Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan

June 14, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The World Bank has floated a recommendation to setup a trust fund to provide assistance to South Sudan as it hurtles towards independence in July.

World Bank logo
World Bank logo
In an e-mailed statement on Tuesday, the World Bank pointed out that its Board of Executive Directors had sent a recommendation to the Bank’s governors to establish a $75 million fund to provide health care, infrastructure, and employment for the people of South Sudan, who voted overwhelmingly for the secession of their nation from north Sudan in a referendum held in January.

South Sudan Transition Trust Fund (SSTTF) underscores the bank’s quest to provide early assistance to South Sudan given the urgency of challenges faced by the nascent state, the bank’s statement said.

It further pointed out that the fund builds on the framework of the 2011 World Development Report on Conflict, Security and Development, which calls for more responsiveness to the needs and opportunities of fragile and conflict-affected situations such as South Sudan.

“The SSTTF will be used to rapidly increase the coverage of child immunization, provision of vitamin A, de-worming, and other selected services for rural mothers and children. It will also increase rural livelihoods opportunities, and improve rural access by supporting a project to provide 1,400 km of feeder roads in areas with high agricultural potential. In addition, the trust fund will help create jobs through grants to 200 entrepreneurs, increasing outreach to women entrepreneurs, and building up a micro-finance client base of 30,000 individuals,” the bank said.

The grossly underdeveloped region of South Sudan has recently applied for the membership of the World Bank. Having emerged from more than two decades of civil wars with the north in 2005, South Sudan has some of the worst human development indicators in the world.




    World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan
    This money will end up with Dinka dominated SPLA and supporter of naath cause’s pockets.
    Healthcare,infrastructure,and employment are just merely said in order to fooled international community .

  • Aleu

    World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan
    Omcni Jr.

    You can not understand the things that, have been accomplishing in Southern Sudan since your inability to judge wrongful is the big problem on those norrow minds people. The Southern Sudan nation will have a every things to make development happen, this is just a beginning and need help from International world nations to contribute to new nation to be born shortly, but in the long runs Southern Sudan nation is going to be line with others world rich.

    Without Dinka in Sudan, none of tribes wouldn’t competiting with Northern Sudan politically and also the Militarally. Supposedly those people who have been suffering under Arabs rules should thanks Dinka tribe in the Sudan for teaching and acknowledgement they discovering on the Arab agendas in the Sudan. When you are so stupid, the only way is to attacked the right people who are helping you to be free and that is what cats people are trying to do.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan
    World Bank needs to be careful in discharging their fund, they need to be the custodian of this fund and contract the the service providers.

    Otherwise, there are wolves who know nothing but only using of public resources for their personal benefit.

    Worst part of it is that there people are being protected by their incompetent, corrupt, tribalsitic and dull top official of south Sudan – Kirr.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan

    When Anya nya started war in Torit in 1955, Dinkas were busy doing political prostitution in Khartoum that has led to Nimer sending your wicked Dinka man Abel Alir to negotiate Adisaba agreement and eventually appointed the chairman of High Executive council.

    What are talking about if you don’t know history of south Sudan, do consult people who know. I am now warning you that arabs (NCP) has sent this dangerous Dinka man Abel Alier to south be careful he wants to go and cause confusion in south Sudan and lobby to NCP as he did during April 2010 election.

  • Aleu

    World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan
    Never worry Abel Alier, all Dinkas have pay a big price in the SPLA / SPLM Movement until the peace agreement arrived. There is 1.5 million dies in Dinka in the SPLA /SPLM Movement and this time all Equatorians and Nuers need to go to frontline to show up how to do war. There is no hiding in the Mt this time otherwise, your rights will be limit if you guys don’t fight very hard.

  • Dicksons Deng
    Dicksons Deng

    World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan
    Thanks indeed for that quick observations. iam aware there is little transparency with money issues by everyone including you! however, you are too judgemntal even before you swallow your saliva.Corruption cannot be blamed alone on Dinka SplA officers.
    Besides,the money is not linked to SplA which you shallowly think is dominated by Dinka.It’s to be utilized in all sectors to improving our livelihoods in all civil sectors where every community is prsented. However due to your own hatred of Dinka, you simply think the money will reach every dinka. The best suggestion i think is to make our government accountable to ensure the money is well used.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan
    The so-called World blank is not helping southern Sudanese, it is just looking after it’s interests in southern Sudan.

    It is sad wasting money supporting such a corrupt regime like GOSS with such huge amount of money regardless of the fact that such money will end up in SPLM pocket, and the evil party will just use it to suppress different opposition parties that are fighting to bring positive changes in the country.

    Western world is very comfortable and keen to do business with SPLM because they can fool SPLM so easily and get away with a lot of things.

    Under the foolish and immature leadership of SPLM syndicates, Southern will be looted in front of our eyes by Westerners and neighboring African countries such as Kenya and Uganda that are blending in right now as they resemble our Equatorian brothers and later on it will be hard to tell who is Southern Sudanese and who is not. It is just a matter of time before we are will be taken over by those greedy neighbors. Thus, we, the native people of RoSS will remain poor and backward regardless of our possession of huge reserve of natural resources.

    For the reasons mentioned above, all of us must work hard to rid this corrupt and incompetent government of GOSS led by Mr Kiir, the cowboy, for our nation to flourish. Support SSLA and SPLM-DC your windows to fair, zero tolerant to corruption and flourishing ROSS.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan

    If it was not Equatorias, I think by this time all SPLA dinka generals would be in Kakumu camp. Did you see since Western Equatoria was captured any entry of arabs there not like you people.

    Food in Equatoria, fighting arabs in Equatoria, SPLA base in Equatoria, etc all in Equatoria and now relative peace in Equatoria. The massive imigration of dinkas to Equatoria is the prove. Without Equatoria south Sudan would me in mess as it is now happening in Upper Nile and Bahr el ghazal.

    See how gallent SPLA sons of Equatoria under bright star campaign led by Mamur how about Tomas Cirilo when fighting arabs on Juba Yei road to mention just a few. Dinkas were then busy trading cigarette, timber etc

    Dinkas should leave Juba just running after “molayi kombo” in the restaurants, don’t cry for Equatoria and Nuers go and defend Abyei.

    Kirr should not only remain in Juba to defend people like Tito Achil, Ger, Auther etc in looting south Sudan funds.

    This time we will start with those who want hide in Equatoria!!

  • Kon Garang
    Kon Garang

    World Bank recommends $75 million trust fund to support South Sudan
    This World Bank Money is not yet approve,let us wait and see when it is approve.
    Guys, OMONI_JR, Aleu,Lamija, Milaja,Dinka Dominated SPLA,Dicksons Deng,Supporter of Naath Cause, Kon Garang,Achiek Kur Jr, among others, I think it is time to develop optimism toward our country and stop thinking on tribals or regional bases.We were divided in the PAST and the more we continue to divide, the more weaker we shall be as a nation.
    we should think from NOW to FUTURE about South Sudan NOT from NOW to the PAST.
    I do not know you physically but if you are not those ‘old Sudanese’ of the past, if you are young Sudanese we have a responsibility to make a positive change.

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