Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei

May 26, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – At least 68 people have identified dead in Abyei since it was captured by the northern army on 21 May 2011 according to an official from Dinka Ngok.

A UNMIS peacekeeper standing guard along the road between Abyei and Agok town on 24 May. (Photo UNMIS/ Stuart Price)
A UNMIS peacekeeper standing guard along the road between Abyei and Agok town on 24 May. (Photo UNMIS/ Stuart Price)
Sources, including a Sudan Tribune reporter present during the attack and who was there until 24 May says the town continues to burn as armed militia groups suspected of being allied to the Sudan Armed Forces embark upon open looting.

Majith Yak a former minister of local government in the Abyei administration and a one of the current National Congress Party designated officials from the Nine Dinka Ngok to the post of deputy chief administrator said in an interview with Sudan Tribune in Khartoum on Thursday that he has reports that 68 people have been identified dead and several others are wounded. He blamed individuals from the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for the first attack on Sudan Armed Forces soldiers which he said provoked retaliation.

“It is unfortunate that some lives have been lost as a result of the attack which was instigated by irresponsible individuals”, said Yak.

Yak lamented the lack of pre-emptive action in the face of “clear indications of tension in the area” as “these people never wanted to involve anybody in whatever proposals and decision concerning Abyei.”

“They never wanted to hear any other proposal on how to address the issue of Abyei apart from their own thoughts and suggestions. They always work in isolation of other people and feel that their thoughts and decisions are the best,” explained Yak

Yak said he did not blame SAF for taking control of the area, claiming the military intervention was necessitated by attack in which 22 SAF soldiers were killed while they were withdrawing from the area.

“How would you blame other people including the Sudan Armed Forces for your own failure? Why did they allow forces under their control to attack forces they agreed to withdraw from the area? Why attacked forces who have accepted to withdraw as part of the peace agreement they signed in Kadugli”, asked Yak  

A member of a UN team who was in Abyei, Agok and Turalei on 23-24 May, but wished to retain their anonimity said,”we held a meeting with senior military officers of the Sudan Armed Forces including commanding officer, Brigadier General, Azeed osman Tagadin.We also travelled to Agok and Turlei to meet representatives from local administration who are with fleeing internally displaced persons,” he said.

He said the humanitarian team was headed by George Charpentier, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN, General Moses Obi, Force commander of the UN troops in Sudan and Director of Civil Affairs of the UN Mission in Sudan



  • Riak

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    Hi Mr President!

    Be informs that your common slogan of “NO TO WAR” is no longer workable. We cannot afford to standstill while the people of Abyei are been slaughtered. And we cannot also afford to wait in silence yet a large scale murdering of innocents people is taking place in Abyei. Mr President, you must act now to safe lives.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    I did not see the strategic role of the UN in Abyei because they should fight with SAF if the interfere with lives of the people. The UN should not also allow Abyei to be taken by Khartoum government while watching as well. I think there is a big question about the role of the UN in Abyei. I think it is time to bring NATO to Abyei. i have seen that when South Sudanese are being killed by SAF; UN never responses at the time manner. so iam wondering if UN belong to a certain nationality in this confusing world. Why did NATO decide to go to LIBYA when only 2 people were killed?. so now 60 people were killed yesterday and no response in Abyei

  • Ajiech M. Chol
    Ajiech M. Chol

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei

    SAF were not withdrawing, they were stick around looking for accused to invade Abyei region. Beside, how many SPLA soldiers being killed by the SAF and SPLA didn’t retaliate or act aggressively like the way your NCP did now. Needless to say, we will get Abyei soon after on July 9. As a matter of principle, northerners especiall the NCP will regret their stupid decision if they don’t withdraw their troops from Abyei region.

  • Ajok Garang
    Ajok Garang

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    Mr Ajith yar should stop blaming the SPLA for the attacked that left the 22 SAF soldiers dead ,how many time have the SAF been killing people in Abyei before the SPLA attacked them but there was no body to blame ? the issue is that even if the SPLA has not attacked them still they would have attacked Abyei town ,
    Ajok Garang .

  • Thomas Andrew Hissen
    Thomas Andrew Hissen

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    What is the mandate of UNMIS in Sudan? the UN in sudan total fail to proteted the innocent civilian who were been killed and many fled the area of abyei

    What is the role of SPLA/M is to safeguard the safety of it citizen for freign attack, now SAF fighting and invading another country because south sudan is the state and the sovereight his people.

    Let UNMIS OR UNSC not using these word of CONDENMS the kill yet many lives of innocent of people have been killed by SAF,and the looting burning and killed is still continues PLEASE AND PLEASE SPLA/M donot see and keep on watch that what SAF doing is the tar of war between the to state,

    SPLA/M the government of south sudan please take any necessary measure to think globle what SAF are doing is the sign of war, how many time evil that SAF did to south sudan killed people in south sudan support militias in the region and support LRA to ivade the south so many atrocity that SAF did to south, for all of these SPLA/M didnot Act and with an confrim report that the SPLM attack SAF that is the lay because there so many rebel in Sudan in Particulars SAF canot blem SPLA that ambush them is confrim!

    Kirr comment that he and his government should not return for War with Khartoum government absolutely we agree with him because just less than one month for our Independent Sovereigh state on 9 July then if SAF need to fight us the Republic of south sudan we are ready to do what ever Basir needed, and the next war should not be like 22 year should be the terrible war and very serioly war between two state, befor Basir is using us the southern to fight them self but now we came together and we unify our self to defeat the stupid government of Basir

    UN mission in Sudan should act and review its mandate Immediately otherwise they should not come and work here because they are getting US Dollars, they should know their mandate,without this mandate I think no mission in sudan should exist

    Southerness from UK,

  • doublebookdialled

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    Hi Yak,

    This is seriousely condemable in any case by a senseful human being whose heart is not engulfed by greed of NCP food/money. but my question to Yak is:
    do you think the money you are getting from NCP are valuable more than your Mam and sisters at home?
    this is amazing for this message to be from the children of the Abyei, rather, it would have been from some body else. if this is the case do not expect southerners to fight because of Abyei children are trading for their lives, since it has become a game from Abyei sons to pushing Arabs in the north to go to Abyei and kill their mothers while pushing the southern army again to defence them.
    therefore, it was not meaningful for Biong to resign claiming disgusted by the SAF action and yet he was in Khartoum with his canival YAK.

  • Aleu

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    Dear brothers and sisters of Abyei.

    I would like to reminding you all that, weakness people like Majith Yak his name must be written in the black list of taitors people who have been disfunction in Southern Sudan but fails in their life time since the SPLA Movement was began and remember your land is your land even if North Sudan army are rolling in Abyei with 300,000 Tanks, the Southern Sudanese and the people of Abyei wouldn’t be fearful whatsoever. The Southern Sudanese people are known for being a good fighters even the Northern Sudanese themselves knows every well, but I think this is just the mattter of time to tell that, North Sudan was controls everythings which were belonging to whole Sudan nation therefore, there is time for North Sudan government to show such arrogant of their armies 25 Tanks rolling in Abyei and in the short coming years, this Southern Sudan would be like Israel and bad guys in the Middle East nation.

    People like Majith Yak who was been paid by Arab to deny the rights of Abyeians people need to be told to shut up his mouth or to staying in North Sudan if he is too fearful to fight for his land. If anyone Son of Abyei and Southern Sudanese as a whole don’t want to fights in Abyei then, do you want to die only for disease while Arab is claiming your mother land Abyei.? The real border between Southern Sudan and North Sudan is not Abyei but Kosti. Kosti is the border between Southern Sudan and North Sudan even Brithish knows that, but the Idea of North Sudan to invaded Abyei is about oil otherwise, you can not force people who don’t like you in the first place.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    To those who forget very quickly!

    UNIMS itself had been attacked, it’s personnel were killed ant vehicles were destoyed by the SPLA and NOT the SAF.The SPLA had officially apologized for this attack!

    Mr. Yak is just what I have been saying sinct the start of these tragic events. The cowardly attack was initiated by ” individuals” and was not ordered, planned or approved by the senior millitary command or senior GOSS official. No honest or decent millitary commander will order or approve such a coward attack. To attack retreating force is a sin in the millitary dictionary of honour!

    This attack was ordered by the ABEYEI sons millitia , under the leadership of Dr. Luka Piong, Edward Lino, Deng “Ahmed” Aluer and want both the SAF and the SPLA to face realities on the ground without calculating the risks or caring about the consequencies.

    The real reason behind Dr. Luka Piong resignation reisgnation and the failure of their plot. He went to Juba to support the rest of the gang who are under fire. The late response of Salva almost 1 week, is evidence of the internal fight and the reprandment which the Abeyei gang had recieved. Did you here the voice of Deng “Ahmed” Alour or Edward Lino! Even Pagan was keeping quite!

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    the wanted criminal Beshir
    have already says UP TO Torit

    and the response from coward Dinka’s leader is NO WAR

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH if this is not insane be my guest

    I and millions of southerners have already understood, that Dinka’s army Will never ever protect southerners from any invasion for that matter
    Solution away with Dinka’s government and install real southern Sudan government that is not jock-able went its come to protect
    the citizen

  • Ariambek

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    Is a citizen of Abyei in color but ideology is Arabs. My dear listeners and readers this is kind of people in S.Sudan let us down and should be exiting a lone.


  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei
    Mohammed Ali

    What evidence do you have for your wild claims against those you keep mentioning as behind the Abyei incident?

    And who the hell is Deng “Ahmed” Aleur? I hope you don’t mean Deng Alor, if you do, then you are more stupid then I thought.

    What a stupid agent. LOL

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Reports of more than 60 deaths in Abyei

    No one wants to see innoncent civilians to be killed by whoever. be it SPLA militia who is burning Nuer homes right now several parts of southern
    Sudan or SAF which occupying Abyei right now after they defeated SPLA. so the question is. why SPLA is failing protect civilians when they were the one who invited the war in Abyei by Ambushing SAF convoy?

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