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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes

By Ngor Arol Garang

June 7, 2011 (JUBA)-The Government of South Sudan (GoSS) on Tuesday accused north Sudan’s government of deliberately closing all commercial routes to the south.

Khartoum to Juba road (WFP)
Khartoum to Juba road (WFP)
Political and military tensions are rising between the regions as South Sudan is set to officially become an independent nation on 9 July, after majority of the citizens voted overwhelmingly in favour of secession from the rest of the country during a referendum conducted in January 2011. Some 98% of the eligible voters voted for separation against unity option.

Although Omer Al-Bashir, the president of Sudan, accepted the results, high ranking officials from South Sudan have often accused Khartoum of working to topple the Juba-based government, under the leadership of the former rebel movement turned political party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

“The government in Khartoum is not happy to see people of south Sudan living in peace. It says one thing and does another. It is not sleeping. It is working day and night to sabotage peace and development in the area. It has adopted detrimental policies”, says Stephen Dhieu Dau, minister of trade and industry in GoSS said in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Monday.

Dau accused Khartoum of having deliberately blocked commercial routes as part of the political pressure in the bargaining on post referendum arrangements and issues including borders.

“The government in Khartoum has directed its security apparatus and other armed groups to intensify monitoring of commercial activities along the border areas. This has resulted into stoppage of vehicles that are carrying goods including food items to the south. Food items are now very expensive and there is also a problem of fuel. They do not allow fuel to enter the south”, said Dau.

Sudan Tribune spoke to a number residents of Juba who complained about the soaring fuel and food prices in the town. Garang Mathok Lual, a senior civil servant in GoSS said in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune on Tuesday at South Sudan Legislative Assembly that fuel and food prices have recently been on the upsurge.

“There is a big problem now with fuel. Some people have already grounded their vehicles because they cannot afford buy it. Fuel prices have gone beyond double charges. One litre of fuel which used to be two pounds is now sold out at 15 pounds and it is not available in most stations. All small fuel stations in Juba have been closed. Fuel has remained only in strategic places where its sale is also controlled by the government. There is only one petrol station that has fuel in Juba where thousands of vehicles, motorbike and individual are making lines to buy the fuel”, explained Lual.

Colonel Alfred Duku of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) said the government in Khartoum is behaving like “a wild dog” as the South Sudanese vote for secession will be implemented soon in the official declaration of the statehood of South Sudan in July.

Duku emphasised the South Sudanese resolve in the face of such hardships, “We have been struggling for 22 years walking on foot and eating anything until peace was signed”.



  • Riak

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Hi all,

    I think GOSS must turn to East Africa Countries instead of complaining always.This is their own making.Because I think these unthinkable in the first were avoidable if something was done.And this is what I mean, just pioritizes the Ethiopia-South Sudan’s route, Kenya- South Sudan route, Uganda-South Sudan’s route and DRC- South Sudan’s route during the last six year and these should have been avoided. And still they must urgently embrak on these routes to avoids the same repeat in the future.

  • son of man
    son of man

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    it very difficult to deal with people who have never ran a country. of all this years you have been budgeting in south sudan, you have been expecting a smooth flow of goods from the north and the same time singing war songs against them? now i have totally believed that this south sudan government is incompetant as others has been saying. because they can’t just sleep expecting their enemy to supply them with goods and still call him enemy. why can a country that produce oil have fuel shortage if not because we lack economist? and if they are their, they are probably not given the right position where they can put their skill to helping south’s economic progress. there should be a plan in place by now incase there was war in the border between the north and south, most of the spla trucks would be stranded because of lack of fuel. because khartoum would shut the supply. and the dummies don’t think of these.
    this Dinka run economy will take a long time to materialise as far as i can see unless the people of the south takes what belongs to them. i pitty those who are now puting up with all this madness.

  • Waucity

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    This is why I cry sometimes…The government of Southern Sudan was suppose to do something has a back up..Allowing murle to distrubed everybody from farming, not building a pipelines, Somebody tell me what they have really done has a back up for after separation…How can you allow something that is so close to your soul or life to be control by a bitter enemy? Both food and pipeline are something that is so close to people souls and should not be in the control of the enemy…I am so disappointed. The Government of Southern Sudan can’t even go inside small pibor and get the children that were kidnapped..I doubt they will get Abyei back, they will greif to the so call international community but nothing will happen..

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    This is a wake up call. Learn to be self-reliant. Till the land forget the Mulukiam Tahania from the north. Buy petroleum products from foreign countries directly. Go to Angola, Gabon and Nigeria for that matter while a mini refinery is being made in the south. How can we suffer from petroleum shortage while we walk over petrol daily on our land? Trust no one except fellow citizens when it comes to matter of national security.

  • Land-of-Cush

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    What happen?

    A black man who believe an Arab person have no difference with someone who believe on a reptile that known as snake. I had seen Salva Kiir Mayardit dropped his ballot paper to vote for Omer Al Bashir to continue with Sudan presidential post instead to encourage Yasser Arman to campaign and takeover that post. What happen now? Is it not the same person that he vote for, and show his paper to the world before, he drop it into the box? Look now Omar turn his back to him and takeover Abyei and stopped food items as famishments to the people of south Sudan. We shall not forget the passes.
    Take care!!!

  • Land-of-Cush

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    *Punishments *

  • onlysonmabi

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Land of black please try to talk like a big man are you sure with what you say, have respect on your eldest.
    how come come Kiir to vote foe Omer let me tell you an person who took arms have not vote for Omer stop that stupid kind of talking.

  • Land-of-Cush

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes

    I know you are young boy that does’t know going in southb Sudan can you read this NEWS before, you attempt to swearing me?

    April 18, 2010 (JUBA) – The incumbent President of Southern Sudan and Chairman of the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), Salva Kiir Mayardit, has revealed that he voted for the incumbent President of the Republic of Sudan and National Congress Party’s candidate, Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, during this week’s presidential elections in the country.
    Kiir, according to the BBC Arabic service on Saturday also added that he expected the majority of the people of Southern Sudan to have voted for Bashir.
    The SPLM chairman last week on Friday, two days before polling, announced to the party supporters and potential voters in the country that his party had no presidential candidate to vote for after the withdrawal Yasir Saeed Arman.
    Arman abruptly withdrew from the race, accusing the northern dominant National Congress Party (NCP) of pre-rigging the elections, coupled with the continuous violence in Darfur as another factor for the pullout.
    Bashir is expected to win with a landslide victory for the national presidential seat while Salva Kiir is also expected to win the race for the Southern Sudan presidency.
    If both parties win the elections as expected, Salva Kiir will continue to occupy the position of the First Vice President of the Republic; the most senior deputy to Bashir in accordance with the CPA which has secured the seat for Southern Sudan’s President during the interim period.
    A number of heavyweight opposition parties in the north have boycotted the elections before the exercise began last Sunday.
    But the race was expected to be an easy one for Bashir after his main challengers, Yasir Arman and the ex-PM Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi who is the UMMA party chief withdrew from the race.
    SPLM agents throughout southern Sudan and Abyei reported that the withdrawn candidate for Sudan President Yasir Saeed Arman is leading the results of vote for the presidency despite his pulling out since March 31.
    In some polling stations in Juba, Central Equatoria State, Arman got over 200 votes while the NCP’s candidate the incumbent President, Omer Al-Bashir, got less than 10 votes, said the SPLM organ, the SPLM Today.
    Sudan Tribune reported yesterday that Arman obtained 233 votes in Warcuei Polling Station, Lakes State as Bashir got 107 votes. Today, he also got a landslide victory in Tong polling center, Bor with 99.7% of vote.
    Earlier this month, Dr. Luka Monoja Tombe, southern Sudan minister of cabinet affairs, urged southerners to cast their vote for Arman saying he will remain on the balloting papers because he withdrew after the papers had been printed.
    Final results of the multiparty elections are expected to be announced by Tuesday next week as initially announced by the electoral body.
    The exercise is the first of its kind in 24 years in the country was initially designed to allow a peacefull transition towards a democratic system and paves the way for the referendum on self-determination of Southern Sudan.
    The indictment of the Sudanese President for crimes against humanity and war crimes by the International Criminal Court in March 2009 prompted the NCP to make Bashir re-election its top priority restricting public freedoms, and marring the electoral process by many irregularities.
    NCP and SPLM ended 21 years of North-South war by signing the IGAD brokered Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and became partners in the Government of National Unity established in accordance in September 2005 in accordance with the peace deal.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes

    This is incompetence of GOSS government. The last six years was enough to build fuel depot in south Sudan in an anticipation of what is currently happening.

    Instead GOSS officials are busy looting public resources.Lack of strategic planning from GOSS leaders, especial the top corrupt official (Kirr).

    Even a child can know that when you have problem with someone you can not expect him to be smooth with you, this does not require studies even common sense can tel.

    My advise to GOSS officials is that let them learn to be self-reliant and avoid culture of complain like a widow or an orphan.

    People are mature enough always complaining, this shows that you can not do good planning!!

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes

    Fund, fund, money ,money, food, food!
    Noise maker when food is here. Please stop complaining and just wait for war other leave us/liberators alone mr coward/Dor

  • Aleu

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Ngor A. Garang.

    The people who are governing GOSS right now are very low IQ, why I have to say this because they never read a letters from Southern Sudanese about the things they recommended or they don’t listen when told and they thinks like their Ideas alone are the best which is a way of ignoring the fact that, the nation building need all collection of different Ideas and opening mindness to the people.

    All Southern Sudanese knows that, Khartoum government have wasted some million dollars or Sudanese Pounds so people will votes for Sudan Unity in order for domination to keep ruling people for the next of the hundred years unfortunately, not this time of ours, not in our time we have understood better their agenda and the Southerners Sudanese generation of 21st century had officially rejected to be second citizens nor the Sudan’s Unity on mouth without proof in six years which was really a nightmare for Southern Sudanese people thus, we should be wise enough to do a good for the people and the land of young nation Southern Sudan yet to be born.

    I have talks a lot of well preparation which the GOSS they were supposed to do in many ways, but what I find all was a disappointed and more same repeating mistaken in Southern Sudan. Although GOSS and SPLM have done a very good job about referendum election yet, there are many mistakes made ahead to Southern Sudan’s independence. Our people thinks only for Today and they never thinks about the future of Tomorrow and this is why they are unable to make accomplishing on the others things need a person of thinker to do job and not person who sitting and too afraid to talk to his citizens.

    The Food shortage, fuel limitation,rebellion dialogue, community conflicts, Northern Sudan intentional agendas in Southern Sudan and many more others things are part of needing people who are real well prepared and have some good agendas to deal with all these problems unfortunately, this GOSS are caught up unprepared to deal with the situations and now we just begging Khartoum government to withdraw in Abyei, we just complaining all these block routes to Southern Sudan. I wrote many letters to the GOSS particular, about well prepares but none of SPLM in GOSS don’t even read a leeters send by Southerners Sudanese people and the question is, how they will success if they don’t read letters and listen to the people who might have an Ideas to help them.?

    Obviously, there is a desperation or even more panic in Khartoum government, because they knows Sudan nation was base on things that, are located in Southern Sudan. I am not talking about oil but the real life when you see billion of animals and most of the time Arab did like Cows and Goats meats that, are too cheapest base in Southern Sudan that make Northern Sudan government unhappy to see Southern Sudan are leaving for good. A mazing thing from the GOSS was that, in six years I had never hear someone being arrest for corruption which is become a big problems ever to them and when you see Officials are buying things very expensive special at the time when people are trying to do something such as indpendence, they should have been avioding wasting money for these expensive cars and houses oversee and make sure all these shortage needs would have been prepares and ready to the people. This is a shame on the GOSS to forget in just six years to have a good plan.

  • LongTweng

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Well GOSS, keep hoping and crying out for handout from UN or international community as you alway refer too.
    You did not build university or high Schools in each state capital
    you did not build a hospital in each state capital
    No major agriculture project in each state capital
    No housing construction in each state capital
    you are the GOSS, a ghost who fail our people and the new nation to be born
    you buy
    water from another sources
    foods from another sources
    medicines from another sources
    guns from another sources
    cars from another sources
    houses from another sources
    everything from another sources
    when another sources run out and shut it doors, you are doom.

  • Ariambek

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Exactly Mr.Duku (Duku (Duku emphasised the South Sudanese resolve in the face of such hardships, “We have been struggling for 22 years walking on foot and eating anything until peace was signed”.)let all of us who were here or not in South Sudan during 22 years should have to tolerance. Because where will be positive changes coming after declaration of new nation Republic of South Sudan. Everybody is aware that Arabs in Khartoum have started economic war against black Africa people but they will fail.We have defeated Khartoum regime as we divide the country into two but late should be four.


  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    George Bol,

    It is said that when out of sense and run out of reasoning capacity talk about food. Why are you so obsessed with food and money.

    Have you ever read my message mentioning FOOD or MONEY? You better learn to reason scientifically and objectively. You have really demonstrated your behavior that is why your people in Juba are lining up in restaurants for food.

    Don’t be food lover or money lover. Reason well to serve south Sudan from your looters who expect arabs to feed them not knowing that arabs have taken their stand already.

    Go and advise you triblstic, corrupt, incompetent president Kirr that he should not complain to have thing from Khartoum. He shoul learn to think and be self reliant.

  • Lorolokin

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    G O S S

    Wake up and stand on your feet. Is same to hear such kind of news, we have a lot of fuel and fertile land then WHY are your crying against khartoum closure of the routes, it is their rights to do so.
    Think wisely please and donot cry how can you cry for food from some one who is kicking your ASS everywhere including Abyei and Southern Kordufan ?
    Wake up and be the Government of the people for people by people.

  • Nyachebe

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    A big surprise to hear that the South Sudan government is begging and crying for food blockage by the enemy in the north; this is a bad habit for my people to live on the food produced by the enemy whom can even poison it. We have been allowed for 6 years to prepare ourselves and indeed the world has given us more than enough resources to secure and finance all the major projects, but shamefully we ran out of what to do.

    •So much dollars have been delivered to the GoSS but few idiots put them in their pockets with no plane in place in a dare time like this.

    •It was a matter of purchasing 2 tractors for each and every county in all the ten states through out South Sudan to farm their own so called Counties Agricultural Farms that could make life sustainable, self reliance and more over curb the food security that is alarming badly right now.

    •This could have reduced the unnecessary dependant on the food supply from the Khartoum government in the north.

    •Least attention was given to men /women in uniform and now with the real world situation rising, people are wondering how our soldiers whom have been isolated through hungry could fight the enemy.

    It’s reasonably clear that, with the stinky mouths (Dinka) in power nothing could have been achieved hence they had taken enough to their accounts in East Africa and don’t care for what so ever the situation becomes deteriorated. May Lord have a mercy upon them!

    South Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Food prices are soaring everywhere.Prices are very high even Khartoum, one Kilogram of Tomato is 5-8 pounds, 4 breads for a pound instead of three.

    But if northerners are your “bitter enemy” you shouldn’t expect them to feed you. How would you accept food from youe enemy in the first place.

    I think the whole story is the routine….blame the Jalabba..even if a bird on a tree dropped it’s shit on your clothes…blame the jalabba!It is so easy!

  • AdierCien

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen

    Land Of Cush,

    It sound you’re following Sudan history in political terms but one thing you failed to understand is the decisions taken by GoSS when they announce withdrawal of their presidential run off. Politically GoSS are masters in their decisions. This was a weapon for beating their rival North in game. Said Yasir Arman was automatically gonna win that race which gonna keep Sudan united objectively not in south Sudan’s struggle process for freedom. I personally Quotes you that, you’re that kind of person lacking political understanding please be a part of your govt and get the terms it has undergone through. South Sudan is not yet independent therefore, it can not financially look possible solutions to these elsewhere in Africa as some of you suggest that proposals.

    To Aleu, when you talk about GoSS led by President Salva Kiir Mayardit being unprepared for these turmoil it seem you’re out of your mind coz in actual sense, those who bring this govt to stand now as Govt of South Sudan GoSS are the same one who are in power at the moment therefore, your point of argument doesn’t reflect any sense of GoSS being unprepared. Be realistic and think in advance. Make yourself better defore you expects better services.

    May Almighty God Bless South Sudan.

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Lack of food hurts large number of people because most people in South Sudan survive on a dollar or less per day. Our government must act to avert food and fuel shortage in the future. Below is an article published on http://www.newsudanvision.com about food and fuel crisis in South Sudan. Good to read for those who do not visit some of the other Sudanese websites where some vital articles are also published.

    North and South Sudan economic warfare: Lesson for the future

    Written by Chol de kwot, The New Sudan Vision (NSV), http://www.newsudanvision. com
    Wednesday, 01 June 2011 21:32

    Manchester, UK – Trade between economically ‘rich’ North Sudan and deprived South Sudan was expected to flourish during the six years of Interim Period ushered in by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) and the Government of Sudan (GoS) on January 9, 2005 at Nyayo Stadium, Nairobi, Kenya; ending 22 years of civil war that had devastated South Sudan largely traditional economy. The trade between North and South Sudan for the last six years had never been one of a mutually beneficial exchange of goods, capital and services between the two Sudanese territories but rather a trade in which North Sudan has continued to command absolute advantage over South Sudan due to its superior production capacity. The north gets all the benefits of this trade arrangement since South Sudan exports nothing to North Sudan in exchange for goods, capital and services imported into South Sudan. As a result of the trade, South Sudan contributes substantially to North Sudan growth domestic income.

    However, this favorable trade deal to North Sudan took unprecedented turn last week when the Government of Sudan imposed goods and capital blockade on South Sudan at the eve of imminent military offensive in Abyei and its surrounding areas. One might wonder why the Government of Sudan imposed goods and capital blockade on South Sudan, which is benefiting its economy. The decision to blockade all North Sudan goods’ entry points into South Sudan is part and parcel of the Government of Sudan war strategies on South Sudan. The Government of Sudan had imposed blockade as part of its military strategy to deprive South Sudan territory from accessing goods, capital and services that might make South Sudan military and population better in responding to Republic of the Sudan military aggression and advances on Abyei, Kuek, and other South Sudan territories of greater interest. Furthermore, this is not the first time goods and capital blockade had been used as a weapon of war in Sudanese conflict.

    Throughout the 22 years of civil war, the Government of Sudan had successfully used combination of goods and capital blockade and destruction of local economy as a weapon of war to punish the entire population of South Sudan or to subdue certain areas to control by the North or to weaken region’s efforts to wage war against SAF and its militias. Examples of devastations of economic warfare used before by the Government of Sudan include the great Chapoth famine of 1993 in Greater Bor area and Northern Bahr el Ghazal famine of 1998, which were caused by White Army of former SPLA Nasir Faction and SAF militias destruction of Dinka Bor and Northern Bahr el Ghazal local economies respectively. The devastating effects of the ensuing famines after destruction of Dinka Bor and Northern Bahr el Ghazal’s economies in 1993 and 1998 respectively were aggregated by the Government of Sudan’s refusal to grant flight permission to UN agencies and NGOs to supply food and medicines to those affected regions of South Sudan.

    The Government of Sudan’s refusal to grant permission to UN WFP and NGOs operations in Greater Bor and Bahr el Ghazal regions during those famines’ times resulted into death of thousands of innocent civilians. The great Chapoth and Northern Bahr el Ghazal famines are examples among numerous cases of the Government of Sudan use of food deprivation policy as a weapon of war in South Sudan. Notwithstanding its devastating effects, economic warfare did not give the Government of Sudan military advantage over Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army during the 22 year-old civil war. Although the Republic of South Sudan cannot be defeated by the Republic of the Sudan through military action including economic warfare, it seems the Government of Sudan enjoys using economic warfare as an effective military strategy to ensure entire population of South Sudan suffers from war and its related consequences. More so, these grave times, where Kenya and Uganda are experiencing acute shortage of grain supplies against population demands and the subsequent unrest brought about by food and fuel crisis in those countries, leave GOSS with limited and costly options of satisfying food and fuel demands in South Sudan. The Government of Sudan very well knew the consequences of regional economic crisis on South Sudan and took advantage of it to impose both economic and military pressures on Government of South Sudan in order to get favorable concessions on remaining contested issues of CPA.

    The lesson learned from this economic warfare is that South Sudan food system should never again depend wholly on North Sudan or another country’s food system. As stated in a popular Dinka metaphor, ‘kake rande cin amok ke kou piat’ (resources administered by somebody else with different needs and interests will never satisfy your needs and interests the way you want them satisfied), so the Republic of South Sudan should not rely on other countries for food supply and distribution systems to address her population’s food demand.

    Therefore, how can Republic of South Sudan safeguard her population from being subjected again in the future to politically induced hunger by her belligerent neighbor – the Republic of the Sudan? To me, it is now time to ensure Republic of South Sudan food system is planned and managed so that unforeseen circumstances such as current blockade on import of food stuffs and other goods into South Sudan cannot leave South Sudan population susceptible to the Government of Sudan war schemes in the future. GOSS should respond to this situation by allocating funds and establishing statutory companies to initiate and implement cereals/grains production in the country starting this year. Statutory companies in the name of South Sudan Cereals Corporation (SSCC) and South Sudan Sugar Corporation should be established with mandates to ensure Republic of South Sudan is cereals/grains and sugar sufficient by the end of 2012 and beyond. It is high time the Government of the Republic of South Sudan prioritized food production and management so that chances of induced hunger as a weapon of war are eliminated and the country’s financial system is protected from hyperinflation as a result of continuously hiking food prices as witnessed recently throughout South Sudan.

    Chol de Kwot, BCom, MBA, MSc, MCIPS, is an expert in Procurement, Logistics, SCM, Project and Strategic Management. He can be reached at [email protected]

  • Adam

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    I am shocked as many Southerners do of the baby-crying of the GoSS. After years in power, they proved that they are good at crying and calling for international intervention. Any problem of any nature they face they immediately weep and accuse the “enemy” – that is the “North” of what they are facing.

    It is so ridiculous and pathetic that SPLM/A who are running the so called GoSS have terribly failed to plan properly for what they were fighting for for 22 years. SPLM basic idea is to secede from the North, but nothing has been done on the ground to realize that.

    The blunders started by mismanaging the following issues, thinking that “they (GoSS) can have things under control” at any time:
    • Unity among Southerners. This could have been done by power-sharing with all parties, and designing and implementing anti-tribalism action plan. They were unable to realize the importance of managing the uniting feelings and nostalgia of all Southerners. Primitive intertribal relations were left unaddressed. The monopoly of power and wealth on ethnic lines further encouraged raids, cattle theft, abduction, rape etc. Many Southerners realize that SPLM was incompetent and sterile in this respect.
    • Security measures to guarantee the safety of the society. Atrocities committed by SPLA itself were unbelievable. GoSS could not transform SPLA into a professional and institutionalized national army. The South has no army until now – just gangs run by tribal and unprofessional commanders. Line of communication / command is almost absent. The police force is the enemy of peace. They’re illiterate, untrained, unequipped, underpaid and few. In most cases police deteriorate the situation. Corruption of SPLA and Police soldiers and their attitude in using the power connected with the uniform is beyond imagination.
    • Corruption of civil and military servants from top to bottom is the general rule. All resources can be stolen is stolen. Those with powers (even so limited) use them to fatten their personal bank accounts, without even thinking of the consequences on the people or development. Billions of petro-Dollar is mercilessly channeled to personal and tribal use. Preposterous rampant of nepotism is so ludicrous. Even tax revenues are taken as personal property. Every Southerner knows how check points and border gates are run. It is even internationally well-known how corruption is the rule in the South.
    • Good governance, democracy, freedoms, justice and human rights are scare commodities in the South, although the GoSS top leadership is falsely propagating these values.
    • Development projects are big zero in the South in spite the fact that billions of petro-Dollars have been collected to the GoSS.
    • Implementation of the CPA should have be managed in a sane and logical way to guarantee the continuation of healthy, respectful, and fruitful mutual relationship. This has been a dilemma for SPLM/A since the signing of the CPA. Although SPLM and NCP should be partners in governing Sudan during the interim period, SPLM was an opposition and working against the national government, which it is part of. This immature behavior was mainly due to some influential mad leaders like Amon, Arman, Agar, Alor, Al-Hillu and their likes. Those hyenas deteriorated the relationship between SPLM and NCP seriously and planted hatred and no confidence.
    • Stability of the North is very decisive integral part for the stability of South Sudan. However, SPLM/A and the GoSS as a whole displayed very bad stands against the North, especially wasting no opportunity to nail Khartoum down and solicit the antagonism of the international world against NCP. Even bad politics has been played in this respect. Arman, Amon, Alor and Agar leave no opportunity even to forge facts and make all kind of setups against the North. This kind of behavior not only gives birth to hatred, but help uniting the “North” against the “South” and the “South” against the “North”. This situation is dangerous and so childish and narrow minded.
    • Irresponsible delays in closing pending files (post-referendum) are another failure of the GoSS. We cannot just put the blame on NCP. Many clear issues were failed because of political stubbornness and lack of confidence.
    • The Abyei, Blue Nile and South Kordofan files are the big failures of the CPA. I know SAF has moved it forces and machines north of 1956 borders, but SPLM failed to do so to the South on the basis that SPLM in these areas are Northerners. A high ranking SPLM officer came up last week with very disgraceful statement saying that SPLM has no authority or a say on SPLM in these areas. Remember that everything related to SPLM in these areas is organically connected with SPLM in Juba. Another blow to the diminishing trust between the Nuba and Funj with the South.
    • Erupted war between SPLM and SAF in South Kordofan is a clear manifestation of bad will of the GoSS towards the North. This is another painful issue I don’t want to discuss here.
    • It is so shameful that GoSS is openly supporting Darfur rebels against the North. This is very serious and cannot be understood on the GoSS assumption that the North is secretly supporting SSLA. If this allegation is true, then the GoSS cannot last one week on the face of SSLA.
    For all the reasons above no Southerner should blame Khartoum for stopping all commercial relations with the South. They are “our enemy”! How can we expect them to send us food and commodities while we’re their enemy too?

    The worst is to be waited.

    It is high time for a coup in the South. We cannot have a state like this. People will just suffer and dream of what was their second class citizen status.

    Down with the stupidity of the GoSS. Down with SPLM/A

    Long live Southern Sudan

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • Adam

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    No money brother! Petro-Dollars have been looted by the corrupted leadership of SPLM/A. Full stop.

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • Chol de Kwot
    Chol de Kwot

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Thanks Nhomlawda for bringing this article to wider readership.
    This is Chol de Kwot.

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Thank you very much for pointing out our leaders’ errors of the way. My Friend nobody in the Southern Sudan will dare to admit that they are mistaken. So let all those thugs continue to loot our civilians’ resources.
    Indeed, as a people who have just emerged out from 22 years of liberation struggle we should be prepared and remained prepared. So, I completely agreed with you that the people who are running Goss have low IQ. As a person who have just returned from home and I have seen it with my naked eye.

    Indeed, Dr. John Garang had it right when he said, ” some people look at the Government has an object that can be looted”.
    Therefore, in this regard the majority of the people who are in the government of Southern Sudan are special interest people.
    Having been there in the Southern Sudan for last four months, I have concluded with out the shadow of the doubt that stealing public funds is becoming a habit and trademark for some people. Therefore, Mr. Aleu if you pointed out our people’s errors of the way, you are always the victim. So, the best thing to do is just to keep your mouth shut. I know a brave man will not keep his mouth shut if he sees something wrong and you are classic example. So, please keep on writing those praiseworthy comments.
    Finally and last, but not least, let not use education as a tool of exploiting our people, but rather a mean of improving our people’s wretched way of life.

  • monduloka

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    My dear, you are still crying for south sudan to bring goods from foreign countries.Dont you Know that Omar has given us knife to sloughter our selves by imposing high taxes at the boarders.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes

    You are very educated but very foolish sir.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Mohammed Ali with this I will agree with you not because north Sudanese government is not playing role in what is happening in terms of food shortages, north Sudan government shouldn’t be lamed at all, it is the southern government to care the blame, no bullshit about it. South sudan government new what was coming, they new very well Southerners were going vote for separation a 100% but instead of preparing themselves, they were busy looting money for themselves, now they should not panic but correct their mistakes. South Sudan is fertile land and it’s people if given right tools can do well. It was Southerners that north Sudanese merchants used to farm their schemes and they can do better for themselves. First few years would be bumpy but with good will governance, things will work out.

    Stop blaming northern government whent it was your responsibility to feed your own people. We and the north are not one nation anymore starting January 9th when we 99% gave them a bye bye hands. What do you expect they can do? Do want them to keep trading with people they are going to deny them oil money that they have for years and made Khartoum look like cities in Western countries? Hell, no, if you put yourself in their place, you will do the same.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Dear brother George Bol, I really have no idea why you are insulting Limija when he is yelling the truth. I am sure you are not one of GOSS but if you are one of them, then you fail yourself and your people who voted to have this change. Accept the blame with humility and the right thing to do is tell the truth. Yes Limija is right, even a child knows he or she will not expect good treatment with some one he or she has problem with leave alone grown ups. North sudan is doing them favor by stopping commercial goods so that they learn to have one of their own.

    People or government should not always relie on hand outs.

  • marie

    South Sudan accuses Khartoum of deliberate closure of commercial routes
    Some of the points you made are painful reality that we as South Sudanese should accept. It is sometimes good to accept the truth. Because even the Bible says, “say the truth and it will set you free”. I concur with you in most of the points.

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