Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei

June 14, 2011 (JUBA) – The African Union sponsored negotiations conducted in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, on Sudan’s Abyei crisis has ended without any agreement, according to a senior official of the South Sudan’s ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir (R) speaks with African leaders during the Africa Panel high-level talks in Addis Ababa June 12, 2011 (Reuters)
Sudan’s President Omar Hassan al-Bashir (R) speaks with African leaders during the Africa Panel high-level talks in Addis Ababa June 12, 2011 (Reuters)
The President of Sudan and chairman of the National Congress Party (NCP), Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and his First Vice President, President of the semi autonomous South Sudan – SPLM chairman – Salva Kiir on Sunday and Monday met in the Ethiopian capital under the auspices of the AU High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP), chaired by the former South African president, Thabo Mbeki.

Upon Kiir’s arrival at Juba International Airport from Addis Ababa today, the minister in the office of the President, Cirino Hiteng, said that no agreement has been reached over Abyei by the two parties contrary to reports that have circulated in the media.

Reuters reported Sunday an anonymous diplomat as saying that Bashir had agreed to withdraw the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) from the disputed border territory of Abyei and approved the deployment of Ethiopian troops to the area.

On Monday an AU spokesperson said that a deal had been reached to demilitarize the disputed fertile and oil-producing region and to deploying Ethiopian peace-keepers to in the area.

Hiteng said the SPLM had demanded SAF‘s unconditional withdrawal from Abyei and replacement with Ethiopian troops representing the UN.

The southern minister said that the NCP insisted that a brigade of its forces would remain in the contested region. The North also wanted a new administration established in Abyei that is split 50/50 with the SPLM while the chief administrator would be nominated by the NCP.

After the northern military (SAF) took over Abyei on May 21, Bashir dissolved the Abyei administration without informing Kiir – an act South Sudan says is in contravention of the peace deal the two sides signed in 2005. The north says that its occupation of Abyei was in response to two attacks on SAF convoys by southern armed groups near the area.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement ended over two decades of civil war and allowed South Sudan to secede through a referendum in January. However, Abyei’s own plebiscite to determine whether or not it would join the south did not go ahead due to disputes over who was allowed to vote.

The talks in Addis Ababa were seen as key to resolving the Abyei dispute ahead of South Sudan’s independence celebrations on July 9, to which Bashir has been invited.

However, despite the positive early reports and encouragement from US secretary of state Hilary Clinton no agreement appears to have reached.

“In short there was no agreement on Abyei,” Hiteng told the press upon return from the talks.

Hiteng explained that Clinton, told the two sides to forget about the Abyei administration and focus on the security arrangements in the area until the region conducts its referendum.

The SPLM official said the two parties will continue to hold further talks and try to reach an agreement on Abyei crisis and the ongoing fighting between SAF and its allied militia and northern members of the SPLA – the military wing of the SPLM – in South Kordofan.

In Khartoum the government sponsored Sudanese Media Center (SMC) website quoted an army source as saying that the North has no intention of withdrawing from Abyei.

The unnamed military source said that there is no reason for SAF to pull out after establishing full control over the region and extending stability and security to the citizens there.

He also denied reports claiming that Bashir has agreed to withdraw from the contested area.

“Mr. president [Bashir] made it clear that SAF would stay in Abyei and not withdraw because it is Northern [land]” the source said.

However he revealed that talks on the deployment of Ethiopian forces is still being discussed.

Agence France Presse (AFP) said that talks in Addis Ababa are still ongoing between North and South delegations.



  • Khartoum92

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    SPLA Elements Handover Weapons to SAF in Taludi
    Posted on Wednesday, June 15 @ 00:05:00 UTC by admin

    Kadugli – Some 60 SPLA elements handed over its weapons to the government authorities in Taludi area in South Kordofan State whilst another number expressed their desire to lay down their weapons in the areas east and west Kadugli.

    Sudanese Armed Forces continued its advance and combing the western and southern areas reaching Balanja are.

    Informed sources affirmed that SAF had inflicted heavy losses on SPLA and captured a number of military vehicles.

    Wait until we finalize the peace in South Kourdufan with northern SPLA, You will soon see SAF soldiers walking around your house in JUBA

  • dengtaath

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    This will not surprise many Southerners, Bashier and his people cannot be predicted, a culture of shame, how would he denied today some thing happened yesterday in the eyes of all people. Shame on Khartoum

  • kulea

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    no matter what Abyei is under South territory whether they like or not Arab must leave out from Abyei in July 15/11

  • Riak

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei

    First of all you must know that what you’ve said is not related to the above article.Therefore,it’s senseless!

    Back to what you’ve just says, I would therefore like to assured you that, no one will either buys your damn hoax, unless it is fully verify.

    So, it’s better for to keep your damn daydreaming and lies to yourself. Otherwise, you need to recalled how it was during the last 22yrs before you can shamefully embark on the course of mere distraction.

  • liberator3

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Dear: readers

    As I said before, any deal signed by Salva Kiir won’t be honored by the Khartoum Government. This was the waste of money and resources to travel to Addis Ababa and still comes out empty handed by Salva Kiir and his Abyei bastard son Deng Alor Kuol. What a waste of of time and south limited resources!

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Dear Southerners,

    Abyei is not going to be easy for North Sudanese governmnet. If they think that their entering to Abyei is just a gift or weakness from SPLM/A,then I want them to just let the Northerners sleep deeply in Abyei as their territory that they took from SPLA by force. SAF still remembered SPLA during the war,so I am personally knowing that the problems of Abyei and South Kordufan are just a matter of time. The aggression of Khartoum government is not making us comfortable but let just wait two weeks,so that the SPLM/A can make their decision on what is happening in the Abyei and South Kodufan.SPLM/A oyee

  • Aleu

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Khartoum92 or 93.

    Your president is losing his mind. He made coup on Sadiq al Mahdi in 1989, accusing him that, he is giving Southern Sudanese presidency and later he find some difficulties when SPLA were almost heading to North Sudan in Eastern Sudan region and he acknowledge to signed which Sadiq al Mahdi was supposed to do with late chairman Dr. John Garang de Mabior. During his coup in 1989, he murders 20 generals in Juba Southern Sudan, these were they generals opposites to his coup and in North Sudan, he murdered 9 generals and they were real Arab who were pro- Sadiq al Mahdi.

    Now do you think Omar al Bashir will united North Sudan or divided them.? Frankely speaking, this North Sudan will be remain Isolate from the rest of Sudanese people and it is going to be a tiny nation, because none Arab in Northern Sudan and even the real Arabs business people are fad up with his policy which divide Sudan nation, but wait there are some regions in Northern Sudan will follow Southern Sudan style and guess what, his army will not to rsisting all these defectionalism regions.

  • Khartoum92

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    You people need to know there is a difference between the SAF and NCP, The SAF is the Sudan’s arm force. The NCP is the party running the government in Sudan. If the NCP leaves power the SAF will still be there to protect Sudans resources. So if you have problem blame it in NCP not SAF, SAF can overthrow or remove the NCP from power it happened in the 1985 op rise where the SAF took the peoples side if an op rise happens the SAF will have no choose but to take the peoples side

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei

    SPLA has comes from a very long way to secure South Sudan, I have no doubt that, we will not only liberate Abyei but also Nuba Mt and Blue Nile. Record that point down.

  • dengtaath

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Please is good that truth must be told, it does not make sense some times when leaving the truth and talk on nothing.If not Salva Kiir, who else to be honoured by Khartoum a part from the first vice president and president of South Sudan as well? You are not comenting, you are just triggering some thing different.

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    That is it Southerners!!!! I was predicting that no more agreements since the beginning of our leaders trip to Ethiopia. Who didn’t know that Arabs will not give us freedom unless we give them our wealth and become their beggars again which is unwise recommendation for us Southernrs. Lets pray and continue working collectively knowing our mission and vision and stop thinking about being unchained by these greedy Arabs. I CAN SAY THAT IT IS NOT A FALL OF REUTERS BUT WHAT BASHIR AND HIS CEALGUES SAY ARE ALWAYS EMPTY. Thanks SPLM for clarification and our hope base in you. God is there to protect our rights.

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    I am sometimes pleased with your comments but at these juncture you are going off-target. You know what that money we talk of will be left in Southen Sudan sooner or later and then people seek refurge in neighbouring country. Much money is unacountable in many people’s pockets which you also know. Therefore better this money lost in this country activities like of Addis.

  • Adam

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    No one should have illusions that the pending issues between the South and North are easy and can be solved overnight without full mandate and reciprocal concessions. Negotiations cannot lead to something if the delegates are to email or phone whatever for guidance.

    Abyei is just one issue. There are many other flammable and serious issues such as border demarcation, SPLA in the North, Nuba Mountain, Blue Nile, oil, debts, trade and the support of rebels of each side.

    I stated many times that the security and safety of the South is wholly dependent on the security and stability of the North and vise versa. I hope this is crystal clear to all parties. Another thing, if people agree on 95% of issues then the remaining 5% is not good enough to be a cause of wars and instability.

    Let them solve all other problems and make Abyei a zone of integration and cooperation. Let it be “Abyei” (not North – not South). Let Abyei people from all tribes enjoy the benefits and bounties of being Sudanese living together and coexisting as they have been for centuries.

    Abyei is Dinka Ngok, Messeriyah and other tribes and Sudanese persons living there for years. They know who belong to Abyei and who doesn’t. For sure Presidents Kiir and Bashir are not.

    Eagles and hyenas of SPLM/A and NCP should be wise once in their live and shut up. They should not forget that they cannot burn all the valley crops because of a locust.

    Adam Milawaki, Kenya

  • AdierCien

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen


    You’re not right my friend coz Bashir do not respects both the Southern leaders. The evidence is on the visit by VP Dr Riek Machar on this month for talk over Abyei issues when President Bashir refuses to allow him come in his office for talk. I know you’re Northern idiot trying to accomplish your objectives and that none other than divide South among themselves to hates each other, I am telling you no way. You’ve got a lot of mistakes which led to the division of the country.
    Almighty God Give Chances To South Sudanese.

  • Bush

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    If the threat of the SAF is alarming then I requesting all of us who left the army (SPLA)some years ago in favor of education to rejoin the SPLA and defend our new nation, because there is no reason to be in the class and get educated or just to bark on this side like those of Adam, Mohamed Ali, Sam.Eto and Khartoum93 or whatever while there will be no country for you to work in.

    I don’t know what kind of Southerners who are still wasting their valuable time to respond to the likes of Adam’s comments here? Why do you argue with people who have no vision and peace in their mind? Do you know why they are always on the net as if they are the only educated Mondukuru in the north, is because they have nothing to do than to preach the gospel of hatred and wars.

    To Mr. Adam. Mohamed Ali, Sam.Eto,Khartoum93 and the rest of the slave sons in the north,we shall meet soon in the front-line and exchange bullets then exchanging useless words here all the time.

    Christian United for Israel

  • Liberal

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei

    You need to reserve some dignity when commenting. Why are you always negative towards your leaders? I am completely traumatized by your comments on this website. You are intellectual and you cannot base your knowledge on ignorance and criticism towards people despite the fact that you are compaigning for tribalism on this website.I donot know whether you intended to bring internal division among Souteherners, they great people who have fought for freedom.
    I need you to avoid being negative though you are accustomed to it.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Mr Adam, you’re right the Abyei issues should be left to those Sudanese who lives there for years to solve this crisis themselves because they know who is the rightful owner of Abyei. If NCP & SPLM govt don’t honor this, later it will leads to more instabilities from both side. And for that reason I thinks it will be bad scenario to the Govt in Khartoum, imagine, economic down fall will result to the population living in Khartoum, Bagari and Misseryia will not move as usual to cross the borders due to instabilities among both two countries therefore, it could be better for Khartoum govt to leave Abyei to the owners who were living peacefully in the South for centuries. President Bashir is not honest enough to the people of Sudan & South Sudan as well, imagine, what is going on in southern Kordofan and Blue Nile is not only crimes but violation of Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the same time president Omer Bashir shamelessly declared Holy war (Jihad) against the Nubian civilian and innocent Southerners. It is totally unwise decisions. Though the Sudanese President Omer Bashir addicted to civil war, he will not succeed any war again at this time because many Sudanese have come to understand the danger of Authoritical leadership thus making it difficult for the majority of Sudanese to rally behind him. There is lot of fear for down fall of Bashir in the near future. Mark me there.

  • Constant's

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    I wonder why people start cursing khartoum for what they have just heard, don’t they know Arab seed is as disgusting as that.
    Arabs are there conquering and Junubian are just ready for sleep, and drunk from the white bull beer lager, which their government gave them as an award for CPA. Shame on them, don’t they know in history that talks are not for arabs. Arabs needs to see, smoke and smell blood. lets Kiir drop that ugly hat and face them to freed abyei.

  • Adam

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Do you think Mr. Bush that we’re to enjoy Southern Sudan State because of war? Wrong! History will tell you that SPLM/A was unable to control any strategic location in the South for a long period of time during the 2 decades war. CPA did. But unfortunately, the jungle mentality is still controlling the heads of the leaders of the South.It won’t work for the benefit of the poor citizens who are dreaming of peace, democracy, development, human rights and equality.

    Wars have never and will never solve problems – they can, for sure, deteriorate the human situation and devastate development. Wars can only increase the suffering of the warring parties. Eventually, the issues that ignited wars will remain there and a new generation from either sides will triggered it for ever.

    Is this what we want? It is better for those in the classes to continue so. No need to go to war. Let us build a nation out of perspiration in fields of infrastructure, education, health and good governance.

    Wars wast hopes and shatter ambitions. They just kill and shed blood. No good ever come out of wars. Read all Human History and contemplate.

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • Bush

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei

    I’m fed up with all these reports and accusations as if the SPLA is powerless and the Southerners are cowards, that’s why I’m requesting all my former comrades to rejoin the SPLA and defend our country, we shall put our children in schools later. The NCP doesn’t want peace then why force it on them,they are using wars as a tool to silent the oppositions and to cling on power. Always barking on this site will not help, all you read here and there are Dinka Vs Nuer Vs Equatorians, where is love and unity that we have? as a resulting, we are looking weak and disunited in the eyes of the world.

    Christian United for Israel

  • Sweetmouth

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Do you think handing over a weapons is a crime or a weakness?
    you will cry until you will forgot married your sister wait time will come for it.60 people are not southern Sudan army all crazy,are individuals spla still a lives OK.

  • Akuma

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Change is coming to Khartoum very soon NCP government shall be down. There is a big move here in south Kordofan and Blue Nile, Omer is on plan to leave for exile.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Dear brother liberator AKA Gatwich, as you said having said in your past any agreement signed by Salva will not be honored by your users northern Arabs. My question is to you lost brother, did your users honor the agreement they sign with your favorite man of your village Dr. Riak Machar? Why did Dr. Risk Machar than ran away from his and your Khartoum ally to the very SPLA/SPLM he betrayed and who with opened heartedly toke in just like the story in the Bible about the run away boy? Think wise think positive, don’t tribal man like supporter of Naath, be a southerner not only a Naath supporter.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    It is obvious that they couldn’t reach any settlement over the Abyei issue as long as SPLM decision is dictated by USA and it’s western alliance in the same way they are complicating the Libyan problem against our best friend ,the only brave African leader, El Agieed Mahmer El Gatdhafi God bless him I wish him to defeat the west and it’s evil called NATO.

    Western world is the one that flame the conflict between SPLM and the NCP because it is not happy to see a strong and brotherly relations between Sudan and RoSS because that will not serve it’s interest and the hidden agenda to topple the regime in northern Sudan. We have to be wise limited our reliance on them to solve minor problems like the Abyei one What do we need from borders when we are just one people, why can we learn to be peaceful.

  • Bush

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    @monykuc, Southerner

    Those who are insulting Kiir they themselves are idiots,why not come home from diaspora, Kiir alone can’t handle those war mongers in the north, it needs our contributions. Whom do they want to be our president? That’s why we are looking weak and powerless in the eyes of our enemies.

    Christian United for Israel

  • Waucity

    Sudan’s ex-foes deny reports of deal on Abyei
    Every time we are ready to be arguing with northerners, guess show up..A nuer person, I really hate them..I swear.

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    People of Southern Sudan should not worry of Abyei now.
    The report that came out right after the meeting of high level panel which was held few days ago in the Ethiopian capital Addis Abbas has ended up producing no result.

    Folks, this is a clear sign that the people of Abyei should have to wait until the South Sudan’ independence.It is becoming increasingly clear that Abyei is a time-consuming issue.

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