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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Trade embargo hits Rumbek, South Sudan

By Manyang Mayom

May 18, 2011 (RUMBEK) – Lakes States’ capital of Rumbek has been hit by high fuel prices and food shortages following a blockade made by the Khartoum government on goods moving from north to South Sudan.

A woman carrying goods from market (AFP)
A woman carrying goods from market (AFP)
Fuel stations in Rumbek began to run out of diesel on Sunday afternoon; most fuel station managers blamed the blockade.

The Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) Secretary General in the North Yasir Arman accused the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Khartoum of seeking to topple GoSS led by Salva Kiir through the blockade that he likened to the one imposed by Israel on Gaza strip.

There are also reports that trucks being prevented of travelling to the south from the north.
On Monday morning, only one station in Rumbek had diesel and was selling it a the record price of SDG5 (US$1.9) per litre, which is an increase of 70 percent, overnight.

John Marol Magune, the manager of Dove Fuel Station, the single fuel station with limited stocks of diesel, said that the stock will only last one or two days, adding that their hope lays in the reopening of the road.
Marol said affirmed saying that “We have only fuel for today and tomorrow. If that produce is finish, then we shall wait to see whether the government will open the road or not. The prices is shooting up”.

According to Lakes state governor, Chol Tong Mayay, “this issue is being addressed at the national level and already the president has formed a committee for this purpose”. Chol also added that “food shortages are another obstacle that will be experience within this week if a solution is not reached quickly”.

In Yirol West county of Lakes state, 75 miles east of Rumbek, the price of diesel currently stands at SDG3.5 per litre.

According to government officials, there are reports that negotiations are under way to get fuel supplies and other essential commodities into South Sudan from East Africa.



  • Riak

    Trade embargo hits Rumbek, South Sudan
    The Goss need to act urgently to rescues the situation and they must also find along term solution to avoid any future upset of same plays.

  • liberator3

    Trade embargo hits Rumbek, South Sudan
    TO: General Public

    Let’s see where those big bellies corrupted Generals at Bilpham and GOSS officials in Juba going get supply of eat seven meals a day while the average southerners is not even getting any thing all. I hope all those corrupted big Bellies Governors get the pain too.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Trade embargo hits Rumbek, South Sudan
    To all Southern Sudanese,
    We had enough time to fight Arabs; we had time to vote for our Independent and now it is time to plan properly to:
    1.Build or construct our own refinery facilities and cut the one from the North;
    2.Time to cultivate more acres of land with varities of crops both leguminous,cereals and cash crops;
    3.Time to switch our economy to East Africa and leave the North as a forbidden tree or land;
    4. Time to reconcile and maintain peace among ourselves;
    5. Time to leave corrupting, nepotism and etc;
    6.Time for rapid development.
    7. Time for equitable sharing of resources and power;
    8. Time of accountability and transparency.

    The decision for sucess or failure is our sole responsibility.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Trade embargo hits Rumbek, South Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    I agree with everything you mentioned except for cutting off the north part, in business, today’s enemy could be tomorrow’s friend. The need for mutual cooperation between the two parts of Sudan are in the interest of all.

    NCP will not dominate the north forever, nor will the SPLM dominate the South for eternity.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Trade embargo hits Rumbek, South Sudan
    Sudan Logik;
    For God seek, am not lying. NCP had looted crude oil and stored it for their longlasting consumptions approximately last for 70 years; a next generations to come and restore good relations with the Southern generations.
    NCP had been undermining the South Government and its people since the implementation of the CPA. Yes NCP and SPLM will not be there forever but People of the two States will be there forever and the history shall remain in progress. The world will have these three uniques rivalries tripple states:
    1. Plastines Vs Isreal;
    2. North Korea Vs South Korea;
    3. North Sudan Vs South Sudan;
    The seed of conflict North Sudan through NCP has planted aganist South Sudan will not be uprooted/deleted in history. The generations will be guided by this history. We better record the North as a forbidden land as from now. No more begging for mutual cooperations or relationship. Leave North alone. We had no relations with the North for the past 21 years since 1983-2005 before the CPA and we had survive for two decades.

  • Ariambek

    Trade embargo hits Rumbek, South Sudan


    This is just a test from Khartoum regime to see the reaction of S.Sudan because of claim depending on N.Sudan. Assuming you have food products and oil, whereby you will look for marketing. We have money in S.Sudan; everybody is looking to investing with us. If Arabs be came jealousies of being separated let them leave us alone, we have extra food and mineral resources. Existing, we shall build up and develop the ROSS.


  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    Trade embargo hits Rumbek, South Sudan
    all the sudan national factories and companies are located in the north including oil refineris too. now is good that ncp is showing splm that he owned every thing that South Sudan citizens depend on. it will not reach the so called South Sudan elites and thier sons, becuase thier sons are not found in the South Sudan all thier families are in East Africa and Western world only the poor families of South Sudan will suffer any consequences or any change that appear.

    we South Sudanese should leave our internal conflict and watch out for our common enemy.

    GOSS/ROSS should seek solution to supply South Sudan citizens with goods by any mean before July-9-2011

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    Trade embargo hits Rumbek, South Sudan
    A Bunch Of Thieves & lies

    that is all i can say
    about the government Of Dinka’s in Juba
    from 2005 up to now they have never taken any action against
    the regime in Khartoum
    running there mouth all the time complaining non stop
    with NO follow up at all
    now the people you claim protecting them are going to die with hunger what you gonna do about it ? continue running your mouth as usual

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