Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president

May 7, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir arrived unexpectedly in Djibouti on Saturday to take part in the inauguration ceremony of Ismail Omar Guelleh that will start tomorrow, state media reported.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir weclomes an Egyptian diplomatic delegation at his offices in Khartoum on May 7, 2011 (AFP)
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir weclomes an Egyptian diplomatic delegation at his offices in Khartoum on May 7, 2011 (AFP)
Djibouti is a signatory of the Rome Statute which founded the International Criminal Court (ICC) and is therefore theoretically obligated to apprehend Bashir who is wanted by the court for alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur.

But Djibouti made it clear along with Comoros Island since the issuance of the arrest warrant against the Sudanese president that it will not execute the warrant despite being members of the court.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) condemned Djibouti’s decision to receive Bashir.

“Djibouti’s welcoming of Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir is an affront to victims of the horrific crimes committed in Darfur,” said Balkees Jarrah, international justice counsel with Human Rights Watch.

“As a state party to the International Criminal Court, Djibouti is obligated to arrest al-Bashir, who is charged with genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity by the court. Activists across the African continent have repeatedly called on their governments to support the ICC and arrest al-Bashir or at least bar him entry to their territories.”

The ICC has no police force and relies on state cooperation to enforce arrests. Despite this Bashir has had to cancel several regional and international appearances since the court order in 2009.

Sudan official news agency (SUNA) noted that several dignitaries will be present at the ceremony including Somali president, Yemeni Vice president and the French International Cooperation minister.

Kenya and Chad are the two countries from ICC members that have agreed to receive Bashir in the past. However, both nations later hesitated to allow him to visit at subsequent events held on its territories.



  • amon

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    LOL! This criminal thought that he is very wise and that nobody is watching his movement, America is watching every step that you take. You are on the radar forever. You can run but you can’t hide, if they want you they will get you.

    Your uncle Osama hide for years but killed like a thief. How long will you keep on hiding, you criminal?

  • tamar

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    Even if you hid or escaped,you can’t run away from justice,soon or later you will be caught like Bin Laden or Gbagbo, you can hide today but you idiot man can not hide tomorrow, USA president Bush said in 2001,Bin Laden is wanted dead or alife,and today they got him,you are also wanted dead or alife and someday we will get you,and let me ask you criminal man,for how long are you going to hide or live?
    For Djibouti government,make sure you are going to face heavy and tough sanctions since you are welcoming criminals in your home land and you are a member of ICC,that means you are also commiting crimes against humanity,crimes of war and genocide, and I want to warn all counries which are members of ICC not to violate Rome Statute because if that happen it will be the end of those counrties.

  • Ito

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    Dear readers,

    This unexpected decision by the Dbjoutian government is not a surprise to me. Muslim always will not correct their fellow muslims no matter what. ICC should learn a lesson from this, arab or muslim countries should never be included in the membership of ICC as they will not honor especially when a muslim is being convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

  • Dhaal M. Aterdit
    Dhaal M. Aterdit

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    Look at this felonious man!!!… He is a renown criminal who is always backed by ill-informed and irrational African countries. These African countries must first study the cause of his indictment and halt backing him with no reasons. Also, ICC has become a toothless body with its watchdogs.

    Bashir must go to Hague to clears the charges heaped against him.

    Dhaal Mapuor.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    If CIA wants to array him for the ICC, they will, I guess his time has not yet come. When they roll the dice on him they will get him. They know when to get him if they want to get him. Let the man stay for sometimes, he is our friend, he made it easy for us to depart from terrorists.

  • Stephen kuach
    Stephen kuach

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    dear readers.
    The International communities are waiting for the exact time to seize the President Bashir,don’t just get so excited to urge the ICC to arrest him.especially Sudanese citizens should solve their own problem without bringing those Western world who are so hungry for our Oil,what have the American People have done to the South Sudanese during the Liberation Movement?I don’t agree with the Genocide mass killing in Darfur Region,and i don’t support the Western world way of bulling people in this World.Look at the Baharain citizens are being kill in daily basis and none of the Western step in to help them,and now they’re so excited to kill Col.Gadhafi,common people,the massacre in Darfur didn’t took place yesterday,it started since 2003.Stop Bitching.
    Sudan in general Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  • man-of-his-words

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    America is not a member of ICC why do they have to watched Al Beshir step?i’m not a pro Al Bashir ,but just wondering what you talking about.

  • Madina Kebir
    Madina Kebir

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    The government of Omar al Bashir have remain too small and it has too many problems within Northern Sudan itself, how indictment is thinking.? I would be very glad if the 51 Sudanese accusers of war crime,genocide and crimes against humanity to see them following Osama al Bin Laden to hell.

    The South Kordofan governor is one of those criminal wanted by the ICC Judges including massive killer Omar al Basir and the question is, should the killers be allow in the presence of International community’s law to lead the good citizens.? How weak the U.N. For Sudan’s case.? God will bring those criminal wanted in Sudan to book.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    Dear observers,

    ICC talkings is becoming more than their action,don’t you thinks so?
    Why don’t they go ahead & arrest albashir by them selves since they have the power.


  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    Dear brothers
    Omer Al-Bashir is a president of the courty,and it is not easy for Djibouti to arrest Al-Bashir,Sudan has strong army to destroy Dlibouti in five minutes,if the Southern has a problem with the nothern,let them help the ICC to arrest Al-Bashir,otherwise ,the Southern will be like Libya.and you don,t forget that, your President will be needed for ethnic cleasing,in fangak,nakdiar, oweci and other places in the South.

  • amon

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president

    The but his regime is in the top list of states sponsors of terrorism,so to me he is a terrorist himself and deserved to be monitored. How do you think?

  • Northern Supporter
    Northern Supporter

    Djibouti becomes third ICC member to receive Sudanese president
    how can you say that bashir is hiding??????????? bashir went to Doha did they catch him? he went to china , iran , chad(member of icc) as well as Kenya and Dijibouti and after all backed by Russia,China,the Arab Leauge and African union. hiding? from who crap head?????? the west hahahahahah. you call all that hiding?

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