Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

May 14, 2011 (JUBA) – Three men were killed, three seriously wounded and 5,800 cattle stolen in Mayom county, Unity state, on Friday by gangs suspected of coming from the neighbouring Warrap state.

Local spiritual leader and head of the Kotni cattle camp, west of Ruathnyibol, Mut Turoal told Sudan Tribune on Saturday that three men were killed and three are seriously wounded when trying to resist the civilian gangs that were equipped with RPGs, PK machine guns and AK47s.

Gatdeng said that the gangs stole the cows at around 2.00pm Sudanese local time while they were grazing. He added that over 2,000 civilians, whose cattle were taken by the gangs, are now stranded in the Ruathnyibol area without food.

Mayom commissioner, Charles Machieng Kuol, has confirmed that a number of cattle were taken by gangs from neighbouring Warrap state yesterday afternoon. Kuol added that he had already contacted the Warrap state governor advisers to discuss peace and reconciliation regarding the gangs.

Kuol said, the two states will work to crack down on these gangs by proposing the deployment of security services in the border areas. Kuol added, last month he managed to trace the gangs who left his county for Warrap state and stole cattle there, but was able to return them to their rightful owners.

Kuol dismissed claims that gangs from his state went to the neighbouring state last week to steal cattle. He urged the authorities in Warrap state to intensify the hunt for the perpetrators of all cattle rustling incidents. He added that peaceful negotiation and law enforcement is the only way to resolve the problem.

In March Unity and Warrap states agreed to deal with these gangs and to bring peace to the neighbouring states but it remains a problem.

The clashes between forces loyal to the rebel Peter Gatdet, a former Sudan People Liberation Army general in Mayom county has made the environment conducive to the activities of the gangs in the neighboring Warrap and Unity states.



  • Nhomlawda

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    This is the really cattle rustling, minimise human harm and take as many cattle as they can. This can be called tribal raids but open warfare in the name of cattle raiding which ends in death of 100s to 1000s is not cattle rustling but a political issue to be dealt with seriously.

  • Maruon Ayiei
    Maruon Ayiei

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    Dear All,

    My condolences to those who have lost their love one in this heinous crime. May God rest their soul in peace.

    However, this has to stop. Living on stealing property is not a good thing and authorities should take it seriousely. Where those moron called “Cattle Rustlers” keep thos animals? If they keep them where they are suspected, then the government has to debunk them from those hide out locations within the states. It is not a crime to kill an out law if they don’t abide by the law. Kill them all and let the society start to get its freedom. I am tied to hears those bad news coming out of the south Sudan.Hunt the criminal like you hunt the jallaba.


  • Born to Achieve
    Born to Achieve

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    My condoles to the family of the victimes.
    However, extra efforts must be done to stop such inhumen activites that are going across this two states,SPECIALLY UNITY STATE, strong troops must be deployed to prevent such acts in the future.
    We as educated Southern Sudanese, our names must not be mension across the glob that we are still behind.


  • Bush

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state

    LOL! Nhomlawda you are funny, minimizing human casualty and take as many cattle as possible. come on! don’t encourage cattle rustling please, let’s work towards building our nations.

  • Lang

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    Here we go, another cattle rustling story..

  • dinkador1

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    Let us get same idea for those who are killing people every day for their own properties,what will be the solution to stop this?
    Unity state is a problem to sudanese, we have to united and sit down to get solution how to stop our people from being kill daily.

  • Liberator

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    Madina Kebir

    MR.Bonifancio Taban Kuich has not done any thing out of the ordinary but reports the hard facts on the ground.

    I have also noticed the good reporting Taban been doing, in applying the correct title for this thugs” Gangs” instead of “Dinka armed militia”.

    How comes the civilians in Warrap state have RPG’s and PKM’s rifles. There are some Dinka SPLA armed militia element within these groups.

    Warning: To other Dinka reporters who always rushed the name “Militia” when suspecting Nuer cattle rustlers. please use the proper name as Taban’s ” that they should be called armed ’Gangs” irrespective of the group lineage.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    i can solve the issue if you folks elect me the commissioner or Governor ak these states

  • Bush

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    I appeal to peace loving Southerners to stop commenting at Sudan tribune as this site has proved not to be in our favor at all, we should stop using it to express our views and differences. Our enemies use this site to read our comments and promote their own agenda.

    I beg my fellow Southerners to stop commenting on this forum please if you really love your country and want to promote peace.It may sound bad to others and Sudan tribune team but it’s for our own betterment as Southerners.

    If you have any thought about this please let us know too.


  • Nhomlawda

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    I am not encouraging cattle rustling but this had been a practice between Nuer, Murle, some Dinka sub tribes and clans, and some tribes in Eastern Equatoria for centuries. They had done it for centuries with the motive of taking cattle and minimize human harm so that the raided people can look for more cattle to be raided in the future. This had been a motive behind cattle raiding for centuries in Sudan and other African countries.
    But today, some tribes organize cattle raiding with the aim of devastating the raided tribe by killing as many people as they can and taking as many cattle as possible. This is not the motive of traditional cattle raids.
    Cattle rustling is bad and should be discouraged but this particular raid was well organized and it minimized human casualties in heavily armed societies. Youth who organized this raid are true cattle rustlers whose motive was not to kill Nuer innocent civilians and youths but to take cattle for their riches and may be marriages.
    This is a true tribal cattle raid without tribal hatred to cause devastating effect in term of human lost.
    If our people were practicing this kind of cattle theft, there would not have been a major alarm but what is going on now between Nuer and Dinka, and Nuer and Murle is completely unacceptable; it is what I termed as an intentional depopulation of South Sudan through massive and wide spread killings and must be stopped immediately even if it requires military force.

  • dakin

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state

    Bonifacio Taban Kuic
    This guy I must say is a tribal reporter. These dinka raiders are armed with RPGs and PKs and yet he call them civilians gangs just coz they are his tribemen, he could never tell us what they were wearing.Sometimes back he was refering to the nuer raiders as militias.This is very disgusting! This heavy armed raiders have killed and looted as many as they could, there is no question about that.
    However, I am glad that no nuer is going to call death on Salva Kiir or blame Riek Machar in regard to that incident.


    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    Dinkas are patence and honest people they don,t like of taking some one property but if you do something bad to them now and then,they will think twice before they act and make consultations.Nuer has taught them of surving of someone property for long time again.look recently they came to Twic toch where they killed many people coz of cattle and this could be revenge if really happened but this is not a true statement.Dinkas always listen to people and you nuer are causing the whole south sudan to be inscure.

    Nuer are also raided cattle and killed people in lakes stae,took 6750 cattle and warrap too but we just take easy as normal.no blame to Riek Machar or kiir mayardit or no one plan to do bad thing to Riek.
    you need a leadership with no qualities of leadership with u guys maybe few people.

    advice yourselves and raiding cattle.

  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state

    Pls don’t cry, this is just a starting point. I told you last week when Nuers looted our cattle that you are going to be taught a lesson and you told me people from Warrap will not take even a single cow based on Ngundeng idealogy.

    Wait some more attacks are coming, don’t think this is Pibor or Bor, it is called Gogrial.

  • Albino Kuel
    Albino Kuel

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    Dear Bonifacio Taban Kuic,
    you only talking at this time and where were in the long time Nuer community were looted thousand of cattle from Dinka,since some year back,You are saying they were having RPGs and PKs for what?these were just only they thieves and who looted the cattle and killed people in the first place? Is the Nuer Community of Mayom County.

    Don’t report worry information,when you saw one thief of Dinka tribe while you have already leave thousand of thieves in Nuer community to looted they cattle as they want without controle from the Government of Mayom County.

    Wen Achieng-Malual Atem

  • James Garang
    James Garang

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    Is true Bush I am agreed with you I discourage the comments which our people posted to this website.
    Dear Southerners let us stop comments on this website of our enemies

  • Bush

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    @James Garang

    Thank you so much Mr Garang and I hope those who understand it like you will follow our advice too. Every person has his/her own problem but you don’t go shouting about it on the street because people will start laughing at you.

    The comments that we post here are read by many people both inside and outside, friends and enemies and the enemies of peace will make use of differences to generate their agenda.

    Even we don’t want this site report about South Sudan issues after July 9 because, look there are a lot of developments going on in the South right now but they don’t report about them rather they only keep on report about the negative parts such as rebellions and cattle rustling which spoils our images in the eyes of the World.

    We will have new web sites after July 9.

    Thank you for obeying.

  • Waucity

    Rustlers kill three people, steal more than 5,000 cattle in Unity state
    The so call Nuers are the one that wouldn’t just allow peace to prevail in Southern Sudan. People forgot about this so call cattle raiding for a while but these shameful people brought it up again. Both in Pibor and in Warrap, you need to start working for yourselves. In 1991, you came to Bor and collected cattles, pots and underwears, you are so little, such a very little people. 3 people is nothing, I think this reporter is lying because he got too a shame that his tribe raided, so he design a report to bring people of warrap state to the Nuer level. I said work hard and stop being a thief…lol..I hate you.

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