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Sudan Tribune

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W. Equatoria governor calls for regulations on land usage in the state

May 11, 2011 (KAMPALA) – In his opening remarks at a one-day workshop on large scale land investment on 11 May, 2011 the Governor of Western Equatoria state (WES), Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro said the land of the state is for its people.

W. Equatoria governor examining NPA land baseline survey on 11 May 2011 in Yambio (ST)
W. Equatoria governor examining NPA land baseline survey on 11 May 2011 in Yambio (ST)
The Generation Agency for Development and Transformation-Pentagon (GADET) in partnership with the Norwegian People’s Aid, (NPA) organised the workshop on large-scale investment on Wednesday in Yambio, WES.

The aim of the workshop was to report the findings of a survey on large scale land investment in South Sudan and to raise awareness and stimulate discussion on the subject.

In the opening remarks the representative of NPA, Henrik Stabell said that “as the south is due for independence by 9 July there will be high interest in the land and NPA is commissioned to survey and to look at current land deals and give

“NPA has been working in solidarity with the people of South Sudan for the past 25 years since 1986 during this struggle, and have to stay if still needed to work with the people of South Sudan.

“NPA has employed over 950 southern Sudanese working in different states in South Sudan, with local communities in areas like Mine service, civil society and rural development projects.”

He said the NPA had been commissioned to “conduct a base line survey to find out what has been happening so far in land investment”.

He added that investment in South Sudan is welcome,but should benefit its people.

Governor Bakosoro commended the continuing efforts of NPA since the early days of the struggle for independence.

“Land is an asset, gold and everything for us, if we lose it we shall not be called people because people have land,” said Bakosoro.

Bakosoro denounced the lease of land for 100 years, since it was initiated by the British colonials and was no longer practical.

He called for reforms and a land contracting system as an alternative.

The governor disclosed that “the Arabs uprising in the Sudan was all about land because the instruction to the Sudan Armed Forces [SAF] during the war was about the land, not people which means land is important.”
The SAF is the army of north Sudan.

Bakosoro called upon the Government of South Sudan to ensure that land issues are clearly discussed in the transitional constitution of South Sudan.

He urged NPA to assist the people of South Sudan in regulating rules on land usage in the new country.

The the state minister of local government Wilson Ismail Sidigi, said the state will not sell land, but only rent it to investors and that “the investment processes include the two ministries of agriculture and physical infrastructure and the decisions of the communities” he said.

He also mentioned that after land reform decisions made by the local authorities, will be discussed by the council of ministers for alterations, or approval of the investor.
The workshop brought together the ten commissioners of the states and other administrative officers from the counties of Western Equatoria.



  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    W. Equatoria governor calls for regulations on land usage in the state
    Yeah! This is an excellent leadership. The interest of the people comes first. What a smart guy!! Keep up the spirit. Never deviate from our ancestors’ ,motto of taking care of the land from which we nourish to live and bury the dead. To us land is we ourselves. You sell the land then it is logical to say you have sold yourself to slavery.

  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    W. Equatoria governor calls for regulations on land usage in the state
    Good speech Mr. governor, but all Southern Sudanese citizens should have a legitimate right to buy the land from where ever each one feel comfortable. Equatorians are always complaining about their land being grabbed by Dinkas which is wrong. Any citizen in the South is free to own land where she/he feels comfortable to lives regardless of tribes or a personal background. In reality, the land in Southeren Sudan is belong to us all. We all fought arabs for the sake of freedom & equality.

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    W. Equatoria governor calls for regulations on land usage in the state
    Angelo AJIECH, aka ,land grabber,
    you are out of point.
    Does it mean you dont have your own land?
    Think twice sir,

  • hero

    W. Equatoria governor calls for regulations on land usage in the state
    Omoni Jr,

    What does federalism stand for? Not clear what you & your respective governors are advocating for in term of federalism.

  • Covert

    W. Equatoria governor calls for regulations on land usage in the state
    Omoni jr, the pinheads like you will never let South Sudan be in peace. Do you think if Zande and Zande only live alone in that land will make you anybody?

    Is that the civilization you always make a loud mouth about? Do you think you would be anybody without central government and any other people other than Zande?

    You have now proved to the people of South Sudan that you’re just the opposite evolution.

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