knowes very well that there is no support for the millitia by the north. Ironically , oil is going to stabilize peace between the two states.

    Expelling 130 workers is nothing and will not hurt the economy in the north.There are hundreds of thousands working in the north and if we start this policy of expulsion targetting poor individuals who has no interst in politics the south will be hurt badly and unecessary tension will be created.

    Taban should cool down and stop his megalomenia.He should try to think as a statesman.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Alfredo christian,look at Taban kuich,
    hahahaha, he has already corrected it,so, what is your problem nigga?
    we in south sudan dont need no cow mind to occupy space and producing wrong information that can mislead our young generation.
    am professional teacher from makerere,uni, and PENSYLVINIA state uni,U.S

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Yaeh motherfucker actiongatkuoth aka traitor born to rebelled, who in the hell can called Dinkas as coward if you are not confussed son of nyagat. now did any one from the SPLA/M surrendered him or herself to khartoum during your KPA and be came a vice perisent or governor? whereas those who runn to khartoum and came back because they heard that there is a peace came out in kenya between brave SPLA and NCP, your gang leader riek machar is nothings then opportunist leader aka doom coward.

    If you define cowardice as running away at the first sign of danger, screaming and tripping and begging for mercy, then yes, Mr. nyagat riek,is cowardic,
    ahahahahaha, ahahahahaha death to coward, and i hope if Ganrag and kiir were coward there would be bo CPA like that one of KPA of coward nyagateen of nuer, ahahahah no time to talk with groups of coward tried to be somebody know something while his father is a coward.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Omoni jr,

    You don’t want your president to have a degree, but only empty decree?

  • lakoda

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes
    Thank you Mr. Taban Deng for good action. let value life of civilians as human whether you White , Red or Black.

    Mr. president, it doesn’t needed to issue decree for the return of northern workers to return to work, because the state governor rescue theirs lives during that incident, otherwise your decree will be meaningless.

  • Ambago

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes
    Dear readers

    If the South Sudan government and army claim that Gatdet is backed by north Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in order to destabalise the oil-producing region while Khartoum has denied that it backs any of the seven rebel groups fighting the Juba government of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) – so we are so helpless that the very people we dismiss as spies – we go back and apologise to and beg them back. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

  • actiongatkuoth

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    dinka dominated spla,
    your gonom kiir has mess ,
    i alway tell you that dinka leadersip is poor realy it is poor with poor degree like dinka tribe ,schame on poor tribe dinka like their leadership,

    time is almost for gonom kiir to step down,
    death to kiir,

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    Dinka Dog,

    The Nuer are historically known worldwide as the most courageous fighters in Africa. That is why the Dinka always cry when the Nuer refuse to fight on their behalf. The main difference between the Nuer and Dinka in violence is that the Nuer are direct killers while the Dinka are cold blood murderers. Get that?

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes
    Mohamed Ali,
    This is not the 1821 when your grand-grandfather Mohamed Ali invaded the land of the blacks. This is 2011 when South Sudanese will not accept to be fooled by you. This workers from the north are just cleaners, messengers, cooks and drivers and their absent in the oil field will not create any economic setback.

    Taban Deng is the one who knows very well why he evacuated the northern workers. Shuold there be extra reasons behind this evacuation it is only him who know more about the northern workers. It is not question of doing equations or recipricols. If north decided to expell Southern Sudanese it is not surprisingly to us. Already Southern MPs have been expelled in Khartuom Government. There is no point allowing windows of jobs opportunities to expatriates. These simple jobs that require less skills will be done by locals or natives around in that State. Please do not appreciate the decree from President Kiir. Prseident Kiir was brought to power in April 2010 general elections and therefore, should work hard to full oppionions of those who elected him. If Taban evacuated Northern workers, we the Southern Citizens support Taban Deng Gai in his wise decision. It is for better security and safety of notherners fullstop.

  • nyagatkuacha @1
    nyagatkuacha @1

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    dear dinka symbol president kiir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Waw what salva said is not good,if he is fairing omer is ur concent.u go to the northrn sudan for survival.
    u are not a good leader the money u are eating all the time u don think of how nuer people are.
    u are saying that arab will give u aroom for u to stay during this time of 3month u are stil alive?

    plze u dont west ur time of bringing the arab back to the OIL FIELD u will be the vitim oooooooh!!!!!!!!!!

    You are not agood person.Dr Machar is the real LEADER this 3month u just eat well for u ar going to die on the 9/Junly

    thank uuuu Dinka

  • Sam.Eto

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes
    Who teaches these fools history. No grandfather of mine invaded any blacks – especially some Maasai tribes that migrated to South Sudan a few hundred yrs ago. My ancestors lived in these lands since god created this world, We the true people of Sudan will continue to live here till the world comes to an end. Your lucky were letting you stay in South Sudan – you lost Kenyans & Ugandans.

    Go learn to read & write first – then go do some research and study about Sudan. The land of Kush ! Do you read your bible drunk ! The people of Nubia – We are still here – i have no idea where you came from or who you claim to be !

    Your idiot drunken minister did the dumbest thing he could. Play the hate game with oil. Im surprised Kiir didnt fire him. Oh thats right Deng is Dinka – he cant do that. With idiots like him running things no wonder rebels are fighting your GOSS. The North has its hands all over the oil in the South. From consortium’s, exploration, transport, refining and exporting. Lets see how that ONE engenier can hold on, on his own !

  • Pharoah Tutkhamann
    Pharoah Tutkhamann

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes
    Sam Eto,

    The historical Nubians were nilotics,they are today people of the South.Most of the Nubians who remain in the North become so mixed with outsiders that today the people calling themselves Nubians do not represent the historical founders of Cush.

    Even the language of ancient Cush is stiil under study,so far some of the evidences point to that the language is a Nilo-saharan,which the Nilotic and the modern Nubian languages belong. You idoit,the Nubians who are still in the Northern Sudan and upper Egypt are linguistically related to Nuer and Dinka and other Nilotic groups in the region despite their difference in appearances .Try to make research on the languages of Nubia,you will find that they are related to the Southern tribes’ languages.There is nothing connecting the distant Arabic cultures to Nubian.

  • Wunne dohor
    Wunne dohor

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    @ action….. I think you have big line running across your forehead and that is why you go astray or you maybe a half of a humanbeing. I think you are the greedy relative to these Nyagateen.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes

    You are the epitome of irony in North Sudan, Sudan was and still is the land of the blacks. Arabs, came to Sudan as traders in all types of commodities including slavery, do you honestly think that the few individuals on here who can’t even construct an accurate sentence are representative of all real Sudanese? you are just an angry indoctrinated shimally bigot and your kind of mentality will further disgrace the North of Sudan.

    You, Jalaby and Mohammed Ali are jokers, you respond to a few kids on here and think you know it all, you are misguided, racist, brainwashed and foolish! The ancient Nubians of Sudan have more in common with the Nuba of the centre of Sudan than they do with the Arabized foolish Nubians of the north, even many words u mix with your everyday spoken Arabic are of African heritage but yet are doused in Arabism, what a bunch of lost souls.

    Tribes of the south have been roaming Sudan for centuries before those who used your great grandmothers as sex toys came to Sudan. Then your likes were the product of that exercise, now you want to claim originality of Sudan, you are a diluted version of the real Sudanese, a bit like juice made from concentrate. It is the Lou of South and Central Sudan whom spread towards the south of the continent, i.e, Kenya, Uganda etc etc.

    Who teaches you fools history? oh yes, your indoctrinated good for nothing wana-be-Arab-by-force teachers/ leaders, how pathetic. Most of Sudan is black African, get that through your thick skull, I even watched a recent program on Aljazeera depicting in animation the dictatorship of the Arab World, guess what? Sudan was not there, not because its a democracy but because its not considered Arab by most Arabs.

    Now, let me kick a bit of knowledge to you, Taban Deng Gai is neither a Minister or a Dinka, but a state Governor and Nuer by tribe, do you read fool?

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes

    The JALABBI in southerners shoes!

    The JALABI in disguise!

    Watching Algaziera…reveal your skin , following news in your mother tongue!

    I didn’t expect that you are so ignorant! Do you think using such an abusive language can cover-up for your ignorance!

    Who told you that Nubians exist only in the north! What about Alodia or Soba or (ALWA) The christian Nubian kingdom in the Center of SUDAN , jsut few kilometers south of Khartoum. Archeologist revealed scripts in the Nubian language written in a modified coptic letters.

    The Nubian language is still spoken in the north and it is connected with the Nubian Hills in South Kordufan and the Birgid in North Darfur. They are Nubians whether they are black or white and afterall we are not white. Who told you that all Nubians were black, Persian Hhistorian spoke about red nubian in the 3rd century BC!

    I donnot know that you are so ignorant to support a claim that Mohammed Ali was an Arab! Even small childeren know that Mohammed Ali is a Turkish Albenian!

    The Arabs were connected with the Africans since the incipiens of history ( go and read your bile and tell me who is the mother of ISHMAIL “peace be upon him”) The Belmeeys , the anchestors of today’s Begga tribes in East Sudan had their own kingdom which had extended up to south Egypt at some stages of history and they fought with the Romans in Egypt! The Begga as well as the Ethiopians and Eritrian( Particular the Amhar and Tgrawi) are classified ligusitically and GENETICALLY as Afro-Asians!

    The is the the NUBIAN civilization. The SETI people , have you got SETTI OR Sati name in the south or do you know what does it mean!

    No, the tribes of the South were not roaming in the central or south Sudan. They are linguesicall and genetically linked with the Massai and they migrated to South Sudan from North Tanganiga and Kenya only recently.They share with the Massai the same beleive in cows. They were christian only recently when the white man invaded Africa to enslave it’s people and christinaized them so as to stop the advance of Islam in Africa.Though they never shared the same ” house of god” and there was always a church for the superior white and a church for the “inferior” black man! and this was supposed to be infromt of god who , the Almighty , created us as equals.Though the white man gave them christian names they never treated them as equals or as humans at all! It is amzing that some Africans still “love” to lick the white man shoes!

    Who told you we wna-be-arabs..WE ARE ARABS and we are proud of being ARABS! We are the most respected people in the Arab countries with our Doctor, Teachers, Judges, Lawyers,Professors in all aspects of knowledge Auditors and you name it. We the Sudanaese , Arabs, Nubians have established univercities, medical schools, legal systems and courts, millitaary academies, and you name it! In Qatar , where is Algazeira the majority of judges and the chief Judge and magisterate are SUDANESE. When you stand infront of A SUDANESE Judge there, they say you have got justice before hand! Mr. Wadah Khanfar the CEO of Algazeira had got his education from SUDAN in Omdurman Islamic University!

    Coming back to the expulsion of the oil workers, the majority of them refused to go back to the south. Even traders are coming back, let them enjoy trade with Ugandan who delevered thousands of tons of expired food items.They have no problems with the ordinary people , their problems are with the SPLA thugs and thieives.

    As for the millions southerners who are living with us and others who are escaping from the ” paradise “of the SPLA they will be most welcomed by our civilized people , they are living in peace , security and dignity in the ARAB Land of the Jalabba!We are expecting more to come after July and they will be mostwelcomed by our hospitable people, with the exception of the SPLA who will need an Aslum visa!

  • unityfirst1

    South Sudan President degree for northerners oil workers to resume duty in Unity State
    OMONI JR “aka”professional! sorry to tell you this,however you have misspell the word—PENNSYLVANIA) i believed that you’re a professional in whatever you do,but sometimes people make mistakes whenever they’re in a hurry,so what make you to criticized your fellows commentators.back to the point,thanks to Mr.Governor Taban Deng Gai for his hard work in Unity State.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    S. Sudan president decrees northern oil workers should return despite Unity state clashes
    Mohammed Ali

    Oh you made laugh my foolish wana-be-Arab friend.

    You call me Jalabi in disguise but you ask me whether we have such and such people in the south, make up your mind man.

    Mohammed Ali, was a figure in the Ottoman Empire but who was talking about that imperialistic fool?

    You blabber so much about man made names given to linguistic groups which scholars still debate till this day and even amend groupings of such languages and yet you want to use that as solid facts to defend your stupid argument.

    Are you really that stupid man? Since when did Sudan belong to Arabs, Arab tribes from Arabia who ended up in Sudan are nomads, do you know what nomads mean?

    But its good to see you worked up though, lol, it means you are finally opening up your annul hole for absorption. You could read wikipedia all day and still could never kick knowledge to me, you misguided wana-be-Arabized fool! You are not ready for me, Mohammed.

    Since when did you make the argument about Christians vs Muslims and White men vs African? There’s no difference between you (imperialistic shimally bigots) and and white slave owners of the past. You speak as if you’re civilized while others are savages, get a grip my deluded friend.

    For your information, I am a proud African Sudanese.

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