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Sudan Tribune

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UN reports abuses against peacekeepers, ongoing battles in Sudan’s South Kordofan

June 17, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Intermittent fighting, artillery shelling and military buildups continue to plague various parts in Sudan’s flashpoint state of South Kordofan despite earlier reports of truce, the UN reported on Friday, and condemned abuses committed against its peacekeepers in the region.

UNMIS peacekeepers in Sudan (UN Photo/Stuart Price)
UNMIS peacekeepers in Sudan (UN Photo/Stuart Price)
Heavy fighting involving aerial bombardment and artillery erupted two weeks ago in Sudan’s South Kordofan State between the country’s army and its allied paramilitary forces on one side and elements aligned with South Sudan which is due to split from the north in July.

Over 60,000 have been displaced by the violence and aerial bombardment by Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in the area may have killed 64 people, according to UN estimates.

There have been reports of widespread abuses and atrocities committed by SAF against members of the Nuba local population which largely sided with South Sudan during more than two decades of civil war with the North.

The war ended in 2005 with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which paved the way for the conduct of South Sudan’s referendum on independence.

Addressing the UN daily media briefing in New York on Friday, the Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General Martin Nesirky said that that the UN strongly condemns the detention and abuse on Thursday of four of its peacekeepers in South Kordofan’s state capital of Kadugli as they were patrolling the town to assess security situation.

“The Sudanese Armed Forces, the [South’s] Sudan People’s Liberation Army and other armed groups must immediately stop intimidating and harassing UN staff, who are critical to provide the necessary humanitarian assistance to the vulnerable populations,” Nesirky said.

Nesirky further said that the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) continues to engage politically at all levels to urge the party leaders in Kadugli and Khartoum to cease hostilities, allow civilian return, cease restrictions on the Mission’s freedom of movement, and re-engage in the political discussions.

It was reported on Thursday that the warring parties in South Kordofan had agreed to cease hostilities and initiate negotiations.

However, Nesirky reported that intermittent fighting, artillery shelling and military buildups are ongoing in various locations in South Kordofan State, causing a serious concern to the UN.

The UN spokesperson said that UNMIS continues to maintain a ‘protection perimeter’ outside its base in Kadugli to support the thousands of internally displaced people who have gathered there, and to provide military protection for the World Food Programme warehouse and other key locations in Kadugli and to work with the UN Country Team to provide food and medical assistance to the displaced.

A 120-strong light infantry of peacekeepers from Bangladesh were flown from Juba to Kadugli to bolster UNMIS presence, Nesirky said.

UNMIS has been severely criticized for perceived failure to protect civilians in the Nuba Mountains. Sudan Democracy First Group (SDFG), a local NGO, said in a statement dated 13 June that UNMIS “appears to be completely unable to provide the civilian protection required and ensure delivery of urgent humanitarian aid.”

SDFG said that UNMIS had declined or ignored requests to evacuate individuals on the pretext that ‘the mission mandate does not allow’ it.

The SPLM in South Kordofan also accused some members of UNMIS peacekeeping force of collaboration with government security forces.



  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    UN reports abuses against peacekeepers, ongoing battles in Sudan’s South Kordofan
    There is urgent need to review your mandate just to match with current deteriorating situation in Abyei and South Kordofan. UNMIS is not there to watch civilians death on their painful killing by SAF. If it was not in the mandate of UNMIS, then there should be article that stipulates that “any civilian who seek protection from UNMIS compound should not be released to SAF to be killed in their eyes or allow such provocatives that are inhumane to continue”. UNMIS is there to provide full protection to civil population. Do not call NCP president and President of Sudan Mr. Bashir Friend. Call him enemy of peace, justice freedoms, human rights and black marginalised African tribes.

  • Waucity

    UN reports abuses against peacekeepers, ongoing battles in Sudan’s South Kordofan
    Those Arabs in Khartoum are very selfish people..Seriously, very selfish, God has punish us, Very bad people.They were suppose to have an agreement with Southern Kordofan and blue nile..On how they can manage the military.!!!!!!!!!!..But because of their selfishness, they did not want to do that..Shame on you!!!!, very empty people who feel so entitle to everythings and hates it when others are entitle to something. Remember you get 50% of our oil and so you can give somebody 50% share also.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    UN reports abuses against peacekeepers, ongoing battles in Sudan’s South Kordofan
    Dear readers,

    the fighting in southern Kordofan State is not good even for the welfare and security of the region and the whole Sudan. I don’t know the motifs of the NCP in pushing SAF to cause disorder everywhere in Sudan while it is time of implementing the CPA. They (SAF) have occupied the contested area of Abyei and now are fighting in southern Kordofan and may be move to southern Blue Nile, at the same time bombarding south Sudan. Even animals respect others’ territories, being one country doesn’t give the government right to kill and displace the people of regions under her responsibility, unity of a country depend on the goodwill of the government and the people. Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile have a right to consult and determine their future according to CPA. Please stop killing the civilians.

    There is a misquote that I want to clarify in the UN report: it says “The Sudanese Armed Forces, the [South’s] Sudan People’s Liberation Army and other armed groups must immediately stop intimidating and harassing UN staff, who are critical to provide the necessary humanitarian assistance to the vulnerable populations,” Nesirky said. the issue is with “the [South’s] Sudan People’s Liberation Army”, those who are fighting in southern Blue Nile are SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) which was made up of people of all marginalized regions in Sudan. So they are SPLA but not from the South Sudan. They fought for a very long time to reach their liberty, but it seems that the GoS is provoking them to go to war again, which will not be good for all of them.

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