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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan raps UN over Abyei attack

May 21, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – North Sudan on Saturday leveled criticism at the UN Mission in the country, saying it has failed to assign blame to south Sudan over an attack which reportedly killed 22 soldiers in the north-south hotly contested region of Abyei.

A_UN_position-2.jpgTension in Sudan’s flashpoint region of Abyei rose dramatically on Thursday after the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), north Sudan army, accused the south’s Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) of being behind an attack on its forces as they were evacuating the region.

The attack occurred as SAF forces were being escorted out of Abyei by peacekeepers of the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) as per an agreement signed in South Kordofan’s town of Kadugli in January to withdraw all forces from the volatile region.

SAF on Friday said that 22 of its soldiers were killed in the attack which targeted a 200-strong battalion.

UNMIS confirmed the attack on its peacekeepers, without mentioning SAF, and said it took place in an area controlled by the SPLA. However, the mission stopped short of directly accusing the SPLA of being responsible.

UNMIS also called for an investigation into the attack, saying it constitutes a crime punishable under international law.

The spokesperson of Sudan’s foreign ministry, Khalid Musa, told reporters in the capital Khartoum that the UN’s “state of partiality and lack of clarity” in this case gives the SPLM, the ruling party in South Sudan, “more justifications to commit repeated violations of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement” (CPA), the 2005’s peace deal which ended north-south civil wars and paved the way for South Sudan secession in a referendum held in January.

Musa, whose statement was reported by the country’s official news agency SUNA on Saturday, was keen to note that UNMIS forces were also subjected to the attack, calling on the mission to have the courage to “name things as they truly are.”

The Sudanese diplomat urged the UN and stakeholders in the international community to issue a “patent condemnation” against the SPLM and take immediate measures to hold it responsible for the breach of its political responsibility and the CPA.

He went on to say that Sudan had given international bodies an ample opportunity to denounce the SPLM and force it to bring the perpetrators to account. But the SPLM, Musa added, had been attempting to wriggle out of its political responsibility.

Meanwhile, the US state department on Friday deplored the attack on UN forces by south Sudan army, saying it constitutes a clear breach of the Kadugli agreement. The US department called on South Sudan to hold those who carried out the attack responsible and take steps to show commitment to the implementation of Kadugli Agreement.

The oil-producing region of Abyei witnessed several instances of violence since a referendum to decide the status of the area failed to take place as planned in January.

Disagreements between north and south Sudan over who can vote in the plebiscite have derailed efforts to reach a political settlement amid reports of military buildups by both sides in the area.

At least 14 people were killed in clashes between the SPLA and SAf in Abyei earlier this month. As with the current case, both sides accused each other of starting the fight.



  • Waucity

    Sudan raps UN over Abyei attack
    It does not matter where Abyei was located politically before..Because this should have matter incase of Southern Sudan in general..What matter is abyei case was settled in the court and the ncp accepted the ruling. So, what are northern Soldiers doing in Abyei? The north in 1990s allowed egyptians to take one of their provinces and did nothing about it…So, they have rooms to give and then come and raid us..We have to support them with our oil money and we get no love from them…Southern Sudan government should start cutting the oil already, you can’t just let arabs eat, they are no friends at all…They are very empty people, with nothing to give back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan raps UN over Abyei attack

    What are you going to the oil, can you drink it?!

  • Adam

    Sudan raps UN over Abyei attack

    Wrong! ICC never ruled out that Abyei is a Southern or Norther region. It just drew the boarders (North, East and West) of Abyei. Please correct your information.

    Adam Milawaki,
    Juba, South Sudan

  • talentboy2

    Sudan raps UN over Abyei attack
    you are one of the dumness individual ever write poor english and miseunderstanding of the subject and you do not really know what you are talking about.
    the court who ruled out the Abyei status was not ICC but was court of arbitral tribunal base in Hague. I am sick of your comments and I do not want to waste my time clarify your rack post.

  • WendeMajok

    Sudan raps UN over Abyei attack
    SAFETY is no more SAFE in UNMIS-Abyei Compound to nationals!!

    No matter the current situation, I am personally blaming UNMIS for the malicious act of releasing the delocalised staff working with the UN Agencies i.e. UNICEF, UNDP and UNMIS etc to the SAF after their call for the nationals.

    Why would the UNMIS allow the SAF to check out the nationals in their territory(compound) OR does UNMIS works for securing ONLY expatriates in such a critital situation?

    Peacekeepers are meant to be a life-savers, its really unfair to handle things that way.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Sudan raps UN over Abyei attack
    Blah blah blah as usual ya Mohammed al baleed

    If the oil gets cut off, its the true the south will suffer but so will you. How is the NCP going to pay for your higher education or specialization in medicine? They need people like you to keep them in power by distorting the truth.

    If the south starts to build dams all over the place, the question would be, what will you do, drink or irrigate?


    who are you trying to fool? you pathetic Arab-wana-be paracite.

  • Atak Akok
    Atak Akok

    UN,USA are not going to solve our problem
    Dear Brothers and Sisters of South Sudan, of Abyie, lets be aware that nothing will ever come as a solution from UN nor USA. so what has left now is ‘us’ as South Sudanese people , as SPLA/M as abyie people, please i believe we suffered more than enough of being putted in this critical test by NCP and SAF , however we always come out in the end as winners, so let the SAF kill innocent in abyie, but the days are counting down , to after 9 July, and wehen after 9 July come, when it will come NCP or its SAF will find nowhere to hide, because our GOSS and the POSS ‘people of South Sudan will luach a dangrous War that the North Sudan has never dreamed to see, and that is the promise, and our nation will be called out Soon wherther NCP like it or dislike, and abyie is a pure Dinka land, and those who gived a name are not Arab, so let NCP and SAF do what ever they like now, and we are getting there in 46 days from now, and when these 46 days end, God may have mercy on North.
    Seememore/and hearmemore.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan raps UN over Abyei attack

    You are hollow and shallow! and a pathological liar.

    See you said Al baleed gramatically perfect Arabic.

    Becuse you are shallow and hollow you have no pride in yourself to dclare you true identity.

    I AM ARAB untill you die from you cowardness.

    Only liars like you distort the truth and write with no substance as their skulls are empty and hollow!

    We have already offered to build damps in the south, but thugs like to push southerners towards war and not peace!

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