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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”

June 8, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The leadership council of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) headed by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir on Wednesday discussed the military escalation in South Kordofan state between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).

Northern military spokesman Al-Sawarmi Khaled Sa'ad speaks during a joint news conference with Deputy of Sudanese Army Intelligence Sideque Amer Hassan in Khartoum May 20, 2011 (Reuters)
Northern military spokesman Al-Sawarmi Khaled Sa’ad speaks during a joint news conference with Deputy of Sudanese Army Intelligence Sideque Amer Hassan in Khartoum May 20, 2011 (Reuters)
The clashes started over the weekend but both sides exchanged blame over who fired the first shot. The SPLM said that the fighting occurred when SAF attempted to disarm SPLA fighters by force.

The Northern army has given June 1st as deadline for SPLA in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states to withdraw its forces south of the 1956 borders.

But the Southern ex-rebels responded by saying this not possible as the fighters in those two states are actually Northerners.

The NCP today declared that situation in South Kordofan is an “armed mutiny” and a breach of the law by the SPLM supported by foreign powers and some internal opposition movements who are working to further the ambitions of some SPLM figures.

Sudan’s official news agency (SUNA) said that the NCP concluded that this plot cannot be resolved through political dialogue with those who are carrying out killings.

Nafie Ali Nafie, deputy NCP chairman, was quoted by SUNA as saying that SAF and other uniformed forces are given a free hand in other parts of the state besides Kadugli which he said is under SAF control.

SAF spokesperson Al-Sawarmi Khalid Sa’ad said in a statement that the situation in Kadugli is under full control of the army and that the city has been secured.

He added that SPLM leading figure and former deputy governor Abdel-Aziz Al-Hilu has left Kadugli and headed to Karangu which is 20 kilometers southwest of the capital town.

The state’s governor Ahmed Haroun in an interview with Sudan Radio Service (SRS) acknowledged the gravity of the situation in his state.

“The situations have worsened and developed in an unfortunate way, from the side of our brothers in the SPLM. Yesterday [Monday] we held constructive and fruitful meetings led to coming up with a clear road map to address the security situation in the state” Haroun said.

“Unfortunately, while we were escorting the delegation to the airport, shooting started at one of our patrols. In the beginning it seemed it have started randomly, however since this morning [Wednesday] the situation has changed to an aggression act against our forces and people inside Kadugli town. Also there are some other areas that have witnessed targeting to a SAF unit in the JIU” he added.

Last month Haroun, wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes in the western region of Darfur, was declared the winner of Southern Kordofan state’s elections. Despite allegations of fraud by the SPLM, which fielded Al-Hilu to run against him. International monitors endorsed the results.

The fighting on Wednesday expanded to nearby areas which led to one death and several injuries. There was an exchange of fire with the guards at the house of the ex-mayor of Abu-Gabaiha locality who installed himself as commander of the area.

The SPLM in Southern Kordofan yesterday claimed that NCP militias targeted citizens killing a number of them. It further said that they attacked the SPLM office, burning it and stealing from it.

Multiple sources told Sudan Tribune that about 8,000 people from Kadugli chose to camp near the United Nations office for protection from the flames amid a deteriorating humanitarian situation due to lack of food and security.

Afaf Taour Kafi, an NCP MP in South Kordofan, said that bodies are lying on the streets of Kadugli describing the situation as “urban warfare”. She added that residents have gone three days without electricity or water.

She accused SPLM of wreaking havoc in the localities before entering the state capital.

The SPLM Secretary General in North Sudan Yasir Arman told Reuters that they want an immediate ceasefire.

“We call for an immediate ceasefire, and to start dialogue immediately,” Arman said.

“The leadership of the SPLM north is ever-ready to sit with the National Congress Party to get a solution that will bring permanent peace … Disarming the SPLA north, if it continues, will bring a big crisis,” he added.

The president of South Sudan Salva Kiir in a speech to the head of legislative assemblies in the South accused SAF of targeting the Nuba mountain people who are serving as part of the SPLA on the border areas.

He said that disarming them should have been done a long time ago through the the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) program.

Southern Kordofan has the most productive oilfields that will be left in the north after the split, which could see Khartoum lose up to 75 percent of Sudan’s 500,000 barrels per day of oil output.



  • LongTweng

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”

  • Aleu

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    NCP and his Army will never rest in this world.

    Khartoum government will never win these too many wars that, are waiting them to faces. Now Omar al Bashir is buying home in Ethiopia. One of Ethiopian asking me why Sudan president is buying a large home in our country and I told him that, I have no Idea. Omar al Bashir knows exactly that, he had repeated war crime in Sudan and one day he will flew away but will not going to hide from the International law. SPLA of SouthKordofan need to organizes and they must attacked Khartoum troop in South Korofan.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    death to khartoum criminal gang,
    One day, one time the blood will flow in khartoum street, the groups of terrorist are killing our people day and night, God help out skin.

  • Chol Buoi
    Chol Buoi

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    Dear Readers,

    We all know that the Khartoum regime is ready for war, but the reason to why the Government of South Sudan is not taking action against the Northern army in Abyei is not because we are afraid of war, but finding a way to tackle the invading army which is currently in Abyei and South Kordofan which is known as Nuba Mountain. I believe you have been in war, and you know better how we do things before. We in the Government of South Sudan will not let Abyei go with North unless they changed the name; otherwise if it is being call Abyei then we shall fight by all means with Bashir Government sooner than later. The Abyei problem is a National duty that is why you hear everywhere that some states in Southern Sudan are donating relief to their brothers and sisters who are forced to leave Abyei by SAF soldiers. Wait and see, we shall crush them one by one like the way people eats the dates or groundnuts. Bashir has exhausted all his power on Abyei and nothing remains to safeguard the army in Abyei. They are under our shadow and sooner than later they SAF will smell the war’s beautiful flowers.

    Shadrack Chol Buoi,Rumbek South Sudan.

  • Sweetmouth

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    Thinks big on what you are doing but stop lying to the world.

  • liberator3

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    Dear readers:

    Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile sons

    You are one of the bravest and courageous sons in our Sudan.
    Unlike sons of those bastards of cowards in Abyei! You are standing tall indeed!!!

  • liberator3

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    Dinka Dominated (none_) SPLA

    please, cry on top of your lung with your uncle Salva Kiir who’s crying like a baby in need of its parent attention.

    How many times did Kiir travel to United States since assuming the Presidency? many times.

    and How many times did Dr. Riek Machar travels since assuming the current office? rarely.

    Now, Kiir is crying out loud in Juba because Dr. Riek Machar is being invited to meet Obama Administrations officials and may the President himself.

    Kiir was shunned by Obama to meet him last time he came here because of the corruption and his inability to reconcile his different with his brothers and unite the Southerners. Now, he is becoming dangerously jealous for the courtesy extended to the VP by the U. why is that well, he is just lost the confidence of the most important ally. the United States. America will never like a tribal leader! never never ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • liberator3

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”

    You are right that we as Southerners need to hold our leaders accountable. but we should start from the top since all the power has been in the hand of the president in line with the interim constitution for the last six years.

    Vice-President can not fire corrupt governors and officials.
    I believe Dr. Riek will have to answer for any failings on his part when face voters like you and me in the near future.

    But to blame along with the president when he doesn’t have a separate constitutional authority to fire and appoints people is just not fair.

    He has been calling for peaceful reconciliation with the rebels from day one.

    please do not believe what the Military Intelligence say about this man. any body can go and accuse people with out facts. the same accusation can be labelled against Salva Kiir that he collaborated with Omer Al Bashir to rigged the last year elections in the South. but i wouldn’t fall into that because Salva is capable of doing it alone with out collaborating with the Omer AL-Bashir

    This is the Military Intelligence(MI) which failed utterly on Abyei invasion. so why would you believe the incompetence Intelligence Units in the whole continent? please sticks to the facts. unfounded accusations are just dirty campaigns against one of the most respectful figures in the world arena the Vice-President of Government of South
    Sudan Dr. Riek Machar. Judge him when he has the power of the presidency.

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”

    Stop posting nonsense on the web, what is wrong with Riek Machar meeting the US administration and the United Nation? Is he not the part of the government Kiir is leading?

    If you want to participate in political issues as I always see your comments although your contributions are not standard,you need to learn the government and how it work.

    Government is a broad base field that you guys must study to help you understand how it coordinate and deliver it policy. Having met with foreign leaders is not what make a politician to become president in any country.Get that brother.

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    Dear Liberator 3 or zero,
    Improve harder and know what politics is. The two leadres are as week as people without profile no difference. one, language is the major constriant understable but they have low self esteem when expressing themselve before the sound men like the Obamas and hence they don’t address the Nation’s issue as it should have been put forward yet the want to cling on to power, nonsence, let there be some one interlectual with good exprience of a statemanship to handle situation like in the Aby and S. krdfan like it should bee taken but not like them running always to America and or international Communittee, very shamful.

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”

    The point is; when ever the government failed to deliver what it supposed to do, it must be held accountable whether in the US or in Europe. We all know that, but trying to dis-attached Riek Machar with Salva Kiir is absolutely naive and clearly demonstrate luck of knowledge in politics and governance on your part.

    If you believed that Riek is a clean person, ask him to resign so he can have a chance to form a formidable opposition party to topple SPLM in the election.If election is held today between Lam Akol vs Riek Machar, I will vote for Lam. Why? because he is a man of principles. when ever lam declared not to be part of something, he quit it. If Riek is not party to SPLM, why not quit it?

  • Adam

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    …. and the suffering continues for the people of Sudan.

    Down with SPLM.

    Down with NCP

    Long live the great people of Sudan.

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • dakin

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    Gogrial dominated Kara,
    I think you have lost your head today, how come that it is Khartoum gang and not the Nuer to blame for the killings of your people in Abyei as usual!!!
    Ha ha drunkard!

    The best possible way for your gogrial thugs to defeat SAF is to stool and piss in Abyei so that SAF can withdraw immediately from your pungent stools.

    Are you to reinforce Nuba with your stools? I don’t think so

  • dakin

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    You are just a crying baby!
    You don’t know Lam and you don’t know Riek. You don’t know SPLM either and I am afraid, you are also your own problem!!!!

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    Shut up criminals NCP members why are u crying? when things are worse on your side ,you cry with blood but nobody will help u since u are criminal wanted ICC .

    Nubia oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Blue Nile oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    small fire can burn a big house .

    Anti-tribalism in South Sudan

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”

    good point, but you need to explain it how I am crying. if you dont know to write, just stop.

  • dakin

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”
    Achiek Alier,
    Your names are good enough for me to understand your mindset and I do not need to go any further.
    I don’t like to be rude to some personalities, so go ahead and start worrying

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Sudan’s NCP declares situation in S. Kordofan an “armed mutiny”

    I have been around since 1955 and shall continue to be around in Southern Sudan forever. I thought you were a man worthy to be debate, but if you have realized that you can not debate my name, that is very kind of you and I welcome that.

    I don’t debate people cheaply, I hit them on their head.

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