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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan denies pulling ICC suspect from meetings with UNSC

May 18, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government on Wednesday refuted remarks by a one of its officials in which he claimed that the governor of South Kordofan Ahmed Haroun will be pulled from the meetings with the visiting delegation of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

National Congress Party candidate for governor, Ahmed Haroun, speaks to the press after voting at the polling centre in Kadogli in the South Kordofan state, May 2, 2011 (Reuters)
National Congress Party candidate for governor, Ahmed Haroun, speaks to the press after voting at the polling centre in Kadogli in the South Kordofan state, May 2, 2011 (Reuters)
Haroun is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in connection with alleged war crimes he committed in Sudan’s western region of Darfur while he was the state minister for interior. He was recently declared the winner in South Kordofan’s gubernatorial elections amid allegations of fraud by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) which fielded a candidate against Haroun.

The cabinet affairs minister Luka Biong, who is an SPLM figure, told the Al-Sahafa daily in an interview published today that the Sudanese foreign ministry agreed to exclude Haroun from meetings with the UNSC delegation during its visit to the disputed region of Abyei which borders South Kordofan.

But the spokesperson for foreign ministry Khalid Moussa denied Byong’s assertions and emphasised that they have not received any request in this regard.

“In addition to the false claims attributed to Luka Biong such an accusation [on excluding Haroun] violates the principles of national sovereignty and the provisions of the constitution prevailing in Sudan,” Moussa said.

He stressed that Haroun is the legitimate elected governor and he must be treated as such as a respect to Sudan’s sovereignty.

The Innercitypress website quoted the French ambassador Gerard Araud who is also UNSC president for the month of May as saying that “we are not going to meet him.”

The Sudanese diplomat described UNSC’s visit as a “routine” one and an opportunity for the council to see things on the ground first hand.

However, he declined to confirm the delegation’s planned visit to South Kordofan and Abyei.

“Consultations on the visit to these two areas has not been resolved” Moussa said.

Abyei’s future status is the most sensitive of a raft of issues that north and south Sudan are struggling to reach agreement on ahead of the South’s full independence, due to take place in two months time.

Deadly fighting and recriminations have flared since January, when the region had been due to vote on whether to join the north or the south, alongside a referendum in the south that delivered a landslide for secession.

Earlier this year, the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) flew Haroun to Abyei a meeting to try to reconcile feuding tribes following deadly clashes. This was done despite a legal opinion by the UN that contacts between officials of the world body and people indicted by international courts “should be limited to what is strictly required for carrying out U.N. mandated activities”.

But the UN underscored that flying Haroun was in line with that policy.

The North and South signed a security accord in South Kordofan capital city of Kadugli last January to withdraw from Abyei except the special Joint Integrated Units (JIUs) of northern and southern personnel, both army and police, alongside UN peacekeepers.



  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Sudan denies pulling ICC suspect from meetings with UNSC
    Dear Dr. Luka Biong;
    You are disputed here by the Minster of Foreign Affairs(NCP) photocopy of Nafie who adopted Northern philisophy which they called National Constitution. That is a disease that killed many Ministers/politicians in the GONU. Pagan Amum was quoted in 2005 by saying “Sudan is a failed State” and he lost the position in that Government. The same thing Aleu Anyieny and Telar Ring lost their positions and finally PSA Mr. Salah Gosh lost his position. A lie is a truth in the NCP.
    You have really said the truth. Haruon shall skip meeting with UNSC and that is 100% a true imagination though not declare by State. Haruon will not meet the UNSC. NCP are lying to the media.

    On your side, they are going to dismiss you asap in the GONU before 9th July because of that statement and the NCP leave you it is because of the remaing 50 Days to the declaration of the South Sudan Independent. Believe me.

    Otherwise, those who predict or say realities or truth in the NCP are not needed by the Government of NCP.

    Their Constitution is a philisophical kind of thing. That is my conclusion.

  • Mapuor

    Sudan denies pulling ICC suspect from meetings with UNSC

    NCP’s days are numbered.Dictatorship is dying the world over.Governments nowadays are accountable to international bodies,ICC is such a body.Where will Bashir go?He is already wallowing in the middle of the ICC net.Old days are gone.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Sudan denies pulling ICC suspect from meetings with UNSC
    What is Mohamed Huron origin?
    Is he a brain scan Nubian? Or slave Misseriya?
    Let us wait for a second round phase to see Huron surviving in Kordufan again.

    And do like what he did in Fur Region. This man needs southern fire Dance in the coming 2012.
    He is a black devil slave Nubian; “kill African slaves with another slaves,” Arab said.

    And what Mohamed have doing. He is slave inside his territories, but he does not know that he is being brain watches by Arab. Most of the Kordufan, Darfur, Blue Nile and far Northern are foolishly like a sheep with Islamic.

    All those State must be dismantle change to ordinary Africa way of life. And Rule by indigenous of the territories. The Arab time in Sudan ticking by minutes to get kick out or kiss the dirt.

    Revolution time of Technology, political Law Order and the people ideology



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