Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

May 20, 2011 (JUBA) – The rebel South Sudan Liberation Army led by Peter Gatdet Yaka has attacked South Sudan’s army (SPLA) in Mankien Payam [district] of Mayom County in Unity state on Friday morning at around 6:00am Sudanese local time.

At least nine people died and 88 were wounded sources told Sudan Tribune on Friday.

Gatdet who was a general in the SPLA took up arms against the South’s ruling SPLM in April citing corruption and tribal favoritism as his reasons. The SPLA claim Gatdet is being used by Khartoum to destabilize the region ahead of its independence in July. Both Gatdet and Sudanese government deny this.

In a phone interview with Sudan Tribune from an anonymous location in South Sudan, Bol Gatkuoth Kol the spokesman of SSLA said that 10 of their soldiers had been wounded and four killed. He said that they had captured Mankien including areas of Ruathnyibol.

SPLA Major. General Koang Chuol operation officer for Division (4) of Unity State confirmed that Gatdet’s militia attacked their base in Mankien on Friday morning but denied they had taken the town.

The military spokesman said, the militia had pushed the SPLA out of town for about only 20 minutes before the SPLA was able to recapture the Mankien.

Choul said that the SPLA had forced the SSLA force southwards towards the border with Warrap state. Five SPLA soldiers died and 21 were seriously wounded, he said.

However, a nurse from Mayom County hospital, whose name would cannot be mentioned for security reasons, has told Sudan Tribune that 84 SPLA soldiers were seriously wounded.

The nurse said that five members of the security services had died at Mayom hospital, three SPLA soldiers and two police officers who had stepped on a mine while, trying to reinforced SPLA in Mankien.

Chuol warned civilians south of Mankien to move away from the area to avoid being caught up in what he described as a war zone. He said that anyone in the area would be considered to be on the side of the SSLA.

“Anyone found in those areas with militias will be push[ed] away with rebels and would be termed as siding with them”. He urged civilians to move east of Mayom to find safety and security.

Chuol said that civilians who remain to look after their property would not be considered as part of our supporting the SSLA but those who flee with the militia would be treated as one of the rebels by the South Sudan military who were pursuing them.

Cattle Raiding and Disarmament

In a phone interview with Sudan Tribune from an anonymous location, Bol Gatkuoth Kol the spokesman of SSLA said that the fresh attacks against the SPLA was due to their disarmament campaign in Mayom County.

Kol said that the SPLA had disarmed civilians in Mayom but had not disarmed civilians from neighbouring Warrap state allowing raiders to steel cattle and other property.

He accused the South Sudan government of not doing anything to prevent cattle raiding from Warrap state into Mayom county of Unity state.

“Our coming to the area was to help the civilians to protect their properties from being taken by those gangs of Warrap”, said Kol.

But Maj. Gen. Chuol of the SPLA dismissed the claims of militias. He said the SPLA was the army of the whole of South Sudan and provided security to all citizens regardless of their tribal affiliations.

Chuol repeated the SPLA’s claim that the attacks in South Sudan are backed by the northern army, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), in order to destabilize the region before it official independence on July 9, 2011.

Gatdet is a one of the militia commanders, absorbed into the Southern army in the 2006 following the 2005 peace deal between the SPLA and SAF that made the former rebels the official army of South Sudan.

He officially announced his defection in March and formed SSLA. On 11 April 2011 he released the Mayom Declaration.

The head administrator of the disputed Abyei region said that the SSLA offensive against Mankiem was “coordinated” with Khartoum. The ruling National Congress Party and the SAF have always denied they are backing any of the seven rebel groups currently operating in South Sudan.



  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia

    This has become a Nuer-Nuer fight as 65% of SPLA forces are Nuer while 90% of deployed officers commanding the SPLA forces in the 10 states are also Nuer.

    Why do I always hear fighting and fighting, is there no room for peaceful settlement of whatever the grievances.

    No peacemaker in South Sudan?

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Mr. Liar-teller, how would South Sudan stop killing each other when people like yourself, Naath Supporter and liar- lubricator support crazy food and position fighters who are causing these miseries to our people.

    South Sudan will stop an necessary killing when people of your types come to their sense and stop identifying themselves based on tribal lines.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Dear Readers,

    If Gen. Gatdet failed to overcome the SPLA during the war will he overcome them in this time? I don’t think so. the unjustified war against the GoSS/RoSS will never succeed, but I am sad because of the civilians in the south who loss their lives and their possessions because of the attacks wage by these gangsters. these militias deny their allegiance to the north which is not true, where do they bring their weapons. they cannot fool us, the northern army is backing them because they want to disstabilize the south, keeping her undevelop. What is known is that the north always uses southern illiterates to impose its agenda. Let’s join hands to fight the true enemy now in the south, the poverty, illiteracy, corruption of any type in order to develop this upcoming country.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Hi mr.True -liar;
    There are no peacemakers in South Sudan instead there are peacebreakers like you. Your negative comments are misleading some of your tribalmen like Gadet and others. They are also the bases of opportunity for SAF to have interest in the land of Nuer where oil had been already explored and you fell shortsighted to realise this. You assumed that South Sudan Vs North Sudan conflict is purely responsibility of the Dinka. It is very rediculus for somebody who have a little know-how to read and write to intrepret the long tribal conflicts over short term assets like cattle to national deals or issues. Where do you expect Peacemakers to come from.

    believe me, peacemakers are other Southerners who are neither Dinka nor Nuer but they will not bother themselves to solve long existing conflicts between Nuer and Dinka over short term properties like cows. South Sudan will come as it is remaining only 48 days to Independent. Other parts of the South will pick up their programes related to Development, education, health and economic programmes while Nuer and Dinka will continue struggle inheritant struggle for herds oxen to continue to die so that after some centuries Nuer and Dinka land will be found a no man land where agricultural activities fit for.

    Continue to suuporting Oxen fights or Cocks fights. No peacemakers for South Sudan. For Peace to come tell your uncle Gadet to surrender himself to South Sudanese and not to the SPLA.

  • Wise Fox
    Wise Fox

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Marco Wek, Cibaipiath J. Sudan and Madut Tong,

    I am worried about you Guys and your families where will you go to hide next, since your mad Dingoes(Dinka)GoSS in Juba confused to launched a deadly attacked on UN peacekeeping in Abyei and also killing of innocence civilian in Pibor and in upper Nile state. Now, the good news is that your drunker Donkey Kiir Mayardit his name has appeared in the list of ICC and he has been issue with warranty of arrest when ever he step in Nairobi or any Country bordering to South Sudan he is in problem and also SAF for Juba revenge bombardment is on the way and general Peter Gatdet is in the other hand he gave Warrap state residents to leave the areas or state early before 2 June 2011 really it’s seem to be no room for Dingoes(Dinkas)in South Sudan.

    Don’t go away

  • Akurjok

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Gadet should rename his movement as ‘Nuer Liberation Army’ if he is fighting to guard the cattle of the Nuers of Bentiu. The Nuers in the SPLA should join him and leave the SPLA to Dinkas and Equatorians. If those Equatorians want to raise from the dead the Equatorian Defense Force (EDF) They are free to.These same nyagats( Gatdet, Tang etc) left the SPLA when things were hot but later came back when there was peace. Now that the North is threatening war they are running away again. They should be told that we would defend our South Sudan the way we did it from 1983-2005.

  • Dut Monybor
    Dut Monybor

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Hello Wise/foolish fox

    Why do you call our president drunker ?are you mad?
    Please learn how to talk ,commend and address the big person.
    Wise fox /foolish fox it is not matter of having mouth that you must poor express message. You better stop commend on
    sudantribune other we shall castrate you.

    Mor liec dhuk tik.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Wise fox,

    tue you described yourself as fox, who is cunny and tricky ans knows how to hide. I don’t hide behind borrowed names as you are. this is my name and I am not a tribalist like you. I still affirm that those rebells that you are supporting are failures, who are selling our country. they lack loyalty to the upcoming country, but the SAF. If you are one of them you better look for a place to flee to not me.

  • Wise Fox
    Wise Fox

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Hey Dut Moonybor and Madut Tong are you there?

    listen carefully Dingoes (Dinkas) boys.
    Are you sure for inviting me to this forum? if your answer is yes, then you gonna shit your big dirty mouths and leave me this site forever, this a warning whether or not you guys gonna run away and disappear totally.

    Don’t go away

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Gadeit will smoke spla dinka SSLA Oyeeeee

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Those ones like you mr.whateverteller cannot be trusted eventhough they are given everything they need as the case of Gadet.if 65%allocated to one community and 90% also,then what does that community wants? Tuthteller,not your name because of being a criminal,talk peace.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Wise fox,

    I understand that you are empty minded boy, you talk about other tribe (for example Dinka), and you forget that the vice president of GoSS is not Dinka, the head of the military is not from this tribe. Many minsiters are not from the same tribe so, how come you accuse one tribe of corruption despite the fact that GoSS is made up of the SPLM as a majority party plus other small parties. Why do you point your fingures on one tribe, though all other tribes are involve in the GoSS. Is it not that you’re a tribalist who is a selfish guy? I hope you come back to your mind and accept the reality. I don’t deny that there is a corruption, but the way you are addressing it is wrong. we don’t need war among ourselves, otherwise we will loss the real war of development.

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    keep talking and your talk is determine who you are?
    mr Boy wicked doom riek machar is behind all this masses of south sudan, death to him.

  • Mony de Jang
    Mony de Jang

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Guys, there is undoubted umbiguity in the name which the Nuer militias in Unity state have adopted. The most ubsurdous part of it is that they named it SSLM/A whereas Khartoum which doesn’t feel comfortable with this call is providing military aid to the militia group. It is the like of Riak/Smiling machine’s movement of 90S, no difference.

  • dinga

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    What a fake movement.Gatdet must know that, those dying are not the corrupt group but his own brothers and sisters (nuer). come to juba and leave home people free because they are most suffering groups now.
    shame on you………..
    shame on all the malitias of Malakal who does know tommorrow.

  • unityfirst1

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    That’s funny Mr.Gatdet to claim about the civilians protection,i thought you ran away because of the Government corruption.

  • Naath

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Mr, you personally will not be happy when Nuer Tribes joint as one millitary. Don’t wish to support them to be in one unite they will destroy Southern Sudan. Nuer in SPLA are and will be the onces that will fight and capture those of Mr. Gatdet Yaka and his allies.
    To me, you are not making a good judgement on who are the right wings in the government of South sudan. The Equotorian men, always like to live with guilt in your throat, I can see your are interesting in joining with Dinka, my friend, you don’t to be around those guys they are roared lions they will eat live.
    Take it from me……

  • Naath

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Good Geate God bless you brother that is the concern of all good men.

  • Odingo

    S. Sudan: Nine killed and over 80 wounded in clash between SPLA and Gatdet’s militia
    Coward Dinka

    You better leave Warrap State before General Peter Gatdet burn it down.

    Those coward Nuer who support Dinka will go to hell with them. This time the Nuer Warriors will kill every single one of these coward Dinka untill they finish on the face of this world. No more forgiven ya coward Dinka

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