Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood seeks mediation between NCP & PCP

June 5, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – A delegation from Sudan’s Popular Congress Party (PCP) held a rare meeting yesterday in Cairo with the head of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Badie.

Mohammed Badie, the head of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood (AFP)
Mohammed Badie, the head of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood (AFP)
The meeting is expected to be followed by a summit between Badie and PCP leader Hassan Al-Turabi though a date and place has not been specified yet.

Al-Mahboub Abdel-Salam, a leading PCP figure, said that Badie plans to visit Sudan soon and will attempt to mediate between Turabi and the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) headed by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Bashir came to power through a coup in 1989 with the support of the then National Islamic Front (NIF) led by Hassan Al-Turabi but the pair fell out following the introduction of a bill to limit the president’s powers in 1999, a move which the president resisted by dissolving parliament and declaring a state of emergency.

Turabi has been in an out of jail and house arrest ever since after splitting ranks with Bashir over accusations ranging from staging a coup attempt to standing behind the rebellion that broke out in Darfur.

Abdel-Salam said that the PCP delegation led by political secretary Kamal Omer warned Badie about the complexity of the quarrel between the two sides and the difficulty of mending fences.

However the Muslim Brotherhood chief informed the PCP officials that he is fully aware about all the related details and expressed optimism about the prospects of succeeding in his reconciliation efforts.

Badie affirmed his keenness to seek settlements among the different parties in Sudan saying it is part of the duties of the Islamic movement in pursuing convergence between Muslims while preserving the unity of Sudan.

There have been numerous attempts by Islamists around the world to bring end the long standing dispute between Bashir and Turabi but their efforts met little success.



  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood seeks mediation between NCP & PCP
    No Muslim brotherhood in Africa maybe in the Middle East, we do not need Muslim brotherhood in Africa please that is terrorists networking group i know them. we do not want Muslim brotherhood to interference with African problem they must go to Yemen and Syria but not Africa, we have AU to solve our problem. Muslim brotherhood was abolished in Egypt long time ago by the former President, so now there is no President EGYPT that is why they plan their network again in EGYPT.Muslim brother is network of Osman bin laden that is why his son was in Egypt to operate it.

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood seeks mediation between NCP & PCP
    Muslim Brotherhood, U are strongly warned by God not to talk of Sudan unity when Egypt is behind our problem in the Suoth,was not not U who purpoe the issue of Jonglei canal in order to settle your egyptian farmers and get rid of us?

    What U want to tell both bashier and Dr. Elturabi is too late even the Darfurians are going,Blue nile and eastern Sudan is going to have its own administration which will lead to independent soon to all of them.

    We have accepted to give U part of our country to stay but don’t make it as our foolishness now we are here claiming our right from U, Abyei has no meaning in Islam at all.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood seeks mediation between NCP & PCP
    The last paragraph of the article has summed up everything regarding the unlikely reconciliation between the two figures. The other one has to report to The Hague for war crime committed in Darfur or to heaven before the Islamic ideologue gets a chance to warm up his supporters.

    The only difference between the two is financial and ideological supporters. The current VP was and is still one of Turabi’s students. Perhaps he’s behind the effort to get the two reconciled since he is even facing some sort of marginalization in the presidency here especially who will be the likely successor of Omer Hassan Al-Bashir. It’s not clear whether Jahleeyin will allow the current VP take over.

    On the other hand, Bashir is like the ousted Hosni Mubarack, the idea of Muslim Brotherhood does not resonate with him. He only uses it for staying in power and keeping the peace within but not in practice to the fullest extent. CPA has dramatically changed the view of freedom lovers and individual liberty across the country.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

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