Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC

By Ngor Arol Garang

June 9, 2011 (JUBA) –The leadership and office of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in the disputed area on Thursday rejected the legitimacy of the newly appointed administration, and pledged to take Abyei’s case to the International Criminal Court (ICC) demanding that President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir be indicted over atrocities committed there.

Internally displaced people gather in Turalei, in the south's Twic county, about 130 km (80 miles) from Abyei town, May 27, 2011. (Reuters)
Internally displaced people gather in Turalei, in the south’s Twic county, about 130 km (80 miles) from Abyei town, May 27, 2011. (Reuters)
The move comes after a strong stance by SPLM Abyei leaders who expressed strong sentiments against military seizure of the area by Sudan Armed Forces in a public meeting held in Juba today.

The former rebel movement turned a ruling political party, of the semi autonomous region of south Sudan, on the other hand, criticized international community for paying little attention on what it calls war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Sudanese government in the area since the signing of the peace agreement.

“The Sudanese government, especially the leadership of the National Congress Party continues to undermine the implementation of key protocols in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement including the Abyei protocol. They decided to deliberately kill innocent civilians at the watch of the international community, who are guarantors of this peace,” said Juac Agok, a deputy chairperson of the SPLM Abyei.

The official who was speaking at a public briefing in Juba on Thursday over situation of the internally displaced persons from Abyei in various places to which they fled, described conditions in which they live as “appalling and upset”.

“Fo those who have not been able to visit them (Abyei’s IDPs), I tell you our people are living in horrible and appalling conditions. They are living under trees where they are being rained on without food and shelter”, Agok further said.

He stressed that the SPLM and the people of Abyei do not recognize the newly formed interim administration in the area, saying it represents nothing and lacks legitimacy.

Agok wondered why the international community pays quick and caring attention to event unfolding in Libya, Syria and Yemen, where citizens have been out on the streets demanding regime change than atrocities he said were being committed by Sudanese government in Darfur and Abyei as well as in South Kordofan.

“I do not understand what the international community considers as crimes when Sudanese government has embarked on killing of citizens it suppose to protect. Why does a single bomb on rebel positions by Libyan troops spark international outcry while ruthless attacks and killings with subsequent displacements of innocent civilians by the Sudanese army in Sudan hardly draw any attention”, asked Agok.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) stated from Geneva on 7 June that the number of people displaced as a result of conflict in the disputed area of Abyei has risen to nearly 100,000. The agency added that many residents are still on the move or hiding in bushland amid heavy military activity.

UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards said only 67,000 IDPs have been registered. Some 68% of the registered IDPs have sought safety in the Turalei and Mayan Abun areas of neighbouring Warrap state. The rest have gone to Agok, which – despite its closeness to Abyei and the presence of armed groups – is attracting IDPs from surrounding areas and returning residents who had fled earlier, he said.


The meeting was addressed by three Abyei leaders who all spoke about lodging a case at the war crimes court in The Hague, ICC, against the Sudanese President and some senior military officers including the minister of defense for committing atrocities and displacement of the local population.

The SPLM- Abyei deputy chairperson told the meeting that his community cannot forgive any atrocities in the area and that the only way to serve justice is filing a case at the International Criminal Court (ICC) against President Bashir and some of the senior members of his government.

“There is no way and hearts which can forgive repeated atrocities committed by the Sudanese army against our people. The National Congress Party believes in killing and destruction of properties,” explains Agok.

Last week, Deng Alor Kuol, a native of Abyei and a prominent SPLM member reassured of South Sudan President’s commitment to resolve the dispute over Abyei through peaceful means. He also reminded the support of the international community and the United Nations to the people of Abyei.

Alor said that community was considering opening a case against President Omrr Al-Bashir before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the killings and displacement of the people.

Ngor Ayuel, the acting Abyei community leader and a deputy chairperson of Abyei Referendum Forum, read out condemnation letter of the seizure of the area by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF). He added that the move was intended to settle the members of the rival of the Arab tribe of Misseriya in the areas from where local inhabitants were displaced.

“We condemn this invasion and reject any intimidation to concede anything in Abyei. We will never compromise even an inch once again come rain or shine. We have compromised a lot because we were committed to bringing lasting peace”, explained the emotionally charged official who spoke at length.

Ayuel stressed that the land of Abyei belongs to the Dinka Ngok chiefdoms which are part of the South and that no political or military pressure will compel them to forgo their rights over the “ancestral land” even if it means killing them all.

“The National Congress Party thinks this invasion will deter us from demanding our right on the area. This Abyei belongs to our ancestors and we will never let it go because our people are being killed. This is false and it is wrong calculation. We will never compromise anything this time even an inch come what may”, Ayuel said.



  • Riak

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    With or without Splm’s help, still Omar El-bashier will one day sit in the Hague courtroom.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    The last census of Abeyei showed that all of the population of Abeyei is 55,000 which includes Dinka and non-Dinka. How come the refugees reach double that number? First they said 15,000 then 20,000 then 40,000 then they came back to 20,000 suddenly now 100,000!

    The ” Humanterian organization” industry is playing its notorious propoganda machine in the most malacious way. How much money will be loooted in the name of these people? Investing in human being plight is not “humanterian”

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    The problem should be tackled peacfully. ICC will not solve the problem and will not allivate the suffering of the innocent,poor and ordinary people of Abeyei

    Machar and Ali Osman had reach some good point which we can build on.

    Abeyei sons militia should not abuse the Abyei problem to concentrate the power in the south in their hands.Obviously their struggle now is Juba where they want to pass a constitution with “dictatership” rights to the president!How can you remove an elected person and desolve the parliment? This will be against all the principles of democracy, against the will of the people.

    Salva is a good peace loving man , but he should understand that the group of the leftist who were part of the Sudanese Communist party when they were students in the north and maily forming the Abeyei militia now, want to implement ” a communist type constituation” which concentrate the power in one hand.This will not work in the 21st century! Essentially they are supporting it to maintain their control over all of the south. This will be disastorous and detremintal.

  • Chier Akueny
    Chier Akueny

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Mahammed Ali, the census was not done in correct way. Look! the population of Southern Kordofan was underestimate which led to postponement of election of Kordofan and those are process of NCP to rig the referendum and election of Southern Kordofan as well as it has happened.

    But this time, Abyei will not be liberated through referendum but gun, otherwise Bashir is going to feel it. South Kordofan is for Nubian while Blue Nile is for Funj and there is no way of disarming them before they do popular consultation.

    Wait and see, you are going to call Arab brothers to come and help you in Sudan. We are going to be second Israel around you here. Nuba Oyeee, Blue Nile Oyeee, Hilu Oyeee, Malik Agar Oyeee, SPLA Oyeeeeeeeee!

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Mahammed Ali, I hate people with lingering doubt.You still complaining about the approximate number of people who have been displaced by Sudan armed force. There is no doubt at all, the number is not fabricated by United nations. Don’t be paranoid, United nations can not overstated the report. Let me tell you “when the going gets tough the tough get going”. Please don’t worry the situation has not yet been exacerbated by the SPLA. According to my calculation,I think we remain with fortnight to hoist the flag of independent. Please enjoy your thralldom respectively. Sudan armed forces will face SPLA in no time.

  • Sam.Eto

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    First stop the propaganda – what you mean is you want the NGO to do the work for you. Sudan and South Sudan are not part of the ICC so tell your idiot minister he can not take his case to the ICC.

    Second “Agok wondered why the international community pays quick and caring attention to event unfolding in Libya, Syria and Yemen, where citizens have been out on the streets demanding regime change than atrocities he said were being committed by Sudanese government in Darfur and Abyei as well as in South Kordofan”

    Because they know the SPLM are cowards, liers, theives and commit major atrocities of thier own. The international community know you cause problems so aggrivate the North and when they respond you cry wolf like babies.

    Pull up your sleves you coward minister and stop talking. You want it back i dare – go and take it like a man.

    Like i said in a previous reply deleted by ST. The seven rebellions (a new one was formed in Unity) are planning to head for Juba soon. So thats why the GOSS is crying so loudly for help. They want to save themselves and Pagan is probably alreay in Australia hiding after a failed coupe attempt a few days ago. Maybe ST wont delete this truth.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    and about the war crimes committed by your SPLA syndicate in against Nuer and Sholo in Greater Upper Nile Region. We must destroy you. SSLA and SAF friends will deal with your coward SPLA syndicate.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    I first begin to appreciate the work of our local leaders especially the call for ICC and international community by Mr Juac Agok deputy secretary Abyei region, UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edward plus Mr Deng Alor Kuol head of Abyei administration. Please readers, for your information those above I spoken out and others who I did not mention their name have brought accurate informations exactly as it is now as speaking in Turalei here. Things are deteriorating day by day people have no shelters, food etc and I am fearing of out break of diseases to my people because rain had started earlier. Therefore, I am repeating again thing Mr Juac Agok has called for and that is ICC and international community to put an eye on Abyei just one single eye people. We are people like all other human therefore, we deserve equal right of any other person. Why don’t you consider us in Abyei. President Al Bashir’s intentions is to dismiss Dinka Ngok tribes in Abyei and replace them with Misseryia to occupy the area instead as per now there is high influx of this tribes to Abyei which were not there socially before but economically enjoying our natural pasture.

  • Steve Paterno
    Steve Paterno

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Let me take a crack at this: Last year, I actually talked to ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo, specifically on the potential crimes which will be committed by Khartoum in light of South Sudan Independence, and also as to what role the ICC will play in such occurrences. Given that Sudan is non signatory to the Rome Statute, the current areas of war are out of the jurisdiction of ICC, unless the UNSC makes a referral, such as the case of Darfur.

    However, the implication is that in the particular case of Abyei, some of our SPLA Cdrs will also be indicted, for the incident that involved the ambushing of the UN escorted convey, which triggered the whole incident. Such an indictment can even lead up the chain of command, depending on whether the ambush of the said convey was an order from the top brass in Juba. Remember, the Prosecutor will try to balance the indictment to avoid being criticisms for being bias, like in Darfur, where both members of the regime in Khartoum and rebels are indicted.

    As I always advocate, one of the first international treaties the independent South Sudan must sign is the Rome Statute. This will act as a deterrence in the future country against those who are hell-bent in committing crimes against humanity.

    For those interested in my conversations with Prosecutor Ocampo in this particular subject, you can read some of the points I highlight in the article, with the title, “ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo on Sudan,” which are more less like premonition over our beloved country. My mentor, Noccolo Machiaelli, once advised a good prince that when the:

    “flood overflows the plains, sweeping away trees and buildings, bearing away the soil from place to place; everything flies before it, all yield to its violence, without being able in any way to withstand it; and yet, though its nature be such, it does not follow therefore that men, when the weather becomes fair, shall not make provision, both with defenses and barriers, in such a manner that, rising again, the waters may pass away by canal, and their force be neither so unrestrained nor so dangerous. So it happens with fortune, who shows her power where valor has not prepared to resist her, and thither she turns her forces where she knows that barriers and defenses have not been raised to constrain her.”

    You enjoy!!!

    Steve Paterno

  • Dani

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Bashir already deserved ICC why do you bother as South Sudanese.he has seen no alternatives and that is why he is acting brutally.let him commits his atrocities but time will come where he will realized that his act was against human rights.

  • Chanson

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Supporter of naath.your hit and run movement plus SAF will not do anything after 9 july.Only what your doom leader call him Gatdet and alike have to do is to prepare for the massive war from the South,north region of DArfur,Eastern Sudan and Nuba mountain as it,s going on now in 99 Jebel of the Nubian kingdom .But why do people subjected theselve in killing than peace.If I ask you now ,aquestion what is Gatdet faughting for will you tell me anything constructive? of course No! what you may tell me is only nosense of Nath cuase.Unity is what we both need than war.But you always and you hard supporter NCP IS TO WAGGING WAR each an everyday for no good reason.Anyway am not here to tell you and your Uncle that war is not good but it is good when you like it .bring it boy when you and your uncle when to bring it……

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    I agree with the SPLM that the case of attrocities committed in Abyei be taken to the ICC. At the same time the case of Abyei as a whole can be takern to the Court of Arbitration to see and judge wether Misiryia were among the citizens of Abyei transfered by the British government to the north in 1905.

  • Sweetmouth

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    supporter of Naath cause.
    which naath are you supporting?you talk as if you are drunk,my dear stop opening your mouth for nonsense in this forum because you are a trouble makers.don,t preach your personal thing by saying Nuer and SHOLO,Dinka is against them shame on you and they are fighting for southern sudan freedom.
    you Arab don,t come and joke with black people stay away from them.

  • Mwalimu Chol
    Mwalimu Chol

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    This are human abuse committed by Bashir.It is good that way,but you people of Abyei there is no need to worrying about.We are you as one christain as one nation.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Chanson and Madut

    North Sudan with the mature leadership of NCP of President Bashir has already accepted your desire and aspiration to form your own country in Southern sudan where end name every single thing after John Garang, for example Garang university for science and Technology, Garang supermarket, Garang football club and ………… call your TV truly Aftican, a dream you could never achieve during the Hassend al Turabii or Sadiq el Mahdi era. Now, because of the stupidity of some cliiques in the SPLM syndicate you are ruining it all. People of Sudan and worldwide had enough of the childish behaviour of SPLA mita and sooner everyone will take arm and fight against SPLA. Millions of our people were killed during the SPLA nonsense war but now no one is acknowledging that as what we hear is Garang and Salva plus Pagan and Koul Mang the so-called stick holders of SPLM syndicate.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Mwalimu Chol

    We are not worry Mwalimu. There is nothing to be worry about in Abyei. There is the old saying “birds with the same feathers fly together” so, we have a hope that our brothers are there in the South addition to that we the Abyei residents defines the contested area socially it is belong to us, constitutionally also still our land. So,there is totally nothing to worry about.

  • Rising of the Sun
    Rising of the Sun

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Very good comments Steve Paterno. I wish most of the users of this forum could follow the path of commenting on issues with wisdom as you did.

    Keep it up!

    The problem I have with ICC is that it does not have the power to pre-empt and arrest those who commit the war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide but instead waits for the crimes to actually occur before intervening. Therefore, suspects enjoy their lives and get arrested late; when they are too old and their evil plans accomplished. Even then, some die in those comfortable cells of the Hague before being sentenced.

    Some of these criminals seem to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of their loyalists: ensuring that whatever their individual fate, these loyalists would have gained in the long term.

    That is why I belief people don’t need to entrust their fate 100% in the hands of the ICC and international community but must always be ready to defend themselves as well as anticipate plans of the enemy.

  • Ajak Johnson
    Ajak Johnson

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Abyei is a Dinka Ngok land, and noboby should cliamed it from it boundaris ethier by law or by force. Since NCP is killing Nuba and Darfur. How can people of Abyei survive.

    Not only Abyei, even South Kordufan and blue Nile will come to south because of mistreatment of North leadership NCP.
    Get me right after independent the NCP will stop all support and what is call malitia also stop as well. Then that is south Stability.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    SPLM officials pledge to take Abyei’s war crimes to the ICC
    Supporter of Naath Cause,

    it is good you have admitted that you are not from Nuer because you have spoiled the name of this great tribe by your naive comments. Now, the issue of whether some people from the south are ruining the upcoming region according to your conclusion by the names of places given to their leaders like John Garang is the issue concerning southerners but is not the main issue. You condemn the SPLM and overlook the reality of the attrocities committed by the NCP in the north, especially the issue of Abyei, and southern Kordufan and Blue Nile which are inhuman. Let me ask you a question why don’t you confront the NCP for these inhuman attrocities, is it not that you dread him because they are tyrant who have turn national army into a military wing of the NCP. Would anyone in the north dare one day to go against them, I don’t think so. you mentioned were doing well toward peace before the military took over in 1989. So don’t blame them seriously, and SPLM also is doing more logically than the NCP in the North. Why does the NCP and her wing the SAF attack their civilians in the country which is still under one government? it is because of their tyranny ruling and they want to get grip of everything, but will they succeed, let the time reveal.

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