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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm

May 10, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) on Tuesday announced its withdrawal from the committee handling aggregation of South Kordofan’s elections results, citing claims of spotting a “bogus” polling site amid appeals for calm by foreign observers.

An international election observer from the Carter Center stands outside a polling centre during the second voting day in Kadugli, in Southern Kordofan May 3, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
An international election observer from the Carter Center stands outside a polling centre during the second voting day in Kadugli, in Southern Kordofan May 3, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
Results of South Kordofan’s gubernatorial and legislative election were due to be announced on Tuesday, 10 May, but disagreements over how many committees should handle results aggregation suspended vote-counting. The deadlock was broken after a delegation from the Khartoum-based National elections Commission (NEC), which oversees the exercise, arrived in the state and brokered an agreement to assign three committees comprising party agents and observers to review results of all polling stations.

NEC officials said that the three committees would be able to finish vote aggregation within three or four days after which the results would be announced.

“These committees have the power to make any corrections to the forms if they are filled out wrong. Then they go to the data center where they are added onto the central software and tabulated,” a source privy to the situation told Sudan Tribune on Tuesday.

But the situation has been complicated again when the SPLM, which controls the soon-to-be independent state of South Sudan but also maintains a base in north Sudan, announced on Tuesday the withdrawal of its representatives from the results-aggregation committees.

The SPLM’s spokesman in South Kordofan Mohamdeen Ibarhim told the pro-government satellite TV channel Al-Shoroug TV that the SLM had discovered “a bogus polling station” in Kaddam constituency at Laqawa locality in the state’s western sector. Mohamdeen said that the center was unknown to NEC and political forces. Moreover, he added, the center had no party agents or observers. The SPLM’s spokesmen claimed they had seized five filled ballot boxes at the polling center.

He added that the SPLM had asked for a probe into the “bogus center” but the committee referred the matter to NEC which in turn responded by saying it can’t cancel that particular station.

SPLM’s spokesman Mohamdain further accused the geographical constituency official of creating an unknown center using an electoral register belonging to the year 2010 and not 2011 as required.

The SPLM’s chairman in South Kordofan, Qamar Dalman, told reporters on Tuesday the SPLM had decided to suspend participation in the process of vote-aggregation until the arrival of NEC representatives or a decision is made on the objections raised by the group.

In response, the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in north Sudan issued a press statement on Tuesday, accusing the SPLM of looking for an excuse to scuttle the elections.

“SPLM’s behavior shows it is not interested in finishing the job and unable to see any results that would not bring it to the seats of power,” the NCP statement said.

The NCP further called on the SPLM to be “responsible and abandon the childish mentality in political affairs.”

The party, whose candidate Ahmad Harun is contesting in gubernatorial elections against the SPLM’s candidate Abudul Aziz Al-Hilu, called on the committee to continue its work, saying it refuse to hold the electoral process hostage to the will of one party.

Meanwhile, the only international mission monitoring the vote has urged the contesting parties and their candidates to observe calm.

In a press release issued on Tuesday, the US-based Carter Center urged “contesting parties and candidates to continue to observe the results aggregation peacefully, to ask their supporters to remain calm and to seek recourse to potential electoral disputes through established legal channels.”

The Carter Center said that the vote-aggregation process was “being closely watched by the agents of the contesting parties and candidates and must be allowed to be completed before results are announced.”

Southern Kordofan, the site of oilfields and important civil war battlegrounds on the undefined north-south border, is key to Khartoum because it neighbors Darfur and the disputed oil-producing border region of Abyei border, another possible flashpoint between both sides in the build-up to the South’s secession.

The vote in South Kordofan, which was delayed from a year ago over a census disagreement, was largely peaceful but analysts fear an outbreak of violence when results are announced.



  • monykuc, Southerner
    monykuc, Southerner

    SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm
    Let’s see what will happen next.

  • Liberator

    SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm
    Dear general public

    When you do not have any credibility on running the elections free and fair, surely you do deserve the same treatment on you as you did t you opponents. Now, SPLM(the communist) is discovering that there are also smarter thieves thieves than them who happened to have also an armed wing in the NCP.

    NCP armed wing is SAF as SPLM did to southerners last year by intimidating and rigging the elections using the SPLA.

    Now, how does it feel when you got the same wiz kid on the block who can play your game even better with the help of its armed wing?

    The only people caught in these mess are the Nubians who have been by betrayed big time by these thugs(the NCP Islamic fundamentalists and the SPLM communists thugs.

    I would like to apologized to the Nuba Mountains brothers and sister since Brother Yousef Kuwa is no longer with us and also some of the people along side you during your struggle are no longer with us. I’M very sorry that you are left with useless SPLM communist thugs who only think of their bellies than brothers of Nuba an Blue Nile regions.

    They are now busy dividing Southerners so that your cause in which many of you lost their lives along with many Southerners who fought alongside you including this author brothers would be in vain.

    I would never accept in my heart South Sudan as a complete independence with out the inclusion of Nuba Mountains and blue Nile states into their rightful place as RoSS 11th and 12th states respectively.

  • Jalaby

    SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm


    Stop crying SPLM baby, you have to concede the success of NCP and SPLM fail!

    It is the second time you stop the election aggregation process when the count falls behind your basket and not under your favor!

    We know SPLM wants to share the power with NCP as 50/50 as before and Al-Hilu rules for two years and Haroun for another two years despite the clear fail for SPLM in this election, this scenario could happen under only one case: when new hairs grow up in Al-Bashir head bald (LOOOOOOL).

    Jalaby (Abo Emma)

  • Dakin

    SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm
    @ sudanese
    NCP and DINKA SPLA should not escalate these matter further. The E.U, US, A.U are also tired of solving our problems!. So i urged the ncp and dinka spla alike to call upon george athor to come and impartially look into this matter.

  • Lomoro James
    Lomoro James

    SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm
    Dear All,

    SPLM in Southern Kordofan will win the elections an least the are rigged by NCP that is why they are confusing the situation on the borders.

    SPLM Northern sector OOOYEEEEEEEEEE,

    I can be reached at [email protected]

    Aweil, South Sudan

  • zol aweer
    zol aweer

    SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm
    You are extremely foolish, you don’t know anything in Southern Kordufan election result, can you keep your damn mouse shut and mind your slavery work in Khartoum.
    Nuba is almost to Khartoum you will see where you Abit will run with your husband from Jalaba.
    How will you expect win for Haroun, while he is criminal wanted by ICC.
    Shame on you !!!!!

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm
    Abu dirty Jalabia

    Al-Hilu, is a clear winner, all your rants about Misseriyah this and that wont help alter the facts on the ground. An NEC official took refuge in the UN compound on Sunday because the NCP threatened him unless he altered the results favoring the criminal Haroun.

    Democracy? yeah right!

    You are such an emotional child, grow up boy!

  • John Costa
    John Costa

    SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm
    he SPLM’s spokesman in South Kordofan Mohamdeen Ibarhim told the pro-government satellite TV channel Al-Shoroug TV that the SLM had discovered “a bogus polling station” in Kaddam constituency at Laqawa locality in the state’s western sector. Mohamdeen said that the center was unknown to NEC and political forces. Moreover, he added, the center had no party agents or observers. The SPLM’s spokesmen claimed they had seized five filled ballot boxes at the polling center.
    It should be “SPLM.”

  • Ito

    SPLM pulls out of South Kordofan vote body as foreign observers urge calm
    Dear fellow citizens,

    Yes, I am in support of the candid decision taken by the SPLM administration in the contested state of Southern Kordofan state by removing themselves away from the house of criminals. It is a smart decision because in this way, SPLM will not be viewed as an accomplish to the criminal and fraudulent activities exercise by the National Congress Party in Kordofan.

    I hope that the splm will continue to keep a distance between them and the election riggers in the North Sudan headed by criminal Harun under the leadership of big criminal fish, Al Bashhir.


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