Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese man convicted in assassination of U.S. diplomat killed in Somalia

May 7, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – One of the four Sudanese men sentenced to death in connection with the assassination of a U.S. diplomat and his driver three years ago in Khartoum has been killed in Somalia, his father revealed on Saturday.

Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed, one of the men convicted in teh killing of USAID employee John Granville and his Sudanese driver in 2001 (INTERPOL Website)
Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed, one of the men convicted in teh killing of USAID employee John Granville and his Sudanese driver in 2001 (INTERPOL Website)
The 32-years old Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed had managed to escape the maximum-security Kober prison in Khartoum with the other three convicts in mid-2010 and they remained fugitives ever since.

But one of the men was reportedly re-arrested along with other men who facilitated the breakout. There was no official confirmation of that however.

They were accused of firing fatal shots on John Granville who worked for the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and his Sudanese driver Abdel-Rahman Abbas Rahma on New Years Eve 2008.

The men are believed to belong to an Islamic militant group Ansar al-Tawhid, which claimed responsibility for the killing.

Granville was the first American to be killed in Sudan since 1973, when two diplomats were slain by Palestinian militants.

Mohamed’s father, a former minister in the government, told reporters at his home that the group to which his son belonged to, carried to him the news of his demise but refused to say how this was communicated.

“Those Mujahedeen [holy fighters] have their own ways to send out [messages] that we cannot we be aware of and we find them to be right in light of the siege imposed on them by their enemies of the Jews and the Christians, and utilizing all their advanced technologies to track their movements to nab them like birds just as they did with al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden a few days ago” he said.

He said that he never lost contact with his son whom he described as a martyr and an Islamist who was loyal to his beliefs.

Details of how Mohamed managed to flee to Somalia and the way he was killed there were not disclosed by his family who received mourners at their home in the Sudanese capital some of whom where chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ [God is Great].

The father suggested that Mohamed joined an Islamist group in Somalia but said he would not say what he knows because Jews and Christians are launching a “real war” that targets Islam as a religion.

“I am calling for the government to release the Islamic youth from prison and also for the court to cancel the decision against Mohanad, because they were answering President [Omer Hassan] Al-Bashir‘s call when he told them to fight international troops in Darfur,” he added.

Many observers said they suspected that despite the death sentence handed down by the Sudanese courts, it was some circles within the government who facilitated their escape from the prison. This is the first time in the history of Sudan that a prisoner has succeeded in escaping from Kober prison where political figures are normally held when detained.

The U.S. called on Sudan to investigate how the inmates managed to flee.

The Sudanese government is anxiously awaiting its removal from the U.S. list of states that sponsor terrorism which was promised to take place as early as next July.

For a decade after President Bashir came to power in an Islamist-backed military coup in 1989, Sudan became a notorious refuge for militant Islamists.

These included bin Laden, who was killed by US special forces in Pakistan last weekend and who was based in Khartoum between 1991 and 1996, where he ran a thriving construction business and built mujahideen training camps.

But in the last ten years Khartoum has stepped up its counter terrorism cooperation with the U.S. and denounced its support for militant groups.



  • Liberator

    Sudanese man convicted in assassination of U.S. diplomat killed in Somalia
    The following are the latest results. I would have like if brother Al hilu won, but the hard facts are the SPLM communist party have betrayed our Nubians brothers greatly.

    Haroon Sweeps Alhilu by 20,000 Votes
    Kadugli (smc) Sudan Vision Daily

    The higher committee of the elections in South-Kurdufan State has announced that the sorting out processes for the complementary elections in all 666 centers are 100% complete, the process involved positive contributions from the employees of the committee, representatives of the candidates and the political parties as well as a considerable number of observers. The process was run in a peaceful atmosphere without any mentionable complaints.
    Adam Abdein; Chairman of the committee, said that the preliminary results will be announced tomorrow, then, the committee will submit these results to the national committee for approval, in anticipation of its announcement on the 15th of the month.
    He also unveiled that the committee has started to receive the sealed envelops that contain the results from the head of each centre. He also urged all the representatives of the political parties to attend the unwrapping of envelops at 8 o’clock, Saturday morning.
    Abdein applauded the democratic attitude which prevailed during the elections, pointing out to the positive contribution of the citizens, regarding their responsible and patient turnout on the process, which was positively reflected upon the whole procedure.
    The preliminary results indicate that the NCP has achieved 20 seats in contrast to 8 seats for the SPLM, as the competition is between them on 3 seats in the legislative council of the state. Moreover, the NCP, through its candidate; Ahmed Haroon has swept his contestants off the governor’s post, Alhilu; of the SPLM and Talafon Kuku; the independent candidate.
    On the other hand, reliable sources have assured that all the indicators are in favor of the NCP candidate “Ahmed Haroon” for the post of the governor by 200,000 votes, versus 180,000 votes for SPLM candidate “Alhilu”.
    In the aspect, the NCP has won 22 geographical constituency in the legislative council, as for the details, Gadim Babikir; NCP candidate, has won “Kadugli” constituency. In addition, the NCP won all the eastern, western and northern constituncies, versus 10 for the SPLM, which have won all the sealed areas, including; “Kawda, Alburam, Umdoreign and Sheyban”, in addition SPLM candidate won “Aldalang” constituency.
    On the other hand, the independent candidate “Talafon Kuku” scored 613 votes in “Almujlad” versus 1730 for “Alhilu” and 21992 for “Haroon”. Moreover, in “Kajera” Kuku won 370 votes versus 355 for Alhilu. Meanwhile Haroon won 4906, in “Umbatah” Talafon won 58 votes versus 37 for Alhilu and 369 for Haroon, in “Alsirajeya”; the eastern territory, Haroon won 10500 votes versus 600 for Alhilu.

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Sudanese man convicted in assassination of U.S. diplomat killed in Somalia

    You are the most ignornt person on this form.
    Your comments are always irrelavent to the topic displyed. what are Nubians election is to do with this topic.

    Get civilized brother.


  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Sudanese man convicted in assassination of U.S. diplomat killed in Somalia
    Well sister Born to Achieve, Liar_Lubricator’s comments are always contrary to any topic on this side and we have to live with our ignorant brother. You can’t change our semi mental disturb brother for a better one, it is what it is and we have to live with it. He is a self enemy.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Sudanese man convicted in assassination of U.S. diplomat killed in Somalia
    Khartoum sent its mad, confused dogs to kill the US diplomat then later claimed that they are arrested, imprisoned and later escaped from maximum security prison in the country for the first time in history.

    Khartoum with its insistent demand for removal of its name from the list of state sponsoring terrorism has decisively sent the confused dogs to Darfur hoping to kidnap and kill more deployed international forces without being discovered. Upon realizing the advanced western tracking technology, Khartoum changed plan and again sent them to Somalia to continue killing again UN-AU forces operating to bring peace but Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed finally ran and came to a sign saying “dead end” shortly after the death of their Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. This is good tidings. How can Khartoum comment on this death of the poor Mohanad in Somalia? Only a big shame.

    Look at the statement issued by the ignorant father and a former minister of Bashir’s cabinet that “Jews and Christians are launching a ‘real war’ that targets Islam as a religion.” What happens when a blind son follows a blind father? They both fall into pit because of religious bigotry whether educated in the west or east. There is no any evidence that there is war waged by the west or Israel against Islam but limited genetic reasoning capacity of Islamists that religion is not a personal relationship with God or Allah. Religion is a personal relationship with God or Allah but the opposite thinking is critically attracting Islamists across the Arab or Muslim world to use violence to promote Islamic influence. Islam is not and will never be a religion of tolerant so long as Islamists are using the “irrational argument” and violence to force people to convert as if they have a license from God or Allah to do it.

    Nobody can reasonably argue in a Mosque, politics or trade that religion is a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God. Anybody has a right to follow what he believes in but not to bomb or detonate explosives whenever you fail to interact reasonably with someone created by the same God but from different religious backgrounds. Bombs can never force the other person to follow your way. I believe it needs fifty or more years from now for Muslim intellectuals and Sheikhs to educate their fellow believers to refrain from this deadly, negative reasoning.

    Look at what is now happening in Egypt, violence between Muslims and Coptic Christians is claiming lives simply because some Muslims claim without evidence that a woman has been denied conversion into Islam against her will saying that she promised to become a Muslim but leaders of her Coptic Church denied the conversion. If this allegation is true or not, why did the alleged converted woman fail to make appearance and pray willingly with Muslims and what made the Muslims set Coptic Church on fire because of one woman who allegedly fail to show up at Mosque?

    The issue here is that any Islamist has hard time to coexist with non-Muslims or Christians for failing to reasonably admit that religion is a personal relationship with God. Islamists often fail to admit why did God or Allah create human beings with different religious beliefs and culture but still able to interact with the other groups peacefully on this planet?

    If any Muslim or Islamist like Osama Bin laden attempts to force non-Muslims or non-Arab through suicide bombings to follow his way, he is 100% a loser on this deeply informed world of today. He will die like a dog on streets. The west with its immense religious, economic and technological influence can remain omnipotent for generation to come. Khartoum and its likes are wasting their valuable time to think negatively instead of creatively.

    Khartoum is best known for its stereotype behavior though it needs US dollars for ostensibly fighting terrorism while pumping the same money to mujahidin to carry out deadly attacks on westerners and fellow Muslims presumed to be aiding the west to capture them. Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed ran but never hid. This is exactly what the former US President George W. Bush said before in the wake of deadly attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) in September 2001 that “You can run but can never hide.”

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • australian

    Sudanese man convicted in assassination of U.S. diplomat killed in Somalia
    With respect, Paul, if you think the West can remain omnipotent then you don’t know about “political correctness” and how it is destroying the West from within. Political correctness is the most insidious ideology of all, because it is dishonest, and Muslims are using it to overcome all our advantages. Those of us who are fighting against this ideology are called “racist” and even taken to court to make us shut up. If free speech goes, the West goes – but we are not allowed to criticise Islam, can you believe that, in the “free” West!

  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    Sudanese man convicted in assassination of U.S. diplomat killed in Somalia

    Copying and pasting unreliable information won’t remove you out of Ngundeng hut.

    Just ask your friends Garwech, Ramabang Deng and they will tell you. You are most ignorant Lost Boy…

    Just continue washing American dishes, you have nothing to share with us

  • syklops1

    Sudanese man convicted in assassination of U.S. diplomat killed in Somalia
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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