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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei: wrestling marks the last stage of SPLA/M anniversary in Bor

By John Actually

May 30, 2011 (BOR) – Wrestlers from Eastern Equatoria state (EES), Central Equatoria (CES) state, Jonglei state and South Kordofan concluded Sudan People Liberation Army / Movement anniversary celebrations with a wrestling competition in Bor on Saturday.

Wrestler from Korim team struggles with member of Murmur team, Bor, South Sudan, May 28, 2011 (ST)
Wrestler from Korim team struggles with member of Murmur team, Bor, South Sudan, May 28, 2011 (ST)
The event was organised by Juba-based, South Sudan Wrestling Entertainment (SSWE) at the behest of Jonglei state governor, Kuol Manyang.

A team of EES wrestlers called Murmur from the Latuko and Nuba tribes faced Koriom from CES, which was made up of Mundari and Dinka Bor wrestlers. Korim beat Murmur 16-7.

Three points were awarded to a team whose wrestler won and one point for a draw.

The traditional Sudanese wrestling competition was opened by governor Manyang, Murmur team member Atir Sedikand and Gai Tiar Gai from Korim.

Wrestling is a common practice amongst the Dinka Bor in  Bor, Twic East and Duk counties of Jonglei state of, Mundari of Tereka county in Central Equatoria state, Aliap, Agar, Chiec and  Atuot of Lakes state and Latuko of Eastern Equatoria state. It is also a common practice among Nuba people in South Kordofan.

Wrestler celebrates victory of his team in Bor, South Sudan, May 28, 2011 (ST)
Wrestler celebrates victory of his team in Bor, South Sudan, May 28, 2011 (ST)
Speaking to Sudan Tribune after the tournament, Atir Sedik said that his team was prepared to face any team of wrestlers in South Sudan.

State governor Manyang told the participants to start socialising among themselves since the upcoming independence of South Sudan will create a new environment for the South Kordofan and Blue Nile regions.

The north-south civil war that broke out in 1983 with SPLA fighting against the Khartoum government of north Sudan. A peace agreement was signed in 2005. A stipulation of the agreement was the right for the South Sudanese to vote on self-determination. They voted in favour of secession which will be official as of 9 July 2011.

Another stipulation were popular consultations in South Kordofan, Blue Nile and Abyei. These have been severely delayed and are potential flash points for conflict.

Dinka Bor men and their oxen in Bor, South Sudan, May 28, 2011 (ST)
Dinka Bor men and their oxen in Bor, South Sudan, May 28, 2011 (ST)
Manyang said that wrestling, which remains a popular local practice in many tribes of South Sudan, will be become a national sport after the independence of South Sudan, to promote peace amongst the youth of the country.

“One day, you may be selected to represent South Sudan in a wrestling competition in other nation in Africa,” said Manyang.

Manyang gave Korim SDG20,000 (US$7,500) and Murmur SDG30,000 (US$11,200).

Manyang commended the efforts of South Sudan Hotel owner, Ayii Duang for paying for the Nuba team’s transportation, providing accommodation and trophies.


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