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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties

May 3, 2011 (KAMPALA) – South Sudan’s draft constitutional review passed a crucial step after six opposition parties walked out of the meeting over the weekend in protest.

Vice President of South Sudan, Riek Machar:
Vice President of South Sudan, Riek Machar:
Five opposition parties, including the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – Democratic Change (SPLM-DC), which is the main opposition party in South Sudan, walked out of the constitutional endorsement meeting chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit. The meeting, which was supposed to end on 30 April, was delayed until 2 May, when the remaining parties agreed on the constitutional text and passed it for review by the council of ministers in Juba. The ministers will then forward the legal document to South Sudan Legislative Assembly for reading and final passage.

“Nineteen political parties, agreed on the reviewed interim constitution of South Sudan on Monday,” Riek Machar is quoted by UNMIS’s sponsored Miraya FM saying on 2 April.

South Sudan is due to declare independence from the north, having voted to secede in a January 2011 referendum, provided for by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005. Last month, a constitutional committee formed by President Kiir, the chairman of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) that governs the south, presented a final draft to the regional leader. President Kiir was to go through the constitutional text and pass over to South Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA).

Last week, President Kiir converged a meeting for all political parties, which are more than 20, in Juba, to review and endorse the draft before being forwarded to SSLA. The SPLM-DC has only six MPs in the SPLM dominated assembly.

Opposition parties claim that the procedures for the drafted constitution violated a communiqué that called for equal representation during the constitutional review. It was also decided that chairpersons of all parties be presented during the drafting of the constitution which never happened, according the opposition leaders.

The opposition parties which worked out of the constitutional endorsement on 30 April include SPLM—DC, United Democratic Front (UDF), South Sudan Democratic Alliance (SSDA), United South Sudan Party (USSP) and South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF).



  • Hero

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    Keep going chams! And let they disgruntles politicians of the so-called opposition parties lick their wounds.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    19 parties? Which country on earth has this number of parties? Too many cooks spoil the broth………..

    There is no term Limit in the constitution, this needs to be added because it is going to be a recipe for civil wars when one person keeping wining all the time like Meles Zenawi and Yoweri Museveni.

    Agains all the protesting parties have one thing in common. They were all in Khartoum during the liberation time and they are not yet de-nyagatized. They are welcomed since they are our brothers but they need to calm down first.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger, ends in shame

  • Chier Akueny
    Chier Akueny

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    Thanks to Lam Akol for keeping SPLM party on toes, remember a country without opposition parties always goes at mess. It is not bad for us, South Sudanese to have more opposition parties.


    King Chier

  • James Peter
    James Peter

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    The Southern Sudanese people are driving on high speed. the the must to be patient. Southern Sudan is not country yet. We should fix anything wrong in the future. Why people wage war or rebel because of term limit. It is sound bad. I think the implementation of this constitution is important than limit term. Corruption and tribalism is the most wanted to be eradicate then, everything will follow smoothly if we have victory of these two disaster.

  • Liberator

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    Sudan Tribune editor

    please, would you correct the Months or date. because if you meant May 2 of this year, well correct it so as to not confuse you audience. if that happened last month , well again it is not valid with the current events.


  • Liberator

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    Amhed Chol

    Ethiopia have more than 46 parties i believe.

    Although I do like having multi party system in South Sudan. I do also believe in a two or three big parties system. I would like to see tiny parties merged with each other and aligned themselves with two or three parties that have the same commonality with their platform. And then we can have a healthy debate about the future of our country based on ideas rather than tribal line.

  • Jada Lotole
    Jada Lotole

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    The heading for this article should have been : South Sudan is in the state of DARNESS AT NOON !
    YES !
    “We are actually at a state of “DARKNESS AT NOON” ” !
    The draft constitution has finally hit a rock and pluged the NATION into darkness and no more seeing of light as claimed by SPLM ! the need for term limit has never been catered for and yet the betrayers went ahead and sided with SPLM ! what a shame ! It is now apparent that , the real opposition Southern Political Parties are thoes that walked out of meeting of all parties following the irresponssible statement of Kiir. Remember, at a state of darkenss …………….!

  • Ariambek

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    Dear readers,

    If you look the background of SPLM—DC, United Democratic Front (UDF), South Sudan Democratic Alliance (SSDA), United South Sudan Party (USSP) and South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF). All of them are murders of the people S.Sudan.Currently them are still confussing and claiming to make the rules. SPLM will never list to them,even thought they match out or protest for passing S.Sudan constitutions.

    DR.Ariambek will crackdown unless opposition parties in the S.Sudan hungry for the power.

  • onlysonmabi

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    Kueny you are not wrong but those of Lam want leadership but they can not able, because they don’t have what we call a leader.
    As aleader you must have these things with you,
    R -Responsibility

    so please those oppsition parties leader can not able to liberated the Southern Sudanese

  • Adam

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    We fough a long war and pursued a bloody struggle to have our state. We fought for GREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY.

    The SPLM fabricated Constitution for South Sudan deny us ALL that. All powers are concentrated on the hands of the President. No single reference is made to Federal Rule. Police officers are given powers more that those of Governors. Shame on you Kiir. Shame on you Machar.

    The document is full of shortcomings and tailored to suit SPLM/A. This docucument will push us to more wars. It is very nasty from Mr. President to neglect every promise and agreement he made with the Political parties.

    For more info and detailed critique, please read Dr. Lam Akol’s Analysis on this site.

    Down with the SPLM fabricated constitution.

    Long Live Free, Just and United Federal Southern Sudan

    Adam Milawaki – Mayendit
    Southern Sudan

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    Dear brothers;
    It will be a wonderful new discovery on what will be called “Political Specialisation in the new born Country South Sudan” America is big in size and population and yet has only two parties. What is wrong with the new Country to have big number of parties who are inexperience in politics?
    SPLM is also blackmailing South Sudan citizen and it does not stand for the truth and its vision. In this constitution review, why SPLM has majority of members? After Political Specialisation, the big SPLM party is going to split more and more according to their seniority:
    1.High SPLM that will be led by H.E. Salva;
    2.Senior SPLM that will be led by H.E. Riak;
    3.SPLM-DC led by Dr. Lam;
    Sources of justification to the split of the SPLM are:
    1. SPLM- DC
    2. Temporary Independent Party Candidates within the SPLM- Anjelina Teny was a broker for this party;

    What more discoveries will People of South Sudan realise after two years of the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan?

    What sort of the conclusion will be people of South Sudan draw in this raw politics?

  • Mala

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    Mr. Liberator,

    It is absurd to compare South Sudan with Ethiopia political entity. If I am not wrong, Ethiopia has bypassed Egypt in term of population. It is second to Nigeria which is a way to far from our imagination. But the reason why there are many political parties in Ethiopia is that Meles, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia does not allow democracy to previal in that part in Africa. The same scenario is happening the South Sudan because SPLM is behaving like the winner take all which is dangerious move my friend. So please let learn from others.

  • Dakin

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    A draft by kiir’s puppets intended to create chaos and give room to the ongoing corruption can not be passed by the highly educated opposition parties politicians like dr. Lam akol

  • Ayuel Bong
    Ayuel Bong

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    People of Southern Sudan have to congratulate the current government for passing a historical constitution under leadership our President Mr. Salva Kiir Mayardit and it does not mean that a victory belongs to Sudanese People Liberation Movement,it is for all of us so we have to united behind our leaders in order to achieve our own independent state on 7/9/2011.

  • uztaze makuekis
    uztaze makuekis

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    look at the manners of south sudan political parties,boycoting the debate clear defined the incompetent of a political party. never find a solution without discussion, Dr. lam is problem is not all about democracy but simply a greed of leadership. all the political faces of the southern political parties are not to compaign for democracy, but using a party as a flight toward leadership(power sharing).when Lam was a minister for foreign Affairs, he never talks anything about the SPLM. when he was removed ploblem began why? be patient raise our flag first. we the public will only without fear or favour chose a person we are satisfy with regardless of the tribe, race, sex and other sectional characters of division.it is time to convine us then embrassing the nature of this country.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    John Luk wants to expose Salva Kiir as a dictator in the transitional constitution. Then the next President will enjoy the powers.

  • Sobat

    South Sudan: Draft constitution sees light after boycotts by other parties
    Hi Mr. stupid Riek Machar,

    I think you are like a goat that doesn’t realized being lead into slaughter house because of your stupidity.

    whether you take my word or not, Riek will be the first victim of this constitution. According to the transitional constitution, Salva Kiir will ask you [Riek]to resign and if you refuse then he can use his authority to fire you and no body will question that.

    Shame on you Riek, you killed Dinka in Bor in the name of Nuer in 1991 and now you are betraying them by being part of the group who are passing the deadly constitution.

    You think the common Nuer will suffer… that will not happen because they have already armed themselves to protect themselves from Authoritarian Dinka regime in Juba.

    No Dinka will take their territories because General Gadet will control oil field both in Unity and Upper Nile state.

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