Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Six rebel factions name Athor president of coalition council

April 29, 2011 (WAU) – A coalition of six rebel factions on Friday named renegade General George Athor as president of the newly formed council, saying the body would serve as an entity for strategic planning and organisation of the unified operations.

Head of new rebel coalition, George Athor
Head of new rebel coalition, George Athor
The council also selected Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol as vice chairman and named Peter Gadet secretary of defence. Other members of the council include Gatluak Gai as chief of general staff and deputy secretary for operations and Bol Gatkuoth Kol as secretary of foreign affairs and official spokesman of the council.

Speaking in an interview with Sudan Tribune from undisclosed location inside Sudan on Friday, Abiel Riing Mijak, a senior member of the rebel movement, confirmed the formation of what he said was transitional council and that George Athor was unanimously selected to the chair unopposed, the same to his deputy, Abdel Bagi Ayii.

‘Yes, it is true. The council has been formed. It was formed on Wednesday 27 April, 2011″, said Abiel, adding that there were suggestions and discussion over the last three months to form a coordination command council.

“There have been suggestions and discussions for the last one month to form a body which would control central command and strategic planning and develop clear and unified policies to guide operation of various movements. This has now been formed. The chairman and the vice have been unanimously appointed. General George Athor and General Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol were selected to lead the transitional period of the coalition of movement”, said Abiel.

The senior member of the rebel movement said they are ready and open for talks with the Government of South Sudan should the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) respond to the call for peaceful settlement of the post-election differences. “We have never rejected any proposal to settle our differences. We have always shown willingness to talk with the Government of South Sudan. We have never rejected any proposal to end the conflict in the area”, said Abiel

However, Atem Biar, a senior member of the South Sudan’s governing party, the SPLM, in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune, from Juba, said that Athor was not being direct.

“There is no time to waste with Athor and his like now. They do not need peace. What they say in the media is not what they do.They do the opposite”, said Atem, explaining that Athor used the amnesty offered by the South Sudan president, Salva Kiir Mayardit, last year, to recruit and attack.

“They are criminals who have killed innocent people because of power. They used amnesty offered by the president to recruit and kill innocent people. They used amnesty as weakness of the government to raise unnecessary demands thinking that they had power”, explained Atem, rejecting proposals to negotiate with the rebels.



  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Dok James defect from Athor party because he was not elected as a vice-president.

  • Dr. cholera
    Dr. cholera

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    This is Nyanideng supported movement inorder to topple Kiir’s regime. Dinka Bor Vs Dinka Gogoriel.

  • Makuei

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council

    Dinka men can rule anywhere, even in the Bush.
    Militias complained of Dinka domination and again empower them for militia operation under the trees.

    No wonder if someone would say that, they renegade-generals are brainless in their claim.

    Mighty SPLA (SSAF) will crash them thoroughly sooner than later.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    The civilized are those who get more out of life than the uncivilized, and for this we are not likely to be forgiven
    I love Atem biar due to his redness on making peace with those gangster of Athor and his alikes such as Ayii.
    It is a shame for Dinkas to heard such thing like Dinkas lead a doom useless movement of gangs rether then being people’s leader,
    death to them,

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    A loving relationship between DInkas is one in which the loved one is free to be himself/herself to laugh with each other, but never at each other; to cry with each other, but never because of of each other; to love life, to love himself, to love being loyal. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart
    I am not Dinka Great Bor but we love them since they are wise and visionary people that nobody will forget in the south or in sudan as a whol,
    We from gokariel we love Dinkas people and ever one,
    But those people you stupid so called Dr cholera said are not Bor Dinkas or Gokariel but becuased he is stupid then he can just said what he want, shame you.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Six rebels formed council.
    President Athor to stop fighting and engage with government of Goss peacefully.no more killings guys.

  • Ayuel Bong
    Ayuel Bong

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    People of Southern Sudan should widely open their mind to know exactly who behind a new coalition and what should be outcome if the enemies of CPA want to destroy the hope and future of southrners which is CPA(itself).It is a critical time that requires the southerners to be united and come up with a clear message to save their dignity and destiny or otherwise everything will go to a hell!

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Militia Tanganyang has no place to go because he can not go to Khartoum because he stole SAF weapons and come to the South with his militia force. And he also can not afford to fight SPLA because he can be caught just within a day. So, do you think that he can not surrender himself?
    He surrender himself because he has no where to hide at this time. Coward who just live for bribe in much of his live. SPLM must keep him in the arrest for good.

  • tamar

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    SPLA Oyeeee,spla oyeeee,spla oyeeeee,even if they grouped themselves,they will never intimidate SPLM it better to put down your guns and knee down before intensive action to be taken.

  • Nhomlawda

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Who will accept to be led by illiterates like Athor Deng Dut. They are day dreaming to comfort themselves in the bush after they had been misled by their little minds.

  • Nhomlawda

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Why did Peter Gatdet accept to serve in a Dinka dominated rebel leadership when he was rebelling because of the alleged Dinka domination of the government? See how stupid they are? They even contradict their own conscience and values. George Athor should discipline them in the bush first and we will get them later one by one after Khartoum grew tired of supporting them.
    Athor Deng wants to trick Dinkas to join them in the bush but great Monyjang are not cheap people to be fooled by visionless organizations and individuals.
    John Garang was not using those cheap tactics to lure people to SPLA/M but he was appealing to the people’s conscience and people made decision by themselves to join the movement. That is why SPLA/M succeeded liberating South Sudan.
    Athor stops cheap propaganda surrender to Juba for trial on atrocities you have committed since you launched that visionless rebellion.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Another very funy and good news is here ahahaha, ahahahah,
    Another sureendered rebel,

    Former South Sudan rebel leader to face martial court: Army
    BorGlobe – April 28

    Juba (Borglobe) – amid the heavily clashes between Sudan People’s Liberation Army and forces loyal to Maj. Gen. Gabriel Tanginye last Saturday, which left 57 dead led to the lockdown of the rebel leader in Kaldak, north of Jonglei State. Tanginya, the most dangerous warlord in the southern territory is brought to Juba correctional facility where he will wait military hearings. Brig. Malaak Ayuen Ajok told the Bor Globe over a phone consultation. “Tanginye with his group will face a martial court. He surrendered after SPLA forces blocked escaping venues during the course of operation, otherwise, they were fighting and anybody else in hideouts if caught in the same process will deserve the same treatment.”

    Ajok said in a reference to other operating rebel groups in South Sudan mostly sponsored by the Khartoum Government to sabotage against independence, which is due on July 9 this year. A source inside Jonglei State said that the Governor Kuol officially told a small gathering that Divad yauyau turned himself in, but Ajok said that it was rumored and his Department has no official confirmation on a such development.

    Military ranking to be become the gist of living standard in South Sudan. Regular soldiers deserted from service to join rebels for the sake of getting ranks and come back as generals in the so-called dialogue and Tanginye was not alone, but was joined by other members of Dinka ethnic group. A report within the Jonglei State revealed the following names in Bor County associating with Tanginye. Mayen Kur kuer (Pathuyieth), Madit Abui Kuek (Thony), and Anyang Ajak (Deer) allegedly wounded during the combat. The three men were found along with Maj. Gen. Gabriel Tanginye and are said to be in custody.

    Another wounded POW who hails from Duk Padiet was a follower of George Athor is now receiving a medical care at Bor Civil Hospital.

  • Nhomlawda

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Why did Peter Gatdet accept to serve in a Dinka dominated rebel leadership when he was rebelling because of the alleged Dinka domination of the government? See how stupid they are? They even contradict their own conscience and values. George Athor should discipline them in the bush first and we will get them later one by one after Khartoum grew tired of supporting them.
    Athor Deng wants to trick Dinkas to join them in the bush but great Monyjang are not cheap people to be fooled by visionless organizations and individuals.
    John Garang was not using those cheap tactics to lure people to SPLA/M but he was appealing to the people’s conscience and people made decision by themselves to join the movement. That is why SPLA/M succeeded liberating South Sudan.
    Athor stops cheap propaganda surrender to Juba for trial on atrocities you have committed since you launched that visionless rebellion.

  • Adam

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    The main plight of SPLM is its failure to welcome and listen to Southerners (politicians, military, civil society).

    Right from the beginning and even before the CPA in 2005, it shred and embraced the stupid “exclusion policy” and ignorantly implemented with its North partner NCP. Both were arrogant and controlled everything listening to no body. This has led to the false elections in the South, which was the first embryo for rebellion. However, the arena was optimized by the severe tyrant and corrupted behavior of SPLA/M. All voices were suffocated and all calls for democracy, freedom, development were in vain. GOSS went further to waste the resources of the South by selling everything to foreign companies and transferring the oil money to the junta personal accounts in the West. The regular citizen gained nothing but disease, ignorance and underdevelopment. GOSS (Government of Stealing Stupids) went further making the lives of the returnees from the North miserable. No need to mention incidents – it is all clear to the blind. Civil service, military and police arrogance, unemployment, foreigners’ control of the crippling economy, unjust, unrest, raids and confiscation on tribal land and livestock and many other sinister things are the yeast for what is going on now in the South. Everything in the South is set for a revolution – military, political and popular.

    The irresponsible open support to the Darfur rebels is another landmark for triggering the antagonism of the North. What the GOSS is trying to do in South Kurdofan and Blue Nile is merely pushing the North, who is in control of many playing “Jokers”, to war zone with the South.

    However, in the North NCP has gained tremendous popular support because SPLM was wrong in joining the opposition parties and work against the very government it serves as a partner. This eroded the little support the Northern opposition parties enjoy, paving the way for the NCP to be dominant like never before. It will continue so in light of the SPLM/A false accusations of President al-Bashir supporting rebels in the South and openly call for the overthrow of the government in the North. The ignorant and shortsighted statements by Pagan, Arman, Agar and the other political and military leaders of SPLM/A in encouraging the US to tighten its grip on the North have been counter productive. What SPLM/A want from the US and the West is to ask the government of the North to take painful and impossible measures in order to lift its sanctions. It is very clear that these measures are more difficult for the North than the current embargo and weak relations with the West. The North will not listen to these unreasonable demands dictated on the West by Amoum, the Jalaba Arman and the Funj Agar.
    The emergence of the rebellions in the South is SPLM/A made – not Jalaba made. They all want democracy, freedom, development and equity. They all fight arrogance and call for united and prosperous Southern State, but the Government of Stealing Stupids won’t allow that. The thieves of SPLA/M from all tribes are responsible and should be punished.

    All calls for tribalism are rejected. Corruption and destruction of our hopes are not tolerated anymore. Nepotism preposterous and ludicrous GOSS is not needed in the South anymore.

    Now! SSLA must coordinate with the political parties to overthrow the tyrant and jungle law SPLA/M.

    The war will continue, but eventually the South will rise up.

    Down with SPLA/SPLM
    Long Live Southern Sudan

    Adam Milawaki – Mayendit
    Southern Sudan

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Very funny,

    Two Dinka rival presidents, one in Juba and one in the bush. They mess up the South befor July 9. The world is watching them. They have 60 days to think twice or else…

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    You are right mr Atem no niegotiation with any unserious fellow, they will vanish from the South very soon,never mind them for they are just a bunch of criminals who have hidden agendas backed by kharoum.

    Think positive.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Attention! attention Naath community at large!!!!
    Please pay attention to the following news sited on Sudan.net!!
    It is said that Malaak Ayuen Ajok told the Bor Globe over a phone consultation. “Tanginye with his group will face a martial court. He surrendered after SPLA forces blocked escaping venues during the course of operation, otherwise, they were fighting and anybody else in hideouts if caught in the same process will deserve the same treatment.”

    General Tanginya of Naath!! is going to be killed or imprisoned by Dinka Bor tribal militia, SPLA, as a reprisal to their so-called Bor massacre which is being allegedly said to have been committed by forces belong to General Tanginya during the confusion times in the southern Sudan, i.e. during SPLA and Ayna nya two clashes in 1990s!!

    Naath, SPLA is testing your tolerance and reactions before they embark on arresting and killing all Naath who have been blacklisted by the tribal regime and its militia, SPLA!!

    Now, where are those morons of SPLA/M Naath if their warrior tiger Tanginya will be executed in their wash and remain doing nothing about it??

    Where is John Luk Jock and his seven minsters, if general Tangingya is going to be exceuted by Malaak Ayuen and his Dinka Bor SPLA militia!

    Malaak Ayuen, you have no any convincing reason whatsoever to trial general Tanginya and Mabor in a martial court given that you deceived him that he is covered by the amnesty awarded by your tribal General Sulpha kir macheithdit, for that reason, general Tanginya trusted you and accepted to be incorporated or included into your SPLA militia, however, during the process of the integration, your forces ambushed him and his unprepared armed forces to kill him!! you took the advantage of the helpless man, which led to his detention by your militia and now talking about trailing him in the military court where he may end up being killed of improsomied!!

    Trialing him in your militia court is a gross violation of human right!! if you will not give up and continue anyhow, then we, the Naath community will no have any option only to kill any important leader of your community like Koul Manyang for example!! leave Genral Tang alone or else Naath Fangak and Naath lou will take Jonglei by surprise and Bor will be wipe out for good!

    Naath don’t let that happen in your watch!

  • Ming Dhal
    Ming Dhal

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Dinka Dominent

    Fuck you you are not from Greater Bharelghzal never lie there is no an idiot man in BRGZL like you
    Mind you there will be no more compromise with rebel any more. haven’t you heard that Tanginya is arrested?

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Congratulations!! That is a very good step to unite against the militia SPLA ! teach SPLA militia a very good lesson!

  • khan junior
    khan junior

    Six rebel factions name Athor president of coalition council
    I can’t image that now though we Naath in GOSS are following Dinka and even those rebelling are also being lead by Dinka.so which Dinka can we refer to follow?

    This story is dramatically the same with that of Kenya’s coup of 1982 when they decide to rebel against a government lead by the same people and made their leader to be from the same tribe.That plan fail and now these people release their mistake.SO BE WARN!

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Six rebel factions name Athor president of coalition council
    George Athor surrender yourself and make a peace with your brothers and sisters. come out where you are and feel free because you will not be punished as you expect. Don’t let your brothers SPLA host the flag of independent of Southern Sudan while you are still in the bush. I promise, you will be granted amnesty and clemency like others who have committed the same crime you have committed. If SPLA/M condone other why not you?. Stop squandering your time in the bush fighting with your own brothers. I urge you also to tell your allies Peter Gadet to the same and to participate in the liberation of Southern Sudan because he deserted SPLA during time of struggle. He should unify himself with SPLA in order to make people forget about his betrayal.

  • Dakin

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    When the southerners were by discontended by the arab rule,they had to form a rebel movement to make their voices heard. Now the only way to become an effective opposition to this corrupted so called GOSS is take up arms and go to the bush like george, ayii etc.. What a primitive democracy!

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Six rebel factions name Athor president of coalition council
    Atem Biar you are a part of Criminal Gangs of Juba
    Most of those in SPLA/M leadership had Gangs ideology in the south,most of you are formers thief in personal characteristically. You people are not really representing the Government of the people.

    There is a different between Army and the Government that come from the dignitarian people. Army can a bunches of every type of character,not the Government of the really that are elected by the people. we still have time to go as I am seeing alway.

    It is really the are not representing the people of communty the come from. You people are Gangs Groups of Rebel Army. the governemnet of the people represent the people from their Villages and listen,feel,share with them. Not you in Juba!

    GOSS were threatening Athor Deng to be assassinate befor election,win to deny by some of you in the circle there. Using SPLA criminal element is the part of growing Rebel in the Country. Mistremnet lead to the unthinkable acts /situation of war.

    Some people never like the ideology of killing southerners but situation force them to do so. What the person in power do affect everyone around us. Do good thing will be good,do bad thing will be bad.

    Even that Athor Groups of waging war gainst southerners was triggers by that Act of SPLA Military against them.

    All now for their own defence; they did not intended to Rebel it is due to the foolish Gangs Styles in Juba is making people think bloody. SPLA/M Army have been uses as tools to bully southerners in order to stay in power and Robbe Public money. All those greed of power,Military minded are obstacles to the country development.

    We all went to bush to fight for the liberty/integrity toward each others,not threatening life of others in the movement. Political Rally for election that is the cause we went to bush for.

    What the some group doing in Goss is the self destruction against each others in south. That GOSS SPLA/M Army is killing their owner’s brothers/sisters and those run who away to formed Rebel are doing the same thing. What is the advantage is there from both Rebels and those Gangs of Juba.

    I do not think either both parties are doing well for the people of Sudan. Somebody who is making political Rally peacely with waging is good for the country political development. Rebel is bad sign of disadvantage, like the time we spend in wildness of death.

    What he would be the meaning we were fighting if there are some group people are deny excess of leadership? Good citizen is the most important that develop the Nation. People rebel when they get mistreatment. Fairness to every citizen can help us achieve what we wanted for our country as good country to live in.

    Tone of liberators

  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    Six rebel factions name Athor president of coalition council
    Those rebels are trying to follow the way SPLM/SPLA was formed, but that was different. Readers, if Gatdet was really rebel because of Dinka corruption then what if George & Ayii do the same? Nuers should use common sense before they do their things.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Six rebel factions name Athor president of coalition council
    Dear Sudan Tribune, I came to realize that comments that are divisive are left on your website while comments of some trying criticize those divisive ones are vanishing. What is a reason behind that?

    I am wondering why is this happening? Is tribal attacks the best way to comment on this website?.

  • Liberator

    Six rebel factions name Athor president of coalition council
    Dear Readers:

    This is alleged formation of a new transitional leadership is all but propaganda by SPLM and a Newspaper out in Khartoum.
    Read George Athor press release below:


    Press Statement

    Date 30/04/2011


    What was published in El-Intibah newspaper about the formation of government of South Sudan in which I was alleged that I am the president, Abdel Bagi Ayiy is vice president, Peter Gatdet Yak the minister of defence and James Gatluak Gai chief of staff.

    All this allegations are not true. We are a democratic movement who believes in democratic values in which any leader in the movement who want to hold any position in the movement or in the South must come through elections.

    Therefore, we are still in the process of organizing ourselves whereby the interim leadership of the movement will be set-up after certain period of time which shall be agreed upon by the members of the movement to hold convention in which leadership of the movement shall be elected in a free and fair voting.


    Lt. General George Athor Deng

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Dear Southerners,

    You just keep quite and watch Athor with those chichen hearted people. Who will follow Ayii Akol?
    Ayii Akol was a killer in Nya-nya one when Arab or Nimeri gave him some money in order for him to killed many Dinkas in Nya-Nya one and during SPLm/A Ayii Akol remained with Arab in Khartoum because he was fearing that he would be killed, so Athor with those group will come back to Republic of Southern Sudan sooner rather than later if Ayii Akol still with them.


    Lok T.Simon

  • padiit gaga
    padiit gaga

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Dinka Dominat

    How do you feel about greedly of your people who fight on Dry bone without any meat on it. George Athor is greed Nyagak who was rebelled because he did not wine the election. Southernese will pray GOD that Dinka can change their greedly behaviors. We know that you even eat Human flesh if you did not get some things to eat.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Hi Anti Dinkas,
    Make no mistakes to join rebells if u have been anti-dinka all long these time, because there in the bush, authorsization still in hand of President Athor and he is from Dinka, where will you go?
    Please sabotagers, leave alone nonsense and let us fight povert through knowledge and skill and let us also fight corruption through democratic process not by guns.


    Lok T. Simon.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Six rebel factions name Athor president of coalition council

    Are you replacing your brother Duok as Renegade Spoke Person, to Hell with you and all Rebels groups?
    STop Reporting Rumors of forming Jungle President……waaaaaa!!!! Being President is not easy foot move.
    George Athor should forget of forming the hierarchy of the Rebellion leadership. Wait a minute; they will kill themselves in those ranks of being hypocractic movement off to be General and Kuurmedit. Please surrender yourselves like Tanganyang and be prosecute in Juba rather to die in the Bush like rats and insects. Where will you assembly to hold your so called convention. It’s not easy decision man and a fool. Why harboring in civilians shield. Come out clearly and pronounce your area of operation with raise Head of victory. Fools always have only one option.

    All those Rebels are awaiting war crime and no safe haven for them, South Sudan is a member of Inter-pol. The only way explored i is to Surrender visionless gangs or otherwise you will be slaughter like Ivory Coast Invisible Rebel Leader.

    Reporters in Wau are loyalties of Athor, therefore So called Arol Ngor in Wau should cease from feeding us with nonsense information. Lam Akol based was in Wau and Malakal, This voice marked Lam AKol to be associated with Rebels groups who are yawning for power by Barrel and is the oldest strategy. Come for Election in 2016 July. SPLA should note the Man behind all this is Lam Akol and Riek Machar.

    They wanted Government formed in 1991 to be reinstalled after they betray themselves to Bashir on Money they looted in Khartuom before joining Garang Movement.
    SPLA should bring them to books and HANG THEM LIKE SADDAM…………DEATH………….DEATH……….DEATH to ALL REBELS.


  • NgorKur Mayol Chier
    NgorKur Mayol Chier

    Six rebels formed council.
    Dear in-law Michael Miyom,
    You are very right on what you have said because we the people of South Sudan do really need peace for our new country and among our various communities, so that we should resorting back our lives as the other as human being in the world.


  • Koang

    Six rebel factions name Athor president of coalition council
    YOU and SPLM-none sees the future of our people.
    Talk about good-things for the future of the South, Splm will only laughs and it has no vision, nor viable plans to keep our country out of Tribal conflicts.
    Leaders free of problems, only citizens suffer the most and kill by these rebels.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Six rebel factions names Athor president of coalition council
    Truthteller/false prophet, rebelson, Ahmed Chol, Liberator and the likes,

    Why is Khartoum and its proxy southern militia generals resorted to orchestrating propaganda and psychological warfare? Do you know why George Athor Deng is quiet so far since the last attack he launched on the gallant forces of SPLA? Get me clear and loud; George Athor escaped death narrowly’ he is in one of the SAF’s hospitals here in Khartoum undergoing medical treatment. I don’t think if he will try again to go back to face the SPLA. A government cannot be formed on a hospital bed. Abdel Bagi Ayii and the likes are the ones visiting him on regular basis. I repeat, a government cannot be formed on a hospital bed in Khartoum to disrupt the celebration of our independence. Period.

    George Athor has been moved by NISS few days ago from one hospital to another Khartoum military infirmary. (The imaginary Secretary of Defense), Peter Gadet, and his Messeriya militiamen, smelled the deadly offensive and will soon taste it better if he makes another attempt. Abiel Riing Mijak is lying in the media that a coalition council has been formed. NISS informed George Athor not to talk to Sudan Tribune on the phone from the Khartoum military hospital because satellite record would reveal his location although he can claim as usual from “undisclosed” location. Khartoum is determined to urge these militia generals to voice engineered claim on the media that coalition council has been formed; when or where is not a readers/listener’s business.

    The issue here is not the formation of a coalition council to promote the culture of war in South Sudan but failure to accept democratic principles, defeat in the past elections, defeat in the battle fields and fear of failure in future elections as well if they lay down their arms for the sake of peace and freedom in South Sudan. The time is coming where they will be operating only from the North and Khartoum must be ready to face the consequences. Otherwise, they will be captured one by one and brought to justice. They simply want to fine-tune public perception that they are serious, forming or restructuring their command council, gaining momentum and bla-bla-bla. They are just daydreaming.

    The popular hard-won freedom and peace will be celebrated peacefully without any disruption. The tactic of false reintegration while being insistent on keeping arms for potential devilish act is an old strategy and unacceptable. If you have power, reintegrate your self by force on the battle field. We’re ready 24/7. Never say “we’re willing to negotiate with SPLM/SPLA” without analyzing the basis of the negotiation.

    No negotiation, no deal because the right or perhaps the best approach of building unity among southerners, fighting corruption, building infrastructure and preaching democracy is through the barrel of a gun as militia generals are currently demonstrating without considering unnecessary destruction of lives and property besides humanitarian cost.

    If you want freedom and peace, remember the amnesty formally granted by the leadership of the SPLM/SPLA. The militia generals have declared war against SPLM/SPLA in broad daylight. We know pretty well that Khartoum wants South Sudan to go in pieces but not in peace. We don’t wish NCP the same in July because it is Khartoum’s religious right to promote divisive and discriminatory policy against non-Muslims or non-Arabs which resulted today into popular disintegration of the country.

    But preparations of celebrating the hard-won

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