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Sudan Tribune

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Lakes state MP accuses special court of applying excessive fines

By Manyang Mayom

June 10, 2011 (RUMBEK) – A fact finding committee of formed from representatives in Lakes State’s parliament has reported that a special court in Yirol West County has imposed fines of 10,000 Sudanese pounds (over $3,700) for a person found guilty of murder.

Bol, the secretary of fact finding committee told the United Nations Mission in Sudan’s (UNMIS) Radio Miraya that the fines were not in line with Lakes State customary law.

The MP said “there is misinterpretation of law by special court in Yirol West County of Lakes state which is not working in conformity with provision of customary act which was passed by Lakes state parliament in 2010.”

Bol affirmed that “the fine stipulated in the customary law is five thousand for person convicted of murder but special court of number one of Yirol West County had been collecting heavy fine of 10,000 Sudanese pounds, which is not aligned with provision of Customary Law Act 2010 of Lakes state.”

The fact finding committee which conducted the investigation recommended that the special court be headed by professional judge rather than chiefs.

The Adhoc Committee also investigated the justice system and the alleged unequal treatment of inmates at Yirol West prison.

Bol reported that relatives of the accused had in some cases been allowed to stand trial instead of the actual suspect.

However the commissioner for Yirol West Makur Kulang Liei, defended the justice system in his county.

Kulang said that “we have done the best of our ability to capture the culprits, it is full responsibility of judiciary to apply law correctly. We do not have any mandate to tell judiciary to speed up work. They are judges and they are responsible on how law is applied on criminal and county authority is on standby to execute the orders immediately based on [the] judge[s] recommendation.”

He also affirmed that prisoners in Yirol West County prison are being treated equally.

“There is no injustice inside prisons services. There is no VIP part in this prisons only the issue here is that judges delayed cases a lot. We are saving these prisoners at wave of justice approach as well in favor of human rights.”



  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Lakes state MP accuses special court of applying excessive fines
    in order for our country to run smoothly in the next few years;anyone who committed murder should be send to a prison for life or face death penalty. for example, 10,000 Sudanese pound is nothing comparing to someone life. this time we do not need illiterate judges but really judge with BS,MBA, and PHD. Now all jugdes in South Sudan should go for a special training in USA, CANADA, OR other western world countries,people should know that money is not an issue but human being life is very importance.

  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    Lakes state MP accuses special court of applying excessive fines
    So does the customary law encourages to kill? Those killers should be put to life in prison instead of allowing them to pay just a fraction of human lives they have inflicted. It seems that the state is encouraging those culprits to continue killing, what a shame for us the dinkas!

    In corruptions we the dinkas are number one, in killing each other, there goes us, in tribalism, nepotism,unfriendliness,laziness and all those evils do exist in our tribe, I don’t know when and how are we going to learn and live peaceful like other human beings. I regret being a dinka.

  • dinga

    Lakes state MP accuses special court of applying excessive fines

    That is fine for murder cases but the only problem is- the chiefs are taking the fine before the blood compensation of the kiled one. so they must follow the what so-called Lakes state customary law instead of deciding on their own under trees which have heavy and expensive demands.

  • Chol Buoi
    Chol Buoi

    Lakes state MP accuses special court of applying excessive fines
    Hello Guys,

    This is the latest development to be managed by the Lakes State authorities. Killing of human being, is not a joke in human rights law. I have actually appreciated these judges for their committment because they current MP in Rumbek Lakes State were still sleeping. Rumbek ‘s MP has nothing to do with special court. An exessive fines being done by these judges, is to minimize the constant clashes in Lakes State. You need not to think that, judges were looking after money. They’ve got two problems already which were overflowing.

    Shadrack Chol Buoi: I can be reached by [email protected]

  • dinkador1

    Lakes state MP accuses special court of applying excessive fines
    Killers,criminal,dogs.Do you know what you are doing in this world?
    GOOD DINKA IS THE DEAD ONE. Letter D stand for what?
    I am even a dinka, sorry for my tribes.

  • dinkador1

    Lakes state MP accuses special court of applying excessive fines
    WHY IS IT THAT, we dinkas have been killing peoples for long time and there is no change?
    Is it because our head is disconnect from the body?
    Or we are having milk without boiling?

    Give your comments sudanese to put an end for killing.

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