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Sudan Tribune

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SLM leaders appeal on international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification

May 29, 2011 (DOHA) — Leaders of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) which is not part of the Doha peace process urged the international community and the mediation to support their efforts to complete the reunification of the rebel group and the other rebels.

From the left Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (L) and Minni Minnawi pose for a collective photo with leading figures from the group after the signing of alliance pact on 14 May 2011 (photo slmasecularsudan.com)
From the left Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (L) and Minni Minnawi pose for a collective photo with leading figures from the group after the signing of alliance pact on 14 May 2011 (photo slmasecularsudan.com)
Abdel Wahid Al-Nur and Minni Minnawi signed an alliance pact earlier this month as part of their efforts to reunite the first rebellion in Darfur. Also three SLM factions rejoined the founder of the group, Al-Nur.

However, other factions are preparing to join the group but remain dispersed in different areas of Darfur, also other rebel figures are in different countries and they need to meet with the leaders of the SLM.

“Presidential Council of the Sudan Liberation Movement alliance sincerely hope to get your support and assistance to achieve the ongoing efforts to unify the movements and armed resistance factions in Darfur to strengthen the comprehensive and just solution to the problem of Sudan in Darfur,” said a statement co-signed by Nur and Minnawi on Saturday 28 May.

Abdelallah Yahia and Khamis Abakar, leaders of two SLM/A factions are set to reunite with Al-Nur, also former SLA commander Ali Karbino is reportedly ready to take part in the reunification process.

Karbino was the former commander in chief of Liberation and Equality Movement (LJM) but splinted last April with other rebel officials and commanders contesting the leadership of Tijani Al Sissi.

The SLM leaders say they want to end the reunification of the Movement, sign an alliance deal with other groups and determine joint positions with Darfur civil society and IDPs before to engage talks with the government.

In Doha where the mediation holds a conference for all Darfur stakeholders, the delegates of the internally displaced people (IDPs) expressed on Sunday the need to reunite all the rebel groups under one banner.

In a meeting with a delegation of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), IDPs representatives said divisions among rebel groups have affected the solidarity of first years inside the IDPs camps and prevented them from defending their rights collectively.

They further said they are peace lovers but they seek a peace with which they can recover their rights, get equitable financial compensations and services. They further stressed they demand justice for crimes committed in the region and they would not accept an agreement that omits this crucial issue.

“We told them that we are favourable to the unity of all the rebel groups and we asked them to see the other parties who refuse it,” said JEM spokesperson Jibreel Bilal Adam who was speaking to Sudan Tribune after the meeting.

Jibreel said they suggested to the IDPs to form a small committee to conduct contacts with JEM and the other groups and “we told them we are ready to accept any project they can come with”.

JEM and LJM who are part of the Doha peace process are divided over the opportunity to sign a peace agreement with the Sudanese government at the end of Doha conference.

LJM says they are willing to sign an agreement if Khartoum accepts to allocate a post of vice-president to the rebels and stop a referendum on Darfur administrative status.

JEM says the current draft peace pact need to be amended in a way to augment the individual compensations and adopt a clear position on the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over some crimes committed in Darfur. The group also has other demands dealing with power and wealth sharing as well as with the security arrangements.

JEM told the IDPs that they support the establishment of special courts for some crimes committed during the past years. Further the rebels said they are supportive to the native administration tribunals chaired by tribal leaders, stressing they can play a role in this respect as it did in the past.



  • Sam.Eto

    SLM leaders appeal to international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification
    Do you think people are stupid Mr. Al Nur after 5 years of trying to unify your rebellions who split like rabbits every other day – NOW you want the international community to help you. Do you think people are actually going to waste time with you and Minawi since you have shown no interest even to show up to doha. The day Ban Ki mon, Mediators, UN and Sudan stated that these final talks are the end who is in is in and who is out is out. So you and Minawi can stay in Uganda and live a fruitful life in a 3 star hotel after you were kicked out of the 5 star ones.

    As for JEM well they just dont want peace unless Khalil is governor of Darfur and vise president of Sudan – so he is dreaming and maybe should be thinking more for his own safety now after the Libyan rebels are chasing him and his gang after they slaughter them in Libya.

  • eye-of-an-eye

    SLM leaders appeal to international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification
    Waauh congratulation, I wish Mr. Al Nur (Light)to be Sudan pesident, they took a wise decision to blow Bashir away, I can see Khortoum is panicking, a creature like sam.eto his ass is boiling, Darfur and south will take you back where you came from, for sure I can see you have seen what will happen soon. SLM,JEM wishing you victory you secure the people of Darfur/Sudan from slavary. go, go you will win, nothing can stop you by this time the international community will give you a hand to take the criminal out of our homeland.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    SLM leaders appeal to international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification
    Its funny how these British educated northerners think they have got it right.


  • tamar

    SLM leaders appeal to international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification
    To Sam.Eto
    You must be insane or you have run out of your mind, and you are one who is extremely stupid, so your hatred to SLM leaders and trustful unity which has taken place and still there are waves of unity will take place soon, Abdal Wahid Al Nur and his comrades will soon topple Bashir’s regime and Abdal Wahid Al Nur will be the president of Sudan, because he is well qualified and he has got huge and massive support from Sudanese people, if you like or not unity process is going on and SLM leaders are working tirelessly to eradicate the Bashir’s brutal regime and Sudan will be for Sudanese, you idiot man and your uncle Bashir, you will be sank into river Nile by SLM leaders, God dam you and God dam your uncle Bashir,

  • Pal Ruei
    Pal Ruei

    SLM leaders appeal on international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification
    All factions of Durfar need to unite their bundle. Dr. Garang said Sudan will not be the same, Durfar, Southern kordofan, and Blue Nile will follow South Sudan freedom.

  • Ito

    SLM leaders appeal to international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification
    Alnur, you are a smart man but it seems to me that you are short of something in your knowledge and experience in politics and military. You have to understand that any military or political group have an ideology to follow. Thus, all other rebel groups that you are calling to joined hands together cannot joined you if you guys don’t compromise on some of the major issues. You should be ready to risk in order to achieve political and military importance. How can political parties with different visions unite under one leadership without giving up their ideologies to forming a new one which has everyone in the picture.

    I hope you guys can think well and come up with something solid rather than calling people to come together without giving up your vision
    thanks and good luck

  • Sam.Eto

    SLM leaders appeal on international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification
    All you people know is to insult. Reply to any of the points I mentioned. I dare you.. Yoour replies are out of hatred. Give me a logical response mgr educated one. Has the international community not been trying to unite these factions for years and they refused because each one thinks of themselves and not the darfori people. Now that there is an international conference on darfur mr Nur wants to talk about unification pushing everyone back to square 1.

    Give a reason other than pure greed for power. Put your hatefulness for northerners side for once and give me a logical argument.

  • Aleu

    SLM leaders appeal on international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification
    Darfurian people.

    Please take my few advice.

    I think unity for Darfurian people should be the first thing and must be accepted by all Sons and Daughters of Darfurian. Also the Darfurian must refocusing their main goals not only seeking a postition for V.P. But to know what you are doing. The domination can deceiving you through by giving this V.P. Just to buy time and later on they might disolve and put anti-Black Darfurian who pro- Arab only.

    One of Southern Sudanese Former V.P. Said, this time, he need to see Southern Sudan is ruling the whole Sudan nation if not then, Southern Sudan must be votes independence on January9,2011. He said, he realizing something that, the domination have been giving more chances to rules 61% majority of Black African popuation in the Sudan and still Arab domination are not happy to treated all Black African tribes in a sincerely and honest way.

    The position of V.P. Alone is not the solution to the caused of many problems but if the government are opening to the people to listen and put those who committed crimes to book then, your dialogue with them maybe smooth to share your feeling unfortunately, the Khartoum government are they one who armies militiamen known as the Jajeweed to destroying African tribes in Western Sudan region. If you guys thinks V.P.Will make any different on the Darfur’s cases why Minni Minnawi was ben dismiss from the new formation of Omar al Bashir after April election.? There is always word in Arabic saying, Allah brought him back, they forget you when you are under their control and they can go to another rebel like that.

    Things Darfurian need.
    *United together and supports one voice as a Darfurian people and people of Africa period.
    * Individual commitment is needed and will make your organization much more strong to be heard.

    *Sincer and good trust for example, the Dr. John Garang de Mabior was been able to defeated Sudan government in 21 years because he had a trust, sincerely and the SPLA understood fully his message.

    * Darfurian communities, leaders maybe, they will need to have a strong reconnection with many African people including Southern Sudanese people. Nubian people and Bule Nile people are haing good connection with many African people particular Southern Sudanese.

    * Your mesages must be clear to your people inside domination government for example, 1/2 of Southern Sudanese were not sure what their brothers in the SPLA/SPLM were fighting for. but 12 years later, some Southerners began to thinks of joining the SPLA to fight against Khatroum government. Apparently in about 18 years later,60% Southern Sudanese understand that, the mistreatment used by domination, unbalance budgets were really and the large numbers of youths were going to the SPLA to fight against dominate in Khartoum government and when the CPA was signedd in Kenya almost 80% of Southern Sudanese people were supporting late Dr. John Garang de Mabior. Although the well known Dr. John Garang was been killed recently years, stil you can tell during the referendum election that, his message was left to 98% of Southern Sudanese people.I think getting your message out to your people is one of the factor need and it is important to do so when you are in some condition like in Darfur situation.

    * Be well organizes and have a good language when trying to explain your situations to the world. For example, how will you explain if soneone asking you why Sudan government is killing your people of Darfur while, you both sides are sharing same religion.? I think if you know the language on how to change the minds of others people in the world, there are many ways in explaining this kind of question. Darfuiran rebels seem to have lack of focus agendas and good explaination, people assume to say, I will go back to Sudan government if the did this to me instead of being a general focusing, the main problems which is facing your people.

  • fajarsd

    SLM leaders appeal on international community and Darfur mediation to support rebels’ reunification
    wow, very cool article
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