Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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AU chief pushes North, South Sudan quell tensions over Abyei

June 7, 2011 (ADDIS ABABA) – The chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission, Jean Ping, on Tuesday ended his two-day working visit to Sudan, on a mission to persuade north and south Sudan to end their hostilities through dialogue, said the AU in a statement issued today in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

Jean Ping, chairperson of the African Union Commission (UN)
Jean Ping, chairperson of the African Union Commission (UN)
The AU official met officials in Khartoum and in Juba to discuss the contentious region of Abyei and other aspects of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the post-referendum arrangements.

North and South Sudan signed the CPA in 2005, ending more than two decades of civil war. The fate of Abyei, which is in the borderlands, is yet to be decided. Its invasion by the north’s Sudan Armed Force contravenes the CPA.

“Dr. Jean Ping discussed with President Omar Al Bashir the status of the CPA implementation as well as the efforts being made for the resolution of the current crisis in Abyei” the statement said.

Tension between north and south Sudan have been escalating as South Kordofan also becomes subject to conflict.

Bashir briefed the Ping on efforts being made by Sudan to resolve the crisis in Abyei, and underscored the importance of having dialogue with the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) to resolve the crisis.

Ping on Tuesday met Salva Kiir, First Vice President and President of GoSS where they discussed the progress being made on the implementation of the CPA and the challenges ahead.

Kiir and Ping underscored a need for both North and South Sudanese parties engage in dialogue to peacefully resolve crises in Abyei.

“The Chairperson and President Kiir agreed on the importance of dialogue between the two CPA parties in order to resolve the crisis in Abyei.” AU statement said adding “The Government of South Sudan expressed its readiness to continue with the facilitation of African Union High Level Implementation Panel [AUHIP].”

According to the AU, they have also discussed the preparations being made for the upcoming Independence of South Sudan on 9 July 2011, and the practical steps to be taken for the admission of the new country as the 54th AU member state.

The AU boss commended Sudanese officials for successfully conducting the general elections of April 2010, and the South Sudan referendum in January 2011 and also for the positive outcome of the Doha talks aimed at resolving the conflict in Darfur, and expressed the AU’s readiness to continue to assist for the early commencement of the Darfur Political Process (DPP).



  • saban John
    saban John

    AU chief pushes North, South Sudan quell tensions over Abyei
    Jean ping

    let me englighten you about the situation over Abyei, it is not the problem of north sudan but that of south sudan. Abyei is historically part of North Sudan before south sudan claimed to be owners of the land. it was part of south korforfan since creation. So you should advice those incompetent government in Juba. You are reasonable because you have chinese blood in you and that is why I give you more respect.
    thanks man

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    AU chief pushes North, South Sudan quell tensions over Abyei
    John Saban,

    Why are you hurting yourself with your own negative speeches.
    You are claiming to South Sudanese and at the same time want your enemy to take your own place. What kind of person are you while you sound like human being with brain function as a mechanism in human.

    Do your negative words will help you? no my friend, I really think you are hurting your own feeling when you speaking against your own people.

    You might be among the slaves who love our country to stay united with Jallab ,so that you could have access with digging latrine for cash in Khartoum. Or perhaps your dad has been deprive stealing the cattle of civilians,or if not then you might be the very person who has been begging Omer Bashier for bribe for survival.

    My friend, you will talk and talk against SPLM/A in the South but no one will listen to you. You better go and lick your master and stop disturbing our Southerners.Sorry for you man!

    Dear brothers and sisters, from now let not response to John Saban and Mohamed Ali because they are those South Sudanese being brainwashed by Jallab through their dirty duties.

    When they are told go and watch my clothes,they run like crazy.So they are not our characters because furnishing your real enemy is very worst and you better die with dignity. Thanks

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