Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

May 29, 2011 (JUBA) – The Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) on Saturday said it had given an ultimatum to the South Sudan army, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), to withdraw its forces south of the 1956 borders from the two northern states of Blue Nile and South Kordofan.

Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) governor of Blue Nile state Malik Agar (Reuters)
Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) governor of Blue Nile state Malik Agar (Reuters)
This new development will likely add pressure to already strained tensions between North and South Sudan as the latter approaches independence. A week ago, the SAF occupied the disputed town of Abyei, in response to an attack on one of its convoys that it blamed on SPLA.

The SAF convoy that came under attack was being escorted by peacekeepers from the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS).

Western countries along with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) while acknowledging that Southern forces provoked the attack they called on SAF to withdraw unconditionally.

They also urged Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir to revoke his decision of dissolving the Abyei administration council last week.

In accordance with the security arrangement in the 2005 peace deal between North and South, Joint Integrated Units (JIUs) of 24,000 soldiers, 12,000 each from SAF and SPLA were deployed in various towns in South Sudan, Khartoum, Blue Nile and South Kordofan. The forces were to serve as the nucleus for a future national army should the people of South Sudan vote for the unity of the country in a plebiscite agreed as part of the peace deal.

Following January’s referendum in South Sudan and the declaration of its outcome in favor of independence, SAF components of the JIUs in South Sudan withdrew to the north of the 1956 borders.

Speaking to the United Nations Radio, SAF spokesperson, Al-Sawarmi Khalid Sa’ad, said they have given a deadline to the SPLA to withdraw their forces from Blue Nile and South Kordofan states before Wednesday June 1.

Malik Agar, Blue Nile’s governor, said on Sunday night to the New York Times (NYT) that northern forces had recently moved “dangerously close” to the bases of southern-allied fighters and that he did not think the southern-allied forces would surrender.

“It’s like putting a cat in a corner,” Mr. Agar said. “They will fight.”

Agar said that he had recently received a written order for the southern forces in his area to disarm.

According to a letter provided to The New York Times, dated May 23 and marked “Top Secret,” the northern Sudanese army will “redeploy its forces to all areas north of the 1/1/1956 borders starting from 1 June 2011.” The letter is from Ismat Abdul Rahman Zain al-Abideen, the chief of staff for the Sudanese military. Western officials have said the northern military has threatened to attack any southern-allied soldiers north of the border who do not withdraw immediately.

The southern-allied fighters there are in a more desperate situation than southern troops were in Abyei. There is no easy way to flee to the south even if they wanted to. And if the fighters in these areas give up their weapons, they will be at the mercy of the northern Sudanese forces whom they have fought for years.

“If it were only so simple for them to move south,” Mr. Agar said. “But they are not southerners. They are from Blue Nile and they don’t have any other place to go.”

But southern leaders indicated that they would not fight over Blue Nile or Southern Kordofan either.

“It is not our priority now to get involved in a war,” said Barnaba Marial Benjamin, the information minister for the government of southern Sudan.

“The move into the Nuba in particular will be explosive,” said Eric Reeves, a professor at Smith College and one of the leading academic voices on Sudan. “The amount of weaponry and men under arms is tremendous.”

Meanwhile officials from the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) on Saturday confirmed that the advancing SAF forces from Abyei have destroyed the bridge south of Abyei that connects the region to Warrap state after they captured it from the SPLA.

The Minister of Regional Cooperation in the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS), Deng Alor, warned that South Sudan will not allow the presence of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in Abyei after 9th July independence.

Alor pointed out that the two partners to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) may not reach an agreement over post-referendum issues before July 9 as SAF is occupying Abyei.

The vice president of the Government of Southern Sudan, Riek Machar, arrived in Khartoum on Saturday to meet with Sudan’s second vice president Ali Osman Taha to try to defuse the escalating tensions between north and south Sudan over the Abyei crisis.

Also on Saturday the SAF announced that it has ended its military operation in Abyei which lies on the North-South borders, a week after it moved in to seize control of the region, saying the situation had returned to normal. It added that the forces will stay in Abyei until a new security and political arrangement is reached by the parties concerned and called on the fleeing Dinka Ngok and Misseriya populations and other residents to return to Abyei.

Earlier, Al Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed, a member of the National Congress Party, had said in press statements that Khartoum is ready for talks with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

South Sudan president Salva Kiir on Thursday admitted that the cause of the fighting in Abyei involved SAF and SPLA soldiers. He however explained that it occurred as a result of quarrel between two soldiers; one SAF and another SPLA, which then escalated into clashes involving the two forces.

The 2005 CPA promised Abyei residents a referendum over whether to join north or south, but that did not take place as neither could agree who was qualified to vote.



  • Riak

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    No stop! They are just out like a wild dog! Aiming to annihilate us! This is a bit by bit strategy guys! Can the SPLA stand tall against these aggression? Time will tell! This is crazy enough!!!!!

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    That is not going to be easy SAF, you know that your army is strong by taking Abyei but there were no person fought with you since the south don’t whant to risk it 9/07/2011, which give you chane of take it with no sigle firing,
    Now you want SPLA to withdraw inorder to late groups of Dr Lam Akol Athor Deng Dut and Peter Gatat yak base their forces there without fear of SPLA,
    there is a time came where the war will not be fought in the south, God is great,

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    Is SAF getting crazy? Don’t they know that most of the SPLA forces in Blue Nile and South Kordufan are non-southerners?

    Why don’t they ask them to incorporate into SAF and other organized forces?

    Only those few southerners can redeploy to the South.

  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Deadline for SPLA on 31 May

    SAF should know that this is not Abyei, they will really engage in real fighting in those two areas. SPLAs are ready to face you guys, you won’t forget as compare to mile 40 and Torit.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    Is SAF getting crazy? Don’t they know that most of the SPLA forces in Blue Nile and South Kordufan are non-southerners?

    Why don’t they ask them to incorporate into SAF and other organized forces?

    Only those few southerners can redeploy to the South.

    Now they have destroyed the only bridge that joins Abyei with the South in Warrap state.

    I warn SAF not to play around at the north-south borders. Let it wait for July 9 as Deng Alor said in the case of Abyei.

    But for the north-south borders we can kick SAF butts any time.

    Ngundeng said “Soldiers wait for Marol (jellaba) in the Luak (South Sudan), let them first quarrel with the chosen man of God.”

  • Ajiech M. Chol
    Ajiech M. Chol

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dear readers,

    It seems that the war is imperative no matter how many times SPLM/A will dodge it. In fact, the GOSS must think smart in order to avoid war with the north and design the best way to win Abyei back. Bashir wants to die with ten thousands of people since he already know his destiny after July 9th.

  • liberator3

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dear Readers:

    This is the operation the SAF chief of staff was referring to late last week.

    Should the SAF follow through on this threat and dislodges the SPLA out of the true regions, well, it would be a declaration of war on the South Sudan. And I do not know how Salva Kiir would sing his no ”return to war” and make excuse of July 9 as the justification of not intervening.

    Even if Salva is so terrified to get involved, it would be hard for any Southerner to watch our brave brothers of Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile getting slaughtered and humiliated with our hand fold in our laps it just will not happened!

    Benjamin Marial please, be quite and leave the fighting to all who been there and done it before!


  • Ajiech M. Chol
    Ajiech M. Chol

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    I think president Salva Kiir is not afraid, but he wants the SPLA to equip themselves first so that they can defeat the SAF. Beside, SPLA will be able to use their air forces after July 9th.

  • junub

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    People of South Sudan need to break their truth at the SPLA and look for alternative or else asked president Kiir and the defence minister of the government of South Sudan to resigned.

    There’s no point at all to let ourselves be let to dwell in an illusional world that the SPLA army will do all the neccessary means to make sure it protects the civilians if come any threat from the Sudanese Army.

    For those whom their minds still dwelling in revolution eras, please sorry to tell you gone are those days with Dr. Garang. The SPLA of today is nothing but a poppet of the old SPLA. It has no strength, no guy, nor the might to protect and defend neither the territory or the interest of South Sudan.

    SPLA is too deformed by corruption and tribalism to the stag where it won’t gather itself again to deliver to its people what he had been trusted for before.

    With the cowardic leader behind the steering wheel, who always booth the army moral with his unleadership phrase; “that South Sudan will not go back to war as he repeated it many times that it won’t be in his leadership,” then expect no go nowhere of South from the current SPLM/A government in Juba.

  • zol aweer
    zol aweer

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    That is madness from the SAF,they want to destroy the occasion of 9-July-2011, but let them know that, the war will continue meanwhile we celebrate our independence of new South Sudan.We can not be succumb to any kind of threat from NCP wait until 9-July you will end up in Saudi Arabia that is if you are lucky,This war you are looking for is an identity btw Black and Arab of Sudan.
    No giving up,Nuba & Blue Nile we are almost there !!!!!!!!

  • junub

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    No SPLA or SPLM won’t stands tall to manly confront the current threats from the Sudan Army/goverment because it already chose its position to bend down to the enemy. Where bending down facing the enemy or turning its ass to it. Still the same ugly if the SPLA/M can know that.

  • liberator3

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Ajiech M. Chol

    I didn’t say he(salva Kiir) was afraid. I do not what is in man head when he singing loud to the world that, no “return to war” with Jallaba while have declared WAR on his own brothers for a year now! any senseble readers will know what that mean. when you are seemed to enjoy and quick to fight your own brothers and happy to destroy thousands of your fellow citizens homes at will. I think the enemy will come and knock at your door before you even noticed it.

    The other thing you said is that is equipping the SPLA in order to defeat Jallaba. This is laughable because it’s been six years since the signing of the CPA and SPLA budget has 40% of the total GDP and even more every year. If the SPLA has prepared for those last six years, what make you think it will be ready in one month time? And if the excuse is July 9. well, there may not even be July 9 as thing are changing rapidly by the hour.
    Also talking about ill-equipped and with amateur pilots Air force doesn’t hold water. because, South Sudan Air force is insignificant at this point. since they are using old soviet era Russian made Mil-17 helicopters which are only capable of transporting troops to the front line and that is it!!

  • liberator3

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Ajiech M. Chol

    I didn’t say he(salva Kiir) was afraid. I do not what is in man head when he singing loud to the world that, no “return to war’’ with Jallaba while have declared WAR on his own brothers for a year now! any senseble readers will know what that mean. when you are seemed to enjoy and quick to fight your own brothers and happy to destroy thousands of your fellow citizens homes at will. I think the enemy will come and knock at your door before you even noticed it.

    The other thing you said is that is equipping the SPLA in order to defeat Jallaba. This is laughable because it’s been six years since the signing of the CPA and SPLA budget has 40% of the total GDP and even more every year. If the SPLA has prepared for those last six years, what make you think it will be ready in one month time? And if the excuse is July 9. well, there may not even be July 9 as thing are changing rapidly by the hour.
    Also talking about ill-equipped and with amateur pilots Air force doesn’t hold water. because, South Sudan Air force is insignificant at this point. since they are using old soviet era Russian made Mil-17 helicopters which are only capable of transporting troops to the front line and that is it!!

  • junub

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Neither Deng Alor nor the Ngundeng will give people of South Sudan to trust SPLA/M anymore. Unless you accepted yourself to be decieved by Deng Alor’s shamefull remark. Down with the SPLM/A.


    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    This is just a sign that Bashir is a loser and does not want to go down alone. the south can hold on for another 6 weeks and we will be two different nations and any attack on us will encounter a brutal reaction.

    i hate to preach war, but when there is a mad man carelessly dancing in my backyard its abit annoying.

  • Malual Dungdit
    Malual Dungdit

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Now things are getting tougher than before. Where is our distance learner student from UNISA and mostly an iliterate Chief of Staff of the SPLA (James Hoth Mai), who talks politics instead of SPLA affairs? He always talk of division of our truely fighters such as Gen.George Athor, Gen.Peter Gatdet Yak, Col.Puljang Top, Col.Michael Kolshaare Nyuang, Col.Gatluak Gai.These are the SPLA officers who had been participating alot during the struggle since 1983.

    But because it has become the time of filling stomaches, those mentioned above fighters become little known to you Gathoth Mai.
    President Kiir always say that, he is being intimidated if he told to unite people of Southern Sudan. As the president of GoSS, who can attempt even to intimidate, but because incompetency, he failed in bringing back those fighters.

    In conclusion, I arge the president to begin dialogue with those George Athor so that by 10th July 2010, we go into business with the Arabs squarely and thoroughly. Even we need to unite our civilians who are fighting almost in all the states of Southern Sudan.This is because these are the very same people we would recruit into the SPLA during the business with the Arabs. Why don’t you as the president of GoSS remove Kuol Mayang Juuk, Taban Deng of Unity State, Simon Kun Puoch of Upper Nile State, Chol Tong of Lake, Malong Awan of Aweil togather with George Athor, Gen. Dau and Peter Gatdet and appoint them GoSS ministers and advisors for the unity of Southerners. And you appoint different tribemen and ladies not neccessarily from their own states as governors. Kiir becareful for your people…..

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    the NCP really knows that southerners are hot-temper people who can be easily agitated and led back to war. But southerners through the wisdom of their leadership understand well that the focus now is not small things like Abyei, or any other threats by SAF in southern Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains though these are important. What is more important is the fulfillment of people’s will, the realization of its independence. the NCP wants to rule out that so that they fight the south again as dependence of Sudan as a whole. But if the south become an Independent country that will be a different case. Why would they do all these things if it is not that they want to dismental south Sudan’s independent? The “no return to war’ reiterated by President Salva Kiir has put President Omer elBashir into tough corner politically either nationally or internationally, and through that he gain support. Also, I don’t think your conclusion that Kiir is terrified by war is true, becaue he is not just a politician, he is a soldier all his life, how will you discribe a soldier as coward? this is rediculous. Kiir (SPLM) is playing a political game with the NCP till the time comes, the one who is terrified by the outcome of independence is the NCP in Khartoum. They know the power of the SPLA they are not terrified by tanks, nor the antinobs, please let’s give chance to our politicians by not embarrassing them. What is your problem with Dr. Barnaba Marial he is doing his job, not like you who just sit in the computer lab writing nonsense every time. Long live the United South Sudan.

  • junub

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    If the matter was with where those of Lam Akol, Athor and Gadeet will based, then what about the Abyei whom the captured recently from the SPLM/A? Always looser seek God whenever the matter required no concert with God. Either the SPLA/M faced the threat, or else pack your things and quietly leave to East Africa, period.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    it is not logical that the SAF will get rid of the SPLA soldiers who fought for a very long time to liberate their peoples in southern Blue Nile and Nuba Mountain. the question any one could ask is that does the NCP and SAF want to dismantle the CPA in these two regions? These is utomatically a declaration of war against the people of Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile, which should be seriously considered.

  • Janafil

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    SAF is joking
    Malik go on be courageouse we will fight if the SAF wants that.

  • liberator3

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Please do not blame the average rank and file soldier along with all their Junior officers. Even those who have joined SPLA after the peace deal are not to blame.

    But you have a point of blaming the top rank officers of corrupting the army and not paying them and poising them with political divisions.

    During the liberation years, there was one purpose for the a strong morale because, the Military leaders at the time irrespective of their tribal affiliation they have much respect for the average soldier and vice-versa the average soldiers have respect for them even though non-of them was getting any salary at the time.

    Now, most of the seniors officers at GHQS at Bilpham owns Villas and sent their children abroad for schooling and most of them were junior officers who were following orders from the top high command during the war. They never used to managed the whole army. now, most of them find themselves in decision making positions and they are just not up to the task sorry to say that. they are happy to run with the money and most of them are eying political offices while active in uniform. it’s always a distraction for a soldier to get involved in political disputes while active in uniform. And this proven disaster in last year elections which created a rebellions we find our self in today. had the SPLA stayed out and not succumbed to political pressure by politicians within the SPLM political party, everyone would be running and joining the SPLA including the rebelled brothers and I know when it becomes between us and Jallaba, our brothers who rebelled will join their brothers in the South to fight the common enemy. But the political calculations by the SPLA ranking officers during the elections last year prove disaster for this combat forces called SPLA. SPLA should be separate from its political wing SPLM after July and it will earn a great respect from its South Sudan citizens and its enemy!

  • junub

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Garang one time said in his speech that only the cowardic people think of where to run and hind, which is the position of the SPLA now.

    What some of you need to know is that Machakos wasn’t really the signing of the peace but the piece. It gave us the piece of the government but not as a peace as some of you wrong misunderstood it.

  • liberator3

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dear readers:

    Blaming Dr. Riek Machar who have no power to declare war is absurd. all the power is in hand of the president to declare war.

    Dr. Riek Machar have been preaching peaceful resolutions between ourselves first so the enemy will not doubt our resolve if are united. but Salva Kiir and Salva Mathok instead refuse to integrated Gen. Tanginya into SPLA and keep him under house arrest. And also even plot killed him at Kaldaka. Salva Kiir refused to sit down with his brothers like James Gatdet, George Athor, etc.. to resolve their differences peacefully. instead have declared to crush them militarily. Now, entered Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and he(Salva Kiir) is singing a ’’No war’’ versus es at every opportunity available. Now, who is to blame if the SAF is thumbing its nose at us?

  • Land-of-Cush

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dear Readers

    Talking too much on Medea SPLA, SPLA wouldn’t make sense at all. SAF demand that they will fight against SPLA after they have been ambush; no longer then a day they take over Abyei.

    In this case no reason to proud about SPLA forces because they are not ready to fight. I know they are ready to defend the country but the majority of them get no incomes; that why they are not able to resist SAF from Abyei. GoSS must solve this issue before the next action otherwise we will miss out the 9th July.

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    Riek Machar is not my political mentor, but if anybody accused him of what is going on in Abyei, Nuba Mt, and Blue Nile, then that person must be crazy. Salva has powers to declare war not Riek.

  • twins

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    This is realy getting rediculous. Now, with the GOSS sticking with no war, what is it going to do? Will SPLA leave those areas becuase NCP said so? North Sudan wants war even if SPLA withdraw its troops from these areas, North Sudan will take another provocative step which might leads to war. I doubt if SPLA will continue rullingout no returning to war otherwise SouthSudanese will loose their entire land before independent day because the next step will always be way more provacative compare to the previous.

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    They have nowhere to go unless the demands are meet. Terms and conditions apply.

  • Sam.Eto

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    The laws are clear – why wont you people understand. Either disarm or leave. SPLA have no right to be in Kordofan or Blue nile state. There is only 1 army in North Sudan and thats the SAF. If you want to label yourself as SPLM then disarm or leave its a no brainer. Agar can decide if he wants to be part of the North as a governer of theBlue Nile state he gets his orders from Khartoum and NOT Juba. If he wants it otherwise then leave your post and go elsewhere. No international organization will say otherwise. If you want to join the SAF then that is something you have to agree with them after you disarm.

    The SPLA does not have the resources in the South or the North to fight a war with the SAF. You president has given up and sent Mashar to beg for mercy and forgivness. Alor is probably still drunkn from depression – but as him you and whos army is going to get the SAF out of Abyei after July ??? HUh ??? WHO ? NATO !!! Idiot

  • Aleu

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    To: All greats citizens of South Kordofan State and South Blue Nile State, officials and local people.

    Perhaps,I know that, there is lack of mass media in both two greats Southern Sudanese allied mention above, but I would like to remind you all brothers and sisters, because this is a every important time for all Sudanese people to be careful not to be fool by Omar al Bashir particular, those regions who have been suffering for so long time. My message from the beginning was very simple and clear. I said, the word North Sudan was been misusing by the domination in Sudan as a way of conquest the lands of Black African tribes in the Sudan, but I want you to think about those people in Khartoum government who want to force you for what you might not interesting at all and don’t let that aggressiveness happen.

    We have the real North Sudan region, we have Southern Sudan region, we have Western Sudan region known as Darfur region, we have Eastern Sudan region, we have Central Sudan region also known as Nubia Mountains region and also we have South Blue region which is too far away from the real North Sudan. Now anybody from these mentioning are citizens of the Sudan thus, this year, the Sudanese citizens have the choices to make in their minds and no one will force them. Nubian people have the rights to says, I want to go to this government without forcing them but the Idea of Khartoum government to force citizens could cause another big war and I am not real sure how many wars did the domination want to do at the time Southern Sudan is already vote for her independence.

    In the CPA it did mention that, these two States South Kordofan State and South Blue Nile State have the rights to speak up if the CPA has been satisfied them or not and I strongly belief that, the Khartoum government has done nothing to the people of these two greats the Southern Sudanese allied even there was more disappointed made when Khartoum government were just forgetting for what they signed in Kenya until they were caught up with surprising voting 98.8% referendum election when Southern Sudanese throw away Sudan’s unity because unity on the mouth of Arab domination without meaning does not mean anything but to fools the rest of the regions so that, these domination will be in power for another hundred years this is another stroy and is not going to happen that is why NCP and the Khartoum government are so panic not to sitting in the offices of Khartoum.

    Either South Kordofan citizens nor the South Blue Nile people, you have your rights to choose from the Southern Sudan government and North Sudan government but you can not be force and if the Khartoum government did it then, you must fight with them, because that is the only option left on the Table right now and also the International community are now watching Omar al Bashir very closely special, the attacked of Abyei has brought more attention to International community. The Khartoum government are trying to fear about war, but they don’t even know if the Southern Sudanese accepted their aggressiveness to go on war plus Darfur war it will be another fully stroy of Khartoum government to fall down.

    I know the Kurmuk wars was so hot on SAF to achieved what they are again rushing on war now and if they were defeated by the SPLA at that time, what do they thinks will be different from the war of two decades.? I said, the term North Sudan was been misusing by the domination of Khartoum government but South Kordofan and South Blue Nile are not real North Sudan but Khartoum government are still using an Old Ideas which make Southern Sudanese to break away from the North Sudan. The Khartoum government is going to remain very thining government because when you are become too aggressive, too panic then people tened to dislike you even distant themselves from you and that is what the Khartoum government will probably faces some Isolation from the rest of the societies in the Sudan.

    Finally, I ask the people of all Nubian kingdom and the people of Blue Nile to support Malik Aggar and Yasir Arman whatever, the cost it might be. The Southern Sudanese were already telling North Sudan dominate frankly speaking that, if guys still behave like this way, the Sudan nation will not going to be same as it was before and truly this Sudan nation will never going to be same. I think Malik Aggar was right, the threaten Khartoum government was trying to do on the Southern SPLA Allied fighters would cause Khartoum to fall shortly if they don’t want to follow in a peaceful manner.

    Malik Aggar Oyee, Yasir Arman Oyee, SPLA Oyee, SPLM Oyee, long iive of the SPLA, long live of the SPLM, long live of the people Nubia Mountaints and the people of South Blue Nile will success and GOD will blessing you all our brothers and sisters.

  • dakin

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Guys!!!!! I appreciate your change of heart but remember that when you clean the shits of someone, you shall have to do it again, it is unheigenic too. It is now time the Dinka gokrial spla must justify their corruption in their own backward, abyei. Sons of greater equatoria must come back home to protect their civilians from Dinka spla terrorism. Greater upper nile must fight its own border war.
    Like that, things must normalise naturally! Gatdet, athor must maintain their justifiable positions.

  • Adam

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    This is what I have been saying. The GoSS has betrayed the peoples of S. Kordofan and Blue Nile. SPLM/A have done nothing for both areas in terms of development or struggle for rights. SPLA has failed terribly in solving this case of Northerners who were the backbone of SPLA. Mr. Telfone Koko who was fighting for the rights of the Nuba and exposing the selfish and opportunistic behavior of the GoSS has been tortured and jailed. I don’t know if he is a live.

    Mr. Agar and Mr. Al-Hilu should find a way solving the problems faced by their people. SPLM/A or the corrupted GoSS cannot be trusted. It is advisable to disarm and not enter in any confrontation with SAF. War will make your people suffer more and you will gain nothing but destruction and death.

    I am sure that Northerners in SPLA will fight the GoSS so soon. They will not surrender their weapons to the GoSS without being treated fair. They will not and should not fight SAF. Therefore, it is better to accept them in the South as citizens and they should be part of our National Army, if we manage to form one. This is the least we could do for them. They will not be recruited in SAF or North Police, because they are looked at as “enemies”, and surely they are.

    It is logical that SAF is asking SPLA to disarm or leave the North. SAF has implemented its part and we do not have them in the South any more. Abyei is a disputed area and including it in the constitution of South Sudan or issuing threats like the ones of Mr. Alor will not be fruitful.

    This situation is a clear evidence of the bad and corrupted nature of the GoSS. Ask Mr. Agar and Mr. Al-Hilu how it tastes.

    Adam Milawaki
    Juba, South Sudan

  • Analizer Boyz
    Analizer Boyz

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Less we forget Genocide committed by SAF in Darfur in the past 6 years.

    Bashir regime plan to take advantage of strategic locations within South Sudan prior to July 9th Independence for bargaining with SPLA of the 9th July. The people of Blue Nile and South Kordofan must be well Armed particularly with Anti- Air craft Weapon system and and Anti- Tank system to defend themselves from SAF seeking to commit more genocides.

    Top mountainous locations must be armed with heat seeking weapon system.

    SPLA leader Salva Kir must draw plan B, to defend southerners if SAF continue to intimidate our people.

    Darfur leaders/people must prepare to fight shoulder to shoulder with South Sudanese people to prevent SAF from committing more genocide.

    Bashir wants to control Southern Oil and is ready kill to do so.

    God Bless Southerners.

  • Mapuor

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    APLA forces of Nuba & South Blue Nile are not Southerners to withdraw South of 1956 borders,their land is in the North of 1956 border,more over when they fought for 21 years,they did not fight for South Sudan,they fought for South Blue Nile & South Kordufan & that was why they had their own protocol at Naivasha.Why chase them to the South.Gen Saboya shouldnt have talked of Abiei but of South Kordufan as a whole & South blue Nile to independent states after South Sudan.

  • Ajiech M. Chol
    Ajiech M. Chol

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dear Sam and Mohammed,

    SPLM/A fought SAF for 22 years despite its significant military equipments & huge army, but SPLA manage to defeat them till they beg for peace. The whole world know that SPLM/A wasn’t fighting SAF only, but the whole arabs who came to Sudan with a dream of fighting to take our land by force and use it for their hunger arabs. As for Nuba Mountain and Blue Nile, it’s just a matter time and those areas will be claim back by the SPLM shortly after we declared our Independence. As for a threat, SAF knew how strong SPLA are & for that reason, SPLA are not worry about their threat because action speak louder than words. SAF underestimated SPLA wrong, but their misculcalation will cause them to pay a high prices if president Bashir will not stop such attitude.

  • Nhomlawda

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dinka story/proverb: A crocodile used to run away when it sees nile perch approaching its territory but one day, a nile perch opened its mouth and told a crocodile that it was fearing for nothing since it had no teeth to bite it. The crocodile responded swiftly by attacking and killing the nile perch; and that was the beginning of crocodiles feeding on nile perches.
    This Dinka proverb is applicable to the looming war between South Sudan forces and their belligerent northerners. When President Salva Kiir declared publicly that he had no energy left to fight the Government of Sudan and SAF, the Government of Sudan responded swiftly by issuing more threats on border demarcation and declaring an imminent attack on South Sudan allied forces in Southern Kordufan and Blue Nile States – taking advantage of the South Sudan precarious situation and weak respond to Abyei invasion.
    It is now time to put internal pressure on Government of Sudan and SAF by moving army units and heavy artillery closer to North South Border and gives ultimatum to SAF to withdraw from Kuek and Abyei or face disgrace exit. South Sudan should defend its armed men and women in Southern Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains if they are under imminent attack by SAF.
    We do not need war but that does not mean we cannot defend ourselves and territory if we are under attack by Government of Sudan and its belligerent army – SAF and militias.
    South Sudan must move swiftly by dislodging SAF at Kuek if they don’t withdraw by June 1 and giving an ultimatum to them to withdraw from Abyei and all Ngok Dinka areas currently occupied by SAF and its militias.
    Otherwise, further exposure of weakness will put South Sudan in a position of nile perch in the crocodile and nile story narrated above.

  • Yanga

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    As far as I am aware, the SPLA is a guerilla army in the process of reformation into a conventional defence force. The GoS in its use of the SAF has clearly taken advantage of this transitional period to make ‘facts on the ground’ by annexing disputed territory and then daring the SPLA or anyone to challenge it.

    I believe we all agree that it would be militarily risky for the SPLA to launch a conventional counter-attack should the SAF invade and occupy Blue Nile and South Kordofan states.

    * Will we be able to re-take these lands from a country that currently has a potential army in excess of 100K+ (including militias) that it can redeploy to the battle?
    * Will we be able to hold our own states, cities, towns and villages if they chose to invade the south proper in retaliation for what I am sure they will call a ‘criminal invasion’ by the SPLA?
    * Can we afford to lose the gains already made and the potential for renewed Northern hegemony over liberated Southern Sudanese?

    It would further allow GoS to renege on their CPA obligations citing aggression by SPLA on ‘Northern Sudanese’ territory.

    The North is facing a potentially catastrophic financial restructuring after secession of the South. Equally, The NCP is facing an existential struggle for survival. Agar called the armed elements in Blue Nile and South Kordofan a ‘cornered cat’, whilst I contend that in fact it is the NCP that is the cornered cat – and right now it is lashing out in a calculated manner through desperation.

    The next couple of months will be painful for the peoples of the South and more so for those who fought for our liberation but have now found themselves on the wrong side of the border.

    The GoSS will have to think hard before committing the next move. I do not envy our leaders the choices they will be asked to make over the next couple of weeks. I approve so far of their strategy over Abyei.

    It is to the long term we should now be looking. Let us keep a cool head whilst planning and a keen eye for opportunities to exploit. This may seem a game of chess to those in authority but one must remember the poor pawns (first to suffer) who have lives, families and aspirations.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dear People of Sudan.

    From this funny name: Sudan People Liberation Movement and Army or SPLM/A . Ladies and Gentlemen what sense does it make to you for this name to continue after the unfortunate division our beloved Sudan; which used to be the most diverse in term of ethnic richness and the largest country in Africa in term of land.

    SPLM/A used to claim that it was fighting for the so-called merginalsed people of Sudan but this has turned out to a big joke and the prove is the choice of the clique for separation over the unity of Sudan.

    SPLM/A clique has used our brothers in Southern Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan to fight its war in the name of its so-called liberation of merginalised people of Sudan. Now. SPLM clique has betrayed them by accepting the seaparation over the Unity of Sudan that the militia used to claim to be fighting for that is very clear to everyone including SPLM itself.

    So SPLM/A mission in Sudan is accomplished and the whole southern Sudan is belongs to the clique now therefore it should end its present in the North Sudan and allow Northerners to heal their wounds and divisions caused by the civil war. SPLM syndicate should also let North Sudanese to reconcile their differences and move on toward building their nation.

    Therefore . North Sudan should ban SPLM party from operating in North because its present there after July the 9 will be irrelevant and illegal as well for the reasons mentioned above. If SPL/A wants to continue operating in the North after all this then the clique has an ambiguous or hidden agendas in Northern Sudan and then it should be dealt with ccordingly.

    Honestly. I agree with SAF ultimatum that requests SPLA to withdraw its illegal troops from all states of Northern Sudan including Abyei to stop the milita’s interference in internal affairrs of Northern Sudan.

    SPLM./A has forced the people of Southern to vote for separation instead of the unity so that they do not become second class citizens in their own country. then why SPLM refuses to move to Southern Sudan and start to build a country where SPLM/A generals will be free to dance and abuse alcohol 24/7. a country where one can loot as much public fund as could possible and without any accountability whatsoever. a country so free that anyone can go to national TV and air whatever rubbish comes to her/his brain or even declares war on behave of the whole nation. a free country where girls can even walk naked without any question. a lawless country!!!

    Mlilitary intervention by SAF that led to the preeemptive strike and occupation of Abyei and now the ultimatum by SAF requesting SPLA militia to withdraw from Northern Sudan to south are direct perecussions of SPLA aggressions against withdrawing SAF from Abyei area that resulted into the masscare of hundreds of SAF soldiers and wounding of others. those are considered as acts of both war and sabotage by SPLM syndicate and have invited war to itself regardless of the Kiir’s nonsense slogon of no return to war.

    Now SPLA militia must be wise enough to withdraw its troops southward before it causes another embarrassing defeat to itself that may even result to the complete destruction of the militia by SAF.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dear all commenters;
    Let us project this situation ahead. SAF is a coat of Bashir, Ali Nafie and Karti. NCP became un healthy body full with mites. How can SAF gives People of South Blue Nile and South Kordofan a warning to withdraw SPLA forces in those regions? What about SPLA forces in Easter Sudan? What about SLM/A, JEM/A forces in Darfur? Bashir and his supporters think that SPLA is all about Junubini. Those forces are SPLA Northern sectors forces. Therefore, SAF should not ask SPLA forces to withdraw from the North. SAF should ask SPLA in the Northern States to surrender themselves to SAF. The message will be digested immediately by those SPLA forces in the Northern States. Otherwise, end of Bashir Rule has come to an end. Soon after July, SPLA South will launched a heavy attack in Abyei and Abyei land of the Dinka Ngok shall fall into the hands of the SPLA and the whole part of North will be in flame thus ending Bashir rule. Turabi and other opposition will do uprising after the fall of Gadaffi. Let us all wait and see what will happen. I know SAF is going to attack SPLA forces in the North on the 2nd June 2011. Please guys be prepared or else take that opinion of Malik Agar.

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Hello guys, it is better to stop of shifting the blame to one another for what happpened in Abyei and Also don,t blame SPLA for what they have done to the enemies.What you really needs to do just be ready for war, advice our armies to put their extra effort to fight if they can afford or if they know how to fight this is only solution.

    Of course I want to emphazied what Mr Mike Mike have said on his comment you Cann`t put a fire in grass while you don`t know how to extinguise it, what SPLA done in Abyei they need to deserve to fight as they had started to confronted SAF with out a good ground to do it so.

    Also to remind you that the worse part of humaliation is still on the way coming and the first sign of it, is the warning we have received thus far that we have to withdraw our forces from South of Blue Nile and South Kordofan before 1st of june however the Northern army had already know how esay to occupied our territory or how to defeat us because we use to act without taking any responisbility for our action that is what happened in Abyei and if it is so and then Iam more concerns for safety of Southerners.

    This is completely a bad moment which I don`t want to recall it, we don`t have to withdraw from Abyei we should have to fight to death or to the last man until whatever might be happening that shows we have capability to defend South Sudan” it doesn`t matter that we were wrong to attacked them in the place under the escort of UN peacekeeper forecs.The man could not judge him self for his action and does not admitted whatevee he have done.The taking over of the Abyei by Norhtern armies by force is totally embarrassing to the SPLA, Iam really very discontent for such a move.

    kur William

  • Nhomlawda

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dinka story/proverb: A crocodile used to run away when it sees nile perch approaching its territory but one day, a nile perch opened its mouth and told a crocodile that it was fearing for nothing since it had no teeth to bite it. The crocodile responded swiftly by attacking and killing the nile perch; and that was the beginning of crocodiles feeding on nile perches.
    This Dinka proverb is applicable to the looming war between South Sudan forces and their belligerent northerners. When President Salva Kiir declared publicly that he had no energy left to fight the Government of Sudan and SAF, the Government of Sudan responded swiftly by issuing more threats on border demarcation and declaring an imminent attack on South Sudan allied forces in Southern Kordufan and Blue Nile States – taking advantage of the South Sudan precarious situation and weak respond to Abyei invasion.
    It is now time to put internal pressure on Government of Sudan and SAF by moving army units and heavy artillery closer to North South Border and gives ultimatum to SAF to withdraw from Kuek and Abyei or face disgrace exit. South Sudan should defend its armed men and women in Southern Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains if they are under imminent attack by SAF.
    We do not need war but that does not mean we cannot defend ourselves and territory if we are under attack by Government of Sudan and its belligerent army – SAF and militias.
    South Sudan must move swiftly by dislodging SAF at Kuek if they don’t withdraw by June 1 and giving an ultimatum to them to withdraw from Abyei and all Ngok Dinka areas currently occupied by SAF and its militias.
    Otherwise, further exposure of weakness will put South Sudan in a position of nile perch in the crocodile and nile perch story narrated above.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    SAF has right to ask SPLA to move to the1956 South-North borders. As there is no present of SAF in Southern Sudan so why do you think SPLA syndicate should still remain in North Sudan even the country has been divided with Southern Sudanese going to form their lawless and failure country after July the 9 ?

    No double standard please. plus this ridiculous name called SPLM/A should also be banned in both Sudan and RoSS after July the 9 as it will be irrelevant by then. So let us accept the truth my friend and let us go with our mouth shut because if we continue to chat rubbish I am afrai d we may even lose RoSS because SPLA will never match SAF even if USA arm them to their teeth. If SPLA is unwilling to leave people of South Kordofan and Southern Nlue Nile in North then why it did not vote for the Unity of Sudan?

  • liberator3

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    Crocodile/Nile Perch proverb/every South Sudan tribe story is narrated through every generations. and it’s a valid one especially now. SPLA has been bullying their own brothers in the South to send signals to SAF/NCP that they should not dare ever think of attacking South Sudan territory or the SPLA that occupied it. well, it turn out that SPLA was a Nile Perch intimidating a crocodile(SAF). but the Crocodile in this case the SAF just founf out the truth about SPLA that it didn’t have any teeth to begin with(that it’s a Nile Perch)

    I hope the SPLA can reverse this current trend and turn the table. so as to find out that the SAF is indeed a Nile Perch rather than a true Crocodile with deep biting teeth.

  • liberator3

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    Crocodile/Nile Perch proverb/every South Sudan tribe story is narrated through every generations. and it’s a valid one especially now. SPLA has been bullying their own brothers in the South to send signals to SAF/NCP that they should not dare ever think of attacking South Sudan territory or the SPLA that occupied it. well, it turn out that SPLA was a Nile Perch intimidating a crocodile(SAF). but the Crocodile in this case the SAF just founf out the truth about SPLA that it didn’t have any teeth to begin with(that it’s a Nile Perch)

    I hope the SPLA can reverse this current trend and turn the table. so as to find out that the SAF is indeed a Nile Perch rather than a true Crocodile with deep biting teeth.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Don’t worry people, SAF are a bunch of PUSSYCATS.

    The north is in political turmoil, the Khartoum government needs attention to survive the next coming months.

    The sons of Blue Nile and South Kurdofan are the SPLA of those areas, SAF already tried their nonsense last year in Blue Nile, and we all know what happened, Nafi Al ma Nafi alongside his Defense minister had to swallow their words, as they were advised by their own generals as to avoid war with the sons of Blue Nile.

    They were allowed their fake glory with Haroun as Governor but to expect non southerners to move out of Blue Nile and South Kurdofan is like getting blood out of stone.

    IT AINT GOING TO HAPPEN. Disarming them is not happening either, get it through your thick turban wrapped skulls.

    Don’t be alarmed by SAF’s empty threats, they are only good for sodomizing young boys.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Supporter of north, the unfortunate division as you called it is indeed unfortunate for you Northerners due to your selfishness and your dying to be an Arab and Islamic nation but for us Southerners who are sick and tired of your selfishness, we say YES for our Independence that our people voted for overwhelmingly.

    Thanks to SPLA/ SPLM for their twenty one years struggle to free our people from the grip of selfish oppressors north. You Northerners are dying to do something in hope to reverse what our people fought for, for years and latter voted for but your kicking legs of a dying bull will come to a full stops after our Famous July 9th and I assure you northern criminal Al Qaeda armies will have NO balls to provoke Southern armies past July 9th for they know they would be hit on the heads hard. We will not too let our brothers of Blue Nile, the Nuba Mountains and Darfur be kicked around. History knows who they are and history knows where oppressors came from. Time will come when the land will go to the rigthful ours.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    There is nothing called declaration of war against southern Sudan as this is a SPLM/M war.
    Also note that SPLA is not a southern army but a military wing of SPLM syndicate. Let it be destroyed so that southern Sudan will see peace again.

    This militia is bulling our people and it is not less then an ememy. How tebels are fighting with that militia.The cliques in SPLM are war addicts and as long as their militia is alive there will never be peace between the people of RoSS and their brothers in Sudan North. Let the SPLA be smoked let them not to fool people that the war is for southern Sudan. Now let SPLA fail to response to this call to withdraw and then let it match SAF and liberate Southern Sudan by force as it has been barking about.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    We Nuer must make sure not to be used again by the Dinka militia SPLA . let them fight their war and will be just stabbing them in back in real this time because always deny our contributions anyway. We will just watch our borders and no war to be fought in our areas.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Supporter of north, stop pretending to be a Nuer, you are a disparate northerner trying divide our people on tribal basis as you always do but you are running out of time, July 9th is approaching whereby the will of our people will be fulfilled and then you will go to hell.

    Nuer, like the rest of their southern tribes hates northern Arabs and monron is not an exception to the southern hate. You need to leave us Southerners alone. We don’t like you and we don’t want you and that was echoed in your ears by 99% votes for our separation from you and you still don’t get it.

  • Chuangah

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    We are not going to accept their fight, because they knew that they are potential losers, South Sudan will always prevail despite their stupid attempts to derail our independent, Am urging South Sudanese to stay calm not to blame our forces of being coward. We will be stepping backward to any step they took against us in order to achieve our goal. We will not tolerate their stupidity, we will raise our flag by any means. We will reclaim all the places they took currently after the raise of our National Flag.

  • Akuma

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    What is wrong with SAF really?

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan

    the people you ask to disarm or leave are the partners of the CPA who are important in the implementation of the protocols of these three region. Now if the SAF interfere to disarm the partners who gave them the authority of disarmament? is this not a violation of peace agreement? Is the NCP trustworthy any longer? Please try to know the right of others otherwise Sudan will continue to be divided if you still take the way of supression. Let those army be integrated into SAF if the people decided to continue part of the Sudan, and don’t attempt to force them to war again, God forbid.

  • Sam.Eto

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    The last battle in the south was torrit which the SAF took and SPLM was in the jungle and uganda. You lost the war. The only reason the CPA was signed was A merica begged the north and tricked it like its trying to do again by debt relief and taking them of f the terror list. But you can’t foolpeople twice.

  • Paulino Miabek de Minyiel.
    Paulino Miabek de Minyiel.

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Hello, folks first and foremost, I would like to greet everyone in this furom because its my 1st time to be here and hope you all to also welcome me. My concerns will reflect the above posted by nothern blind man call donkey bashiir, I hope that everybody that why we in the SPLA/M are in the approach of using words war? when you are driving in the dark you turn on dime light right? Yeah! we in the have our dime light on, we able to see in darkness, those mujahhdin forget to turn their on beacuase they are desparate, wait, if donkey/Omaar attack our forces in Southern Blue and Southern Kordufan we will depense our position, regardless of what, they are trying to destruct our independent but tharloum. July 9, is not like 21yrs that have gone without depeating us, what happen now? we will keep them busy in the borders and raise up our without their knowledge. Saddam use to say to the U.S finally he ran to the cave, U.S didnt give a damn they caught him and hanged like a woman who commited adultery in islamic.

  • Aleu

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Adam M.

    We know you man, you are purely pro- dictatorship government of North Sudan and you try to confuse people at the website posting a stupid comment like you were in Juba Southern Sudan while, you are not there. GOSS did not betrayed South Kordofan and South Blue Nile because they were not incharged in Sudan government but NCP and Omar al Bashir yes, they were one whom were controlling everything in Sudan government. The GOSS were just came as a rebels organization in Southern Sudan as well as SPLA/SPLM sector of North Sudan and they were having no Banks to blame them as the people in these two greats South Kordofan and Blue Nile knows very well GOSS were not incharge of Sudan government.

  • Paulino Miabek de Minyiel.
    Paulino Miabek de Minyiel.

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Hi, Naath/Nuer! I hope your’re normal, and if you’re, then this is the wrong furom for you to talk about Nuer and Dinka, go back to home page and see what its says, it didnt even omention Nuer or Dinka, I hope you are not in the Dr. office, if (Hoth Mai) is holding the army and Dr. Riek is the vice president, do you really know what you are talking about? Say I odont want to be use, you your self. Then you must go to Itang to see refuge. The article was talking about the northern army trying to threatern southern, you got me? Go back to home page and reads it if I am wrong! friend remember! there is no free freedom, in liberation no body could liberate someone else, get out there and fight who ever you owe the freedom!

  • son of man
    son of man

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    the altimatum is clear and is by the book. the army are part of the south sudan defence force and wil be well come back to south. all those south sudanese in the north should start coming back right now. khartoum is worried that if there will be southerners in the north after independent and they are still that poor, they will either be use by his opposition to joint that so call splm northern sector. and that is a great concern since yaser arman is married to dinka lady from abyei, bashir does not trust him. it’s good for us southerners anyway to bring our forces home because what is the use of a small unit that can be easily out numbered incase the war break out? i don’t think this idiots understand that anyway because they did that before by sending some troop to eritrea thinking that they will attack sudan from the east but ended up stranded till the signing of CPA. james Hoth did that again with dingai in the nuer ethiopian border but ended up desolve in to refugee camp in ethiopia. why can salva kiir appoint real commanders with braves soldier from nuer to response to this arab agression? look what did Tang’s forces did to the SAF in malakal and dolep? why don’t you deploy and pay such braves army to protect the southern territory? i think i’m talking to my self here i foregot that these idiots can shout spla ayee.. even when they are being burried. loosers who don’t accept their weakness are always supprised by their down falls.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Supporter of Naath you soo doom in memories.

    Arab will be defeated at last in the Sudan. as Nguen predicted it.

    “Rol SPLA caa bi hon ee Rol maac”

    “Nguen Rol Deng” ke nguengDeng Rol”

    “Jhabe yeen ee Bor Gook!liebe nii
    looc,tee keeLat tie latde kone marol”

    Arab is craving Deng and is Craving Arab.

    It is the biggest going be fought than before.
    we must stopped internal Tribal remark when it come to Arab in Africa at whole.

    NguetBuny tone of liberator

  • Paulino Miabek de Minyiel.
    Paulino Miabek de Minyiel.

    SAF gives Sudan’s SPLA ultimatum to withdraw from Blue Nile & South Kordofan
    Dakin, did you foreget the LRA, if we moved all to the borders areas, Equatoria will be empted in 1 week by LRA. Never seen a number of equatorian men in the SPLA since I was in the army since 1987, so tell me where were you during that time? Uganada, Congo, Central African Republic or Kenya. We were called homeless by all southerns tribes for the sake of this liberation, its your turn now, wether you like it or not! If we can find you physically coz you are hiding we will take your brother in order to protect this borders.

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