Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official

June 13, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – North Sudan’s army on Monday carried out an airstrike on South Sudan’s oil-rich Unity State for the second time this week, according to multiple sources, in what appears to be a spillover from fighting in neighboring South Kordofan State.

air_strike-jpg.jpgAs fighting between the north Sudan army and South Sudan-allied troops in the country’s central state of South Kordofan intensified, the south accused the northern army last Thursday of heavily bombarding Jaw payam [district] in Unity State, alleging that the strike had killed five civilians and left 15 others seriously injured.

Last week’s raid was reported by the commissioner of Parieng town in the Unity State who told Sudan Tribune that his town had experienced a three-hour aid raid by north Sudan army on Thursday, adding that 200 people had fled the bombardment.

The commissioner of Pariang County, Mabek Lang, on Sunday reported a fresh air attack by North Sudan Amy.

“The bombing that hit Jaw village occurred between 7am and 9am local time” Lang told Sudan Tribune over the phone from the region’s capital, Juba.

The village, which holds a Southern Sudanese army base, lies on the ill-defined borders between north and south Sudan, which is due to declare independence on July 9.

Friday’s airstrike was confirmed by the official spokesman of South Sudan Army Philip Aguer.

“There has been another bombing of the south. It was this morning, at the same location (as Friday), at Jau in Unity state. It was more Antonovs from Khartoum,” he told Reuters on Monday.

The Unity state government condemned the air raid as an “unlawful act” committed by the Khartoum government.

Fears of a return to an all-out war between north and south Sudan have risen dramatically after the north Sudan army last month occupied the hotly contested region of Abyei and fighting erupted in the sensitive central state of South Kordofan which border South Sudan.

South Sudan is wary of being embroiled in a war that could derail the region’s official independence day of July 9 and as such insisted that it has no intention of going to war with the North despite the recent military escalation.



  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    See and read the other article about JEM attack in Higlig oilfields on 9 June.

    “The rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) carried out an attack on the airport of the oil rich area of Heglieg saying it wanted to warn petroleum companies to stop facilities to the Sudanese army. Located in South Kordofan state, the Heglieg oil fields are operated by the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company, a consortium of China National Petroleum Corporation, Petronas Carigali Overseas of Malaysia, ONGC Videsh (the overseas arm of ONGC) of India and Sudan’s oil company, Sudapet.”

    Interestingly there is no smoke without fire as the saying goes.

    So, JEM forces of Darfur attacked Higlig oilfields between Unity state and South Kordufan on 9 June! Wow, that is the reason why SAF air planes bombarded Parieng county of Unity state near Higlig at the same time last week to repel the Darfur rebels.

    SPLA should not use foolish war tactics by inviting JEM to the North-South border. This will soon be used by Khartoum to invade the South. Remember what they did in Northern Bhar el Ghazal when they suspected JEM in the area.

    If JEM wants to have military alliance with SPLA, let them attack Kadugli in the North and not station themselves at the North-South border.

    Higlig is supposed to be in Unity state, not Abyei or now in South Kordufan. It was the poor and greedy tactic of Abyei sons in Nairobi before the CPA was signed that they claimed Higlig oilfields as part of Abyei instead of Unity state. Late Garang gave them higlig, but now they have lost it to the north in South Kordufan. If it remained in Unity state, South Kordufan would let have claimed it now. But still Unity state will get it back.

    And please don’t make a mistake of inviting JEM to North-South border before July 9. This will be used by SAF to attack the South. It is a foolish maneuver on the part of the SPLA or whoever is proud of JEM coming to Parieng county of Unity state.

  • Your Freedom
    Your Freedom

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    Time is near , they will feel the worse by july 10 , South sudanse are not such coward , we fought them with ancient rifle when they were using airoplane agaist us and they were defeated , this time our border with them will be Dongola , Hailiap Hiil with Egypt , they will be send back soon or conveted , and the rest will be assimilated , this real quote me well , Sudan will disintegrate just like former Yugoslavia

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    Surely “unlawful” when talks are ondergoin for the crisis and bombing is exetended to calm areas.
    From the direction of what I’m seeing, ‘DIPLOMACY WILL FAIL’ and as SPLM/A says they have no intension to return to war, it should be ready to compensate the faimly that experiences this lose as victims of surcumstances at the cost of waiting for the independance.This is not war time like of the last 24yrs fighting but time for peace and freedom for all.
    The NCP should be a party that respect consititution, Human Rights, Justice and Rule of Law in order to be recognized as political party with ambition.Moreso, they should respect the rule of the use of firearms yet this is 100% suable to Court of Law.
    We are humanbeings and have right to exist not just to be bomb at a will like that, we need to be protected at all time.
    This is an that affects us all as Southerners but not particullar region or tribe, so let’s think together as Southerners and give the neccesary support to our leaders without looking at their weeknesses, all of us have weekness at different point in life, areas of management and etc.


  • Jamuz3 BARECH
    Jamuz3 BARECH

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    breaking of this long term silence in Juba will be solution .if we shy a way from talk and response to the act of Bashir, Our natives will not reach 9 July. The same people are the one to be govern if leader hide in an umbrella of independent.our leaders do disclose that no room for backing to War and people are finishing behind.
    What can innocent people do if gun holders shy away.Abyei people suffered and no response.Steal public fund/ money in Juba and Bashir is playing his game in land of cowards people.


  • Adam

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    It is well known that SPLA is supporting South Kordofan SPLA and Darfur rebels in many ways. There is no way to control the border line, if there is no will from GoSS and the GOS. Rebels can infiltrate either direction. GoSS should not interfere in the North affairs and stop support Darfur and Kordofan rebels with weapons, logistics. Otherwise, SPLA officials should not cry or denounce attacks launched by SAF.

    It is also pity that no one can exactly say if the bombarded area is not in the North, as SAF is saying. Unfortunately, all the border line is not clear, except in some few areas. I remember that NCP and all political parties (South and North) were warning that demarcation should be done prior to secession or this may lead to a fresh round of war between South and North, especially that SPLM is increasingly behaving aggressively with bad feelings and intentions towards the North. SPLM and NCP have failed to settle border demarcation for trivial reasons. This is very volatile file.

    SPLA, please stop crying and be serious and finish the pending issue with NCP. Let the two teams do the work in Ethiopia and reach an agreement. Concessions by both parties have to be made.

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official

    If the north disintegrate at least you will not be able to export your oil , upon which your new state 100% depends. There will be free movement of arms to the south, and souther rebells groups will have basis in the north.The misery,suffering and chaos will be the nrom in the jungles of the south.Disease, hunger , illiteracy will spread and escalate!

    Ofcourse you will be safe in your asylum drinking your beer, quinching your hatred and enjoy the suffering of your own people.

    All this you are ready to pay just to quinch your hatred!

    Hatred is an untractable disease.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    SAF should learn to respect other people’s territories. I am wondering how will the two neighboring countries will survive in peace when the SAF attacks the border area every time. I want even to say to the SPLM to revise former agreements with untrustworthy NCP such as the continuity of oil refineries in the north. I condemn the attack on southern borders.

  • Sam.Eto

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    This is the same governor who 2 weeks ago – begged the darfur rebels to attack in South Korduran. Now you cry. Why do you have a an SPLM base right on the unmarked border with the North unless you are planning up to no good. Withdraw your forces or be prepared to be bombed to the stone age – Oh sorry you already live in the stone age !

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    Truth Teller,

    What do you know about Higlig? especially the presence of SAF and militias that support them? if JEM have really attacked Higlig as it has been said, I don’t think they came from the southern Unity State that’s a false allegation. JEM attacked Khartoum the Capital city of Sudan four years ago, they came through Northern Kordofan State, and Khartoum did not sent antinovs to bombard northern Kordofan. Please, if you don’t know what Khartoum is trying to do in the south, just keep quiet and let those who know talk. the hatred in your heart to the SPLA/M has drives you against the south, whoever support the attack on the south or violence against her I count him/her with south’s enemies. SAF is a failure army who doesn’t defend its border (Halaief) but return to kill her citizens in pretext of peace and security. stop blaming your leaders and do the right think to your upcoming country.

  • Sam.Eto

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    P.s Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press !!

    Stop your painful rambling and constant endless ignorant questions. It clearly shows your lack of professional journalism especially when all your questions are ’Umm, yes, no, yes, no .. what is the UN going to do about – Haroun, Bashir and GOS.’ Dont you have any relevant questions.

    Why dont you ask about the allegations that the SPLM is committing atrocities and Human rights abuses in the South. Why dont you ask why Mr. Al Hilu is disputing Haroun won the elections and endorsed by the international community and Al Hilu’s call for war when he knew he lost. You state the SAF troop build up was going on for weeks – how about the SPLM build up and using Darfur rebels.

    Your weak journalism cant be covered by your constant bombardment of stupid unprofessional questions. I would really love to know who pay’s you – but im sure i wont be surprised when i find out. Its usually low lives like you who can be bought and make the most noise with no essence.

    Next time there is an SPLM delegation in New York – ask them some serious questions ? Your so attentive when Ocampo visits – you guys old drinking buddies?

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    Terrorists: Adam and Mohammad Ali; Traitors: Liberated, and Mss Gat-witch aka lie-Teller

    If the South Sudan is implementing your so-called-foreign agenda, then whose agenda is your terrorist cluster of merchants in Khartoum are implementing? During the war, your terrorists in the north have recruited countless Middle Eastern terrorists to come to your aid in the hand of pure African in the South, and we in the South have never complain on the internet about which foreign terrorist was sent to fight us. Instead of accusing others of your traditional practice, don’t you think it is fair to say that Khartoum is run by the most vicious terrorists of our time from the Middle East?

    I’ll have to stimulate your dull skull by explaining few head-up notches to see if you’re sane or otherwise insane. The foreign relationship that the GoSS is establishing cannot amount to your terroristic term of implementing foreign agenda. South Sudan is a country, and it has to link with other countries of the world in order to create a relationship of mutual interest with countries. This does not equal to inviting these countries to implement their agenda. It is also not as the same to your conspiracy allusion slogan of recruiting terrorists all over Arab world to join you in fighting our black African claiming a justified war (jihad) or holy war.

    So, to you insane terrorists, the reality is unfolding right in your own eyes. Soon you’ll be barricaded from all corners of the Sudan, East, West, North, and South. This will be a great devastation for you and your family. You will be subjected to an extravagant grilling to turn you into an authentic African physically. Your lower teeth will be removed as scarify to some of our traditional cultures in the South. Head marks will also be introduce to you, again to honor our African traditional cultures. The lucky ones who resisted this new Sudan order among you will be swung back to the desert, the actual place of your origin.

    I think I have made myself clear to you terrorists and traitors, the time has arrived were you’ll never be tolerated. This time, it is the African way or the high way to the desert for you terrorists with your rear-wipers traitors. We don’t want to be refer to as a country where men wear skirt, head scarf, gowns (men and women) anymore. Or as country where men steal other men properties, this is shameful.

    Any old days or modern day foreigner who wishes to stay permanently in the Sudan will be scan for any symptom related to terroristic syndrome, and must covert to the practice of African tradition, before democracy and so forth. Any traitor who wish to remain in the South must behave like human simply or else, he/she might as well be swung to the desert with his masters.

  • liberator3

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    Fearless man

    It’s not a lied! let me correct myself! Sudan tribune says, Hillary Clinton shares a laugh with Salva Kiir in this photo which by the way was taken in Addis Ababa yesterday.

    But the picture Hillary Clinton was sharing a laugh with is not Salva Kiir’s but with Nafi Al Nafie the Senior advisor to Omer Al-Bashir.

    Sudan Trubune just put a wrong caption in this photo.

    Warning: Addis was my home for many years with out me and many Nuers SPLA would not have been given sanctuary in Ethiopia. Do not threat me little chicken head.

    Please Sudan tribune again correct this caption in this photo given the impression that Hilary Cliton was laughing in this photo when is not. got to her state department website and you would not even find this pic except Nafie Ali Nafie and AU Jean ping..

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    I don’t know why are you so jealously and trying to denial the realities? Is it becaused he is not Riek or what? my friend Salva is president of the country and he can meet any one on the plant leave alon he met Hillary Clinton,
    Salva can even meet with God if he could not just secretary , He met with president Bush before something that your boss bashir never made,
    That picture you disput was taken yesterday 13 and there is no way that you will belived since you are being blind by jealousy,

    Salva is a very good leader that nobody disrespected himapart from you bounch of looser who think day and night what to bring you to power,

    Salva is going to rule for 72 year if you don’t change your attitudes toword him,
    He could do something that you and alike will never forget,

    Do people know the SPLA/M really? it is the same that SPLA/M that you left and than later came back with shame,

    I urge some of you to tell your uncle and father to form their own parties in order to feel free form Dinkas if you think the SPLA/M is being runn by the DINKAS,

  • Bush

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    This forum is full of idiots like Adam, Mohamed Ali, Sam.Eto and the like as if they are the only learned Mandukuru in the north. No one in the NCP knows you and what you are doing here, you are just barking here for nothing, you don’t represent anyone in the north, you sons of slaves.

    Christian United for Israel

  • Bush

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    @Sam.Eto, Mohamed Ali and Adman

    What made the NCP to sign the CPA in 2005 if they don’t want peace? They would have refused to sign it than regretting it later. Does it mean that war is the only means that they use to silent the oppositions and cling onto power? Why can’t those Arab bustards in the north understand to live in peace?

    Christian United for Israel

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official

    You are absolutely right, SAF should respect other peoples territories! Nobody will ever say something against this.

    But what would you say when your president, my country will not harbour any rebells from our neigboures and I am going to expel all of them out; after a very long period of denial. Suddenly you find these rebillions have bases and regular arm and logistic support!

    All the rest of the talks about Arabs, midlle east, terrorist…bla..bla..is junk and it is not of any concern to me, for it is not of any concern to the million of poor southerners who were hoping just very little from their oil wealth and decades long wars. They donnot want all this propoganda which you are talking about and they donnot understand it and they donnot care about it.They want Peace, Bread, Medicine and schools. You cannot enjoy all the advanced infrastrucure, advanced education and health system and even the luxury of organising ” beauty contest” in your asylum places, and deny them the simplest and fundamental requirment of life…..Peace. This unfair!

    War..war , violence,Arabs.. killing…profani, tribalism, racism Where are you heading guys?!This belligerent mentality is going to destroy you before it affects us.

    You are fighting wars even on this web site! Do the Arabs,mandokorrow, jalaba , NCP, or Basheer conspire to push you to do so?God had created you with brains to use them positively.

    We simply want to live in peace and you live in peace. Is that too much ? Is that so difficult?

  • Your Freedom
    Your Freedom

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    If you are real analysis, take my word , your Khartoum elite will have their safe haven in saui Arabi , you know what had happen in Midle east and it is real, Gadafi will go soon , although disisitigartion of Khartuom will not be like its counterpart in Arab world because other would ask their rights, because NCP has burried people rights in the North and i wish to inform my brother in the South here we are aleardy free by putting 99.9% in the box , but your freedom will not be achieved like our , simply take your guns or go to roads , two night only Bashir will go and you will be free, or else join your brothers in Kadugli , assk shae NCP away so that you will be free like us , now we are free ,

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official

    We will go to Saudia, where will the poor southerners will go?

    For sure you have already your asylum, you will never ever come to Sudan or fight any war!

    Your brothers are already taking their guns,killing each othe every day.

    Enjoy your asylum , man; just leave the people of Sudan alone!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official

    You should answer you, question yourself, because you are so intelligent and think that whoever had a different idea from yours is an idiot!

    The answer for an idiot like me is so simple, because they donnot want, but are very capable of defending themselves when intelligent people like you choose to go to war!

    Unfortunately, intelligent people donnot go for war, only idiots do!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    they donnot want war

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official

    Though it has no value, but here is the laugh:


    I hope Sudan Tribune will not delete this as usual!

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    Mohammed Ali

    we can live with out oil.
    we have live for centuries with no oil.
    ours Agriculture will survives us until the end of this world. That oil will be closed down for 3 years with no operation.
    until thing works out. go to slaves country saudi Arab and Asirian Egyptian will follow you to Asirian Middles East While African claim their Egypt in 2030.

    African awake now for their land all Arab of North African will return to middles East.

    Son of the Nile

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    Mohamed Ali,

    I am not quiet sure about your allegations that the south is harboring the rebels from Darfur. May be you are right because these rebels have a long history of relationships with the SPLA/M, but to harbor them now in order to fight the north who are partners of CPA I don’t think is a right decision. As I mentioned somewhere today that JEM four years ago attacked Khartoum through northern Kordofan state but SAF did not sent antinovs to bombard this state as they did twice in Unity State. At the same time I don’t think that JEM used Unity State border to attack Higlig which is surrounded by many miliamen and SAF. they may have used another means to attack this area. But this attacked doesn’t justify sending antinovs to bomb populated areas in Unity State, this means enmity against the south.

    Concerning the aggressive minded against the north as you see it, I don’t think that there is any person from the south who is against you as people. But the southerners are against what they see as injustices against humanity such as the events of Abyei and southern Kordofan. I think we cannot loose heart of our relationship which endured for a very long time because the secession is not the end of everything, we don’t know what the future hold for Sudan. May be some generations may think of reuniting it again in future as it happened in Yeman.

    about your question of where are southerners heading, I think they are in a right way, though that way is not made of flowers, but of thorns sometimes. remember southerners fought the war for a long time and consequences of that war are now coming up which really need the attention of every southerner to address. second this is our first time to govern ourselves in the history of the whole Sudan. We are now a nation though we don’t understand the term itself. I think we will survive despite difficulties, and the government in the south will be stable but after struggle to fight some issues. The views that many prostrated southerners express in the website do not belong to the south as a whole but to individuals.

    You also thought that I am in asylum, but that is not true, I came to east Africa to do my Masters which has now ended and I will be back soon to contribute into the development of my country. So, please note that I don’t hate your nation because we have many common things than any other nations have with us, we only need recognition and respect as well as you need it from our side.

  • mohamad adam
    mohamad adam

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    madut tong
    i liked and respect your contribution and respond to mohamad ali
    because i know southerners very well and iam sure that most or the majority of the sotherners are too much understanding and most of them are enjoing naturali good heart and vission
    but when i read the coments on this site just i wonder with pain where this comentors blong to?
    because they do not reflect the vews of true southerners
    i do respect the outcome of the refrundom though i bleave that time will come and both the north and south will come again to their sence and unite again because we have many many things in comon bleave me most of us in the north have true and deep love for our brothers in south though there is some people in both north and south are carring in their hearts hate to each other time will come and we in north and south will realise the mistakes we did on our futre generations to come
    thanks madut for your contribution and keep on reflecting the vews of the southerners schoolars i did my best to express my vew with my limited knolege of english language

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny,

    Donnot say we, say I, because yuo will never come back to Sudan. You will remain in your asylum receiveing you weekly handout or food cheques with no pride in yourself.

    With financial crises tightining up am afraid you will be deported or you will remain with no food.

  • Sam.Eto

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    I’m sorry if our presence in this bar of drunken war mongoring Southern diaspora of hateful refugees, upsets your mood. We stand up for our country and true with a clear knowledge of facts.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official

    I honestly respect and appreciate the way you are talking now.

    Let us not to dispute wheather there is JEM or not , because on the negotiating table everything will on the table, all evidence from both side. Neither southerners nor northener will deny the facts on the table.

    But let me remined of a small thing! Salva Kiir personally said he will order Darfurian rebells out; 2 days later Dr. Luka said this will take time and Pagan said these people are still in their country! Al Hilou who himself is from Darfur ” Masaleet” is very well connected with Darfur rebels.

    Having said , I will be very fair, to say that the north probably has got some sort of connection with the rebells in the South. The thing I am 100% sure of is that the rebells in the south are not getting any real support from the north.

    The north does not want any chaos in the south, otherwise they could have disturbed the referundum. The fact is that they accepted the result, also nobody liked it. They did not like it, this true, but they said , let us look forwrd, borders is nothing , people are not going to svere 100 years relationship in one day!At least if you donnot trust the good will of northerners, you have to understand they will not endanger the oil industry which is a good source of income even if it is going to be 10%!

    The talk about attractive unity is political wrangiling. Nothing can be more attractive than the CPA itself.SPLA or the south can rule itself 100% alone with 30% ruling the north, and can rule the whole country if they win the presidency and parlimentary elections, but northeners can never rule the south, they are not allowed to contest there at all!Without any burden to the budget of the for defence,foreign affairs and all the central government responsibilities. What can be more lucreative than that?!

    Millions of southerners found refuge in north during the war, having the same rights as we have , going to the same school, hospitals, universities..everywhere.Do you think if they were not, comfortable, would they be here and still southands are here, nobody is bothering them!War was between the army and the rebells whatever you call them , but there was no war with the people of the South in the north even during the darkest days of the war!A good example of that was after the death of Garang, southerners went on rampage killing people on the streets and at their homes. Why? Even if Basheer killd Garang openly , why killing me, go and kill Basheer not me.After 2 days people reconciled with them without any bitterness. May be you did not come to the north, but the majority of normal southerners have very good memories, apart from the politicians who have their own agenda!
    We also 100% have nothing against you, we donnot hate you.

    Coming to the main object, war is not in the interest of neither the north or the south.Remember, NCP said let us complete the border demarcation before the referundum according to CPA.SPLA refused and said it is only 20% not demasrkated, let us do after the referindum! Now what are they doing? They are putting army on the disputed areas with rebells from Darfur and South Kordufan.This will not lead to peace and they are not supported by the international community because they gave reassurance to the GOS about that!

    There is a branch of the SPLA who is playing a dangerous game, probably when you see that Pagan is so quite you will understand that there was something!

    WE are not politicians, what is our role,?Our role is to “figh” against WAR and hatred. We have had enough! War is not going to solve our problems , it will only bring disaster and misery.You ask me why we were figting for 50 years; I would say It was wrong; Souther should have been given whatever thay wanted 50 years ago, by now we could have been united and in love! You would say , are you still dreaming , I would say Yes.Unity is good for both of us. Nobody in the 21 century will dream to dominate others in his own country. Insanes are there every day and everywhere, few days ago someone predicted the date of the doomsday! Now he himself is in coma!

    Why should you beg for respect? You should earn it? How many people in Sudan are respected as Mawalana Abel Alier,(Mr) Dr, Richard Hassan Kalam Sakit, Prof Moses Machar and I would say Dr. Lam Akol ” if his name was not spoiled by politics’ I and many other respect him despite the fact he was quite famious for his seperatist viwes” nothing is wrong with that , it is his opinion and right” I have named just few. I mentioned only few, probably you donnot Mr. Richard the great orthopaedic surgeon , when he passes through the corridors of the Khartoum Teaching hospital every sitting person will stand for him with respect, very few people in Sudan get that. You donnot need to ask for respect, you earn it, you are not less than any to beg for it in the first place!

    Sincerely , am very sorry about calling you Asylum seeker. I have seen them and I know many of them from both the south or north. To be very fair, majority are disgrace! One day I was travelling from London by train in the smoking car, I went to the toilet, found two guys smoking, well they were not forigners to me , it was so obvious they were Sudanese, they were smoking . I said SALAM, hey guys why are you smoking here. I was so naieve. They said they were smoking special cigrattes. Still very naieve , said what special about cigarettes it is all the same. No, they said, it is green cigarettes; oh……….They were about 22-23 years old and they were political refugees!

    Hope you finish your master and PhD, AND FOR SURE YOU WIL BE GOOD FOR YOUR COUNTRY AND PEOPLE.


  • Ariambek

    North Sudan strikes again in Unity State, southern official
    Ali Mohammed,
    Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, Crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, who are you answered all these questions.

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