Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei

May 19, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese army accused the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) of attacking its troops in the North-South border region of Abyei leading to heavy military casualties within its ranks.

Personnel from the northern army's Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) component of the Joint Integrated Units (JIU) celebrate on the barge as they prepare to leave for northern Sudan, in Juba in this picture taken April 7, 2011 and released by UNMIS April 12, 2011 (Reuters)
Personnel from the northern army’s Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) component of the Joint Integrated Units (JIU) celebrate on the barge as they prepare to leave for northern Sudan, in Juba in this picture taken April 7, 2011 and released by UNMIS April 12, 2011 (Reuters)
In a statement issued late Thursday, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) said that the SPLA ambushed its troops that were part of the Joint Integrated Units (JIU) who were being escorted by peacekeepers from the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS).

SAF spokesperson Al-Sawarmi Khalid Sa’ad who read the statement on Sudan TV said the attack took place when their forces were withdrawing from Abyei towards Goli in the north of the area. He said that pulling SAF units was a decision they took in consultation with UNMIS leadership to prevent “friction” with surrounding SPLA units.

According to the statement, Sudanese troops were on their way out of the disputed region boarding UN vehicles and accompanied by peacekeepers when they came under fire from the Southern army around seven kilometers from Abyei. The SPLA allegedly used heavy weaponry leading to “significant losses” that are still being determined with a number of soldiers remaining missing.

SAF said that this attack “is a clear aggression and a violation of the [2005] Comprehensive Peace Agreement by the SPLA against the armed forces and the United Nation. It added that UN observers testified to this incident.

“The armed forces declare that it reserves its full right to respond to this aggression in the right time and place”.

An UNMIS spokesperson confirmed the attack to Reuters but said that the identity of the assailants could not be determined. He added that peacekeepers had escorted two companies of the Sudanese army as part of an agreement between north and south to withdraw all unauthorized forces from both sides beyond a joint force.

The North and South signed a security accord in the South Kordofan capital city of Kadugli last January to withdraw from Abyei except the special Joint Integrated Units (JIUs) of Northern and Southern personnel, both army and police, alongside UN peacekeepers.

Deadly fighting and recriminations have flared since January, when the region had been due to vote on whether to join the North or the South, alongside a referendum in the south that delivered a landslide for secession.

But the vote in Abyei was called off when the North and South failed to agree on the criteria that would determine the eligibility of voters.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is scheduled to start a visit to Sudan on Saturday that would include a stop in South Kordofan and Abyei.

The plan has been marred with a row between the UNSC and Sudan on whether the delegation would meet with South Kordofan governor Ahmed Haroun who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in connection with alleged war crimes he committed in Sudan’s western region of Darfur while he was the state minister for interior.

Haroun was declared a winner this month in the elections for governor in the state that were described by the Carter Center as “generally peaceful and credible”. The SPLM has said that it will not recognize the results accusing the National Congress Party (NCP) of rigging the vote.

The UN Secretary General spokesperson Martin Nesirky told reporters today in New York that the UNSC does not plan on meeting Haroun.



  • Khartoum92

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    What are the SPLA commanders thinking, do they wanna be ruled again. This is not a good move now the SAF will have to retaliate by bombing Juba or SPLA camps not good.

  • Riak

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    That’s may be hoax ! I’m definitely sure they are lying. And this is done purposely to cover up what they have been doing in Abyei since 2005 till then.

  • Riak

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Hi Khartoum92,

    Today is not yesterday and tommorrow will be today, got it! Therefore, I urge not to preempt what it will be like when that time comes.

  • Stephen kuach
    Stephen kuach

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Please be a good commentator and don’t let yourself to be deceived by the lairs!
    SPLA can never do such lauching and deadly attack to it’s citizens within Abyei,Northern armies are just panicking with fear,but there was no SPLA in that location.

  • Monye Jur
    Monye Jur

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Dear All;

    Let us not be deceived by this report, according to “an UNMIS spokesperson told Reuters confirmed the attack but said that the identity of the assailants could not be determined”. Therefore, the attackers could be either from Messiriya tribal arms men, Dinka Nyok or SPLA. Can we wait for confirmation from UNMIS or SPLA? The reporter is supposed to reach SPLA and UNMIS spokesperson for verification and confirmation before publishing this report. SAF might be lying simply because SPLA exposed their shame on this web with evidence few days ago on the recent May fighting of Abyei.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    I think some elements within the SPLA are trying to divert attention to what is happining in the south and start the war again.

    Abeyei sons like Edward Lino, Luka Piong,Deng “Ahmed’ Alour are trying to start the war again to keep their control and hegemoney over the SPLA and all of the South!They are holding all of the aspiration of southerners to live in peace as a ransome to one issue which could be solved easily in a very peacful way.

    If they think they can take Abeyei by force, then they are wrong!The tolerance of the people and the SAF could not remain ststic forever!

  • maduel Anok
    maduel Anok

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Dear readers,

    This is the beginning of the expected war NOrth Sudan has been trading…

    But, the war will not know whether you are a rebel or a SPLA.. its typically a declared war against the south Sudanese and SPLA needs to avoid child’s tactics this time a round… let the SpLA upholds to the old days of braveness and continue to push harder for the hopeful victory

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Jalaby and Mohamed Ali;
    This is a great lie. This is the first time Arab SAF begin to pledge false accussations and claims in history. Well, it is in the opinion of SAF and NCP to take land of Dinka Ngok by force. The story will be heard from the SPLA side too. Who fired the first bullet shall be the course all your causualites. You had bombed south before and after the referendum three times and you had armed militias and Misseriya heavily to fight the Southerners and your leader Bashir has already declared war on Abyei and unrecognition of the South Sudan independent. In South Kordofan, your militias had killed 17 civilians during the gubernational election thus intimidating the majority to vote for the NCP criminal candidate Haruon. What do you thinks those acts are for? UNMIS are not true witnesses in this case. You see their comments from this very same article. There is no true evidence on the perperators. You need to verify your accussations or just wait for the SPLA to respond to this. Therefore, your threats are welltaken care of.

  • Peter Majok Chiengan
    Peter Majok Chiengan

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Hey man
    don’t belame SPLA because what you have heared is not clear because it comes from your side SAF even the peace keepers they aren’t sure of this atak til now there is no evidence that SPLA was apart of your comment.
    Came down man and what you have said that there is some elements within the SPLA and abyei sons wont to start a war that is not true.
    And for taking Abeyei by force we can do it as a peoples of southern sudan but we know that it is our land and will remian as it is.

  • liberator3

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei

    This could be trigger which Ngundeng have predicted more than one hundred years ago.

    People are just dismissing as a false alarm. but yet all the signs are there.

    Should that be the case, I can sense shivering noise on both sides. Because, this won’t be an ordinary war.

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Hey guys, the reporter of this report is an out-and-out liar.
    SPLA can not attack the Sudan armed forces, so in my opinion this is a white lie that can not be considered. This attack might started from SAF or popular defend force who are deployed in every part of Abyei in order to annex the Dinkaland. SPLA were defending themselves from these brutal Arab troops. You needn’t blamed SPLA for that attack, the war is clearly declare by your tyrant Omar Hassan AL-bashir against South Sudan. In that case if something occurred like killing and slaying, then you have to cogitate about the root cause of such brutal act. Stop accusing SPLA of what they have not done. If you guys really want Sudan not be a war-zone any more, you have to stop claiming of Abyei ownership.

  • Mapuor

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Khartoum is currently hosting militias & it is giving them military & logistical support,is that not a declaration of war?!Elections in South Kordufan rigged & senior SPLM official shot at broad day light,is that not a declaration of war?!.Dare bomb Juba & you will see smoke & flames in Khartoum.Old days are gone & the South has aerial capabilities that matches khartoum,the war will be internicine.Try not to ignite it this time.People of Abiei have the right to protect their properties that are frequently being looted by SAF.Abiei people are continousely being displaced by SAF & Messyeria.This ambush must be purely carried out by Abiei people.Attacking Juba which is an independent state would mean a different issue.

  • Akurjok

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    They say they suffered causualties, but where are the numbers? The truth here is that SAF attacked another group of SAF. This was intended to make the UN believe that The SPLM is violating the CPA.This is scapegoating in the presence of the peacekeepers. Thanks to the UN for being cautious in its comments as to the identity of the attackers. Their other objective is to prevent the visiting UN delegation from accessing that messy state of South Kordofan.There is no SPLA here, investigation will tell that it was SAF against SAF.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    You are right Brother!

    They might play a trick, use Missiriya attacked them so they blame SPLA and or Abyei civillans revenging for been attached by SAF previously.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    What goodness do you expect to come from that Dinka tribal militia called SPLA whose members are villagers without any formal education whatsoever, and to make the matter even worsen ; the militia is by run alcoholic Generals headed by the notorious Dinka Alcoholic salva kiir, those are war addicts whose hands are stained with blood of Sudanese people!!
    Those bloodthirsty beasts called SPLA are destabilizing peace in the country simply to continue looting our resources and hindering development in RoSS to make our people live like wild animals!! Those alcoholic generals of BEG are fully aware that once we southerners establish a viable state in Southern part of our beloved Sudan, their SPLA/M will not have monopoly of affairs of the RoSS anymore and there their end will start!!
    SAF, why are you letting the militia to mess up with you, common! you are superior to them!! Teach them an unforgettable lesson in self-defense!! No international community (USA) will not back them up as that will consider as a civil dispute hurt them hard in their right anuses just we are striking them in SSLA! You have already give up and let them get away with the referendum results and the country was split as wished by the enemies of Sudan, now is time for NCP and the SAF to dishonor the so-called CPA which I believe was not just for the Northern Sudan given the enormous scarifies devoted by Sudan to educate and civilize southerners!
    NCP could also use the differences between SPLA/M and other armed groups (SSLA)to topple the regime of Dinka gangs in Juba as leaving those cancerous cells to thrive in RoSS , neither Sudan nor RoSS will never see peace!! If NCP let the Dinka- government in Southern Sudan to thrive, then they will create another Kashmir in Sudan, as Knock Dinka who are now illegally being employed in GoSS will always associate Abyae with Southern Sudan and the conflict between RoSS will go forever!!
    Use embargo, port Sudan, and pipeline, ask not less than 60% of their oil revenue as a card to topple their regime in Juba !!

  • ahme adam
    ahme adam

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    SPLA violated the peace deal, CPA which gave spla the new country they violated only blame the spla for it

  • Michael Anyong
    Michael Anyong

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Khartoum you are a Government and where is the evidence to improve SPLA were attacked you. how many soldiers die there in that attack? do you think that SPLA they are only people have guns here in Sudan. it seems in Sudan everyone has it including LRA of president Bashir. your plan is only to attack SPLA by forging the operation tactics to blindfold the world but people are difference from generation to generation!!New day with New plans and thanks

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    What goodness do you expect to come out of that Dinka tribal militia called SPLA whose members are villagers without any formal education whatsoever, and to make the matter even worsen; the militia is run by alcoholic Generals headed by the notorious Dinka Alcoholic salva kiir, those are war addicts whose hands are stained with blood of Sudanese people!!

    Those bloodthirsty beasts called SPLA are destabilizing peace in the country simply to continue looting our resources and hindering the development in RoSS to make our people live like wild animals!! Those alcoholic generals of BEG are fully aware that once we southerners establish a viable state in the Southern part of our beloved Sudan, their SPLA/M will not have monopoly of affairs of the RoSS anymore and there their end will start!!
    SAF, why are you letting the militia to mess up with you, common! You are superior to them!! Teach them an unforgettable lesson in self-defense!! No international community (USA) will back them up as that will be considered as a civil dispute!! Hurt them hard right anuses with their unityfirts1 man, just like we are striking their anuses in SSLA!
    You have already give up a lot by letting them to get away with the referendum results that they forced their voters in Southern Sudan to vote for separation and the country was split as wished by the enemies of Sudan, now, if SPLA militia will not stop it nonsense claim of Abye that has been a northerner state since inception, then is time for NCP and the SAF to dishonor the so-called CPA, which many believe was not just for the Northern Sudan given the enormous scarifies devoted by Sudan North to educate and civilize southerners!

    NCP could also use the differences between SPLA/M and other armed groups (SSLA) to topple the regime of Dinka gangs in Juba, as leaving those cancerous cells to thrive in RoSS , neither Sudan nor RoSS will see peace in that part of the world!! If NCP let the Dinka- government in Southern Sudan to thrive, then they will create another Kashmir in Sudan, as Knock Dinka who are now illegally being employed in GoSS will always associate Abyae with Southern Sudan and the conflict between RoSS will go on forever!! Also even if SAF want to invade Abyae I don’t think Dinka will be able to defense it as other tribe like Nuer for example will not like to die in vain
    for the so-called Abye as that will be considered as a Dinka problem!! North should Use embargo, port Sudan, and pipeline, ask for foil transportation fee not less than 60% , help peter Gadeit to control unity state and oil and the government of Dinka thugs will collapse!!

  • Mony de Jang
    Mony de Jang

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Supportor of Naath Cause:

    Be well informed that there is no period in life since creation where Nuer have been pictured as having better education than the Dinka; and that shall not happen as you continue waiting or competing in vain. You better ask any other imbecile Nuer man to brief you on this. Don’t you know that even Riak/smiling machine’s PHD is questionable? Don’t let me break my silence son of disgraced community.

    You have no history to justify your desire. Let me tell you,the most backward are you in academic field. This can be supported by activities of your disgruntled youth who are dying day and night after other people’s cattle back in the villages.

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    GOOD News for the very first time
    better to fight your enemy than fighting your BROTHERS & SISTERS

    southerners will unite only when there leaders FACE the real enemy

    Arabs in the north

    by the way the totality of Sudan belong to SOUTHERNERS

  • Waucity

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Majority rule, the Dinka Ngok are majority, either arabs came to Abyei to stay or to go.

  • Baring

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Dear Southener,

    This plan is beeng design by the Northeres themself it is not SPLA who launch attac on the UN escourt Vihcle. The war monger always looking for way how to start war.SPLA dont west any bullet an nessary. No body will buy this lies.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    How can you say that when your coward SPLA attacked the SAF and UNAMIS while they were leaving Abyei today. Try and get this through your thick skull ! Abyei is part of north sudan and has been for the last 105 years. Dinka like it or not will have to agree with the Messeriya on land sharing and oil sharing. If the GOSS or the SPLA dare do anything the world is watching and no one will blame the north when they blow your stench of a country to hell !

    Why dont you try stop the killing of each other from cattle restling, tribal violence and greedy fat government corruption before talking about war with the north again. No one is daring to invest in the South because they know of your ignorant and primitive behaviour. You cant be trusted with they gave you – you expect them to do what. All the Americans and evangelicals want is to turn some primitive peoples to Christianity and steal as much as they can from. This will continue but now its with the help of you own impotent government.

    The North stop selling you food for a few days and look your government is already begging for handouts. Do not mess with the north unless you want to be another Somalia. The US rep. said it yesterday – Sudan is the most important country in Africa for us right now. Not the South – it is and will continue to be a burden for the international community.

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    To Sam.Eto

    Go back to Riyadh S, Arabian you will be free there


    Sudan belong to Southerners
    if you want to stay in Sudan keep your tail down

    you will see very soon if not this year the coming one
    will bring good news

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei

    We do not care about what will happen next ? after our soldiers have defeated your soldiers short up plz do not wast your time on web site go to Egypt for hiding .

    Anti-tribalism not very far from manikien

  • Wise Fox
    Wise Fox

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Khartoum92!! and Supporter of Naath Cause,
    I do agree with you guys 100% because,the deafs Dinkas don’t know the outcome result of their aggression against SAF. I think the drunker donkey Kiir might have been out of mind when he order his Dinkas Militia to carry out the attack against SAF in Abyei. will North Forces also it’s good for for North to do the revenge to Bombo Juba and get rid of greedy dinkas GoSS in Juba, so that they can go to find there ways back to Dinkas insanitary Land where Donkey Kiir Mayadit come from to free the Southerners from corruption,looting and killing of innocene civilian in their beloving ancestral land since civilian are sufering from diseases and hunger in south Sudan while they are busy with drinking,looting, raping young ladies and grabbing thier lands pratiuler in great upper Nile in Chollo Kingdom.

    Don’t go way

  • unityfirst1

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Wise Fox !
    Matter of fact i should have just go harder on you,but i have to respect you this time my friend.Stop generalizing the whole ethnic group.we all don’t agree with our president in a lot of things,however President Kiir Mayardit is our president,so please be specific in what you’re commenting in this website because we all have the same feeling.in my own view Southerners have a right to challenge their own Government interim of land graping such as like what you have just pointed out about the Shilluk land that had been annexed by the greedy Government and not the (Greedy Dinkas),interim of your hatred toward the Dinkas,would you like the Arabs to overthrow South Sudan Government or the Spla garrisons in Juba or elsewhere in south Sudan,where do you think you can run into and hide because you can run away and leave the greedy Dinkas to the enemies?the reality as it is!let us unite altogether regardless of tribalism and continue the fight with our common enemy,then thereafter we will see what we can do.Stop listening to the Northern politicians lies,they have failed everythings,and i mean everythings,the separation for the South they didn’t thought it would be like the way it’s now,the oil is gone forever,Abyei is leaving too,so now they’re trying to sell the ridiculous lies to the western world.the faultless attack and also cattle rustling.that’s not true.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Junub Sudan,

    Well the SPLA spokeperson had spoke! He said ” the SAF was attacked by an unditified person who started by shooting a gun towards the SAF, who responded by firing RBG towards the SPLA , then the SPLA retaliated!

    Do you believe him? Even a small child can say a better lie!

    SPLA was not supposed to be there!According to the agreement drafted by UNMIS the SPLA was supposed to be moving to the south of Bahr Alarab, while the SAF were being attacked while they were being escorted by UNMIS in the north of Abeyei.

    This proves my comment , that the attack was not ordered by the higher command of the SPLA in particular not by the president or the vice-president.This was planned by Abyei son’s militia who want to drag the country into another unecessary war.Abyei sons donnot want to loose their hegemony and control, so prefered to divert the attention of southerners away with the blood of other people.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei

    Let us be clear, there had never been transfer of land from Bahr Algazal to south Kordofan.The ABC report was cancelled by the Hague and considered nil and void by the Hague.

    Deng Majok decided to migrate to south Kordofan and hence the administration of the tribes affairs was transfered to south Kordofan and not the land! It is not like what Abeyei sons claim that Abyei was transfered administratively to S,Kordofan.They are bluffing.

    The borders of Sudan will be as it was agreed upon on Machkos Protocol; that is the 1956 borders, nothing more nothing less!

    The Hague ruled that all resident of Abeyei have the right to vote and all resident will vote!

  • tongthok

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei

    Tongthok is back though there were suckers who tempered with my password, I ‘m back to work and to begin with, I ‘m tired of you alreday before even saying a word. We don’t give a damn about your threat and you should only worried about no fly zone coming soon in your area North Sudan but will not take any refugees from you.

    Stay tune for more coming your way.

  • tongthok

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Supporter of Naath Causes,

    You might be communicating with us from Khartoum. Believe it or not you are under our authority -Dinka. Why don’t you join and help jalabas so we can kick your a… as well.

    Tongthok believe Supporter of Naath Causes need some mental treatment by pshciatric.

  • dinkador1

    Sudan army claims SPLA launched deadly attack in Abyei
    Well done SPLA, Good operation on them, they are crying now.

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