Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

May 17, 2011 (JUBA) – More than 7,000 cattle were stolen from Riak district, Unity state, by gangs suspected of coming from the neighbouring Gongrial East and Twic counties of Warrap state, while 500 cattle were stolen from Pannhiany west of Mayom county on Tuesday.

An anonymous source in Mayom west suggests that the thieves were members of the Misseriya, ethnic group.

A-Dinka-boy-from-Warrap-s-001.jpgIn an interview with Sudan Tribune on Tuesday member of parliament from Unity state legislative assembly and representative for Riak constituency, Peter Dak Khan confirmed that 7,200 cattle were stolen by gangs. This is in addition to attacks in the same area on 14 May in which 5,800 cattle were stolen.

Khan added that Mayom commissioner, Charles Machieng Kuol has been trying to keep in touch with Warrap state authorities on these issues but has not been able to establish telephone contact.

“This issues should be addressed at the national level in the South Sudan government, since we are part of new independent state, in which he believe there is a need to focus on peace and love for one another,” he said.

Machieng and others MPs from Mayom county appealed humanitarian aid organisations to assist the affected citizens. Aid organisations have difficulty operating in the area because there is a high number of landmines.

More than 20,000 people have been displaced and 100 killed due to clashes between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army and rebels loyal to Peter Gatdet Yaka in Mayom county.



  • liberator3

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled

    TO: Major General Gatduel Gatluak,(Division 4 commander) Gen. Paulino Matip Nhial. and the county commissioners.

    Please stop complaining about this. Nuer do not like to complain when attacked. just recover your cattle by imposing your will against the hungriest Southerners the Greater Bargahzel refugees). Now, the Khartoum Gov’t have imposed a unilateral sanctions against the inept GOSS, the hungriest refugees(The Greater BargahZel) will prey on your little resources you have.
    I would like to advise all of you that,said, oil production need to be shutdown in both Unity and Upper Nile states period! and let’s see wether Gogrial gangs in Juba of Salva Kiir and Salva Mathok will have the guts to continue arming their fellow clansmen against Bull Nuer of Unity state.

    Note: Trueteller, please do not praised Kuol Manyang for messing the Nuer warriors history. he’s doing this to cover his rear-end. Martin Majier was killed by the same Kuol Manyang who pretend to praised the guy liberation contribution. He left out his former commander’s contribution Arok Thon Arok to.
    He should have praised the contribution of the Whole Greater Upper Nile. Because, there was no Jonglei state in the 1920s.
    Yes, Mut Dung of Greater Upper Nile was the one brought down the first ever fighter Air craft brought down by the enemy forces in the whole Africa. He happened to come from the present UPPER NILE States(Formerly Known as Greater Upper NILE)

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    To all people commenting in this website, what happen in Unity State:It is not about how strong are those who mistakely undermind our country law and order: But it is about completely weakness of our State and our government as whole. I will never blame anyone but our State leadership strategic plan and our government body. State government should aggressively protect her citizen in all angles. To all the readers I will completely rejected that great Nuer and great Dinka are not comprehensive enemies but true brothers for long period of time. for example, 50% of 50% of them dead toward independence for many years. if Nuer and dinka are enemies in South Sudan, i will believe that we will not get this independence; (YES OR NO judge me if you can)

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    This is nonsense, I advise these communities to read Bible and value human life over cattle. What is the use if you are killing yourselves over cattle? At the end if most of you dies who will rare the cattle.

    These primitive societies should learn to respect human beings life. For sure something is wrong in your brains.

  • marie

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    The fighing between the two communities of Nuer and Dinka is not only because of cattle but to settle old scores. The Nuer organize themselves to pay back and they are termed militias by those in Juba while the Dinkas are termed as galdung which for are also militias because they do the same thing. The only solution to this problem is for the government to disarm militias from both sides. If double-standard is used to solve the problem, for sure it would explode more to engulf the whole of South Sudan.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled

    You may be correct by asserting that these two communities may be settling old scores. But I would like to inform you that such act are not and will not be tolerated in certain states.

    Some states for instance Equatoria in general are peace loving people with less rate of killing innocent people. I am quite sure they will never allow such indiscipline, blood thirty people of Upper Nile and Bahr el gashal to transfer such act to their land.

    Equatorian in most cases solve their difference by dialogue. I urge those two region to do the same.

  • Aleu

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    I am doubt maybe Messirya is coming in Southern Sudan to loots animals but I would real blame the people who have stared attacked first within Unity State. I don’t think anybody can pointed his finger to Warrap communities rather than blaming Mayom community.

    I hope the governors in all ten States must do something to make sure that, there is a law in the place and the people seem to break the law must be punish if found them. Dinkas and Nuers both they have same characteristic and they have same cultures where by marriage for a girl may cost a lot of Cows in oreder to get wife and this is why they poor people in Bentiu communities are always a cross borders to attacked Warrap communities. This has to be stop if the governors, mayors and Federal government GOSS are serious about this, they must bring these conflicts on looting to an end through law.

    In many respect, Dinka did obye law not because I am from the Monyjang but the truth must be tell and they also like to have peaceful with their neighborhood unlikely to our brothers Nuers that, they have no good friendship with their neighbors such as Murel, Dinka and even themselves but the Nuers communities leaders must educated the young men. There are many good things to make your life better than unrest looting animals.

    Now Southern Sudan is yet to be annouce new nation and young people must forget about looting animals and go to school to learn on others things, because there will be more than 100% chances for young people to take these opportunities in the new nation. Southern Sudan government will have to employe a million people and maybe more than that, a cross ten States and I think people will ignore my point and it is true. There will be a ministers need for Banks, there will be a ministers needed for agriculture scetor, there will be a ministers need for energy, there will be a ministers needed for all kinds that, will creates job and you have to have a good car rather being a looter man.

    Finally, I wish the Bentiuan communities leaders have to talks to their young people. Why my focusing goes to Nuers particular, not because I don’t like Nuer people but because there are many problems in Nuers communities than any others society in Southern Sudan. We are all people of Southern Sudan no matter how fast the other speaking roughly and no matter how polietness others speaking slowly. Rough talks show that, you intens to say something too fast and un organized but someone speak slowly he/she want to understand everything right. Dinka always stayed in their communities and they don’t intened to attacked other community without reasonable at least other attacked them then, they go after them. We need to be able to struggle your own way and not looting others properties not belong to you this is a crime against ownership rights and individual rights and we must stop it.

  • Mapuor

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled

    Salva Kiir,just remove anybody who is not doing his job and replace them with competent people.When you look at the functions of the ministry of internal affairs,internal security is one of their main reasons for existent as a ministry,why go beating around the bush.GoSS spends alot of money on the above mentioned ministry for this purpose.Gen Giir must either resign or be removed.Its true that attacks were started by those of Bul & SPLA was doing his part chasing renegade Gadet,what about the Plice,Prisons & Fire brigade, what were they doing in both Bul & Gogrial?.Giir Chuang must go before the declaration of our independence.

  • Mapuor

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled

    Dear readers just read the functions of the Ministry of internal affairs & think for who is to blame:The Ministry of Internal Affairs performs the following functions and duties:

    1.Ensure and maintain Southern Sudan domestic and border security;
    2.Coordinate the duties and actions of the Southern Sudan police, prison and civil defense services;
    3.Prepare and implement enabling legislation for the operation of the police, prison and civil defense services;
    4.Set common minimum standards for the recruitment, operation and equipment of the police and civil defense services throughout Southern Sudan;
    5.Develop and oversee the implementation of strategic policies and action plans for the three internal services of Southern Sudan;
    6.Develop strategic policies to combat, prevent, investigate and detect crime and to maintain law and order;
    7.Formulate policy for training the Southern Sudan police, prison and civil defense services and set standards and curriculum for their training;
    8.Liaise with regional and international police organizations on the prevention and investigation of crimes of piracy, terrorism, human trafficking, arms proliferation, narcotics, money laundering and cyber crime;
    9.Registration and control of the movement of foreign refugees and Sudanese internally displaced persons;
    10.Coordinate and monitor the activities of all international agencies dealing with refugees and IDPs;
    11.Regulate the issuance of travel permits by Sudan embassies for aliens with proven contracts in Southern Sudan;
    12.Issue fire-arms licenses;
    13.Regulate, license and supervise the operation of private security firms in Southern Sudan;
    14.Develop programmes to address juvenile crimes and establish centres to accommodate juvenile criminals;
    15.Establish and maintain a database on crime statistics and other related information;
    16.Issue vehicle log-books and driving licenses; and
    17. Coordinate with other government agencies to effectively respond to man-made and natural disasters.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    SPLA militia of Dinka Tribe is behind the theft of those cattle of Bull Nuer!! What sense it makes to people , even those with single brain cell like Salva Kiir Mayaacith of Gogrial, that a Gang of civilians could be heavily armed with RPGs, RPKs AK-46 and other heavy weapons??

    Suppose they happened to be civilians, then, the question would be who armed them and against who??

    Where are Bull sons in the SPLA militia of Dinka, where is Peter Gadeit of SSLA, why are they not getting their food from the nearby Dinka states, good idea isn’t?? where are Nuer of unity state other than Bull Nuer or they are busy chasing Gadeit or even be blinded with money that Dinka are taking from their state, I can not imagine if this could happen in any Naath land, e.g. Nasser??

    Where is that traitor called Gatduel Gatluak of SPLA militia division 4, and Matip Nhial, the poster duty of Gogrial General Kiir Mayaarcheith or are they busy chasing their clan’s mate Peter Gadiet yaka who is fighting to liberate their big mouths? Is fighting Gadiet more important than protecting your civilians from looting by Dinka??

    People of western Nuer, now I begin to realize why Riek Machar declared his coup in eastern Nuer town of Nasser 1991, because Reik knew very well that he will get 100% protection he needs from us, if Riek did that in western Nuer,you people would have handed him to Garang and then killed!! He knew how weak you are apart from lions like Peter Gadeit Yaka!!

    To my surprise, all your people are now becoming the diehard followers of SPLA, the Dinka militia, including Riek himself, what is happening to you guys? Reik and Matip are now the high ranked in the Dinka militia and they are turning their back to people who were protecting them during those days, apart from Peter Gadeit , you are just cowards and sooner rather than later on if we, the people of eastern Nuer and Fangak Nuer do not come for your rescue then, all western Nuer will be colonized by Dinka!!

    Why are you not helping each others as you are more than enough to protect yourselves, if not because you are stupidly diving yourselves along clan lines such as Bull, Nyoung, Jigeey, Dok, and western Jinkeny, why are you not just thinking as one western Naath!! Why don’t you look at how Dinka of Gorial and waarob or whatever you call them, united against one clan which is Bull Nuer!!! Is that fair in your eyes?

    Guys, you are not that pathetic, you are making Naath look weak in the eyes of southern Sudanese, when we are really stronger than people think!!

    Ask any Dinka who fought in the Eastern Nuer during 1980s about Nuer Nasser and Jinko and malual and people of Lou Nuer, who used to support A2, and he/she will tell you how we treated SPLA militia men when they try to misbehave,our Nasser land now is littered with skeletons and remains of SPLA Dinka militia men as we fed our birds with their corps no one dare to bury them till now, we killed Dinka SPLA milita men more than what Jalaba kill!!

    They will never forget us for life! If you feel like you can not fight Dinka milita alone then tell us so that we will start to invade the Dinka Knok and other that are neighboring Naath Lou, Naaser and Fangak!!

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    SPLA militia is the only one behind the theft of those cattle of Bull Nuer!! What sense it makes to that people civilian gangs could be heavily armed with RPGs and other heavy weapons?? If they happened to be civilians, then, the question would be who armed them and against who?? Where are Bull sons in the SPLA militia or they are blinded with money? Where is Gatduel Gatluak of SPLA militia division 4, and Matip Nhial, the poster duty of Gogrial General Kiir or are they chasing their clan mate Peter Gadiet yaka? Is fighting Gadiet more important than protecting your civilians from looting by Dinka??
    People of western Nuer, now I begin to realize why Riek Machar declared his coup in eastern Nuer, because he knew very well that he will get protection he needs from us, if Riek did in western Nuer, you people would have handed him to Garang!! To my surprise, all your people are the diehard SPLA militia, including Riek himself, what is happening to you? Reik and Matip are now the high ranked in the Dinka militia, they turn their back to people who were protecting them, apart from Peter Gadeit , you are just cowards and sooner rather than later on if we, the people of eastern Nuer do not come for your rescue then, all western Nuer will be colonized by Dinka!! Why are not helping each other you are more than enough to protect yourselves if not because you are stupidly diving yourselves along clan lines as Bull, Nyoung, Jigeey, Dok, and western Jinkeny!! Why don’t you look at how Dinka of Gorial and waarob united against Bull!!! Is that fair? Guys, you are not that pathetic t, you are making Naath look weak when we are really stronger than!! Ask any Dinka who fought in the Eastern Nuer during 1980s about Nuer Naser and Jinko and malual and he/she will explain how we treated them when they try to misbehave, our Nasser land is full of their bones and remains of SPLA Dinka militia as we killed more than what Jalaba kill!! They will never forget us for life! If you feel like can not fight Dinka alone tell us so that we will start to invade Dinka Knok and other that are neighboring Naath Lou, Naaser and Fangak!!

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Dear Southerners,

    This conflict between Dinka and Nuer will be effectively solved by using Awet Akot’s method. CDR Daniel Awet Akot during 1987-88 used unusually laws to solve the problems that were committed by soldiers mainly from Mour-mour. CDR Awet Akot gave one of the mour-mour soldier fire sqad in front of parade because that soldier loot “hen eggs”. That message spoke loudly by then and all soldiers from Bahzel learnt that lesson and the situation calm and stable right from that time when firing sqad took place up to CPA time no reckless crime have been done.
    I agreed with the pseron who said that Nuer and Dinka are not enimies, yes, for sure they are not and they will not be enimies what so ever though they are on friction now. Togetherness efforts of both communities made the fruitfull for S.Southern possibly. What brought this friction between two great communities is the economic challenge othwise the two communities have no intention to be having hatred amongst themselves.


    Lok T.Simon

  • Ajiech M. Chol
    Ajiech M. Chol

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Citizens of Unity and Warrap State should stop killing and stealing from both side. This is a time we’ll be enjoying really freedom and equality. Let’s lives in harmony as brothers and sisters and forget in the past.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    NCP should use the card of embargo to topple Dinka regime in the southern Sudan!! If the government of Sudan let SPLM to proceed to a recognized state, then, they will turn against them as they will use oil as a tool to destabilize North using people of Southern Blue Nile, Dar FUR and Nuba Mountains of southern Kordufan!!
    SPLM has got hatred for Khartoum because of the civil war that they stupidly started in 1980s; they wish to wipe out the NCP who gives the opportunity to create their own state in the Southern Sudan! So, North Sudan must make sure that they topple that bunch of criminals to enable the people southern Sudan to create a state which will be friendly to our brothers in the Northern Sudan, because we are actually one people even if we are divided it is because of political misunderstanding and nothing else! If the Government in north leaves SPLM to flourish, then it will be like leaving a cancer cell to grow and accumulate more mutations and then progress to malignant cancer that spread or invade the whole body!! NCP must make sure they deal with SPLA /M because if they let them control RoSS to be then North will pay a heavy price!! NCP must help the opposition just to topple the regime in RoSS for their own interest in the near future; southern Sudan will be used by neighboring countries and northerners will never benefit from it if SPLM will be the boss!!!

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    I would like to thank people like Jalaba abu thagia and Mr. Mohamed Ali and the rest from Northern Sudan for their brilliant comments on this website, concerning the embargo imposed by Northern Sudan to the criminal of GoSS in Juba IT IS NOT AGAINST PEOPLE OF ROSS ofcourse!

    SPLM and their GoSS are the most stupid people I ever come across in my entire life; they are insulting NCP who gives them freedom to just avoid the blood shed in the country by signing CPA and that recognize the result of the referendum and promise to recognize their RoSS to be born yet SPLM is trying to destabilize North Sudan, to stub NCP in the back!!

    Millions of Southerners used to live, work in the Northern Sudan during the civil war , they were obtaining the same services like Northerners, all schools and universities were moved to North and after the peace and referendum now we want turn our back to the very people who used to help us at the time of the need, what stupid people we should be!! What Ugandan and Kenyan did to you other than abuses and mistreatment! Are you more African than Northerners simply because of your dark skin color!! Northerners are mix of Africans and Arabs just like you are mixing with white now, are your kids going to be segregated because of their skin colors!! Jinubiin please behave yourselves!! Division of Sudan is not going to serve your interests as those you are stupidly perceiving African brothers will be the one that loot you and make use of your ignorance tomorrow!!

  • Nhomlawda

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    In South Sudan, unchecked madness is the order of the day; you only wonder how a nation will be built without anybody or institution caring about the people. We only hope that God will bring wisdom and change of heart to prevent this social upheaval and militancy fanaticism.


    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    To Mr liberator3,are u advocating for war between Dinkas and nuers or you don,t know what to say ,i just advise you people in warrap they have generals like these generals of Yours. we dinkas we always suffered for sake of south sudan before and now,liberator3 u are just first militia then those militias .do you awer that nuers attacked warrap recently killed many people,do we complain to killer Riek Machar or,paulino matip of being given guns by them not at all ,nuers also stolen 7500 cattle from yirol lakes last year but Riek, matip,gaduel do nothing to bring a cattle back to the owners so please advise all ur militias to attack the bar el gazal as they did it in early 1990s but you din,t succeeded with Your master omar Bashir,should any attack happen all bar el gazal youth must be ready .enough is enough we have been dying for sake of freedom of sudanese this time Dinka men has to defence themseves.
    Let advocate for peace rather war,coz think of those dark days of killer Riek machar.let them stop oil production who will suffer most its nuers simple beacuse they adapted the culture of raiding someone cattle but your people became militias beacuse of food, position and bad mentality they had ,advise them for any war that is nuer culture.

  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled

    Ahahah man, don’t panic to change your name to Liberator3. You are now asking for Relief ahahah.

    When you stole 30,000 of our cattle, we didn’t request any aid. This is a lesson to all Nuers cattle rustlers that every tribe in South Sudan knows how to steal but should not be part of Culture.

    You are being taught now day by day.Now you are requesting GOSS to solve the problem at national level. Before that, advice your Nuers thieves and malitias from setting their feet at Gogrial, otherwise, there will be no more cattle in Nuer Land.

  • Gokmethitiit

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Dear Readers:
    The issue of cattle rustling will never stopped and unless a major steps are taken by the GOSS in treating the citizens of those areas equally by either arming both sides or disarmed them.
    This is not a local problem as those top leaders may understood but need national solutions

  • Gokmethitiit

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    To Aleu,
    I think you are unfair in your analysis, you seem praising Dinkas for good work through out your topic. Please this is not how to set a solution to a problem. You better look for law school to learn fair judgements and drawing up of your conclusions. Why do I say this, if you were really keen of the situation of cattle rustling between warrap and Bentiu communities you will came to conclusion that warrap community initiated more attacks on Mayom communities with heavy RPGS, PKMS and AKMs machines compared to Mayom communities. So in this regards who is more supported behind there.

    If you look at the forefathers history of Nuers and Dinkas since the inception of the current cattle rustling you will know that Gogrial communities started the fighting, What we need to do here in the internet site is not to support our tribe men but to proposed possible solutions and take the lead in our own hand to counsel our brothers and/or community who are destabilizing the South Sudan.

    Talking, supporting and siding our communities does not make any meaning to south Sudan. Now that with our independent we need to unite on the basis of citizenship not tribal basis or otherwise the fate of our country South Sudan will be in dismay. We need to associate with other tribe men so that we leave the spirit of tribalism and forget the old tribal scores and hatred. Let us begin a new chapter of peace and trust in our communities as well as other communities.
    Let’s avoid unfair and premature trial for our brothers but unite and work towards solving this cattle rustling. If we the current generations went learning institutions, be it primary, secondary or technical schools and finally to Universities and still supporting the tribal cause, what do you think those down there in cattle camps will do when they have never been to social places as i mentioned above. If we do this, then South Sudan shall never change and I think association with others can do better than disassociating with them because they belong to certain tribes.

  • MJriaksdca

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Mapour, I agree with you. Internal affairs are for the internal ministry which we see now is failing to do its work.

    These bad things are taking place within our people not between the Arabs north and us. Why then we cannot manage them?

    Sometimes, this is a sign that our people in government were not really fighting to stop things that pain our people. they were fighting to find opportunity to be a government in which they would be like Northerners to control the government while turning deaf ears to the issues of subjects.

    Governments such as in Africa have long not depend on their people. They survive on western money which they con by ways of people’s suffering. Once that money gets in their hands, they start to pocket it or use it to do other things which make their government control by few great to outsiders not their people. Why should they care about people’s problems when they know full well that the people do not support them financially to fill their pockets.

    This is why now you see many militias are being created because individuals who create them have seen how those in government are looting people’s money and become rich and great. So, they want to be rich and great too.

    It is a pathetic situation. Our people have to kneel on their knees and pray for helpful miracles to come from heaven above not from this self-interested people in governments who care less about solving people’s issues.

    This is a hopeless government that is incompetence to do its work.

  • choldit

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled

    This is a very silly and bias commend I every read in this website. How dare you be that belind to recognize that the Bull Nuer are the victim of the three Dinka communities agression with the backing from Salva Kirr govt? Ask yourself who armed our Dinka clans against Nuer with APG, 14s 12s and other type of heavy weapons? When the Nuer come for tit for tat we will cry louder for help from GOSS. Who told you Mayom community is the one that started this cycle of attack.

    You shamelessly continue attacking Nuer by claiming the Nuer have many problem in their community !!!! as if you don’t know that the Nuer ARE NOT the one who are looting the public fund in Juba but Dinka, the Nuer ARE NOT the one who ignore the will of the South Sudanese people in applying democratic principles in establishing this nation but the Dinka, the Nuer ARE NOT that one who refuse to solve rebellious that go on in the South peacefully but the Dinka.

    In fact, the Nuer are the one who is feeding our malfunctioning Govt from their Nuerland throuh oil production yet we Dinkas are looting it(wealth) and buying weapons that we use to kill the Nuer children using fools like Gatduel Gatluak, Taban Deng, jame Hot Mai and thier likes who can’t see what Kirr and his Dinka Generals behind doors is doing against the Nuer communities. We Dinka have never did something like what was doing by SPLA in disguse as Dinka communities while backing thier Dinka communities against Nuer community. This is not a betray of my Dinkas but is a search for the truth. We all know Nuer NEVER provok but always hit back severely!!!

  • dinkador1

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Nuer and DINKAS,
    That is their normal life,cattle rustled, stealling, killing and rebelion.that is not life people,Let them solve such cases not to take place again.

    Good examples are Equatorians, nothing has happened in equatoria like that and it will never take place unless dinkas or nuers will attempt, and they will see the result.

  • Dinka-Defender-General

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled

  • Ming Dhal
    Ming Dhal

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    When Nuer attacks and do many nonsense to other communities more especially against Dinka, no reaction but if Dinka try to avenge then people went and cry for no reason, am sure nothing of that Kind being done by Warrap citizen but it is Riek who is trying to launch stupid policies, people should take care on this useless article, i tried to find out from home to confirm but nothing of that kind happen
    And people in SSLA should take care of involving themselves in such words that has no evident. If i can ask how do you know these are from Gogrial East County? shame on you people and if you wanted to repeat 1991 case then go this is some thing known to you.

  • dinkador1

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Mr MAPUOR,
    What do you mean?
    the goverment is working hard for such things, but same of the personal in the same goverment are cooperate with the gengs, any stealing or robing banks are few criminals in the goverment, or this new police of 2011, and their tribes are either nuer or dinka. You are right, ALL OF US SHOULD FIND A SOLUTION TO STOP THIS CASE BROTHERS.KILLING MUST STOP.

  • dakin

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Dear dinka defender general,
    I may call you a dinka stupid general sir and a son of a satan. What are talking about here:
    ”ALL DINKA COMMUNITIES FROM EAST, WEST,NORTH AND SOUTH WILL ALL UNITE AND ATTACK NUER COMMUNITIES AND TAKE ALL THEIR PROPERTIES.” By the way I don’t think that there is something to justify your empty threats for not even the whole of Bentiu attacked you! See now Gatduel is giving you security against Gatdet,Taban is channelling the 2 percent oil dollars to Warrap.

    For me you would sound wise,patient and peace loving atleast if u could have directed your threats to cattle thugs not the Nuer Community? You happen to be a cattle thug too,enjoy your loots

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    the people of Unity State and Warrap live as neighbors for a very long time. they have had their own conflicts but not to the extent that they have reached today. And I think they can solve this problem of cattle rustling as they did before in many meeting in Abiemnyom. So, the problem can be solve at the level of local government through the supervission of both the State and GoSS. Please don’t just blame the Juba government, these gangs can be brought down by local communities if they want to. Do you really believe that the local communities either in Warrap or Unity States do not know these gangs? I don’t think so, they know them. And therefore they can contribute into the solution of this issue if the people want to do so.

  • Aleu

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Mr. Gokmethitiit and Choldit.

    Look I am not a bias person nor I don’t take side but the truth must be tell brothers. I Don’t real support any conflict but peaceful yes. We must also accepted wrong thing for some time because that is how people can resolving their problems.

    I wonder if you guys will remembering the peace that, was held between Dinka and Nuer.? Let me explain to you guys if you can real understand how many times Nuers repeated mistake after mistaken like that. The peace between Dinka and Nuer was held concerning such unrest violent about animals and killing innocents people. During peace resettlement both sides Nuers and Dinkas agrees that, we must works for peace each other and it was signed by communities chiefs both sides either Nuer nor Dinka unfortunately, the Nuer side did not kept that promised. They went to Warrap communities more than seven times and we have a document to show to anyone.

    Second to that, the Nuer went to Twic East attacking Bor community on Sunday people were praying and we have also document that, Nuer have broken peace agreement for the second time. Thirdly, they went again to Warrap communities looting 900,000 Cows and we have also douments for that.

    In short, I think we must not cover up if we need to solve this problem facing our people and in order to solve this situations, you have to tell your communities not to a cross borders and looting they Cows of Dinka or Murel. The unprofound claiming the Warrap communities attacked on Mayom’s community with a heavy RPGS,PKMS and AK 47 is just nonesense. Nuers communities are more armies than any others in Southern Sudan following Topposa. To solve this case first we must address the real caused why people a cross border to attacked on the other. In addition to that, I read laws but I have never found the looters to be given rights and I have not read that, criminal should cover up.

  • Stephen kuach
    Stephen kuach

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Your comment is so discrimenatory and marely nonsense,Nuer communities are not to be blame in the cattle rustling in general,there are some good Nuers and some bad Nuers samething like in Dinka,some Dinkas thugs are cattle rustling too.thugs are marely known as thugs,no matter where they belong to or whatever tribe they belong into,but they’re known as thugs in general.though we all should always work hard together to find those cattle rustlers and let the law take an effect on them.thief never stop unless someone pocked his/her black eye.

  • unityfirst1

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Supporter of Naath Cause!
    MAN! i wish to meet you personally so i can stick my Dick into your tight ass,just to make you scream and mourn like a whore,both of you and your boyfriend(Jalaba abu-tagia).

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled

    You are real motherfucker G!! Go and stick your dick right to your mother, father, sister and your entire community anuses and then come and suck mine, Mohamed Ali and Jalaba abu Tagia dicks to make you shout loudly with pleasure Gaylord and then swallow our cum son of bitch!! If you meet me you will hate yourself!! Ask those SPLA militia men that I smoked when I was in A2 in 1980s and you will know who I am!!

  • unityfirst1

    Unity state: more than 7,000 cattle rustled
    Supporter for Naath Cause!
    shut the fuck off son of slut,my mother never had been slept by the Arabs like your stupid mom who was always run to Khartoum to be slep by the arab just to get some left over junky food that had been farted into by the arab.A2 in 1980 man!get the fuck off on my way son of butty call with some wide open pussy.aka(whore).i’m not a gay,but wish i can tried on you damn motherfucker,son of Nyagat why you always keep running after the arab because you prove me right that your puncky ass mama had been knocked down plate to her back by the arabs.why are you helping them though if you’re a ligetimate child of the south then?

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