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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term

June 1, 2011 (BOR) – South Sudan’s largest opposition party says its call for two year term limits in the new transitional constitution of the soon-to-be independent Republic of South Sudan has been discarded by the region’s ruling party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Opposition group the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC), broke away from the SPLM in 2009.

In a cell phone interview from the capital of South Sudan, Juba, SPLM-DC MP and opposition chief whip, Andrew Okuny Ayom told Sudan Tribune that their proposal to reduce the term of transitional government from four to two years has been rejected by SPLM.

He said any constitution must be driven by the people and not one political party, accusing the SPLM of not giving room for dialogue. Okuny said that the SPLM had issued inflammatory statements during the decision making process causing SPLM-DC members to quit the constitutional review committee.

The SPLM is the political wing of the southern rebel movement that fought Khartoum governments for over 21 years until a 2005 peace deal granted the south the right to self-determination. South Sudan overwhelmingly voted to secede in a referendum earlier this year.

Okuny said his party is not ready to agree to some chapters and articles in the coming transitional constitution pointing to what he called “extra-ordinary presidential powers”. He pointed to article 101 of the transitional constitution that gives the president powers to remove a state governor and or dissolve a state legislative assembly in the event of a crisis in the state that threatens national security and territorial integrity.

“These powers must remain to the states and we SPLM-DC, we are not for it”, Okuny said.

Okuny said SPLM-DC wants the transitional government to rule for two years after which general elections would be held. He said the reasons given by SPLM for extending the transitional period to four years were not convincing but conceded that without other political parties in the South Sudan assembly it was hard to challenge the SPLM.

The founder of the SPLM-DC, Lam Akol Ajawin, Sudan’s former foreign minister, was the main political challenger to the SPLM in last year’s elections. The SPLM is thought to have withdrawn Akol from his position as foreign minister in the Government of National Unity because of his perceived closeness to Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party in Khartoum.

The SPLM has repeatedly accused the SPLM-DC of having militias in Upper Nile and Unity states to destabilize the region ahead of independence. Officials from the SPLM-DC have strongly denied the allegations and have vowed to take SPLM secretary general Pagam Amum to court over the accusations.

Responding to the SPLM-DC’s concerns the SPLM’s secretary for political affairs, Antipas Nyok Kucha said a four year term limit was needed to prepare the country for a census and new general elections.

He said the permanent constitution to be drafted after the end of four years will entail the presidential term limits among other things. He said many people will be given chances in a forum to participate in the new coming permanent constitution.

Kucha said the opposition members who withdrew from the decision did so because of their own problems.



  • saban John
    saban John

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    yes you are right and the splm are wrong. dictatorship of splm party will come down soon. The national congress party in khartoum has given democracy to people and the splm are trying to tear that apart. Learn from how arabs govern their countries if you truly wants to know how to run the government. Arabs are there to help us and they will do so because without them we cannot stand tall.

    i hope splm will seek advice from Khartoum and revoke their decisions. This darkskin people never listens. I hope this south sudan of ours will be in good shape in coming years.

  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Please SPLMDC!!!

    I wonder why this party is after position in the governemnet? Do memebers from this party hear what is NCP doing?
    What does your constitution say about Abyei but all that you need is 2-year term which doesn’t exist in the world of politics.
    Go away or disslove this party into SPLM or any other party within the South so that you learn good mannerism.

    Decision is yours by now as we are concerned with how Arabs should not conquer our land.

  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Hello Saban or taban,

    What is aching your brain?

    Please if you are mentally retarded as I can understand from your speech not b’se you are talking badly about SPLM but for your lacking of realistic perceptions.

    You will come to know SPLM when independence is fully celebrated, you will either join those rebels or accept the best decisions made to ease the South Sudan’ problems.

    May God almighty bless those who like bringing our coutry to troubles. May you give them the wisdom of understanding and tolerance.

    Go on preaching and you will sit down later on your belly.

  • dengtaath

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    To all of you above,
    We are talking of democracy, no matter which party you are supporting, give room to the voice of the people that is what matter here.

    Transitional meaning changing to new status, is not a full government that requires full term. And if that so,Why would we have a 4 years transitional government? Please, Check other countries who had been in the same situation as now in South Sudan if they went so long as much as four years.
    Ha, you people stop defending negative behaviours, South sudan will never be ruled by one party, listen very well or keep giving birth with rebels every now and then.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Dear brothers.
    Opposition parties are right to talk about reduction of the interim period to two years.they failed to achieve any thing during five years ,except corruptions and looting the money
    President must be given limited powers,because Mr.Kiir is not the right person to be given lion powers,to dissolve the elected Gervoners.elected members and right to declare war.
    we want opposition parties not to stop this way for SPLM to creat jungle consitutions for the South Sudanese peopl,we are not animals to be rule by this consitution,they want to proof that they fought for power only. not for the rights of South sudanese.let them go to hell with this consitution.

  • Malual Dungdit
    Malual Dungdit

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    SPLM-DC is right, even there is a need of equal participation within the SPLM itself as well as the entire population of Southern Sudan.

    I am SPLM member but I still have a doubt on how the affairs of the SPLM are ran by few individuals who only to praise and make Kiir happy;
    Somebody like Luke Joke and Pagan.

    That is why we would always wish our President Salva Kiir bad things to happen to him such death.

  • liberator3

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Dear readers:

    This is why Abyei is in SAF full control. And it is why SAF is further threatening to forcefully disarmed the Nuba mountains and Blue Nile freedom fighters.

    SPLM(communists) should have already been seasoned that the defense of country sovereinty can not be achieved in a divided nations and one party can never defense the country by itself against external threats.

    But in Multiparty democracy all parties are expected to share and faced common enemy as one. but for that to happened The SPLM can not be the owner of everything in the Country including writing the constitution alone.

    If that’s the case, well expects the non-SPLM and even some SPLM members to ignore your call when you it’s time to defend the country. January referendum was an indication where all the Southerners united and voted overwhelmingly with whopping close to 100% result to separate from North.

    Do you any body in their right mind thought all 98 or so percent who voted for separation were all SPLM members? if you say yes, you should go and see a doctor!!!!!!

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    The word said by the opposition political parties about the two years transitional term for census and new election to be conducted in the Southern Sudan is right because we are now expecting to have our independant on dated 09th- July- 2011. The moment we are going to have new government in new state then we supposed to have also government change because if the current government refuse for change not to happen then it means that there is some thing going on some where there. And about the extra ordinary power said to have been granted to president to dissolve and dismiss the elected body like governor and state legislative assembly, i think on that matter there is nothing we can comment about because those who did this they have also put their neck in the same problem, but what we will say now is when some thing like that happen to any of them later on then they should not compliant that president has done some thing wrong because they are the one who did it.

  • Ariambek

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Malual Dungdit,

    Wish you death before our freedom fighter as well as current president of ROSS. President Kiir is a war survival and who are you to pray for death of president?


  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Without doubt,the SPLM-DC is aparty that favor unpleasant politics in the South. I am very sure that this party must be completely ban in the south because its indeed a aparty that works under the order of NCF indirectly.

    Southerners are talking about the Abyei, borders, debts, and development,while oppositions like Dc in the south is arguing about the gone gain which has been proposed. Why are they always talking about the term of presidency?

    SPLM-DC is a party of hopless without vision and they are really not interesting about the other southerners other they would have condemned the act of SAF in the Abyei.
    they should take that Kenyan=5 years, USA=4 years and many more.
    When you are created gready their is no way that you can get anything that will make you satisfy,the same thing with the party of lam akol.

    I advise the South and the SPLM not to listen and get distracted by their nonesense at the moment. let them talk with the air. Thanks

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Ya Kon Ajith Deng, Dengtaath, Malaual Dungdit, Liberator 0 and the likes,

    Thank you for your right of expression but remember that all of you are not reading correctly the political climate of Sudan in general and South Sudan in particular. It seems that you have no historical reference in your mind there where SPLM/SPLA has come from and going and where SPLM-DC and the likes have come from and heading.

    When SPLM/SPLA that has now become popular in political history of the world speaks the language of liberation, freedom, individual liberty and peace regardless of religious and cultural backgrounds, SPLM-DC and the like kept and still keeps struggling with its sponsor Khartoum to undermine the current achievement of independence that you’re proud of today.

    Besides track record of denigrating SPLM/SPLA and changing allegiance here and there without a strategic vision since 1990s, the SPLM-DC has never made any significant contribution on consistent basis to fight a true liberation war for the marginalized people. It has been and will continue longing for positions it doesn’t deserve at all without considering its past or current actions.

    I agree that not all people who voted for separation during referendum were SPLM’s members but under which party’s leadership? Can you imagine if it were to be under the leadership of SPLM-DC and the likes? Even in a family situation, family members would not respect you if your father chooses a disloyal member to lead or guide the family activity.

    Besides the SPLM/SPLA achievements, tell us which southern Sudanese opposition party had a clear strategic vision to bring us where we’re here today? How would you compare perfection and imperfection of SPLM/SPLA with SPLM-DC and the likes? SPLM/SPLA hasn’t been formed in 1983 for holding political positions of FVP in Khartoum and President of GOSS in Juba, but for liberating marginalized people like you and I.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • dengtaath

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    George Bol,
    SPLM – DC and other ordinary people are talking of transitional period, why are we giving transitional period for years? Why don’t we give it two years provided that in these two years a permanent national constitution with full terms of the government should be drafted and the sensus should take place with in these two years.
    America’s 4 years term and kenya’s 5 years term are the constitutionally agreed terms, why would we give 4 terms to temporary government?
    I am a dy hearted SPLM party for ever but some times, we need to talk out the reality, there is no point of keeping the governemt for four years for no reason, unless Salva and his crown wanting to cling on power, that could be the only reason my dear.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    You know some of you are making a point on democarcy. The constitution is a bite barring chances for Oppositions leave alone the complaining SPLM-DC (SPLM discontented/Factions wings). Although the Constitution is meant to last for four years, still there is going to be a change within the SPLM constitutional postholders that could be term as presidential decree to relief ineffective officials and appoint effective officials. Hence, the suffix for SPLM-DC ” Change” shall be implemented by the SPLM within the party level. Is this what the SPLM wants? I believe even some of the SPLM members will not like long interim constitution because, it will keep wrong politicians within the SPLM in power. We are SPLM members but we need a Transtional Constitution to have a short life span. There is no need to be worried about political Parties when we already voted for Independent. Those parties who did not include Abyei in their Political manifesto should have their own way to convince people on their national Agenda. Other South Sudan Political parties and genuine members of the SPLM who need a just, honest and transparent rule should not suffer under wrestling of two giants identical twins Ie SPLM and SPLM-DC. Let us be fair and honest here.

  • Honorable King
    Honorable King

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    To all Youths Commenting,

    I really appreciate your participation in this forum since it was established. It has become an opportunity for most of you to express your feelings about the political situation in Sudan in general and south sudan in particular. In addition, most have practiced English as well as writing skills. That is very possitive aspect of this website.
    Despite this benefit, some irresponsible youths, who are mentally blind, have used this website to fabricate lies which could jeopardize their own future. Some even went far to the extend of insighting tribal conflicts. What has been happening for the last years is enough and it must be stopped. And you are the one to do so.

    Please for your own benefits make constructive comments to individuals and to the government. Otherwise there will be no way for you to escape the current situation in south sudan. Most of you show their real colors and they comment on tribal basis. Who of you will have his/her country without the other? Learn from the past and the present so that you can work for a better future.

    Hon. King

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Paul Ongee,

    Thank you very much for this valuable contribution to our political situation, and the position taken by many in this forum. Being in opposition doesn’t mean being an enemy, but what the some of opposition parties try to communicate to us is always that they are enemies to the south. I agree that the constitution should contain the rights of each sector in the south, not the political position of each party otherwise we will not go ahead. for example, the view that the SPLM-DC shows about why they reject the transitional consition in my view are naive, first the two year’s suggestion will not help this upcoming nation to be stable before going for election, yet each party want to have more positions in the government without a vision of where they want to lead the south to. second, the dispute over the powers given to the president of the south during crisis I believe should be review, however, I don’t agree with the MP who belong to the SPLM-DC when he says that right to remove the governor during crisis should belong to the State, because I think this MP doesn’t really know about conflict resolution within the government. Who will have right to remove the governor while he is the highest position in the State, does the MP knows that? Here the President of the Republic has to intervene by removing him and let the people elect another governor. The opposition leaders should put in mind that the welfare of the country is more important than personal gain of the party.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Saban John,

    You talk like those who went back to Khartoum for financial support of their former masters. Do you know the responsibility before the SPLM who is the ruling party in the south? as a ruling party they want to make sure that things will go well in the south after the declaration of the new country. Brother, let’s appreciate what they are doing, they are people not angels, they can err and resolve their errors. Tell me if the reasons given by the MP of the SPLM-DC for rejecting the transitional constitution are satisfactory? I don’t think so, because the two years period is not logical for the government to settle and prepare for new election in the South, so four years period is more logical than the two. People should not oppose just because the SPLM has suggested the four years period, they have to oppose for logical reasons. And please don’t call the elected government dictator, otherwise you don’t know what dictatorship means.

  • sudinka

    Opposition says SPLM rejects call to reduce transitional government’s term
    Dear Readers I have never read any constitution of transitional governments term two years that south Sudan try to use if is talk with out came of solution between two parties than the call any other referendum to the public for new constitution the country is not belong to SPLM OR SPLM-DC and other political parties in the south,is belong to all of us. my fellow citizen take carry for politician not to drive us that way again as all of us known .who is not from south Sudan but the problem is power.

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