Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime

June 9 2011 (KHARTOUM) – A leading figure from the Sudan people Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the former deputy governor of South Kordofan Abdel-Aziz Al-Hilu denied reports that he was injured and called for removing the central government in Khartoum led by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

The SPLM governor candidate Abdul Aziz Al-Hilu and former deputy governor of South Kordofan state (Reuters)
The SPLM governor candidate Abdul Aziz Al-Hilu and former deputy governor of South Kordofan state (Reuters)
In an interview by phone with the London based Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper published Thursday, Al-Hilu said that he is in the capital town of Kadugli leading “the battle for dignity to accomplish the fundamental change in the center”.

Al-Hilu called on the Sudanese people to join the battle for toppling the Bashir government in order to obliterate all forms of marginalization including political, economical, social, religious or cultural.

He stressed that the country’s conflicts cannot be resolved by allocating positions in the government adding that the crisis is not confined to South Kordofan.

“These [issues] are the product of policies made in Khartoum which generates civil wars, discrimination and instability,” Al-Hilu said.

The SPLM figure said that changing the government will pave the way for building the new Sudan on a new basis of justice, freedom and equality.

“Toppling the regime for translating these aspirations in [the form] of a new constitution that recognizes diversity….which accomplishes democratic transformation and requirements for justice and permanent peace” Al-Hilu said.

South Kordofan state has been the scene of intense clashes since the weekend between SPLA units and Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) particularly in Kadugli and surrounding areas.

It came over a week after SAF warned SPLA in Blue Nile and South Kordofan to withdraw southwards by June 1st or face action. The SPLM in control of the soon to secede South rejected the ultimatum saying that SPLA fighters in these border areas are actually Northerners.

The SPLM Secretary general in Northern Sudan Yasir Arman said this week that Al-Hilu had left Kadugli since the weekend because of the “provocative” actions of the northern army.

SAF and SPLA both exchanged blame on who started the fighting in the north’s only oil-producing state, which borders the south and was a key battleground during the two decades civil war.

Eyewitnesses reported last Sunday that SAF tanks entered Kadugli following attacks by SPLA on police stations the night before. The Northern army later said that it clashed with SPLA in Umm Dorain which is about 12km south east of Kadugli and was forced to withdraw after suffering casualties.

Disputed elections for governor last month have also heightened the tensions in Kadugli.

The state governor, Ahmed Haroun, was re-elected this month on the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) ticket when running against Al-Hilu. The latter refused to recognize the result alleging fraud but did not threaten any military backlash.

On Thursday the Sudanese president announced that his army is flushing out rebels from the state.

“The situation in South Kordofan is under the control of the Sudanese Armed Forces which are now clearing the state of the remaining rebels,” Bashir was quoted as saying by the Sudan official news agency (SUNA) today during a cabinet meeting.

Yesterday the NCP leadership council headed by Bashir met and declared that political solution will not work in South Kordofan and said that the army is given a free hand to quell the rebellion.

Al-Hilu in his interview accused Bashir of intentionally seeking a fight in the state to avoid the deliverable of popular consultation stipulated by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

Under the CPA, South Kordofan is meant to hold a so-called popular consultation to decide whether the agreement has met the aspiration of the state’s people and resolve any pending issues related to its implementation.

“Khartoum is trying to avoid paying the entitlement of popular consultation, but we will not give it up even if it leads to another twenty years of war, and there is no concession at all of these rights” Al-Hilu said.

“We fought for twenty years, and have learned from that war, and the NCP has nothing but tyranny and arrogance. They now declared war, and voided the agreement, and they have to bear the consequences and we will not go back to dialogue with them again, because they betrayed an accord we reached a few days ago and assassinated SPLA who were working as part of joint units” he added.

Al-Hilu revealed that they are investigating whether Egyptian UN peacekeepers in the area conspired with SAF saying the contingency has a “criminal” history. He said that the SPLA is in firm control of the state.

The United Nations said on Thursday that the fighting was ongoing and had spread across the state.

“There is still fighting today in Kadugli and it has spread to other locations, including Kauda and Talodi,” said Kouider Zerrouk, a spokesman for the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS), referring to towns in the eastern part of the state.

Antonov bombers and low-flying MIG fighter jets were observed combing the hills around Kadugli, according to UN sources, where SAF has also been shelling SPLA positions since Tuesday.

A witness in Kadugli, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Agence France Presse (AFP) on Thursday that while the fighting had abated in the town, the security and humanitarian situation was deteriorating.

On Wednesday, police fired tear gas at a group of more than 100 Christians to force them out of a church compound where they were gathered, the witness said, while the Popular Defence Forces, a militia now part of the Sudanese army, were seen conducting house-to-house searches for SPLA troops.

There were also clashes on Thursday in Deleng, around 100 kilometres (60 miles) north of Kadugli, a witness there said.




    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    To Comrade Al Hilu,

    Indeed,I support your noble stance and I had said it many times on this forum that the only solution to Sudanese problems is the NCP Regime.Had we worked collectively long ago,we would have toppled the thugish regime and install a broad based government.I’m a Southerner but am ready to go and fight in the North,as Martin Luther said that, “injutsice any where is a threat to justice everywhere”.If we turn a blind eye to injustices happening in other parts of Sudan,we will be jeopardising our own security in the South.

    Suffice to say that,comrade Al Hilu,initiate contact with other Northern rebels such as JEM,SLM and many more,it will take few weeks to topple this regime and all of us will be free for ever in the two Sudans.

    We need a friendly regime in the North so that we can access the ports with ease,and Northerners allowed to came and trade freely in the South.I call upon all peace loving Sudanese to support this popular cause.



  • Khartoum92

    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    You want to go fight in the north? dont be crying for peace again when you see SAF soldiers around your house in juba

  • Malual Dungdit
    Malual Dungdit

    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    Bravo Hilu for fighting back the foolish Arabs who behave like colonists.
    we know the youth of South Kordufan will not let down the people of South Kordufan State from Arabs.

    Where are those of Dr.Luka Biong, Deng Alor, Edward Lino, Deng Majok and General Pieng Deng of Abeiy, because they should go Abeiy and fight the Arabs. People of Abeiy have bigger representation in both the GoSS and the SPLA than the largest States in Southern Sudan.
    I don’t know what they waiting when their home is taken and their people displaced badly.
    But for the sake of the innocent people of Abeiy, we are part of the fight ahead of us with foolish arabs.

    Dr. Luka Biong feels so sweat and show off everyday like a hero in the south, yet he is the most coward of all Dinka

  • WendeMajok

    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    Hey Atem Deng and Peter Pal,

    I fall in laughter after reading your nasty comments, I guess Atem Deng might be Riek’s sponsored student or a curtain raiser in his office of which you trying to secure the deal in covering the truth with false statements to please the boss but remember; “People ask the difference between a leader and a boss.
    The leader works in the open, and the boss in covert.
    The leader leads, and the boss drives.”

    Mr. Pal, do you have any idea about Nuba and Funj? These are brave brothers who did wonders in the liberation, guys who can’t leave you behind, guys who can’t defect no matter how hot the situation would be unlike you! Don’t pop in with your weird perceptions, just join your brain-washed fellows and greedly glued in Naivasha Trading Centre – Khartoum (Suk Arabi or Suk awulat muony or whatever) not knowing their roots of origin and what it takes to be of different race among racists.

    Its being brave enough to protect the territory, congratulations Blue Nile and South Kordufan shabab who took up arms to defend your own land from being pushed away from it.



  • zol aweer
    zol aweer

    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    Indeed toppling the central regime is the only solution to problem of the Sudanese in the North.Infact the SPLA are already in full control of most Towns in Nuba Mountains state.
    Please Nubian in the North this is the last kick of the dying horse lets unit, you remain in the North SPLA will flush off you together with those Arabs devils.
    Nuba unite ! Blue Nile unite !Darfur unite and Beja unite !


    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    Bravo Malual Dungdit,

    Those of Abyei should revive Abyei Liberation Front that was headed by Chol Deng Alaak and Deng Alor.This time,it should be headed by Luka Biong and he needs to be taken first to General Mamur to get training coz he is just a MUSIJIT.After hardening,because he can not endure,then he will lead people of Abyei in fighting for their land.The talk of ICC should be left to UN as they know their job.Luka Biong wants to pretend to follow it up so that he does not go to war.



    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    Ya Khartoum,

    There is no war to be fought in Juba this time round.You are behind the news or your brain is clogged with FOUL.In Kordufan now,13 towns are under control of SPLA-Northern sector.The NCP regime is losing ground day by day and political consciousness is growing exponentially.There is mass defection from SAF forces joining their brothers.SPLM has enlightened people in Sudan and it is upto individual to liberate himself/herself mentally and join the revolutionaries.

    This onslaught has sent shock waves to Khartoum.



  • jaluo

    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    Bashir is in trouble. Killing people and he doesn’t care. His day will come. And very soon.

    Here’s what a Historian from Kenya writes about him today: http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/-/440808/1177912/-/nb2wh3z/-/index.html

  • Chanson

    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    Bravo Abdel-Aziz Al-Hilu.Toppling of Bashir regime is the only solution to the crisis,that are happenin everywhere in Sudan.Nubians are very strong and brave people of which if they got aleader like Yusep Kuwa Maki then they will fight aproductive war.Sir you are another figure lik Kuwa Maki.keep the strong heart of the black people and God coz with God all things are possible.

    99 Mountains Tribez Oyeeeee
    Al-Hilu oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    SPLA/M Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  • Sweetmouth

    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    Dear All!!!!.
    I am really wondering,
    and why people are proud for nothing,i am a dinka,am Nuer and equatorial.shame to all of you let united and do something good to our nation guys.forget who have not participate during the war and built south Sudan together.but remember the bad wards you spoken out spoil you and your tribe.let go to south kordofan and Abyei to fight Arabs but stop stop proud for nothing.like (dinka dominate splm) what do you mean NUER,EQUATORIAL AND DINKA are against Arabs and dies when there is fighting.

  • Machine

    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    Bashir must go.To the rest,it’s high time now that we youth should join hands and forget about the deeds in the distant past.Whether Dr.John or Dr.Riek,whoever that might have been wrong is plainly non of our business as matters progress at hand.Remember both were liberating us no matter the method used either collaboration or acute resistance,the two are still liberators.So my friends lets not joint the pool of old men and follow their conflicting leadership.We must prove to the wide world that our choice of independence is valid and that we can build our nation minus neocolonialism.Remember the strong words of William Shakespears that ”Unity we stand,separation we fall.”

  • Rising of the Sun
    Rising of the Sun

    S. Kordofan’s former deputy governor calls for toppling Bashir’s regime
    The price the marginalised people of Sudan pay for acting in isolated groups is that a weak enemy is made to look powerful and invincible.
    South Sudan decides to go on it’s own before dismantling the system that actually oppressed and colonised it for decades thinking the evil plans are no longer going to be pursued.
    Darfur waited too long to realise they were marginalised too. Now Nuba is being suffocated and the rest are watching. Next time it will be Blue Nile, and who knows, there could be another victim around the corner as well.

    People of Sudan don’t want to gang up to face the bully in Khartoum squarely when it is clear that only unitary action can put pressure on these war mongers to consider dialogue.
    The policy of divide and rule still works in Sudan unfortunately.

    I hope The Republic of South Sudan will not allow anyone to ever contemplate about bullying her come 9th July 2011.

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