Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report

June 12, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir has reportedly agreed to withdraw his forces from the contested region of Abyei during a summit in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa.

Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir
Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir
“President Bashir has agreed to pull his troops out before July 9 with Ethiopia sending two battalions as peacekeepers. They will be deployed under the U.N. flag,” one diplomat told Reuters.

A second diplomat confirmed Bashir had agreed to the troop withdrawal and the deployment of Ethiopian peacekeepers.

The report if confirmed would mark a breakthrough despite earlier statements by the Sudanese leader and other officials vowing to never withdraw from Abyei.

“Abyei is Sudanese land, a Northern land [and] we will not withdraw from it,” Bashir said while addressing a meeting of educational workers and vocational teachers in Khartoum in late May after the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) took over the North-South border area.

SAF entered the oil-producing district on May 21 in retaliation for an ambush near Abyei blamed on the Sudan people Liberation Army (SPLA), which is the official army in the South. The Northern army convoy that came under attack was escorted by peacekeepers from the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS).

Khartoum said that 197 soldiers were either killed or are missing in the aftermath though the UN suggested the figure is exaggerated.

Mandoor al-Mahdi, a senior official with the National Congress Party (NCP) in the North, stressed that the issue of Abyei can only be resolved through a political solution or allowing the Arab Misseriya tribe to participate in the long awaited referendum.

The 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) promised Abyei residents their own referendum in January 2011 over whether to join north or south, but that did not take place as neither the NCP nor the SPLM could agree who was qualified to vote.

The Misseriya ethnic group are nomadic, spending part of the year in the Abyei area; their allegiance lies with north Sudan. The Dinka Ngok of Abyei are aligned with South Sudan and do not want the Misseriya to be included in the vote.

Al-Mahdi said that the military situation that now exists in Abyei and Southern Kordofan is “temporary” and will not continue for a long time pending an agreement with the SPLM.

South Kordofan has witnessed bloody clashes between SAF and SPLA which led to unspecified number of casualties and has displaced as many as 75,000 people according to the United Nations.

In response to these events the African Union (AU) called for a meeting in Addis Ababa between Bashir and South Sudan president Salva Kiir in a bid to defuse the tensions and reverse the escalation.

The proposal’s main point is withdrawing SAF from Abyei and replacing it with Ethiopian troops.

“The [Ethiopian] unit has already been identified and is only waiting for a green light from the U.N. Security Council,” the diplomat, who asked not to be named, added to Reuters.

The government spokesperson Rabie Abdel-Aati told the New York Times last month that Khartoum does not want any foreign troops in Abyei.

“We will not accept this,” he said in response to question about the Ethiopian troops proposal. “Maybe this is something under discussion. There have been many discussions, but no decision has been made.”

The international community is concerned that military confrontation on the border may derail the peaceful divorce between the North and South which will be official next month.



  • Land-of-Cush

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Dear readers

    Omer Al Bashir must be clever!!!!!!!!!!

    The Abyei citizens have considering and opened the case against the Government of Sudan and President Omar Al-Bashir before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the killings and displacement of the people of “Abyei” this is the serious case.

    Omer has been warns in several times by UN to withdraw his troops from Abyei then he keep insisting; but we don’t know yet what option they may take after that.

    The same way south Sudan government has been asking Omer Al Bashir friendly to withdraw his army from Abyei, but he never replied it even. This is the very serious warning; if south Sudan government takes an action and fight with north government guess this would likely cause more harmful to both north-south and lost their future relationship as neighbor countries.

    Everyone knows that SAF has taken over Abyei without fire exchanges between them and south Sudan police forces as south Sudan police forces were not aware of action taken against them by SAF with in the day.

    Instead for SPLA to take an action after they have learned about the SAF it being in Abyei town then south Sudanese president Kiir order his troops not to take any war against SAF. Kiir has emphasis that “South Sudan will not go back to war. It will never happen under my leadership and I have said this before,” president Kiir told journalists at a well-attended press conference in Juba.

    Omer Al Bashir must be clever and accept the withdrawal of his troops from Abyei if he needs north Sudan people to remain in peace and harmony.

    Also he knew that if he didn’t accept the withdrawing of his troops from Abyei then he should not attend Republic of South Sudan independent day.

    Omer has also realise that the taken over of Abyei and unattended of post-referendum i.e. border demarcation and many more will not stop south Sudan independent.

    Good luck Omer Al Bashir for your calculation; but make sure that we’re still watching were ever you go.

  • Lorolokin

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Basher if you do not withdraw by negotiations we will use force after 09.06.11 otherwise go out peacefully coz is in your interest to withdraw.


  • liberator3

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Dear: readers

    I wondered what Salva(slave) Kiir gave as a concession to Al-Bashir as the the condition for troops withdrawal.

    I think it won’t be long before Khartoum back off on this alleged agreement.

    Any deal signed with out the participation of the Vice-President of the South is meaningless and won’t be honor by the Arab. since, they know they are dealing with a coward and sell out weak cow boy style hat politician wanna be!!!

  • Mwalimu Chol
    Mwalimu Chol

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Withdrawing is not the most important,but CPA is the best than Bashir agrees.Don’t just listen to Bashir,listen to CPA which was signed Doctor John in the year 2005.
    Just imagine Bashir’s words,Abyei is Sudanese land,A Northern land we will not withdraw from it.Says Bashir

  • Janafil

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Can you check into records of SPLA/SPLM and tell us who is having good records and bad records between Raik and President kiir?

  • Janafil

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    We don,t care whether to withdraw your troops or not to withdraw from Abey before July 9,Indepedent of the South is just at the thresshold and we will let you know when to withdraw your troop whether you like or not.
    Mr president Umar, how can you fight your own people when you are still thier presiden?, I think that is wrong and it is already a declaration of war to people of Abey and you are telling them to joint South Sudan! so why are you still talking about Abey to be part of North Sudan when it is you who release them to go to South.
    No wonder mr President, mind your own

    So Abey people will answer your call for war after July 9,and SPLA will make sure they are backup, so don,t worry South Sudan will still take care of them for the meantime.

    Major General Janafil

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    You are arguing for nothing. Bashir pledges are sometimes empty. Maybe, because UN security Council are also convening a meeting regarding the deteriorarting situation in Sudan especially South Kordofan and Abyei and the might be resolution is not yet known. Bashir earlier called US “sticks and carriots” and he would not listen to them. Some of the pressures are external but Bashir knows very well the weakness of Junubine that they do not trust and appreciate each other achievements. This is the opportunity Bashir uses to invade the land and aim more to disarm SPLA northern members in Nuba mountains and Blue Nile. Mr. Bashir is very clever that was why in the CPA they decided to annex Western Kordofan to South Korodfan in order to confuse and make the situation difficult for the people of Kordofan and Blue nile to enjoy the peace and politican freedoms.

    To me Bashir is preparing the curtain to cover up the eyes of the International community and especially to put UN security council in a dilemma not take serious decision on Sudan affairs.

    I want UN security Council to make resolution of “No fly zone” over Sudan so that citizen are not bombed any more in areas of military conflicts.

  • monykuc, Southerner
    monykuc, Southerner

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Dear readers,

    As a commentators on this website, we need to be positive towards our leaders. It is not bad to be too ignorance or criticism but it is bad when it becomes a career.
    We need to respect them for simple logic that says, No existing government without permission from God.

  • Black Lion
    Black Lion

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Go the almighty Ethiopia Go! Let god help you to discharge your duties in unbiased and professional way and show the world that African problems need African solutions

  • Adam

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    For Sudan Tribune: the following statement is not accurate. It needs to be revised.

    “South Kordofan has witnessed bloody clashes between SAF and SPLA which led to unspecified number of casualties of as many as 75,000 people according to the United Nations.”

    A better statement could be:

    “South Kordofan has witnessed bloody clashes between SAF and SPLA which led to unspecified number of casualties. Many as 75,000 people are displaced, according to the United Nations.”

    As for Abyei, Withdrawal of SAF and SPLA from Abyei and replacing them by Ethiopian troops under the UN flag is not a solution. If this news is genuine, it comprises an important move to pave the way for real negotiations. I hope the presence of this new peace-keeping mission will not last for years.

    It is very important that all pending issues related to CPA should be addressed once and for all. They are organically connected. None of the pending issues can be resolved in isolation of the other issues. The most important factors in problem-solving are good will and confidence. This can be built by stopping all atrocities and interferences in the affairs of each other. There are many intelligent icebreakers by both parties that can put the fire off.

    Another very important thing to consider is to form delegations with full mandate from both North and South Sudan. Both presidents should be strong enough to accept the outcome of the results and sign the final document. Power centers in SPLM and NCP should be neutralized peacefully or by hook or crook. There should be a consensus on the negotiation strategy. No party should go to the table with the attitude that “All or Else”. There must be a room for concessions from both sides.

    International intervention will never help, because it is evident that there are so many factors and interests affecting their positions – benefits, welfare and interests of the South or North Sudan are not among them. It is much better to ask them to be observers and be witnesses- not players (although very difficult for GoSS).

    It is a long way to go for the South and the North to solve their problems. But it is nonnegotiable that they are destined to live together and cooperate, if they are to prosper.

    Let all narrow-minded and selfish politicians allow both nations to breath. War never solves problems. War has never been a right choice.

    Let us all think about our children and the future.

    It is better for both SPLM and NCP to be realistic and work for the benefit of the people of Sudan.

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Liberator3 and the rest,

    Salva Kiir is a firm person who cannot be easily sway into nonsense. Study his rise in the SPLM and how he assumed the leadership of the party after his comrade death and is on the verge to become the first president of the Republic of Southern Sudan (RSS). He is a man to be respected if not feared.

  • Jalinga

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Dinka dominated SPLA.

    you bro seem to be the last Dinka of all.This forum is for sharing global contributions/ideas, not for tribalistic actions.
    I want you to know that NOT EVERY BODY IN THIS FORUM IS A NUER OR DINKA. It is also not Dinka and Nuer network for you to clash in. My advice is IF YOU HAVE PROBLEM WITH RIEK MACHAR, HE IS YOUR DEPUTY. (LE INTA MA RUWA LE UWO INAK PERSONALY ASHAN INTUM BE NIKU BADUN IF YOU ARE A MAN. Don’t borther us with nonsense. we are here in the forum for developmental ideas because we are the government and the government is the people.



  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report

    War was not a right choice for the Sudanese people at first. That is a correct statement. But the Northern elites are people who can not be deal with in a peaceful environment.

    Why started another war in Kordufan when the one in Darfur is not stop?

  • Land-of-Cush

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Thanks you web master for removing those helpless comments.

  • Kon Garang
    Kon Garang

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Withdrawal of SAF from Abyei is a welcome move but, It does not guarantee permanent peace and stability in Abyei. Permanent solution should follow as soon as possible.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    I know many agreements dishonored by NCP regime but at this time we shouldn’t waste more time looking at Bashir if he is not willing to agree as demanded. Ethiopians are our brothers and sisters hence their coming to Abyei should not be focusing on peacekeeping mission only but also for economic purposes, we may be having things that Ethiopians needs if they are not living among us, they will not be having chances for it. Socially, we were used to visit each other recently. Today, there is nothing differentiate us much with Ethiopians. They are not our enemies like Egyptians to us. To me, they are welcome.

  • Chol Buoi
    Chol Buoi

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Dear Friends,

    It is a matter of common sense that the regime government in Khartoum will use every desperate measures to salvage its reputation as the regime that caused the break up of the country. To undo the damage, and to rally the Northern masses behind it, the cheap route to achieve that is to hang on to Abeyi at any cost regardless of the CPA blue print in regard to Abeyei. Moreover, they, the Mundukurus, could not find a best time to show their evil spirit, but just a month before Southerners finally skinned themselves from the cancerous body of the so called Sudan. Hence, we as Southerners aspiring to breath new air just distance away, we should not allow ourselves to be terrified by the Mundukuru erratic acts, rather, we should stick to and look forward to the final destination. Remember, Abeyi is Southern territory no matter what they the Mundukuru say and Southerners will reclaim it sooner or later after independence. So far, what we need at this crucial moment is that we have to rely on diplomacy regardless of their aggressions because their last hope is to put our independence in limbo by dragging us back to war. In the end, to go back to war or not, rests solely in the hands of the SPLM leadership. Mr.Omer Al-Hassan Bashir, was very clever enough to agree the withdrawal of SAF ‘s troops in the regions of Abyei Area before July as he said. Otherwise,ICC or NATO is on the way to attack Sudan ‘s Gov’t in some days to come.

    Shadrack Chol Buoi, I can be reahed at [email protected]

  • Maperdit

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Thanks Janafil for your brief question, i think the idiot who called him self liberator will cross check the record.
    To hell with his triator vice president of nuer.

  • Liberal

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    In fact, you are absolutely right. this website does not belong to Dinka or Nuer. I do not understand what kind of reasoning you guys have? Is it because you have been traumatized by war? Almost all of you are too negative and full of criticism seems like having no ambition about this Country.

    You should avoid such offensive language and discrimination ideology. You are the next leaders and you cannot learn on this website to be agressive if you are not brought up in tradition of not accept the facts. Change from today and see each other as brother and sisters if there are sisters on this web.

  • Martin Garang Aher
    Martin Garang Aher

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    The message is well put by major general Janafil.

    Bashir knows when he will be embarrasingly told or forced to leave Abyei. He is reacting in time thereby avoiding boos by bystanders and the genuine fact that the north will be given strict economic sanctions by the South Sudanese government. Deng Alor said recently that the South has stashed away billions of dollars that can keep it free from oil for four years in case war breaks out between the North and the South. This message sent chills down the spine of Khartoum and jahadists in the Sudan.

    Clearly the north cannot engage in war for four years with the South and without revenues from oil. The consequences can be very high in economical terms.

    Again, Bashir has seen that the clashes in Kordufan can easily transpire into a war that can reach Khartoum if properly exploited by the South. He might be right. South Sudanese are proving to be superb secular politicains and military brainies that can turn a hot geyser into a bitter cold spring. The point is clear; Khartoum is exhausted and frustrated over Southerners twisted cleverness. Who knows! If they thought Dr. Garang was the only Turabi of the South, then they have made a grandeur miscalculation.

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Dear Mr. Adam, hope you are well in Nairobi,
    I appreciate your comment here though I’m responding late due to some office commitments.
    Problems errupts due to the existing problems, we should all understand the major cause of conflicts which is mainly resources if not the whole world then Africa followed by many others.
    Bashir’s statement of the withdrawal of his troop is due to International pressure that piled up on his govn’t leaving him with limited choice than accepting to announce that.
    The implementation part of it will be a milestone and as slow as the steps of a chamelleon wanting the tension to extend up to July, another thing here is that UN is only good at negociation but not civilian protection so let them(UN) take the lead in to the push for implementation of Bashir’s statement otherwise SAF will not leave because they know what and how mush they will loose and through they think through war they will win but THAT IS A 50-50 chance a lose or win principal.
    The SAF is again shifting the minds of the people arround the world to blam SPLA for the attack in Kadugli by making a statement that the X-deputy who is SPLA should be blamed for the bloodshed there leavung himself out of the ICC warrant of arrest.
    It’s unfortunate that my country mate here are limited in thinking I do not know if due to the cuts on their faces that make them have almost no positive thinking other wise the best time for us young S.Sudanse to practice our ability to solve matters is now but they go ahead insulting one another instead of brainstorming on National issues. What benefit is there if I oppose Kirr or Promote Riak after all I know who and what they are but this is the time for us to back them up with bright and fresh Ideas.
    I do not support wars at all but dialog yes! so come on big boys let’s think together not thinking dinka or nuer or bari but S.Sudanese.
    Let’s see how the proposed AU peace keepers from Ethiopia will protect the civilian incase Bashir says no to his statments again because after Adis, he will be advised by Nafi Al Nafi so expect anything warse at any time.

  • Konan

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Today I read many funny stories about the Greatest Republic of Dinkastan, and how its neighbors are scared to death, u say what billion of dollars are kept for fighting the North hahahaha. Guys r u insane your country is devastated by the longest civil war in African. You have no infrastructur, no running water, no eletrcity, no roads, no food, IDS and highest rate of illiteracy and mother death in the World…etc. Wake up guys and washout these stupid thoughts from you mind.Hatred never built a country. Live and let live.

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Bogus president bashir of Sudan is now fearing about fighting being care out by SPLA in South Korodufen have force him to agree to withdraw his forces from Abyei in the nearer future shut up bashir SPLA will not agree with your peace and will continues with fighting until they will capture khartoum .

    Anti-tribalism .

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Terrorists; Adam and Mohammad Ali and Traitor Liberated,

    If the South Sudan is implementing your so-called-foreign agenda, then whose agenda is your terrorist cluster of merchants in Khartoum are implementing? During the war, your terrorists in the north have recruited countless Middle Eastern terrorists to come to your aid in the hand of pure African in the South, and we in the South have never complain on the internet about which foreign terrorist was sent to fight us. Instead of accusing others of your traditional practice, don’t you think it is fair to say that Khartoum is run by the most vicious terrorists of our time from the Middle East?

    I’ll have to stimulate your dull skull by explaining few head-up notches to see if you’re sane or otherwise insane. The foreign relationship that the GoSS is establishing cannot amount to your terroristic term of implementing foreign agenda. South Sudan is a country, and it has to link with other countries of the world in order to create a relationship of mutual interest with countries. This does not equal to inviting these countries to implement their agenda. It is also not as the same to your conspiracy allusion slogan of recruiting terrorists all over Arab world to join you in fighting our black African claiming a justified war (jihad) or holy war.

    So, to you insane terrorists, the reality is unfolding right in your own eyes. Soon you’ll be barricaded from all corners of the Sudan, East, West, North, and South. This will be a great devastation for you and your family. You will be subjected to an extravagant grilling to turn you into an authentic African physically. Your lower teeth will be removed as scarify to some of our traditional cultures in the South. Head marks will also be introduce to you, again to honor our African traditional cultures. The lucky ones who resisted this new Sudan order among you will be swung back to the desert, the actual place of your origin.

    I think I have made myself clear to you terrorists, the time has arrived were you’ll never be tolerated. This time, it is the African way or the high way to the desert for you terrorists. We don’t want to be refer to as a country where men wear skirt, head scarf, gowns (men and women) anymore. Any old days or modern day foreigner who wishes to stay permanently in the Sudan will be scan for any symptom related to terroristic syndrome, and must covert to the practice of African tradition, before democracy so forth.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Last month I was telling you about the jalaba plan to start wars by using some Southern elements and by using regular SAF, to make the independence fail on its agreed time, Abyei was their first implementation of that scheme. Omer Beshir cannot accept SAF withdrawal as this will mean a setback to his evil plans. Instead they will attack Blue Nile within days or even hours. The reason being that the Western Powers will not ask them as they never did anything in Abyei or Kordofan.

  • Bush

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    You are right! Beshir knew that he is not going to stay in Abyei forever and he doesn’t want embarrassment either. He knows exactly what Southerners are and what they are thinking, that’s why he has accepted to withdraw his militias from Abyei, he is also fearing to disappoint the AU because they can turn against him if he seems to stubborn to them and they will arrest him.

    From today onward his not welcomed in the South anymore, we don’t want him to attend our celebration on July 9.

    Christian United for Israel

  • Dhalaluaak

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    The Dinka had suffered for a very long time running every where in the South chasing Arabs away from our land such that you can be a free person like you are now.The Nuer had suffered the same cause as dinka even though there were some draw backs.We still grant them some respects than what you are thinking of Koran/Quran minded Arab slave.

    I am totally convince and asseverated what my former colleague Garang Aher has just said is true and logical in my view.If Dr.Riek did not signed the extraction of oil by the north,the SAF/NIF would have not gained the power they have today.So my friend money is a factor in every war except us[we] the southern Sudanese citizens who just volunteered and sacrificed our lives for the seek of our freedom.Which had not happened on the other side of the coin[North].Money Fought/fight for the SAF/NIF regime.Do You think all those rebels who are fighting us alongside SAF/NIF volunteered themselves?No,not really they are being duped and lured with money.Please don’t back any good and genuine comments on this site with your rhetorical and baseless comments.

    Mind you i am not against Dr.Riek in this comment but i am giving mr.Koran a word of enlightenment on how the SAF gained power to challenge his rejection on the use of money in connection to war[s].We are all south Sudanese,and if we are then there is no need weaving a divisive nets here to spoil our fundamental and respectful communities here.

    Please let contribute some useful ideas in order to help rebuilding our torn country instead of preaching tribalism here.
    Unity We Stand,Divided we fall and unity is a strength.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Bashir smell the smoke of the guns in Nuba Mountain and he learns that Abyei war will be worse than Nuba Mountain. Great decision Mr. Bashir because war will affect us both this time.

  • Jamuz3 BARECH
    Jamuz3 BARECH

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Bashir is cheating miseriya like Darfurian during long war between SPLA and SAF by saying let fight non belivers( Kufaar) who are against Islamic religion but, now he is killing them like fish and snake.Mesirya should not spoil their relationship with native of Abyei because they are the one to suffer.Bashir and his gang are looking for oil and Mesirya cattles need water and pastures in the land.imagine, exploitation of oil had been in existence since and mesirya benefit nothing from it except grazing of their herds of cattles and free movement toward South even far to Warab state of Bharel-ghazell.seizure of Abyei mean not living in the land forever. SPLA is still powerfull.Kurmuk was captured rotationly between SPLA and SAF .who is now in Kurmuk , SAF or SPLA???.Abyei will never be part of north forever.It is Dinka land given to them by God and humanbeing cannot take it away.Silent of Southerners and SPLA not to react at this moment mean something.Abyei will be Like Bandeme( small land b/n Ethiopia and Eretrea) that destructed many life from both countries in 1998.
    Also Abyei Sons must united and fight both politicaly and physically. they were in Khartoum all these years of agony&struggling .Francis Mading Deng and his group of intellectuals should not hide in abroad and their grandmothers, uncles,sisters,brothers and enire tribe is mistreated and Kills on daily basis by Arab while keeping silent.In Dinka says,what broght to action by brain cannot finish with out witnessed by eye( consequences of bad idea), Their fathers chosen Arab in 1905 and it consequences are now more than an advantages.faced it.Why not Dinka in Bhareghazel and Abeliang in upper Nile never choose Arab.Abyei people were enjoying honey of being part of El Obeid in the past and now blood flow like water of red sea.Cowards people of Abyei should not backward people again , the coming hours are to be spare for development in the new Nation of south Sudan.Cowards people of Abyei must taste the coming struggle in Abyei not to fear any more, General Piang Deng and tiny figure that was in struggle since 1983 is not enough.I known Mr. Piang as brave man in that money lover community .Piang was our leader of Red Army in Ethiopia when he got only rank of 1st LT( Mulazim Awel in 1986 .ARAB is very strong because great number of Abyei people is with Bashir in Khartoum and rest escaped to oversea.the recent invasion in Abyei involved by Abyei sons in SAF(good sources brought it to us) who seek for releadership like the way bashir disolved administration and put his poineers.
    No thanks to Abyei Sons for they spy their own motherland.

  • Bungachier 50
    Bungachier 50

    Sudanese president agrees to withdraw SAF from Abyei: report
    Mr. Liberator 3,

    Good morning.

    Dear colleagues readers correct me if what I am going to tell this man is wrong.

    Liberator 3! in the African Tradtional Society respect for the Elders is of Paramount even if you do not know the person. But for your case, it is becoming an Habit that when ever you log on to Sudan Tribune Website, you must at least ABUSE Salva Kiir first.

    My perception about your personality is this:
    1. You might be having a personal problem with Salva Kiir
    2. You might be mentally disorganized/Mad.
    3. You might have been brought up on the Street
    4. Or you lack what to write about.

    Dear readers of Sudan Tribune News, I’m writing all this out of my experience/Studies on Liberator 3.

    When people are talking about National Issues, Liberator 3 will only talk of President Kiir Mayardit.
    Try your luck and learn about some thing called DELEGATION of Powers. There are things the President can do and those that can be done by the Vice President.

    Please! change you attitudes Brother
    or else the elders will CURSE you to the GRAVE.

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