Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

May 10, 2011 (BENTIU) – South Sudan’s army (SPLA) has attacked militias loyal to rebel leader Peter Gatdet in the Nyadiet area of Unity state on Sunday and Monday killing 84 according to a local official. The SPLA allege that Gatdet is backed by the Sudan’s northern army, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in a bid to destabalise the region ahead of its independence in July.

The SPLA launched the attack in a remote village of Nyadiet in the western part of Mayom county on the Unity’s border between Warrap state, killing 38 on Sunday and a further 46 according to Unity state’s government spokesman Gideon Gatpan Thoar.

He said that the militias was implementing a a SAF strategy of laying land mines in South Sudan to threaten the transportation opportunities of South Sudanese ahead of their independence.

Thoar added that SPLA had attacked Nyadiet as it was being used as a hideout position for the militia. He said that 38 fighters loyal to the SAF were killed on Sunday.

He added that many were captured and are being held in what he described as good conditions. However, Thoar said the remaining militia had moved to Kuiy Koy an area north of west of Nyadiet but were attacked again by the SPLA on Monday killing around 46.

Militarily supplies including ammunition, anti-tank and anti-personal land mines, VHF radio, motors, machine guns and documents revealing the militias link for the Sudan Army Forces, were found he said.

The SPLA division four commander, Lt. General James Gatduel Gatluak, said on Tuesday that Gatdet’s militia had arrived from Timtha village, which is also the position of militia affiliated to the SAF in South Kordofan state. South Kordofan is in northern Sudan and after July will be north of a border between two nations.

South Sudan voted for independence in January as part of a 2005 peace deal that granted the south the right to self determination. Gatduel alleged that the northern army was supplying Gatdet with ammunition and logistical support.

Gatdet announced his rebellion against the southern government in March, declaring his intention to overthrow the southern government due to corruption and tribalism. Despite fighting the SPLA for much of the civil war Gatdet’s forces were integrated into the SPLA in 2006 after the peace deal. The SPLA deny Gatdet’s claims of defections to his militia based in Mayom county of Unity state.

A spokesmen for Gatdet’s militia, the South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA), Bol Gatkuoth Kol has denied the SPLA claims of killing 84 of their fighters in the Nyadiet clashes on Sunday and Monday. Kol made the counter claim that the SSLA had attacked the SPLA in Rubnyagai of Unity state and captured around 60 soldiers.

Kol said that the SSLA attacked the Warrap state, which borders Unity state on Tuesday. Speaking to Sudan Tribune on Tuesday he denied that his group was receiving any military support from the Khartoum controlled SAF in South Kordofan.

He said that the SSLA was based in Unity state and not South Kordofan. He added that the ammunitions they have are from SPLA soldiers that have defected from different divisions across the ten states of South Sudan.



  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    bravo my brothers ,
    Finish militias like liberators,Dakin,Thieling ,and their associates ,

  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Bonofacio Taban

    again this report is false!

    Believe what SPLA is saying is like believing that South Sudan will land man on the moon in the next 50 years.

    About 94 SPLA soldiers killed by SSLA. read the paragraph below.


    Militiamen under leadership of Philip Bepan, attack southern Sudan People’s Liberation Army.

    Middle East Online

    By Simon Martelli – KHARTOUM

    ‘Communities fighting against each other’

    A south Sudan rebel group carried out a cattle raid in Warrap state that led to 82 deaths, including women and children, a southern army spokesman said on Tuesday, the latest deadly violence to afflict the nation in waiting.

    Militiamen, under the leadership of Philip Bepan, attacked the southern Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in neighbouring Unity state on Saturday, SPLA spokesman Philip Aguer said.

    “They were chased away and went to Warrap state, where they attacked cattle camps on May 8, at a place called Balhom Weth. They killed 34 and wounded 45 civilians, including women and children,” he said.

    “On the same day they were returning with the looted cattle, they were ambushed by the cattle herders. Forty-eight of the militia were killed and 48 of their new AK-47 rifles were taken,” he added.

    South Sudan, due for independence in July, is reeling from a string of battles between its SPLA and various militia groups since January’s largely peaceful independence referendum.

    The wave of violence across the south, that has included clashes between rival ethnic groups over resources such as land and cattle, has left more than 1,000 people dead and forced at least 100,000 to flee their homes, according to UN figures.

    Aguer said Bepan was working for southern army general turned rebel leader Peter Gadet, who is based in oil-rich Unity state.

    Gadet’s forces clashed with the SPLA last month, leaving more than 100 people dead and forcing oil workers out of the volatile area, causing production to drop.

    A spokesman for Gadet’s group said more than 100 people had been killed in heavy clashes on Sunday, but gave a different account of his group’s involvement in fighting, which he said took place in Unity state.

    “The SPLA attacked our forces in the Mayom area … There was very heavy fighting. We were able to control the area and fight them back,” Bol Gatkouth said.

    “About 94 SPLA soldiers died … We had about 27 injured and lost 11 people,” he added.

    The rebel spokesman admitted that Bepan was one of Gadet’s senior commanders, who had also defected from the SPLA. But he rejected allegations that the militia had any links to Khartoum and denied its involvement in any fighting in Warrap state.

    “These are communities fighting against each other,” he said.

    Gatkouth said Gadet’s rebel group had taken up arms against the Juba government because of rampant corruption in the grossly impoverished south.

    He also accused the governor of Unity state, Taban Deng Gai, of human rights abuses, including the recruitment of child soldiers and the theft of cattle and women from their community because Gadet, who was backed by the north before joining the SPLA, had turned against the Juba government.

    The government in turn has repeatedly accused Khartoum of arming splinter militia groups like Gadet’s to destabilise the south ahead of its secession, a claim Khartoum rejects.

    “We have clear evidence” that Gadet’s forces are being assisted by the north,” said the SPLA’s Aguer.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Personally and frankly, I don’t see any concrete reason for any rebellion in the South at this stage. Unless, it is self interest driven rebellion! ! !


  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Now! In the name of what are those militias dying for?

    Well done SPLA! Sooner or later, the master will run out of slaves and South Sudan will be militia free!

    Wal Peter Muoranyar

  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Bonofacio Taban

    again this report is false!

    Believe what SPLA is saying is like believing that South Sudan will land man on the moon wthin the next 50 years.

    About 94 SPLA soldiers killed by SSLA. read the paragraph below.


    Militiamen under leadership of Philip Bepan, attack southern Sudan People’s Liberation Army.

    Middle East Online

    By Simon Martelli – KHARTOUM

    ’Communities fighting against each other’

    A south Sudan rebel group carried out a cattle raid in Warrap state that led to 82 deaths, including women and children, a southern army spokesman said on Tuesday, the latest deadly violence to afflict the nation in waiting.

    Militiamen, under the leadership of Philip Bepan, attacked the southern Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in neighbouring Unity state on Saturday, SPLA spokesman Philip Aguer said.

    “They were chased away and went to Warrap state, where they attacked cattle camps on May 8, at a place called Balhom Weth. They killed 34 and wounded 45 civilians, including women and children,” he said.

    “On the same day they were returning with the looted cattle, they were ambushed by the cattle herders. Forty-eight of the militia were killed and 48 of their new AK-47 rifles were taken,” he added.

    South Sudan, due for independence in July, is reeling from a string of battles between its SPLA and various militia groups since January’s largely peaceful independence referendum.

    The wave of violence across the south, that has included clashes between rival ethnic groups over resources such as land and cattle, has left more than 1,000 people dead and forced at least 100,000 to flee their homes, according to UN figures.

    Aguer said Bepan was working for southern army general turned rebel leader Peter Gadet, who is based in oil-rich Unity state.

    Gadet’s forces clashed with the SPLA last month, leaving more than 100 people dead and forcing oil workers out of the volatile area, causing production to drop.

    A spokesman for Gadet’s group said more than 100 people had been killed in heavy clashes on Sunday, but gave a different account of his group’s involvement in fighting, which he said took place in Unity state.

    “The SPLA attacked our forces in the Mayom area … There was very heavy fighting. We were able to control the area and fight them back,” Bol Gatkouth said.

    “About 94 SPLA soldiers died … We had about 27 injured and lost 11 people,” he added.

    The rebel spokesman admitted that Bepan was one of Gadet’s senior commanders, who had also defected from the SPLA. But he rejected allegations that the militia had any links to Khartoum and denied its involvement in any fighting in Warrap state.

    “These are communities fighting against each other,” he said.

    Gatkouth said Gadet’s rebel group had taken up arms against the Juba government because of rampant corruption in the grossly impoverished south.

    He also accused the governor of Unity state, Taban Deng Gai, of human rights abuses, including the recruitment of child soldiers and the theft of cattle and women from their community because Gadet, who was backed by the north before joining the SPLA, had turned against the Juba government.

    The government in turn has repeatedly accused Khartoum of arming splinter militia groups like Gadet’s to destabilise the south ahead of its secession, a claim Khartoum rejects.

    “We have clear evidence” that Gadet’s forces are being assisted by the north,” said the SPLA’s Aguer.

  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Bonofacio Taban

    again this report is false!

    Believe what SPLA is saying is like believing that South Sudan will land man on the moon within next 50 years.

    About 94 SPLA soldiers killed by SSLA. read the paragraph below.


    Militiamen under leadership of Philip Bepan, attack southern Sudan People’s Liberation Army.

    By Simon Martelli – KHARTOUM

    ’Communities fighting against each other’

    A south Sudan rebel group carried out a cattle raid in Warrap state that led to 82 deaths, including women and children, a southern army spokesman said on Tuesday, the latest deadly violence to afflict the nation in waiting.

    Militiamen, under the leadership of Philip Bepan, attacked the southern Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in neighbouring Unity state on Saturday, SPLA spokesman Philip Aguer said.

    “They were chased away and went to Warrap state, where they attacked cattle camps on May 8, at a place called Balhom Weth. They killed 34 and wounded 45 civilians, including women and children,” he said.

    “On the same day they were returning with the looted cattle, they were ambushed by the cattle herders. Forty-eight of the militia were killed and 48 of their new AK-47 rifles were taken,” he added.

    South Sudan, due for independence in July, is reeling from a string of battles between its SPLA and various militia groups since January’s largely peaceful independence referendum.

    The wave of violence across the south, that has included clashes between rival ethnic groups over resources such as land and cattle, has left more than 1,000 people dead and forced at least 100,000 to flee their homes, according to UN figures.

    Aguer said Bepan was working for southern army general turned rebel leader Peter Gadet, who is based in oil-rich Unity state.

    Gadet’s forces clashed with the SPLA last month, leaving more than 100 people dead and forcing oil workers out of the volatile area, causing production to drop.

    A spokesman for Gadet’s group said more than 100 people had been killed in heavy clashes on Sunday, but gave a different account of his group’s involvement in fighting, which he said took place in Unity state.

    “The SPLA attacked our forces in the Mayom area … There was very heavy fighting. We were able to control the area and fight them back,” Bol Gatkouth said.

    “About 94 SPLA soldiers died … We had about 27 injured and lost 11 people,” he added.

    The rebel spokesman admitted that Bepan was one of Gadet’s senior commanders, who had also defected from the SPLA. But he rejected allegations that the militia had any links to Khartoum and denied its involvement in any fighting in Warrap state.

    “These are communities fighting against each other,” he said.

    Gatkouth said Gadet’s rebel group had taken up arms against the Juba government because of rampant corruption in the grossly impoverished south.

    He also accused the governor of Unity state, Taban Deng Gai, of human rights abuses, including the recruitment of child soldiers and the theft of cattle and women from their community because Gadet, who was backed by the north before joining the SPLA, had turned against the Juba government.

    The government in turn has repeatedly accused Khartoum of arming splinter militia groups like Gadet’s to destabilise the south ahead of its secession, a claim Khartoum rejects.

    “We have clear evidence” that Gadet’s forces are being assisted by the north,” said the SPLA’s Aguer.

  • Lomoro James
    Lomoro James

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Dear Southerners,

    Its’ good to hear that all Gadet’s Militia have been defeated by the South Sudan arm, SPLA. Gadet and the rest of his friends who are fighting Southern arm will go to hell after South Sudan independence in July if the don’t laydown their arms and sorroundered themselves like Gabriel Tang amd Mabior Dhol.

    Bravo SPLA!!! you will win all these difficulties after 9/July 2011.

    I can be reached at [email protected]

    Aweil, South Sudan.

  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Bravo SPLA soldiers for reducing the numbers of those pathetic Nuer militias. Nuers are cursed by their self-proclaimed prophet called Ngundeng to kill each other. Ngundeng predicted that Nuers will lives under Dinkas forever because their poor mentality cannot allow them to rule themselves leave alone the entire nation they’re claiming to rule. Needless to say, Dinkas will never tolerate Nuers attitude whatsoever. We must deal with Nuers by using Moses Law, that’s eye for an eye & tooth for a tooth & see how long they are going to last in South Sudan.

  • Sombiri

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Wisdom should guide you (militia leaders) you’re doom to fail. The erra of fighting proxy wars by militias is over. Sooner or later you’ll curse yourself.

  • dengtaath

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    84 killed, whether are malitia or SPLA I don’t see any point of happiness about that, one can only pray the God to cool down the hearts of those who declared war against the government and the government to stop the mal administration that let to persuation of rebellion.
    South is in serios problem, if we don’t see it, we will see it later, we will never finish up those rebells,if there will be no changes,those rebels will grow in to big scall.

  • onlysonmabi

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Liberator itseem you have mental problem please can you tell me were you are.
    like me personal iam here in the field knowing every things.
    48 militias are killed by SPLA and 100 wounded.
    Iam in Mayom county now as a soldier.you just talk and you are in America brushing the teeth of the dogs.

  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    Which SPLA are you talking about? An SPLA division which is exclusively Nuer in Unity State? or you are now rejoicing because Nuer are the one confronting each other?

    Let me tell you people like Lt. Gen. Gaduel Gatluak will soon discover is being used to fight his own brother and will turn is gun with in a second should it become Nuer vs Dinka.

    No Dinka Soldier is fighting in the SPLA its Nuer vs Nuer. but those will soon discover the plot.

    Remembered Brigadier Gen. Gatwech Gai at Kaldaka plot. He is SPLA commander in charge of that area and was wounded by those terrorists SPLA intelligence Services. the plot was to kill him and Tangginye.

    Now, he doesn’t allow any Dinka in his area.

  • Chanson

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    SPLA/M Shall win.That poor Gatdet and his militiamen shall all die before 9 july folks.Let,s keep our head up.




    STAY SAFE!!!!

  • Lomoro James
    Lomoro James

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state

    You are coping and pasted the false reports, where did you get these informations? where is the source of all these informations, shame on you if you are not doing anything and concentrated on posting nonsences to the website, I don’t like your comments at all.

    I can be reached at [email protected]

    Aweil, South Sudan

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state

    just keep crying like you did last week for OSAMA BIN LADEN,
    And i did not know that some tribes in south sudan like Nuer have link with Algaeda leader, osama bin laden.

  • onlysonmabi

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Deng thoes are militias kill and 100 of them wounded talk to the people who in the field like me.

  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state

    Field propagandists 300 miles away from the battle field.

    plus your name is not Nuer name. only Nuer are confronting each others. No cowards Dinka are fighting Nuer.

    It’s Nuer vs Nuer. But people like Lt. Gen Gatduel Gatluak will soon discover the plot and confront the real enemy the cowards “Dinka” along with their terror intelligence services led by yet to be indicted by ICC the genocidal

    Majak Agoot.

    Nuer SPLA are the one fighting all rebels in the South including their own brothers in unity state.

    But this plot will soon come to an end. and you will feel it with in seconds of its conclusion.

  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state

    The era of fighting proxy wars of Dinka against Nuer is coming to an end. and soon it be all Nuer vs Dinka.

    No, proxy generals Nuer will be sent to destroy their own villages.

    Dinka proxy wars and plots will no longer be implemented by Nuer generals and soldiers. SPLA is 65% Nuer. Do you think you would be able to use them against their own brothers, sisters, fathers like you are doing in Unity State?

    That cowardly plots by that terror organization of the SPLA intelligence services(headed by a genocidal maniac named Majak Agoot named in the confidential memo of ICC) is already discovered. some of them are even banned entering foreign countries like right here.

    Now, That is not just a threat but a promise!!!!!

  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    To: General Public

    The era of fighting proxy wars of Dinka against Nuer is coming to an end. and soon it be all Nuer vs Dinka.

    No, proxy generals Nuer will be sent to destroy their own villages.

    Dinka proxy wars and plots will no longer be implemented by Nuer generals and soldiers. SPLA is 65% Nuer. Do you think you would be able to use them against their own brothers, sisters, fathers like you are doing in Unity State?

    That cowardly plots by that terror organization of the SPLA intelligence services(headed by a genocidal maniac named Majak Agoot named in the confidential memo of ICC) is already discovered. some of them are even banned entering foreign countries like right here.

    Now, That is not just a threat but a promise!!!!!

  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Omoni jr

    you must may need to see a doctor.

    Osama Bin laden was Killed by NAVY SEALS team 6.

    That what they do for living “killing terrorist”.

    Go back to my comments about war on terror, go even further before the elimination of OBL.

    That clear calm Tuesday of September the eleventh of 2001 is nothing to joke about.
    I still remembered last week ‘when one of the Dinka was quoted as saying that “Dialogue with the terrorists”.

    The Next target of war on terror would be the dismantling that SPLM communist and its terror cells led by its SPLA intelligence services which is nothing but a clan based terror organization. they are targeting civilians and raping young girls in Unity state.

    September of the 11th 2001 was as closer to me than most of you back in the SPLA intelligence service HQS in Juba and Khartoum.

    So do not play around September the 11th please. be warned!!!!!

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state

    Whether they run to east or west they will finished one by one by the SPLA,leav those who are brush dogs teeths in america alone,they will never confess their ignorance.


  • James Peter
    James Peter

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Many people on this board are devils. They are happy when they see many people dead. They see it is funy when attack occurs between Dinka and Nuer but they don’t feel sense that those dead are innocent people instead Nuer people celeberate the dead of innocent Dinkas while Dinka people celeberate the dead of innocent Nuer. What kind of animals or devils are they? They don’t even understand that their main enemy is not dead yet but they just happy celeberating the dead of brothers? My conclusion Dinka and Nuer are more than animals.

  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Dear Liberator,

    SPLA don’t use Nuer generals to kill their own people if you’re not idiot. SPLA are national army whose their main objective is to protect the country & people from criminals like you. Liberator, if you’re smart then you should ask yourself why ever Nuers rebel and turn against their own people and leave those they should be fighting with? Why Peter Gatdet is Killing innocent people in Unity State while they have done nothing wrong to him? To prove you wrong about Nuer unification you’re claiming, Nuers will never united or agree whatsoever. Take this for instance, Gatdet shouldn’t be in Unity State by now if it was Ngundeng who cursed him to do so. Liberator, Dakin & alikes, there is a saying, it said that if I cann’t do it then I will let somebody do it for me. I mean, if Nuers are keep provoking Dinkas then Dinkas will retaliate in many different ways.

    Anyway, thanks to Ngundeng for predicted two important things to happen to Nuers & they did really happen. Ngundeng predicted that Nuers will never rule themselves and its come true. He also predicted that Nuers will always lives under Dinkas command and its come true. Anyhow, there will never be a peace in Nuerland as long as all Ngundeng prophecy are not finished.

    Liberator, Riak Machar you Nuers are dream to take over after Salva Kiir can never be a president if he keeps going with that dirty game. To tell you the truth, our next president will be either James Wani or Nhial Deng Nhial, but traitors will never be allowed to sell out our country.

  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Born to Achieve ( into slavery)

    I see you writing from France, it an ally of the U.S on war terror.

    So, you are in Paris, France with corrupt funds provided by western allies like U.S, Norway, UK and even France you are claiming to be residing in.

    Believe the false claims by your semi illiterate Big bellies SPLA propagandist like Colonel Aguer at Bilpham.

    Please, you are denial who doesn’t want to see the facts in the face of dangers.

  • onlysonmabi

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    James Peter your message is true but there are stupid people who can not fell a shame they always defeated they are call Anyigates.this Nuer.

  • manyang

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    it is good enough that all militias of Southern Sudan are from Nuer and yet their son is vice president, chief of general staffs and seven ministers.what do the needs?

    anybody who can answer this question.

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Shall we killed as Southerners and leave the land empty such that ,they common enemy will come take it without anybody on the land

    or what is the planned of our leaders in killing of their people .

    Oh God can you soften their heart to love each other .


  • onlysonmabi

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    To them mr Manyang they have emepty mind because of the make on thier hand.that one distroge every things in thier mind.and big hartforthem.

  • Sala Gai
    Sala Gai

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Mr. Liberator

    Please make sure these website is not just empty place where you can post Unwise comment to the public which is even multiplexing.

    If you do not known please try to learn yourself before posting it in order to give some guys place for posting important comment not like your comments not never one

  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state

    Iam in france by my own so keep brushing the dogs teeth America.
    Good luck.


  • Green3

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    The nations of southern sudan are unlucky people on earth to have nuer in that country! Education is meanless in Nuer communties!Educated and non educated Nuer are the same! We are just unlucky people on earth to have those foolish masses on land, who dont known when to fight and time for peace! Nuer politicians lack political objectives and manifesto! People who can recalled theirs past, are not really learners that what Nuers about! There will be no peace as far Nuers are there in South Sudan! People who dont regard a human life as vital, they dont know the beauty of lives!

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    SPLA is too weak to defeat Nuer fighters in SSLA oyeeeeeeeeeee that way, and for your info, those who are attacking SSLA are from the same Nuer tribe with those in SSLA!!!!!

    Let SPLA spread their lies but let also them remember that lies are always short-lived, and the truth will prevail anyway!!
    We Naath created A2 which then became the SPLA, after Garang staged his coup against the founder of A2 Baba General Gai Tutyaang REST IN PEACE and his aides in Bilpam 1980s!! Now, Naath will never rest only when they manage to destroy this tribal militia called SPLA and replace with an army that is belong and only loyal to southerners and only serve the interest of the people of southern Sudan or RoSS to be in the July the 9 IF we will reach that phase!!!

    The below is a translation from the song of Nuer Greater Musician Mr. Gordon Koanng Duoth by one of our brothers on the you tube website:

    •In our land of Sudan everyone stand up and says Nuer are Killing themselves that’s our way of life they say Nuer, they say Nuer. How are we Nuer and still alive? We’re just soft people we aren’t scared we just don’t want the world to end.

    My message to the Naath in the Dinka SPLA!!

    please leave that tribal army and join your brothers in SSLA, this is tribal war in the making, we in the SSLA do not want to spill or shed your blood for no reason and also don’t forget that SPLA dinka will turn against you like they did during Riek Machar coup in 1991 when worse come to worse, when we defeat them they will start to kill all of you !!

    Beware that you are being used by SPLA against your own brothers in SSLA who are fighting to liberate the entire Naath community from Dinka colonization and slavery, the Dinka that our greater grandfathers used to enslave are now trying to behave like our master in an attempt to reverse the story!!

    Leave their SPLA and join Peter Gadeit or Bapeiny or else go to your hosue and remain neutral because if we capture you while fighting in the Dinka Side, we will not be kind to you!

    Ask yourself one question!! What are you fighting for? Just to keep cowards and traitors like John Luk Jock who is designing the constitution that is only going to serve as a catalyst to keep Kiir and Dinka Jaang in power and side line or exclude Nuer from power? are you fighting to destroy the only Nuer hope for freedom and respect?? are you fighting for the so-callled SPLA Generals in Juba WHOSE kids are enjoying life in eastern African countries or in the western world while you and your children are living with education, food, shelter and other basic needs for living!!

    Those of Gadeit would have done the same if not because they concern about Nuer community!! they refuse to live a luxury life in expend of their community!! Are you fighting for the same SPLA that is killing, raping and is looting your Nuer community in Kaldak, Fangak and western Nuer of Unity state!! Naath soldiers in the SPLA please leave SPLA before it is too late for you!!!!!!!!!!

    Long live SSLA, long live Nuer community aat large!!!

  • Dakin

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    @ Green3,
    So why don’t you leave us alone and join your abyei northern brothers.

  • Green3

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Librator!! Number is not the factor here! objectives are the first factors! you will not success,when you fought a war with no objectives! And to have political objectives,you Nuer” need a good brain in the first place to success in the wars! Nuers are the enemies to themselves. I’m sorry to generalized Nuers, but Nuers’ communities had been in wars for many years. It is a good time for you to sit and ask yourselves, when are you going to have peace in your land, or amoung yourselve? Your people have lack of judgement, they just go to the wars without studying the consequences! Even the animals dont just jump to the river, when they learn it’s deepest! that’s judgement there from animals! the meaning of community isnt just to sit around the table and eat. People talk about the future, and why do we do that and such! In your communities, there is no different of the past and the present! You cant predict the future when you dont know these my friend. Education is useless thing in your communities, because there is no transparancy!!

  • sudinka

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    @green 3, where do you think in Sudan were there is no Dinka not abyei only the whole areas in Sudan get it clear go to Sudan map you will never fine place with out Dinka any way even if Gatdet,s joint the rebel with his mother and father he will not do any think to SPLA, So many Nyagaat try in 1991 and the were about to be refugee if CPA was not sight let me tell you Mr Gardet is better to joint SPLA. before sun kiss the mountain, for him to waste time doing nothing in the bush.

  • manyang

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    no problem after we cleared out those who will died after ranks and like to be slave by Arab to killed his own people.

    change your mind my dear brothers and come back to your people.

  • manyang

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    you even don’t know who is Lt Gen and who is M.Gen, Gatduel is Maj-Gen don’t promote him home

  • manyang

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    good young compatriot you are right thanks carry on.

  • manyang

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    you have to mention the subject , what information do you mean?

  • Tongthok

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state

    You are right but guest what, the first man in a new nation to land on the moon in the next fifty years will be one from dinka, Shiluk, Equatoria and that is it. What can you say in your old jealousy mentality behaviors? Just join dinkas and fellows Equatorians in the celebartions of our new nation around the corner.

    Tongthok> Believe that there many traumatizes people nowaday in a new to be call ROSS due to whathave been going on for two decades struggles. Therefore, building traumas clinic first will be second pirioty.

  • mr x
    mr x

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    naath supporter good luck for your comment that is all i can tell you brother,God bless southern sudan,rebel have only 1% in the world not southern sudan and you will see how bad it is to be rebel with out reason.

  • unityfirst1

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Well done SPLA!South Sudan is under your care in many aspects.defeating the enemies that’s what we had been waiting for,Gatdet,Athor,Ayii,and so on are the common enemies of the South,matter of fact they’re the worse enemy than Khartoum Government itself,they’re so blinded from the inside to accept the deal from the Northern Government which’s destined to destabilize the Southt and carryout this horrible brutal death to their own brothers.let them enjoy the smell of their own blood.the death of rebels whom’re being bought with amount of money by the Arabs aka Terrorist is well accepted than the death of the Northern Armies whom were fighting us in the front line.

  • Don P
    Don P

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    If the SSLA had a good reason and intention in the rebellion they would not aim there weapons against there own people. Instead they would argue there point politically like all other nations. We do not need another war. I am Nuer and i see nothing genuine about SSLA. Sorry we will not join you!

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    “Warning for those threatening Riek and Tribal remark all time”

    Ajiech Manyuat, Bol Deng,kim Deng and Liberator, Trusthteller and others with devil deed on this site

    South will never be turn to Tribal again as some of you wanted. Riek Machar is in Southern Government Position, threatening him mean you threatening the Goss.

    Most you sounded like a murder minded, does Riek know where those got the guns. Even if he give them, nothing he could do for those who run away and Rebel. Most of you have doom in memories Ideology here to post.

    Why not tracks down those attackers down to where they come from and not giving them break during their attack.
    Talking about Riek alway sound so foolish enough for a Dinka person that really thinking about southern Future.

    Those attackers did not fly from the sky; they were walking feet like others places they attack. Naath do mobilize themselves even farther East Nuer to do their evil deed. Do not give break up their end destination of place.

    Any attacker should be dead or go with a gunshot to every survivor. Stopped all the nonsense of blaming Riek as he became an escape goat Jaang-Naath problem. Blame everyone in the Goss for not doing enough effort to control the South.

    Tone of liberator


  • Liberator

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    I do not condone this inconclusive report which could easily turn South Sudan into tribal feud ground between Dinka vs Nuer.

    But this conspirators from Bor and corrupted crooks of warrap state especially Gogrial gangs along with their few armed chair officials from Abyei of Deng Majok, are the only Dinka making these false allegations and hoping to turn it into tribal feud which is not in any body interest.

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    I donot know why some people in this web-site are initiating tribal wars in which all 2 sides will not benefit.

    Nuer Vs Dinka, niether Nuer will leave the South nor Dinka etc but to adapt peaceful co-existen with each others in this vast and fruitful South Sudan.

    let preach peace instead of preaching tribal wars.

    It happened before in 1991 in Nasir faction and that time i was in Kot Chengau/Pananyang. i used to hear the song ‘Kaamda Kone Jaang Thele Malic’ history will not forgive you those who are recording wrong histories which will devalue thier reputation.

    Remember Mazlum Battalion


    SPLA ‘kill 84’ in attacks on Gatdet’s militia in Unity state
    Very naïve Southern Sudanese. You are killing each other and celebrating the death of each other on news. The fact is that the entire leadership failed to peacefully bring the militias back due to lack of skills. PERIOD. That is the deadlock regardless of who manufactured the militia concerned.

    General Sun Tzu said “in times of peace, prepare for war” and vice-versa. The peace that the CPA was supposed to bring about was never experienced. We have technically been at war on two fronts ie with the Jallabas in various fronts and with ourselves.

    Shame on us, failed leadership who make decision blindly. Woe betide you.


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