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Sudan Tribune

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Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan

June 16, 2011 (WASHIGTON) – A former US envoy to Sudan has called for taking military action against the Khartoum government in order to prevent further escalation of violence in Abyei and South Kordofan regions.

Former US envoy to Sudan Roger Winter (FILE)
Former US envoy to Sudan Roger Winter (FILE)
The sense of relief that prevailed after the January referendum on South Sudan independence was conducted smoothly and in a largely peaceful environment has dissipated last month when north Sudan army seized control of the fertile, oil-producing region of Abyei, the ownership of which is also claimed by South Sudan whose vote for independence in the referendum will see it become the world’s newest nation on July 9.

Concurrently, violence erupted in the country’s north-south border state of South Kordofan after the northern army attempted to disarm local fighters aligned with South Sudan. Over 60,000 people have been displaced, according to UN figures, and hundreds have been killed, according to local NGOs as the northern army carried out aerial bombardment and heavy artillery in the area.

Roger Winter, the former US special envoy to Sudan, on Wednesday addressed a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights, about the recent upsurge of violence in Abyei and South Kordofan.

Winter called for an immediate military action against Khartoum in order to strengthen the South Sudan army and halt attacks on civilians.

“Take a military action against a Khartoum military target now,” Winter said, adding that the goal would be “to strengthen the SPLA in meaningful ways as a deterrent against Khartoum aggression, provocation and attacks against civilians.”

Winter blamed the current situation on the approach adopted by the former US special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration, chiding his “seemingly intimate relationship” with the leadership of north Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

“Perhaps the eccentricities of General Gration’s approach to being Special Envoy for Sudan are related to the Administration’s commitment to ‘reach out’ to the Arab and Islamic world,” Winter said.

“His seemingly intimate relationship with the NCP leadership led to his many public references to that leadership as ‘my friends’,” he stressed.

Winter said that any commitments made by the Khartoum government are unreliable and that the government’s actions had led to the death of three million people.



  • Khartoum92

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    US government is gonna regret this, the sudanese army is a army that is supported by the majority of Sudanese people and any action against it will harm the US.

  • Aleu

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    Mr. Roger W.

    You are absolutely right, Omar al Bashir now is losing Arab supposrt because of too much killing he had committed continues wars crime. It has enter to ethnic cleansing and the silence of the International community is real become a big problem in the right time at the right place. Please may God help you to bring the world to the Table so that, the action for Sudan must be taken seriously.

  • Makuei

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    Roger Winters,

    Absolutely, military now before long. The government which claimed to be ruler of the people cannot kill its citizens at more than four frontlines: Darfur – Western Sudan, South Khordofan, Blue Nile, Eastern Sudan, Abyei and South Sudan at one time.

    What do Bashiit want?

    All these regions need a break. Khartoum must burn to ashes.

  • eye-of-an-eye

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    Mr. Winter is right and sympanthize the frequent killing of innocent civilian, Millitary action is the only solution to be taken against the the thugs govermant of Khortoum, the more you only talk is the more people dying, we need an urgent action, I can pridict something will happen too bad to NCP after the indepedence of South if international community is not acting urgently, SPLA will response to agression by NCP badly, I can see central Sudan will make great fracture to the NCP if they don’t solve it case otherwise it will lead to something else. the world is watching at this funy games by NCP, is just a little time to blow them out or bury them in the sad before ecomic drive them out.

    Thanks Mr. Winter

  • Sam.Eto

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    Roger Winters is a looney – Zionist nut case. The GOSS worship him as if he is their god. No one in their right mind in the Obama administration would support him. Attack Khartoum who does he think he is or what world we live in. The Americans may do it – but they need a much better reason then South Sudan or Roger Winters.

    Does he think any country can just attack another country !! No UN, AU – Do you think Africa, China and everyone is going to stand by while the US attacks Khartoum to make the SPLM strong. This man drinks more then the SPLM.

    If you idiots in the SPLM had an grey matter in your brains you would know that it was him that put you in this position in the first place. He is the idiot that came up with the Abyie protocol.

  • Mapuor

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan

    I think taking people like Khartoum2 to school is completely useless & great misuse of resources.Majority of Sudanese do not support the Khartoum government.Now there is war in Dar fur,South Kordufan,South Blue Nile& South Sudan at Abyei,where is that majority.Eastern Sudan is verging war,where is that majority.The end of Arab hegemony has started,Arabs are minority in Sudan & some Arabs do support marginalise & exploited African.Where is that majority.NCP caused terrible death all over the country,thousands of Muslims were killed,raped looted by the NCP forces.Khartoum2,I think you are a SATAN,why do you enjoy the death of the people whom God created in his own image.Yes,” in el araaba ashada kuferen wa nafka”.Thanks to the prophet Mohammed el Rasoul.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    Sam Eto have you already started crying befor the attack on your criminal civilian killers jehadists Andy? Well it will happen whether you like it or not. This time China is not going to be on your side because they have to go on the side of the people who the oil and that is us no question about it.

    My question to you is, what are and your jehadists going to do now, pack your things and to take refuge somewhere or wait for Al Bashir and his other lunatics to give you keys to (Jena$ paradise?

  • AndreaA

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    Calls on US militatry action does not mean that S.Sudan is Military weak. Only the world to witnesses seriously the different steps taken by single Bashir and South Sudan eventhough Khartoum is going to burn ASHES latter.

  • Mapuor

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    These thugs who oppose SPLM/A & later enjoy the fruits of the same SPLM/A should know that its not completely fair to do so,ofcourse ,its their culture,they oppose & even kill the SPLA forces & at the end enjoy the fruits for which they did not toil.Guys being born to a place per se, is not enough to qualify you as a citizen of that place,you should participate effectively in shaping it ,otherwise, you would be leveled as a terrible parasite,even in the Bible,its written”He who does not work neither shall he eat”.Kindly stop insulting the brave movement that fought your masters for three decades to acheive our independence.SPLA OYEE.DOWN DOWN WITH POLICY OF DIVIDE & RULE,SPLA SHALL WIN,infact it has already won.

  • James Deng Dimo
    James Deng Dimo

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    US concern on military action against Sudan Bashir’s Government in Khartoum sound valuable Bashir’s continuation in bombarding Country Civil Society is differ crisis that may plan the Country in to genocide, may sons and daughter has been loosen during Bashir NCP power.
    These no need for whole world to keep silence on the long mega death in the Country.
    US military action on Sudan is paramount; Let Bashir’s north looks like Libya where the dictator leader Gadafi refuses to live the power.
    I personally whish that US milliatry action in Sudan will not leave any save place for Bashir to serve.
    Sky will be only limited for him, but otherwise NATO forces will control the sky, grave will be the only optd.
    Bravo US, your military action against Sudan is welcome through out the worldwide.

  • James Deng Dimo
    James Deng Dimo

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    See you in heaven Bashir, your day has come as US who killed your husband Saddam Hussen and Osama Bin Ladin is behind your seriously today.
    Your world of terrorist is coming to end.
    The people you have killed are asking God to meet you for judgment.
    What can you do?
    Say bye to your position so that you die civilian so that your other sins will be forgiveness by those who will remain to enjoy the earth.
    You have been eating their blood through Sudan. Oil but now oil looked small in Sudan therefore your blood is also needed to increase the oil production.
    Carry a lot, maybe your tear may form an oil river which may recover the fill of your blood.
    Hee Hee, for those who were your friends in dealing, tells them the losing the dry leaves is a warning to the green once, their day is counting down.
    Halaa wagbeer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dr. Reality
    Dr. Reality

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    For Sure military actions is the language well understood by Mr. Bashir since he came to power, however it should be spoken much within Sudan than 1000s of miles outside Sudan.

    Here in South Sudan, president Kiir has composed a song which when as follows,”No return to war”,and because of this Song Arabs took advantage of;
    Killing innocent civilians.
    Violating the CPA, Border demarcation between north and south,plus others
    Invading South Sudan, Abyei and some part of Unity state.
    Taking decision alone without consulting him as a vice president of Sudan.
    Cheating South Sudan in oil sharing
    Dominating the parliaments, all these among others.

    CPA is not a single party agreement, it is for two parties and if one party does not care, what will be the important of it?

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    Thank you a lot Mr.Winter ,military action is a solution to Khartoum government by providing military equipment to SPLA to defend its citizen of both Abyei ,South Sudan and Blue Nile .

    Bashir is now going to face justice very soon who can said i am lying ?


  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    The recommendations of Roger Winter as has been considered yet. If the International Community agreed to enforce buffer Zone to these two regions than NCP and SAF will shrink because they will not endure ground assault. Those hired southerners will automatically quite NCP and SAF and declared themselves that they are no longer standing by SAF side. International community shall greater opportunity to capture Bashir and be sent to the ICC for containment and more discipline. He shuold first elaborate why Bashir called US “stick and carrots” when he is seen killing people. Thank you Roger. God will add you more years and many wisdoms.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    mr.Khartoum92 is seemed to have misunderstood the whole logic of why the former US special envoy to sudan has suggested the military option than peaceful means.Sudan government is a killer government that does not care of respecting the lives of individuals.
    How many people mr.khartoum92 do you want to continue dying in sudan? Do you want even your own mother to be killed by the same government that you are supporting that you may know that this government is not for the people?Who are these sudanese you said they are supporting the government?this government has to be striked!

  • dinkador1

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    TO khartoum93,
    are you mad,US have to attack Bashir like Gadafi of libya.

  • Sam.Eto

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    International Health: South Sudan: A Nation born in crisis
    BMJ 2011;342:doi:10.1136/bmj.d3726
    (Published 15 June 2011)

    British Medical Journal (BMJ) reports on the health affects of civil unrest in South Sudan, which will become the world’s newest country on July 9.

    “Decades of war, neglect, and lack of development have left 9 out of 10 women illiterate, and the nascent state has among the world’s highest rates of maternal and infant mortality and remains a reservoir for many neglected tropical diseases such as leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, and guinea worm,” the journal writes. In addition, humanitarian efforts have been hampered by continued violence and landmines, child health is threatened by lack of access to food, water and immunization, and small scale studies suggest an increase in HIV prevalence “thought to be linked to the return of refugees and internally displaced people, combined with increased cross border travel for trade,” according to BMJ (Moszynski, 6/15).

    Participants at a recent workshop held by the Unity State’s HIV/AIDS commission heard Tuesday “that HIV/AIDS may prove to be more devastating to South Sudan than the civil war that led to the death of around two million people,” BENTIU/Sudan Tribune reports (Kuich, 6/14).


    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    I think Khartoum2,Mohammed Ali and Sam E’to went to the same school of idiots if they are not South Sudanese..

    Why are you guys always against people thoughts at all time you idiots?

  • sebit

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    It is chance for President Salava Kirr after Independance of south sudan to use the oil money to purchese mor weapon and aircraft and more tanks and more troops deploye in seriouse placese so the Splm can clean up those militia in the south sudan and also to clean up those terroriest regim of NCP in the north whatever they are and also to arrest omar al bashir if show up on Independance day in the south sudan after that development will come to sudan other wise sudan will continue fighting…

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    You have hit the nail on the head there,Roger. In this case you are good at making decision. Just provided SPLA with military jet fighters. Bashir’s genocidal regime has exacerbated the situation due to bifurcation of Sudan. Their intention is to enslave the people but that will never happen. We have to work hand in hand to solve this problem once and for all. To me you are absolutely right, if the global community turn their blind eye to rampant killing, then the situation would be worse than we ever thought.Sudan problem doesn’t need dialogue,it need to be militarized.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Former US envoy calls for military action against Sudan
    The Obama Administration is to blame for its inaction and indifference concerning Abyei and South Kordofan crisis

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