Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

May 8, 2011 (BENTIU) – Two merchants from north Sudan were shot dead by a soldier from the South Sudan army (SPLA) in Rubkotna Mosque in Unity state on Sunday at 4:00pm. Osman Mohamed and Tarig Ismail were murdered during a prayer gathering at the mosque at Rubkotna County. Another merchant was seriously wounded in the shooting.

The murderer was captured a short time after the shooting by SPLA forces, who beat him severely Sudan Tribune witnessed.

On Sunday the police went to arrest the suspect at the military barracks but were prevented by the SPLA, who claimed that they were responsible for the conduct of the soldier and the suspect would be dealt with within the military.

The SPLA and South Sudan police service almost began fighting over who should take custody of the suspect.

There are fears that the incident will threaten other traders who do business in the Unity state, which borders north Sudan. South Sudan is due to become independent in July after a self determination referendum granted the region as part of a 2005 north-south peace deal.

It is believed the SPLA soldier was motivated to shoot the traders after a quarrel in a restaurant Rubkotna market. The unnamed soldier is thought to have taken his gun to shoot the men as an act of revenge.

The speaker of the Unity state assembly Simon Maguek said it would investigate the incident and that the murderer would face justice.



  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Dear readers.

    Let’s put ourselves in the suspect shoe & find out the root cause of the ideas of mudering.
    Iam not ecourging any mess killing,but those muslims sometimes instigate problems by their words or actions that will later make you to reach in a wierd way.
    May their souls rest in peace.

    Think positive.

  • Hero

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Wise to let the investigation take it course before anyone can pre-empts it.

  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    SPlA should do what they think is right as far as protection of the innocent civilians is concerned.

    Thank you SplA.

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    @ Born to Achieve and Brother Machut!

    There is no need for us to sympathized with the murderer if proven quilty of an extrajurdical killing.

    This could tanish the image of our army. That is totally un-acceptable regardless of the cause of the problem. I belief in justice. If these traders offended the soldier why couldn’t he report to police and be dealt with accordingly.

    These kinds of act in the army some times shows that the government needs to do more in training these soldier with the discipline and the respect for human right.

    Sorry for that brutal act.

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Gat-witch (lie teller, hysteria boy etc) liberated, Choldit, Nyacebee etc..

    SPLM/A is the only legitimate tool that will: rid the oppression by the merchants (Arab North), and deliver sustainable peace and prosperity to the long marginalized peoples of Southern Sudan, Abyei included and even beyond. The cluster of demagogues who have stationed themselves in Juba as political parties should not be allowed to sabotage or strangle our hard-won freedom courtesy of the who else the SPLM/A.

    The self imposters (opposition parties) are nothing but mere demagogues, and should only be allowed to enter the scene when the Job is completed. Most of them are puppets of Umar Bashier and his NIF which is now National Criminal Party, the marginalized should pay no attention to their demagoguery. Pretending that they are more pro-democratic than the SPLM is as silly of a lie as the ground nature of which they created themselves as opposition political parties.

    Those who deposit false allegations on the SPLM are part of these naïve weak hearts that have developed a culture of betrayal over the decades. That is, swishing to suitable side when the situation is tough and via versa. They have never had definable goal, their visions has always been their stomach. This is why they have become challenging obstacles currently in Juba; they are seeing Juba as a dinner table other than an establishment of a government (GoSS) that is fighting for a complete liberation of Southerners and the marginalized.

    If these bunches were true democratic minded they would be challenging the GoSS on the flat-form of issues like security, health and infrastructure and many other issues that Juba government have perhaps pay less attention to within the interval of the interim period. Surprising, for the self-purported leaders of the opposition political parties, their main goal is power, power, and power, without anything else surrounding it. They are so preoccupied with obtaining power even to the extent that they are using proxy militia that is killing innocent Southerners to pressure the GoSS on their behave in order to advance their agenda of acquiring power in these grotesquery sequences.

    SPLM and its military wing the SPLA are the tools for cracking these criminal merchants in Khartoum, who have killed and maimed the entire Sudan population over the decades in a very horrific clownish manner. GoSS should never accept to listen to any noise made by empty vessels that are getting cash from the Islamist in Khartoum. A real opposition party to the SPLM should be created in South Sudan by the South Sudanese after the declaration of independence of South Sudan this July. Period!

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Gat-witch (lie teller, hysteria boy etc) liberated, Choldit, Nyacebee etc..

    SPLM/A is the only legitimate tool that will: rid the oppression by the merchants (Arab North), and deliver sustainable peace and prosperity to the long marginalized peoples of Southern Sudan, Abyei included and even beyond. The cluster of demagogues who have stationed themselves in Juba as political parties should not be allowed to sabotage or strangle our hard-won freedom courtesy of the who else the SPLM/A.

    The self imposters (opposition parties) are nothing but mere demagogues, and should only be allowed to enter the scene when the Job is completed. Most of them are puppets of Umar Bashier and his NIF which is now National Criminal Party, the marginalized should pay no attention to their demagoguery. Pretending that they are more pro-democratic than the SPLM is as silly of a lie as the ground nature of which they created themselves as opposition political parties.

    Those who deposit false allegations on the SPLM are part of these naïve weak hearts that have developed a culture of betrayal over the decades. That is, swishing to suitable side when the situation is tough and via versa. They have never had definable goal, their visions has always been their stomach. This is why they have become challenging obstacles currently in Juba; they are seeing Juba as a dinner table other than an establishment of a government (GoSS) that is fighting for a complete liberation of Southerners and the marginalized.

    If these bunches were true democratic minded they would be challenging the GoSS on the flat-form of issues like security, health and infrastructure and many other issues that Juba government have perhaps pay less attention to within the interval of the interim period. Surprising, for the self-purported leaders of the opposition political parties, their main goal is power, power, and power, without anything else surrounding it. They are so preoccupied with obtaining power even to the extent that they are using proxy militia that is killing innocent Southerners to pressure the GoSS on their behave in order to advance their agenda of acquiring power in these grotesquery sequences.

    SPLM and its military wing the SPLA are the tools for cracking these criminal merchants in Khartoum, who have killed and maimed the entire Sudan population over the decades in a very horrific clownish manner. GoSS should never accept to listen to any noise made by empty vessels that are getting cash from the Islamist in Khartoum. A real opposition party to the SPLM should be created in South Sudan by the South Sudanese after the declaration of independence of South Sudan this July. Period!

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Dear reporter,

    Learn to be precise and clear. we understand that SPLA shoot traders but your article is confusing at the last. You said that the “murderer was captured after shorting by SPLA forces”, and you said that the murderer took as gun and act for revenge. Please the few above tell me that there is something that you are hiding in this reported.

  • Ariambek

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Dear readers,

    Take care with N.Sudan trades. They are sources of a small arms circulating to civil population in S.Sudan to promote hatred and violent among our communities and claimed doing business Let them move out from Unity state.


  • unityfirst1

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    SPLA soldiers are not allow to kill anyone within our own city,eventhough if they have detected some spies coming in,they should only report it to the Police officers,however SPLA were trained to defend the country and not to harm the innocent civilians whom are living in the City.whether if they have detected something from any individual,Police officers should have to be inform to arrest the suspects.there’s Law which can execute outLaw acts.

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Northern Sudan is a militarized society. Majority of merchants that work in the South are either former jehadist soldiers or agents of National Intelligence Service and they spy on us.
    Regardless of the changing events in the country, they still think they superior and more important than southerners, so they look down on us and that is why they invite such unfortunate actions upon themselves. The victims are to blame because I am 100% sure that southerners don’t kill people for no reasons. Respect for southerners should be the best policy for northern merchants to conduct their trade their, otherwise they have to pack and go else where, may be to Eritrea whose her president is burning with anger of what he calls “Sudan’s breakup” is not good.

  • Dakin

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Good for them! These messiriya arab terrorists want to extend their evil hand to Bentiu pretending that they are Ngok dinka muslims from the nearby abyei

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state

    You write like a man. We are not animals though biological under it, but we reason as normal human beings. You can not use the power of holding a gun or whatever it is to kill anyhowly. Even Bin Laden who is known of have been responsible for mass killing in the world, some prepered that he should be captured alive and be investigated in the court of law so that he tells the world why has he been doing that. Some guys are just blindfolded by racial hatred and trying to cover up this criminal simply because he is a Southerner without justifying their reasons for the support.

    I belief, human being is a human being we are all falling under the same category as God ‘s children regardless of our religious affiliations. He should be brought to justice and take charge of his action.

    I appreciate your upright thinking brother!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state

    What Doctor you are?! You are promoting hatred. There are only tens of northerners now living in the south, most of them have already left, but there are hundreds of thousands southerners living in the north. Should we kill them or encourage their killing as a revenge?

    Be careful cession was meant for stopping the war, stopping the killing, stopping the hatred and to live in peace.If this is repeated, be sure that there hatemonger like you here and the consequences could be very devastating! There are southands of South Sudan students and nobody had yet expelled them from their schools.They are still living in peace and security and with dignity with the Arabs, mislims , jalabba and are not willing to relocate.Are you going to put them in jeopardy by you breach of hatre!

  • amon

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    @Born to Achieve

    You are right my friend, those BLACK Muslims are very provocative,let’s not jump immediately into condemning the killer. he might be doing the right thing to protect all of us since he is an SPLA soldier, he full mandate to protect from terror and aggressors.

    Christian Unit for Israel.

  • amon

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    @mohammed ali

    You are lying, cession was not meant to stop the war against the terrorists like you, but to be free from oppression from the terrorist sponsor regime in Khartoum. We’ll never live in peace with you if you don’t stop terrorism, hatred and jealousy.

    Don’t take this as an excuse to start killing the Southerners who are still there in the North because there will be sever consequence.

    Christian Unit for Israel.

  • unityfirst1

    Deng bORNYANG!
    Deng Bornyang!
    I appreciated your evaluation to my comment brother,though some of my brothers don’t see it that way,they think that killing the enemy without investigation can put the war to an end,but that is absolutely wrong,we have a constitution that’s contianed with all the Laws,Rules that guide us and navigate all of our citizens in one direction,so our Law enforcement officers should take their job seriously,they should be vigilant to any emotional within the country and not the Army forces,however our army are responsible for any outside attack to our soil.
    YES!you’re absolutely right about that,he was shot with empty hand without weapon,why not capturing him and interrogate him for some more evidences that could have lead to track down some of his men and end all the Terrorist around the Globe.Now everybody are so in fear that the Al-Qaeda remanent will sometime surprise the world for another attack,instead of them fearing the world that their Leader has spy them in their hiding Locations.

  • Ito

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Leave the soldier alone, how many southerners are being murdered in the north without trial. Just pretend like you are arresting him and let him go free. Maybe those stupid arabs have insulted him. You don’t provoke people especially at this critical time when anger is still hundred percent in our blood.


  • marie

    SPLA soldier shoots dead two merchants in Rubkotna Mosque, Unity state
    Rule of law should be the basis of settling grievances but not taking law into ones hand by resorting to shooting people. This evil act is not being done on Northerners alone but even to ourselves. Just look at the rampant killing in greater Upper Nile and recently in Rumbek. This shows our savage behaviours. Execuses should not be used to justify evil acts.
    During the war, a lot of SAF soldiers were capture in the battle field and were not killed in cold blood but handed back to the Sudan government. This proved that SPLA was a disciplined army then. It is strange that absurd things are happening at the time of peace. If we do not want Northerner traders in the South, the government should just issue a decree asking them to leave the South.

    We should understand that within the SPLA, there are muslims. Prominent names like Tahir Bior, Malik Agar, Abdel Aziz Al Hilu are muslims. If we are targetting black muslims, then it is a fight within ourselves.

    At the moment, we still need the North and the North need us.
    South Sudan would continue to export its oil through the North until we construct one own pipe lines and refineries, God knows when. The states bordering the North are in need of essential commodies from the North since we do not have viable farms that can cater for our needs. greater Upper Nile at the moment as we speak, there is a surge in prices of essential commodites because Northerners prevent merchants from taking commodities to the South.
    I think we South Sudanese have a mental preception that needs to change. Once we have agreed to something, let us abide by it until the circumstances change. No wonder we have a lot of reconciliations and peace conferences among the waring tribes in the South, but they end up going to square one and get stuck in the vicious loop of hatred and fightings.

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