Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan defense minister condoles family of man convicted of killing US diplomat

May 9, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese defense minister Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein paid a visit to the family of a man who was sentenced to death after being convicted of assassinating a US diplomat more than three years ago.

Sudan's Minister of Defence Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein (L) and Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed (R) who is one of the men convicted in assassination of a USAID officer in Khartoum three years ago
Sudan’s Minister of Defence Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein (L) and Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed (R) who is one of the men convicted in assassination of a USAID officer in Khartoum three years ago
The 32-years old Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed was one of four men who were accused of firing fatal shots on John Granville, who worked for the US Agency for International Development (USAID) , and his Sudanese driver Abdel-Rahman Abbas Rahma on 2008 New Years Eve.

The men are believed to be belonging to the Islamic militant group Ansar al-Tawhid which claimed responsibility for the killing. In 2009 a Sudanese court ordered all of them hanged to death after finding them guilty of murdering Granville and Rahma.

But the convicts managed last year to break out of Kober prison which is considered a maximum security facility. Sudanese authorities said the men escaped through sewer pipes but the explanation was met with deep skepticism from observers and particularly those familiar with the design of Kober prison.

A Sudanese journalist who spoke on condition of anonymity from Khartoum told Sudan Tribune last year that “no one in the entire country believes what the police said about how they escaped”.

“They [fugitives] could not have done it without some sort of facilitation from the government. No one has ever managed to do it before. It appears that they have some sort of link with officials inside the government who made this possible. I would not be surprised if the government was actually behind killing Granville in the first place for political reasons”.

Last week the family of Mohamed revealed that he was killed in Somalia but did not release any further details except to say that this was communicated to them by the group he was part of. Mourners flocked the house of his family in the Sudanese capital and some even chanted “Allahu Akbar!” (God is greatest!)

The independent Al-Tayar newspaper said that the Sudanese defense minister was one of the mourners who went to pay his condolences. He refused to answer reporters’ questions saying that this is a “very private visit”.

Mohamed’s father was a former minister in the government of president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir but it is not clear if that is the link that prompted the top military official to visit. The father described his son as a martyr and defended the killing of Granville.

“I am calling for the government to release the Islamic youth from prison and also for the court to cancel the decision against Mohanad, because they were answering President [Omer Hassan] Al-Bashir’s call when he told them to fight international troops in Darfur,” he said.

For a decade after Bashir came to power in an Islamist-backed military coup in 1989, Sudan became a notorious refuge for militant Islamists.

These included Al-Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden, who was killed by US special forces in Pakistan last weekend and who was based in Khartoum between 1991 and 1996, where he ran a thriving construction business and built mujahideen training camps.

But in the last ten years Khartoum has stepped up its counter terrorism cooperation with the U.S. and denounced its support for militant groups.

Washington promised Khartoum that it will remove Sudan from list of countries that sponsor terrorism as early as July to reward its recognition of the South Sudan referendum results.



  • monykuc, Southerner
    monykuc, Southerner

    Sudan defense minister condoles family of man convicted of killing US diplomat
    After independent of South Sudan, American must make sure Khartoum and its government remains in the list of terrorism with permanent sanction. They are full of all aspects against humanity with shallow ambition of Islam (Arab Foundamentalism).

  • Chier Akueny
    Chier Akueny

    Sudan defense minister condoles family of man convicted of killing US diplomat
    Habit of killings is directly in the blood of Arabs, however it would not work in this world human right ratification and so, we are going to separate and they remain in column of criminals.

    World should see that South Sudanese want to distant themselves from killers.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Sudan defense minister condoles family of man convicted of killing US diplomat
    Khartoum sent its mad, confused dogs to kill the US diplomat then later claimed that they are arrested, imprisoned and later escaped from maximum security prison in the country for the first time in history.

    Although Khartoum keeps demanding for removal of its name from the list of state sponsoring terrorism, it sent the confused Islamists to Darfur hoping to kidnap and kill more members of NGO staff and deployed international forces with impunity.

    In addition, Khartoum changed plan and again sent them to Somalia to continue killing again UN-AU forces operating to bring peace but Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed finally ran and came to a sign saying “dead end” where he is dead now. This is good tidings. How can Khartoum comment on this death of the poor Mohanad in Somalia? Not a big shame to complain again about removable of its name from the list of state sponsoring terrorism?

    The defense minister Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein went to console the family of the late by saying first as usual, “Allahu Akbar!” “Look how we managed to get the U.S diplomat killed, Yousif falsely imprisoned and get him escaped to Darfur and finally to Somali but Americans found and killed him.” This was obviously the goal of his alleged private visit to the bereaved family of Yousif.

    Look at the statement issued by the ignorant father and a former minister of Bashir’s cabinet that “Jews and Christians are launching a ‘real war’ that targets Islam as a religion.” What happens when a blind son follows a blind father? They both fall into pit because of religious bigotry whether educated in one’s own country, in the west or east.

    There is no any evidence that there is war waged by the west or Israel against Islam but limited genetic reasoning capacity of Islamists that religion is not a personal relationship with God or Allah. They don’t want to reason that religion is a personal relationship with God or Allah. That’s why the negative thinking is critically attracting Islamists across the Arab or Muslim world to use violence to promote Islamic influence and culture.

    Islam is not and will never be a religion of tolerant on this planet so long as Islamists and perpetrators are using the “irrational argument” and violence to force people to convert as if they are directed by God or Allah to do it.
    Nobody can reasonably argue in a Mosque, politics or trade that religion is a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God. Anybody has a right to follow what he believes in but not to bomb or detonate explosives whenever you fail to win an argument or interact reasonably with someone from different religious backgrounds. Everybody is created by the same God they are killing in His name.

    Bombs can never force the other person to follow your way. I believe it needs fifty or more years from now for Muslim intellectuals or Sheikhs across the Arab or Muslim world to educate their fellow believers to refrain from this deadly, negative reasoning.

    Look at what is now happening in Egypt, violence between Muslims and Coptic Christians is claiming lives simply because of allegations that a woman has been denied conversion after getting married to a Muslim man. Can they not continue loving themselves and keep individual religions? Which one is more important, love or conversion into Islam or whatever you may call. Can you imagine the alleged couple were probably together yesterday at the “Tahrir Square” demanding Hosni Mubarak to step down but today acting like enemies instead of being Egyptians first? The same army and tanks used to contain the angry Egyptians against Mubarak’s regime are now turned to protect Coptic Churches and Mosque in a religiously deeply divided country.

    If these allegations are true, why did the alleged married Coptic woman fail to make appearance and pray willingly with Muslims? Did the Muslim husband mobilize his fellow Muslims to set Coptic Churches on fire because his wife refused to pray with him in his Mosque? Can the Muslim intellectuals and Sheikhs appeal to members of Muslims Brotherhood to try having a sense of reasoning like other human beings created by the same God they’re trying to burn Churches in His name.

    The issue here is that Islamists often fail to reasonably admit why did God or Allah create human beings with different religious beliefs and culture but still able to interact with the other groups peacefully on this planet? The perception of being pure Islamists on this planet without self-dialogue and interacting with fellow human beings from different religious backgrounds is irrational and ungodly.

    If any Islamist like Osama Bin laden attempts to force non-Muslims or non-Arabs through suicide bombings and detonating explosives to follow his way, he is 100% a loser on this deeply informed religious world of today. He will die like a dog on streets without notice. The west with its immense religious, economic and technological influence can remain omnipotent for generation to come whether you like it or not. How can all the Arabs or Islamist long for going to the west for quality education, better life and opportunity to be who they wanna be and at the same time plan on attacking the very people, institutions and community that generously hosted them for the sake of mankind?

    Khartoum is best known for its stereotype and self-deceptive behavior though it needs U.S dollars for ostensibly fighting terrorism while forwarding the same money to mujahidin to carry out deadly attacks on the westerners and fellow Muslims presumed to be aiding the west to capture them for their own mass murdering. How can you claim to a person of God and at the same time kill in His name?

    Conclusively, Mohanad Osman Yousif Mohamed ran, like Osama Bin Laden, but never hid. This is exactly what the former US President George W. Bush said in the wake of deadly attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) in September 2001 that “You can run but can never hide.” Which place on this planet that you can keep running and never be found? Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, or Iran? None.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • unityfirst1

    Sudan defense minister condoles family of man convicted of killing US diplomat
    Haha! I can see now that the Khartoum Government are trying their best harder and harder by sucking the American balls so their name can be remove from the Al-Qaeda terrorist sponsor list and then get some Dollars pay from the U.S,well that seem like a good idea because no more Oil money flowing in.no way Khartoum is going to be known as notorious country as it has been in Northeast Africa along with Somalia partner.come suck our balls then we will let the U.S know that you’re no longer dirty,but you have become clean now from your dirty job.

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    Sudan defense minister condoles family of man convicted of killing US diplomat
    Big man U have shown yourself to American alone because, they were 200% sure the prisoner did not escape the prison, but was facilitated to run to Somalia,now he is killed and you are talking, pay condolences to the family, how many families did U visit including the family of Bin Laden
    Do u really want the name to be drop or put on the top?
    I think the name will be added again to the right side this time and your boss will be no.6 after the death of Bin Laden.

  • australian

    Sudan defense minister condoles family of man convicted of killing US diplomat
    Paul: there is a book you might like to read, called “The Closing of the Muslim Mind” by Robert Reilly. It is frustrating to try and expect Muslims to think reasonably and use common logic. This book shows how the question of philosophy in the Muslim world was settled in the 9th century. Reason is virtually forbidden if it questions Islam, if it counters the outrageous assertions and commands of Mohammed. Muslims are not allowed to even ask questions which we ask every day. Not publicly, anyway. They are literally brought up to believe that they are “clean” and we are “dirty”…and a whole lot of other crazy things, too. If you talk to ex-Muslims you can hear about the relief they feel from being liberated from believing (or being forced to pretend to believe) crazy things.

  • Thomas Andrew Hissen
    Thomas Andrew Hissen

    Sudan defense minister condoles family of man convicted of killing US diplomat
    Mr. Emmanuel Ajang, you are absolutely right, and I conger on your comment over the defence Minister pair a visit to the man who assassinate the US Diplomat, for my global thinking these killing of US Diplomat is the linking of the governmnet of Khartoum,

  • Peter Majok Chiengan
    Peter Majok Chiengan

    Sudan defense minister condoles family of man convicted of killing US diplomat
    What are these people? & what kind of thinking they have?
    are they commpletly became mads?
    How comes can you went to the family of a men who killed many people & scape away from the preson????
    But this can only show that you are the one who gives them the facilites to run away from the preson & you are the one who give them the order or ordering them to killed the american diplomat????
    but make sure that what you have done will one day resh you!!!!!!!

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