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Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance

May 3, 2011 (ABYEI) – The government of the southern state of Warrap on Tuesday said it was appealing to international development partners to help the state in areas of food security, roads, education and security.

The appeal is an attempt to bring development projects to areas of the state which will not benefit from the 2.3 million Sudanese Pounds (SDG) that has been released for infrastructure development in Twic and Tonj counties. The two counties are currently witnessing an unprecedented number of projects at different levels of implementation by the state government.

The biggest projects are the Kuajok-Warrap and Kuajok-Twic roads, on which Warrap state will spend more than 1.8 million SDG. A summary of government projects in the state obtained from the ministry of finance indicates that the capital of the state has received the biggest allocation of 1.9 million, which will be spent on the construction of internal roads and building of new offices of the state government.

State minister of information, Anei Mangong, said in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Tuesday that Warrap state is on a steady path to development, considering the massive projects under implementation.

He said records show that all the six counties of the state have been given priority for infrastructure development in the education sector and in the health sector.

“A lot is being done though little is available. Our resources are competing with the list of priorities. Our governor Madam Nyandeng Malek has a lot of developmental plans on her table. What is pinning down visible progress is the lack of resources but we are committed to deliver to the expectation of our people,” explained minister Mangong.

He said there are plans to link the state capital Kuajok with other counties including Twic, Tonj North and East. The state government is also seeking financial assistance for work on the Wunrok bridge and road as well as funds for the construction of classroom blocks and teachers’ houses at 12 schools in the area.

Mangong said some counties including Gogrial West, the home county of South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit, were seeking financial assistance for up to 2.8 million SDG for construction of roads, schools and establishment of agricultural schemes.

The region will become independent in July following a referendum vote in favour of secession in January. The plebiscite was part of a 2005 peace deal that ended decades of North-South conflict.

The minister said that Mayen Pajok, a remote area in Gogrial West County, needed financial support for up to 5 million SDG to build a new girls boarding school. He said money was also needed to build classrooms and teachers’ houses at five schools.

In Twic and Tonj counties where work has begun people are grateful to the government, he said, because upgrading the roads will help foster economic development in the state.

“The citizens of Twic and Tonj counties are seeing unprecedented development because of the road infrastructure which is taking shape. We are happy to see that President Salva Kiir Mayardit is in a hurry to change the face of the south by ensuring that the state has a good road network”.

“These roads that are currently under construction are very important for the people of Warrap state because they are international trunk roads. All the contractors that are contracted to work on the roads are doing a very commendable job,” said minister Mangong.

The minister said the government will remain committed to improving the road infrastructure in the state to help attract investment to the area and assured the people of Warrap that government will ensure contractors engaged to work on roads do a good job to ensure provinces countrywide are linked to one another.

“People of Warrap State are very happy of what is taking place in the area. They are praising our President Salva Kiir Mayardit and our governor, Nyandeng Malek, for considering them on his development agenda. They have pledged to give him massive support in their leadership endeavors,” he said.

The minister observed that 80 percent of the people working on projects in the area are locals, which demonstrates government’s commitment to job creation.

He said the construction of the Tonj counties-Kuajok road and Kuajok-Twic roads will also create jobs for a lot of people in the surrounding areas.



  • Hero

    S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance
    No need at all!Harness on what you got.And make good use of it, instead of seeking for any external help.Not necessary at all!

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance
    Poor states with their corrupt leaders are a liability in South Sudan.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance

    You don’t take some sleep or what bro?
    I apprciate the GOSS for this developmental move.

    My suggestion is that GoSS should scrutinize every funds they release to the states goverment to ensure a proper allocation of funds,in following this we will have a better country developed & beautifull.

    Think positive.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance
    Truth teller,

    You are very stupid & fool at the same time.

    Stop posing as a southerner,we know that south was the most place that got affect in the war unlike khartoum,so we the southerns are happy with this developmental news that is taking place.

    Be carfull for your negative attitude will cause you a harm one day.

    Be warnd!

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance
    TO: Gogrialism of Warrap including Nydeng Malek and Salva Kiir Manyardit. I would like to tell you that, there will be a big problems concerning the transferred of Warrap’s Capital which was been made by some of you to move Warrap Capital and to relocated at Kaujok area so that, the development as you guys mention will go to help only communities in Gogrial this is one of the main reason why the SPLA were fighting against Khartoum government. The V.P. Dr. Riek Machar Teny must look to this injustice made by Salva Kiir Manyardit and he has to bring the quicker solution before it is going to be too late.

    I have hear many young people said, they will soon join George Athor Deng Dut and others if Salva Kiir not solving this case of transfering Warrap from Tonj county to Gogrial area. According to them, they said, Warrap was been known for along time in Tonj county but when Salva Kiir Manyardit came to power, there were groups of generals bribes Anei Kueidit in order to make that transfer so that, he will be appointed governor of Warrap as they did but later they threw him away as a tactice of Gogrialism corruption that, remain to be seen now.

    As the history of Southern Sudan began from Tonj county when Mr, William Deng Nhila raise up against the Mahdi guy facing threat and he was accepted his death even when Southern Sudanese told him that, the Khartoum government are planning to take away your life and he said, I have no fear as a Son of Southern Sudanese and truly they murder him through by bribing his own people within Dinka itself between Rumbek and the Tonj. The name of Deng Nhial in the SPLA Movement was brought back by the late chairman Dr. John Garang de Mabior to show respect but when Salva Kiir came to leadership, they first he does was to neglected his Son Abraham Nhila Deng basically, he was the regional Minister unfortunately, the donation to Kenya was been given to different person rather than Abraham Nhial Deng. People in Gogrialism thinks that, Mr. William Deng Nhial is not alive and they wanted to abuse Tonj county however, the blood of William Deng Nhial will call those people who are now abusing Tonj communities otherwise, these two things would have not happen and Salva Kiir is the one did that.

    Tonj also was the heartland of all Dinkas particular, the Bahr al Ghazal people whether you are from Malual Dinka, Gogrial Dinka, Aggar Dinka, Yirol Dinak and the Jeng of al Nile regions. Tonj county is very much considering the center of all Dinaks tribes but why these Gogrialism corruption not respected Tonj.?

    Finally, although the corruption of Gogrialism will ignored the fact that, I had hear all over in Southern Sudan and outside in Africa, Tonjes youths are not happy because the way they relocat Warrap Capital was not fair and it was done by individuals under pew of Salva Kiir Manyardit and Salva Kiir himself was been asked to solve this problem and he said, there is nothing I can and said, I don’t want people to talk about this period. The leader made allude within Dinka itself is that, the leader Southern Sudanese want to lead them.? The Tonjes youths will have rights if they want to joins George Athor Deng Dut against Gogrialism and favoritism which they shown within Dinka. We hope William Deng Nhial will call these people who mae nepotism within Dinka.

  • Hero

    S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance
    Born to achieve,

    Big no bro! I’ve had at least the maximum hours human need per night. Anyway, I appreciate your takes, but my argument is, we shouldn’t encourage these kind of behaviours,because it might not be good for our future if we want to be viable Sovereign State, then I see a need for us to discourage it while it’s still at infant state.Otherwise, I don’t I’ve any ill-motive against the Warrap State government.

  • luak T
    luak T

    S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance
    yeah my friend corrupt and stupid leaders are the people who survive in south Sudan brother. you are right to say that because you see it and you hear it.the only thing is they will not finish them or carry them away from us. Sudan government have our resource since independent of Sudan and they din not finish the money. now people from nowhere get these money and they will not take them all. theirs times are in number brother.it is a matter of times for these corrupt leaders to be throw out from this great country to be born brother.we first want to get out from Sudan government first and for all. Brother, after all these corrupt leaders will know that theirs times is close to be over. thank you.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance

    iam A MISS…back to th topic..you discourge what i deas?

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    S. Sudan: Warrap State government seeks development assistance
    Fool lies teller,

    You are not making sens,talk logic because i not waste my time on people with empty brains like you.


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