Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan insists that it has final say on UNMIS’s stay

May 29, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government dismissed assertions that it is up to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to decide on whether the United Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) should stay or leave.

UNMIS was established in 2005 to ensure that northern and southern Sudan comply with the peace agreement they signed in the same year that ended two decades of civil war.

The South Sudan referendum, which is the final phase of the CPA, was held peacefully last January and resulted in an overwhelming vote in favor of independence.

Yesterday it was revealed that the Sudanese foreign minister Ali Karti wrote a letter to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon affirming that his government wants UNMIS to leave by the end of its term on July 9th.

But the UN said that it is not up to Khartoum to determine that.

“Our position is simple and clear, it is a matter to be dealt with by the Security Council … The government can express its wishes, ultimately the decision to leave or stay is a decision for the Security Council,” Hua Jiang, a UN spokeswoman, told Reuters.

But the foreign ministry spokesperson Khalid Moussa commented on Jiang’s remarks saying that the Sudanese government makes that call and not the UNSC.

The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) media officer Ibrahim Ghandour said that any extension of UNMIS’s tenure cannot not be made without the consent of Khartoum, noting that this is stipulated by UN charter.



  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Sudan insists that it has final say on UNMIS’s stay
    Khartoum leadership should not be allowed to bully the might of international community. They are there for a purpose and that purpose is still under threat. The strength of protecting the vulnerables under the murderers, genocide engineers of the black man in Sudan. Take note the world.

  • Billiu Puoch
    Billiu Puoch

    Sudan insists that it has final say on UNMIS’s stay
    The Issue of UNMIS is very clear since 2005 and the Arabs should not complain about it since its International power to deployed UNMIS into Abyei.Exactly Arabs are trying to connect and bring confusing to the rests of International Communities to withdraw UNMIS from Abyei and that is not the fact.

    Sincerely the Arabs cannot and never capture Abyei even if the UNMIS were not been deployed in Abyei.

  • Mapuor

    Sudan insists that it has final say on UNMIS’s stay

    All quasi Arabs of the North should know that UNMIS is for all peace loving Sudanese,its mandate is to prevent the war between the North & the South.Now the war will not be a war between the North & the South,it will be war between Blacks & quasi Arabs.Arab hegemony in Sudan is surely coming to an end Haaaaaaaaaaa .

  • Analizer Boyz
    Analizer Boyz

    Sudan insists that it has final say on UNMIS’s stay
    SAF is desperate to kick out UNMIS so that Bashir can commit more genocides with impunity. What are they trying to hide from the international community?.

    Bashire regime enjoys Bullying and killing innocent people


  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Sudan insists that it has final say on UNMIS’s stay
    Hello My fellow South Sudanese,
    Obama Administration is too weak to deal with all situation around the world especially Sudan. Let us called Bush Administration to deal this matters very urgently. Bashire had demanded UNMIS to leave ABYEI for more than a week now and nothing intervene. I think Obama need to call President Bush for more advice on South Sudan and North Sudan issue. I do not understand why the International community is so reluctant to deal with Bashire regime systematically since day one he demand the UNMIS out of Abyei and more 1000 people are reported dead in Abyei just this month alone. now i will this step forward to North Korea and Russia to file suit against International community for not doing anything necessary to stop Bahire regime from killed innocent South Sudanese for many decades. everyday Bashire regime is threatening South Sudanese lives by bombing, demand them of out their own land. Bush Administration had killed Osman not Obama Administration, so we need Bush Administration to deal with situation in the timely manner. we as South Sudanese, we know how to fight but we do not want the world to end, so peace is always good than war.

  • Ito

    Sudan insists that it has final say on UNMIS’s stay
    Dear Readers,

    Indeed, it is a surprise to read that Khartoum government has not yet understood the laws of the UNited nations and now it operatives worldwide. It is now time for the UN to show NCP that it is above any government in this world regardless of how strong the government is. Karti, should go back to school and study some courses on UN and interational law so as for him to understand how the UN as an umbrella with many small umbrellas inside it operatives and why it was form in the first place.


  • son of man
    son of man

    Sudan insists that it has final say on UNMIS’s stay
    Belle, the problem here is not Bashir or the Obama admin.. but the unionist within the sudan itself. this people don’t work by the book. everything that was sign in the CPA was almost completed. but the mistake that the Goss did was appointing deng Alor to the ministry of regional corperation in the south and Luka Biong the cabinet affaires in kartoum. this two have have decided to put abyei issues a head of every thing else not because they want abyei back but because they want sudan to remain united no matter which way it happen. this mean that risking the return to war is aceptable to them so long as they remain in the spla. now that Kiir is so determine to get south sudan to independent, they are worried not for their sake but also their fellows in kordufan that are blaming them for lying to them that we will unite sudan. don’t you know that deng alor is the one who convince all these arabs to joint spla and finance them when he was working for UNDP in Addis Ababa?all the arab finacial supports, that splm got during their bush years was done before he him self joint the spla. man we will work with all our intelligent sources to make sure no body derail the independent of south sudan even the northern elites that are puting pressure on bashir will not suceed. all those northern oppositions parties are working day and night to divide southerners so that bashir would disregard the accord. now salva kiir is smarter then ever before and don’t think he will give in to the unionist.

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