Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations

By John Actually

May 15, 2011 (BOR)- The South Sudanese government’s intention to invite the president of north Sudan, Omar Al Bashir, to attend independence celebrations has sparked serious debate among the citizens of South Sudan, reported a South Sudanese newspaper on 15 May.

President Bashir (C) opens Dr. Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology in Bor with Kuol Manyang (L), Aggrey Ayuen (R) March 17, 2010 (ST photo by Philip Thon Aleu)
President Bashir (C) opens Dr. Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology in Bor with Kuol Manyang (L), Aggrey Ayuen (R) March 17, 2010 (ST photo by Philip Thon Aleu)
One group believes that, what will be the Republic of South Sudan as of the 9 July, has a moral obligation to arrest Bashir and hands him to International Criminal Court (ICC). Another group Bashir showed be allowed to celebrate and acknowledge the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

The CPA was signed by north and South Sudan, ending more than two decades of civil war. A stipulation of the agreement was the right of the South Sudanese to vote in a plebiscite. They voted overwhelmingly in favour of secession in January 2011.

Bashir has an arrest warrant against his name for crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur.

According to The Citizen newspaper, the group that is opposed to Bashir presence at the celebrations has been organized by relatives of the 1992 Juba massacre. The group affirms that the relatives of the victims are preparing to protest against Bashir if he turns up.

“The widows are planning to walk naked into the venue of the celebration if Bashir is among the world leaders”, said one widow.

“The world will witness protests against Bashir that day. We will walk naked to the celebration venue unless we are promised that Bashir will be arrested and taken to the ICC for the charges of genocides and atrocities against humanity,” she explained.

Merekase Lorna, a human rights campaigner, said if Bashir attends the celebrations, the authorities should arrest him once the Republic of South Sudan anthem ends and her flag is flying.

Sudan People’s Liberation Movement secretary for political affairs, Antipas Nyok Kucha has suggested that Bashir will be the first leader to come and recognise Southern independence.

Before the independence vote in January 2011 Bashir said he would “congratulate and celebrate with you” to the people of South Sudan, should they choose to vote in favour of secession. The rhetoric has soured, with regards to the controversial Abyei over, which north and south Sudan are claiming ownership, Bashir said he was willing to return to war with the south.



  • Liberator

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations
    TO: RoSS

    How can you arrest Bashir when we are not even a signatory to ROME statue(that established) the current ICC?

    Or did the GOSS signed the statue already in secret or are we just having the usual jungle law implementation as usual.

    I’m not a fan of Bashir but you have to acknowledge the fact that out of many sucessive regimes in Sudan, his regime should be give a credit for having the courage to signed the peace deal with the South, that saw the through a successful referendum implementation in January, why wouldn’t you invite him to the independence celebration and hand him the old Sudan flag in person.

  • Homeboy

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations
    What is wrong with Bashir attending South Sudan’s independent celebration? He is being invited in the capacity of former president of the whole country and also to recognise and give legitimacy to the new state of Africa. So those who think about demostrating should think twice.

  • Sam.Eto

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations
    ***** BREAKING NEWS ******* BREAKING NEWS ******

    A high ranking SPLA officer stated that late Dr. John Garang was killed by Israeli Musad in collaboration with the President of Uganda and a Christian organization. This was done after he had returned from a trip to Israel. The last people to see him alive were pagan Amum and Yasir Arman.

  • Abikach Ayuel
    Abikach Ayuel

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations
    So What jana umak ? Whom do u want to make believe your fabricated lies !Shame on u devil ! Garang’s death is accident though u don’t believe it ! Stupid being like u is not in this world ! We love Garang as hero bcoz he deserve it ! and you Who are u ?
    menh bilit !

    By Abikach

  • dinkador1

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrationsT
    To, Mr Liberator, Mr Amed1, and Mr Hormoboy.
    You are telling the fact, if president Bashir come or not, we have to respect him like former president of old sudan.
    why not to arrest him after one year?
    I think those of three v at their face can do that, since there is no reasoning capacity in the mind.
    Go ahead with what you wants.

    To Mr Sam. Eto,
    cleaver man,our PRESIDENT was killed by MUSEVENI of uganda, and still we are giving chances to uganda in our country. always my filling towards ugandans is very bad. thank you for your comments, one day one time?

  • dinkador1

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations
    To mr Abikach Ayuel,
    I think you are to happy about the death of my father, if you are nuer, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, wait for yours soon nuer will be too happy now, lest then 40 days.

  • Amanya Joseph
    Amanya Joseph

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations
    Well readers I am so glad that most of you are showing concern on whether bashir should attend the Independent celebration of the new Republic of the South Sudan or not?
    Well it is a Big question with taking into consideration that South Sudan wants to be a clean country.
    Well let me take you through what Bashir has done during his period in the office or to cut it short during the Six years interim period.

    Bashir in the first place though many can claimed that he was under pressure that is why he accepted to signed the peace agreement in 2005, all in all he was the one who singed on behave of the NCP hence that is a credit. signing it alone was not the importance but rather repsecting and implementing it was the most thoughes and harder part of which all of us know that. Bashir according to the CPA that it must be implemneted to the tip of the pen, that mean he has right to come and attend the independence celebration of South Sudan. and that mean giving reorgnition to the new emerging country. and as the president of our country since we are not yet in dependent till the day the New Flag is raised and the National Anthem for the New Country is sang then we shall begining thinking of arresting him

    But that is not yet the begining, we still have got long way to arrest Bashir, Since we are not Signitory to Rome Statute therefore we have to do either of the following, arrest Bashir after the Flag is raised and the National Anthem Sang or Protect him as a Supreme Country whoch is not signitory to the above.

    Now coming to the invitation send by GOSS to most of the countries around the world, or to say the greater Block “European Union Countries, The Northern American Countries and Some of the African Countries definitely may not attend the celebration once South Sudan is to host President Bashir, and it has either of the two, Either those Countries will send represntative or not recognised South Sudan as an Independence Country and we alll know what it mean for the great Countries not to recorgnised us,

    therefore Instead of Queralling why don’t we our selves who should attend and who should recorgnised South Sudan as a Country. Prioty Matters. We are between the Valley of Bashir and the World, I wish Bashir Could only send represntative so that we are not left in dilemma of arresting him and protecting him for.

    Let us share Discussion over this.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations
    It will be a stupid thing to bother Bashir when attending our independence. It is the duty of the ICC to arrest Bashir not South’s. Believe it or not, we need good relationship with north as Aferweki said, that ‘Stability in South Sudan would mean stability in the South’. Burning neighbor’s house can burn your own house. Think about it.
    We need good relationship and diplomacy with the north for a South Sudan to be a stable prosperous country. Bad relations will backfire. You will see multiple rebellions based in the South and financed in the north.

    A good politician should examine the interest of Khartoum first and then make the gains of peace far greater than the gains from rebellions to north.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger ends in shame

  • James Garang
    James Garang

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations
    I know world leaders are not issues out the orders that if Bahsir come to the Southern Sudan independent day. we will not go there to South Sudan. and we will not recognize its independent.
    I think No reason totally to prevent Bashir not to attend the Southern Sudan celebration of its independent day

  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    Protests planned if Bashir attends South Sudan independence celebrations

    You and who are not signatory of the Rome Status? You enemies and betrayers of South Sudan, leave us alone.

    Just continue rebellion and your ages will end.

    Short Live Malitias and Rebels against South Sudan, Long Live SPLM/A and entire peace loving tribes of South Sudan.

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