Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state: Three killed by unknown gunman in Rumbek road to Cueibet County

By Manyang Mayom

May 24, 2011 (RUMBEK) – Unknown gunmen killed three people and injured four on Tuesday on the road from Rumbek, the capital of Lakes state in South Sudan, and Cueibet County.

The car where three dead bodies were discovered on Tuesday in Aber payam of Rumbek central county of Lakes state, South Sudan. May 24, 2011 (ST)
The car where three dead bodies were discovered on Tuesday in Aber payam of Rumbek central county of Lakes state, South Sudan. May 24, 2011 (ST)
A small child and a man with two broken legs were admitted to Rumbek hospital. The incident occurred at 1:30pm on Tuesday in Aber payam of Rumbek Central county located western part of Rumbek.

Sudan Tribune visited the scene of the incident Aber payam [district] of Rumbek Central County, 15km from Rumbek town, and witnessed three dead bodies still lying inside the car.

The vehicle had a GOSS 2299 number plate indicating that it was owned by the Government of Southern Sudan.

Among three dead bodies, two were old women and one was a young man who is believed to be member of fire-bridge in Lakes state.

John Buong Maker, a traffic police officer who managed to escape from the attack told Sudan Tribune that is was a “terrible situation”.

Buong said that the attackers “were not soldiers” but civilian cattle keepers.

“Those who attacked us were only six gunmen in civilian clothes. They are civilians. They are cattle keepers of Rumbek Central County belonged to Agar section. I have managed to escape with three people who sustained injured in that ambush. Among those who sustained wounds are two women and one small child but their condition will improve,” he said.

Buong explained that “we were coming along that road. I see six people running alongside the road. They arrive along the roadside and they started shooting at us. They killed three people, two women who died immediate inside car. The driver was also killed on [the] spot”.

The government of Lakes state has sent police to investigate the incident, which comes as South Sudan approaches independence in July.

Insecurity caused by cattle raiding and banditry as well as rebel groups in the region is expected to be one of the soon-to-be-independent nation’s major problems post-secession.



  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Lakes state: Three killed by unknown gunman in Rumbek road to Cueibet County
    Something is wrong with people whose skulls have been cut (Dinka & Nuer) particularly. Why these two tribes in South Sudan feels happy when killing people? This is compeletly, though we know all tribes do fight but Dinka and Nuer have more cases of killing people.

    I am appealing to church leaders to pray for this community. Let God be asked to remove the evil spirit in these people.

    Let human life be valued.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Lakes state: Three killed by unknown gunman in Rumbek road to Cueibet County

    You make me laugh to tears.
    Let pray so that the South will be free from militia and coward so that we can liberate our country when the enemy attempt to enter the South. Thanks

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Lakes state: Three killed by unknown gunman in Rumbek road to Cueibet County
    George Bol,

    It is ok to liberate the south. But this time will be dinkas alone. dinkas claim that they did the fight of SPLM alone. I was surprised to see dinka man by name Isaih Abraham on southsudannation today crying for Mabuto Mamour and Thomas Cirilo both from equatoria and other two men whom from their name could be attributed to Nuer to go and fight SAF from Abyei.

    When it is fighting George Bol and likes of Isiah Abraham now knows that there are southern Sudan and that they are cowerd. When becoming looting George Bol and likes of Isiah Abraham are quite about looting that are being committed by dinka generals e.g Tito Achil, two former ministers of finance and a dinka man caught with millions of dollar at airport in Britain.

    This time no other tribe will fight for dinkas to loot south resources. You go and fight leave comfort zones like Equatoria region only piling in the restaurants.

    Tell you dull triblistic, corrupted president to take Tito Achil to court and the former two ministers of finance to court instead of crying for southerns to go and fight only to end up in the hand of corrupt dinks in Juba.

  • dinga

    Lakes state: Three killed by unknown gunman in Rumbek road to Cueibet County
    Unknow gunmen,unknow gunmen always in this Rumbek, the capital city of rebel state. How can people be dying always like this?. Lakes’ people can only blame them selves for electing helpless and unqualified governor and the state minister of local government.

  • Buffalo One
    Buffalo One

    Lakes state: Three killed by unknown gunman in Rumbek road to Cueibet County
    The only people who i can see to rebel against the Government of South Sudan in Lakes state are Agar Community, the power seekers without qualifications.

    I agree with those who always challenge and criticize the killings in Lakes state. These people are known of evil acts since the creation and they still practicing it. The only good Agar is the one which is dead.

  • dinkador1

    Lakes state: Three killed by unknown gunman in Rumbek road to Cueibet County
    when will you stop killing people dinkas?

    Sorry for that acts, stop that brothers.

  • Martin Bak
    Martin Bak

    Lakes state: Three killed by unknown gunman in Rumbek road to Cueibet County
    you bastard, do not know whether you will die in the next few days becos the way you talking is absolutely absurd. Dinka AGAR will never forgive you even when you are on the your death bed.

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