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Sudan Tribune

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African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

May 26, 2011 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Africa Union (AU) security summit ended today in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, calling for an outright end to NATO-led air strikes on Libya.

AU Peace and Security Commissioner, Ramtane Lamamra (Getty)
AU Peace and Security Commissioner, Ramtane Lamamra (Getty)
The 53 state bloc also said the air strikes in Libya have gone beyond the range of the UN resolutions mandated to protect civilians.

“As far as NATO air strikes are concerned, you will see a clear call by heads of state and government for those air strikes to come to an end,” said Ramtane Lamamra, the AU’s Peace and Security Commissioner on Wednesday.

“This is part of the requirement for political solutions to become possible,” he said, adding, “The African Union shares the belief that what is taking place now goes beyond the scope of [UN resolutions] 1970 and 1973.”

AU calls come as Libya’s government proposed a new ceasefire and offered fresh talks with rebels.

Participants in the summit denounced the direct military intervention of western powers and accused the UN Security Council of double standards in their approach to resolutions to different conflicts.

The AU Commission chief, Jean Ping, while addressing 37 heads of states at the opening of the summit on Wednesday, noted that some international players have been undermining the continent’s attempts to resolve the conflict.

“Some international players seem to be denying Africa any significant role in the search for a solution to the Libyan conflict,” he said adding “Africa is not going to be reduced to the status of an observer of its own calamities” said Ping.

The two day assembly was held on account of the decision out of the 275th meeting of the UN Peace and Security Council on 26 April and has assessed the state of the security, challenges and crises facing the continent.

An international coalition intervened on 19 March, launching air raids and missile strikes under a UN mandate aimed at protecting civilians from Gaddafi’s forces. NATO took command of the air campaign on 31 March.




    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    AU,what do you know about conflict and political resolution?
    You are defending all the Murderous across the continent.
    I need western powers to start a new colonization immediately, because Africa is still a dark continent.
    AU need to be dissolved and banned completely.

    AU, had/has never solve any conflict/war in Africa.
    I urge the Europian and American to liberate Africa continent.

  • Ajok Garang
    Ajok Garang

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    The bad thing with our Africans leaders is only one problem ,they need to keep dictators to rule for life in power and that does not make a clear sense .
    Beofore the UN ,USA ,RUSSIA and other international commuinities came in to libya ,majority of people were killde my the army of Ghadafi and all these were children and civilians as well as business men from different part of the World .Ghadafi was termed as the ” mad dog of middle East ” indeed i a gree with that ..
    NATO is doing bad for sure but its was the failing of Ghadafi to go down in power and failing to advise his troops to respect human rights .

    African leadeers need not to rule but govern the continent in many ways ,they are found of rgging elections ,briefing the voters ,using alot of money for the personal development while living the poor one to die with no good medications ,one need to stay in power untill he dies in power and later his son or relative take off the seat .
    when it come to appointment of office ,they appoint those who are loyal to their rulling parties to be vice president or prime minister like its since in Ugnada ,and even southern sudan today .
    The best thing to stop the NATO and other bodies from intervening in our affiars is by adopting good governce and balance of power as well as respecting of the human rights .

    If the assuming the UNSC and the NATO take the hand in Abyei crisis with many air strike ,will they being wrong to do that ??.
    our leaders need to reverse their way of life in the continent .

  • Acid

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    AU needs to shut up and resume their routine of do-nothing organization!!

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    That is a good decision-making and strategic problem-solving that African leaders make today. European are completely repeating what they had done during 1800s when they decided to make their own meeting in Berlin to divide Africa countries into their own ugly villages, States, Countries and tribes. the people of Muslim world also does not like His Excellence Gaddafi because he refused to join Arabs league which want to bring Terrorists in African countries. Now European should also know that they have no single right in African decision-making. European simply think that African leaders are totally absent-minded people that could not make their decision to bring peace in Africa. Now it is time for us as African leaders, and people to come together to depend our great leader. We all know that Gaddafi care more about AU than any other organizations around world especially Arabs League which support Terrorists around the world. I do not know why we have Arabs league in African and we are not Arabs like them.

  • unityfirst1 unityfirst1
    unityfirst1 unityfirst1

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    Belle Loboi!
    You’re truly right about that,western world are bully and after all they don’t solve problems except looting the third world countries with their own resources,what have they done to those peaceful demonstraters in Bahrian and Yemen,nothing.
    which mean western world always looks for something to trap you with.a lot of time they;re likely to play that role in sudan,but sudanese people are not to be fooled such as like what they do in many African Country.Sudanese altogethers can teach the western world a very unforgetable learn.matter of fact if the world want to learn of the primitive history,they can find that one out in the old testament Bible where a guy name”Nomrod”was known as Mighty warrior in the whole world.
    in term of Col.Gaddafi threat,he hasn’t kill his own citizens as much as the western WORLD air trike did to it’s people.I praise those African Leaders for their initiative to tell the world that they can solve their problem.Americans had already failed to solve it’s problem with the Afganistan and Irag.leave the American foreign policy alone,they haven’t solve the discrimination within America between White and Black people,so how would they attempt to coaxing the world with Democracy system and they’re lacking for it.WESTERNERS COUNTRIES ARE JUST TESTING THEIR WEAPONS IN Libya.

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    African Union is slowly dying with there leader Momer Ghadafi
    X Libyan leader

  • Dansedit

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    Au and the Jean Ping are very useless and hopeless.they can not solve problem in Africa but just making noise

  • Frak Cho
    Frak Cho

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    Dear African People and the People of Good will,

    Au is being controlled by Arabs ideologies that likes the leader to dead in power. Gadaffi has been in power since 1969 to date and is not satisfy with more than 4 decades spent in power. To believe me any leader who is friendly to any Arab leader that has been in power for so long adopts the same ideology, President Museveni of Uganda is close friend to M.Gaddaffi of Libya as one example.

    Look at what happened in Abyei South Sudan on May 21, 2011 when a government launched deadly attack on her own people, but to the surprise AU and Arab world did not echo any condemenation on Sudan-Northen government except Western World condemned the attack.

    Addis Ababa is a pinic zone for Au not a place where the African leaders discuss African matters, forget AU!!!

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    Africa Leaders should keep quite,Gaddafi should have a lesson abit


  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes

    You got it. They are in the process of doing that. The education and degree that we get from the most reputable institutions in the west are not for resolving African conflict but to protect dictators who massacre innocent civilians across the continent.

    Jean Ping, Ramtane Ramamra and the likes were supposed to unite Africa economically, socially and culturally as it happened in Europe. European countries have different languages and political systems but no any single dictator on the continent. Nobody worries about coming to power or transfer of power to the next office holders. Here we claim that we’re educated. No. Africa needs education not college degrees. Always military coup after another or stay lifetime-president to butcher citizens.

    We got to do proper research to create an environment that coming to power democratically should be reflected on leaving office the same way in order to move our continent forward on a competitive level and rely less on foreign aid. Why don’t we come out with effective policy and regulatory measures to check and balance our African democratic ideals?

    So long as we stay longer in power, rig elections at our disposal, use military coup, violate human rights and our individual constitution, we cannot blame the west for our own makings. Let the western world do its job because we prefer to be holding more spectators’ positions than actors’ in the political sphere. Perhaps because we have some people who just live in Africa physically but mentally in the Middle East.

    Without proper rules of law and dialogue, the civilizations of the two people, Africans and Muslims/Arabs will continue colliding in the space. Muslims would never separate religion from the state and African Christians would never allow Islamization and Arabization because of its obsessive violent attitude, terrorist act and suicide bombings.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes

    You got it. They are in the process of doing that. The education and degree that we get from the most reputable institutions in the west are not for resolving African conflict but to protect dictators who massacre innocent civilians across the continent.

    Jean Ping, Ramtane Ramamra and the likes were supposed to unite Africa economically, socially and culturally as it happened in Europe. European countries have different languages and political systems but no any single dictator on the continent. Nobody worries about coming to power or transfer of power to the next office holders. Here we claim that we’re educated. No. Africa needs education not college degrees. Always military coup after another or stay lifetime-president to butcher citizens.

    We got to do proper research to create an environment that coming to power democratically should be reflected on leaving office the same way in order to move our continent forward on a competitive level and rely less on foreign aid. Why don’t we come out with effective policy and regulatory measures to check and balance our African democratic ideals?

    So long as we stay longer in power, rig elections at our disposal, use military coup, violate human rights and our individual constitution, we cannot blame the west for our own makings. Let the western world do its job because we prefer to be holding more spectators’ positions than actors’ in the political sphere. Perhaps because we have some people who just live in Africa physically but mentally in the Middle East.

    Without proper rules of law and dialogue, the civilizations of the two people, Africans and Muslims/Arabs will continue colliding in the space. Muslims would never separate religion from the state and African Christians would never allow Islamization and Arabization because of its obsessive violent attitude, terrorist act and suicide bombings.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    What is happening in Libya is history on replay, imperialists forces dictating who, what, when, where and how things should be done.

    Gaddafi did a great deal for Africa and is almost like the Hugo Chaves of this forsaken continent, his only problem was that he allowed for division within his people by denying them basic freedoms which ultimately led to this catastrophe dressed up as “protecting civilians”.

    What is more sad, is the bunch of the many commentators on this article being completely ignorant to the realities of geo-political goals of the worlds richest nations but am sure soon when those very guns are turned against their people they may perhaps pause for a thought about the real intentions of these imperialist forces. I hope you would do some research into the standard of living of the average Libyan before your heroic West started destroying the upwardly developing nation.

    The AU should stop the talk shop nonsense and hit the EU & US where it hurts the most, ECONOMICS. Stop prostituting your natural resources for peanuts in the process strengthening them while condemning your people to perpetual poverty.

    I wish Africa could wake up.

  • Ajok Garang
    Ajok Garang

    African leaders urge NATO to stop Libyan airstrikes
    MR frako cho ,you have hit the nail on the top ,people who are blamimg the western powers donot know the role of the AU and the Arab league ,in Darfur we have the AU troops who are toothles barking dog that can not bit ,can AU do anything as a regional organisation ? and they are blaming the NATO from doing its jobs ,if Ghadafi would have left the power like the president of Egypt ,i think it was the best but refused to leave ,example again in Ivory coast the Lurent Mbagbo refused to go down despite he has loosed the elections but later when the Frence troops with the oppositions used forced he left the power ,
    African leaders do listen on table ,they listen using force ,
    AU is used to restore the dictators in power for many years .
    Should you be aloud to slaughter your children with their mother by the neigbours and just watch ? i don’t think so .

    Ajok Nhial .

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