Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Things to do during Southern Sudan Independence Day

By Isaiah Abraham

June 20, 2011 — As the people of the Southern Sudan warm up for the Big Day on July 9, 2011, there is need to remind ourselves about few things we should do or not do on that Great Day. Mind you, small things sometime overlooked spoil somewhat decent arrangement. This is a big occasion everyone has been looking for, the dream for people of the Southern Sudan. Here we go:

One: the flag for the new nation should be raised by Gen. Joseph Lagu Yanga, not Gen. Salvatore Kiir. President Lagu has lived to see this day, he should be honored. This is not to undermine His Excellency the President (Kiir), but a sign of respect for someone who had led the struggle for the people of Southern Sudan, uniting all under one aspiration for separation.

Second: a gift to be prepared and presented to President of the National Congress Party (NCP), Omar Hassan Ahmed Al Bashir for allowing our people to go. With the events of last month and this month, he’s unlikely to attend but Ustaz Ali Osman Mohamed Al Taha will attend the celebration. President Al Bashir is courageous politically. He’s lesser evil compare to other Northerners.

Third: the Big Day must be kept short, brief and entertained. Long speeches aren’t welcome; five minutes for president Kiir enough not that monologue of saying everything through reading. Sometime in such big event, the leader needs no paper but heart to share feelings from the heart. Other heads of states and dignitaries as well as the Southern public want just to celebrate, nothing more. We also want to flock to bars and homes to finish up the duty.

Forth: prayers must be conducted by a Christian; no Islamic prayers are allowed!!! This is because our nation is 99.9% Christian; the very Great God of the Bible has been with us through thin and thick, and no need to prostitute ourselves to unknown gods of this world. We have tasted how mighty is this God under Christianity, and he should be praised, glorified and given due place in our new land.

Fifth: empty all Southern prisoners; Gen. Tanginya has to be set free to celebrate together with us. The Juba Main Prison is a disgrace to our people. Its very packed with human beings and Gen. Anthony who is in charge doesn’t care about the human rights of these people. For every to be join the celebration, prisons are to be go as a good sign attributed to the Big Day

Sixth: reduce the number of security personnel that always jam the stage. A few will help, not an entire battalion of the army wielding machine guns before the audiences. Southerners don’t assassinate themselves or aliens, where did these people get the notion that depicts the opposite

Seven: three days be declared for celebrations by our people everywhere. Seven days would have been ok, but given pressure at the border, we want to celebrate and quickly return to the business of protecting the Southern territory under threats from Arabs.

Eight: each celebrant needs at least a bottle of water if not a bottle of tustker on that Day. A time like these if its villages people go for everything even paying heavily costs, for it comes once a time.

Nine: renewed amnesty to all Southern armed groups, for they need such assurance once more. At that time, when it was made waters have passed under bridge and no one knows whether the clemecy still stand

Ten: the Southern leader must smile this time about; mean or weird faces aren’t needed!

Isaiah Abraham is reachable at [email protected]


  • Nhomlawda

    Things to do during Southern Sudan Independence Day
    All other points are good but Joseph Lagu should not be allowed to raise our flag on the Anniversary of South Sudan Independence.
    It was Joseph Lagu’s conspiracy that made Dinka/Jieng people to pay heavy price throughout 22 years of bitter struggle for the total liberation of South Sudan from a ruthless and resilient enemy. It was during negotiation of Addis Ababa Peace Agreement when John Garang requested Gen Joseph Lagu not to accept Nyanya 1 Army to be integrated into Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) but Gen Joseph Lagu refused to listen to John Garang’s advice.
    It was Joseph Lagu who signed hastily arranged peace agreement in Addis Ababa in 1972 just because of fear that an increase in Dinka population in Anya Anya 1 was a threat to his leadership of the movement and wanted to secure his position with Government of Sudan in expense of South Sudanese freedom.
    It was Joseph Lagu who was fooled with money and Arab woman ‘mur’ to conspire against Addis Ababa Agreement and worked for its abrogation just because Dinka became a powerful force to reckon with in the South.
    Joseph Lagu is a traitor but he was forgiven because he acted that way due to inferiority complex. He is also forgiven because he is a senior citizen of South Sudan.

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Things to do during Southern Sudan Independence Day
    NO! Traitor isaiah abaraham,

    Langu is an old traitor, and so is riek machar dragon. Please refrain from this juvenile thinkings. Self-determination could have not been achieved without Garang’s New Sudan vision. See, how this vision is changing the entire Sudan now. Soon South Kordoafan, Blue Nile, Durfur and even Khartoum will be freed from the deeds of extremists using their Sha’ria Law as tool to dictate everyone’s life in the country.

    Also, Prisoners should not be released to witness the independence because whatever wong they’ve done was undermining the same independence that you want them now to celebrate. Wether they were robbing banks, raiding cattles, or killing South Sudanese as part of the Northern conspiracy to weaken the GoSS; all are crimes that should not be forgiven. They must serve their full-time in prison before they are prematurely released as you naively suggested.

    Now, Where is Garang honor? Garang is the man most Sudanese believed to have brought about all these changes that you see to today. With the exception of few adventurous traitors like yourself, riek machar, lagu, Ayii, Malual and on and on, we all know that this independence is a celebration of one of Garang’s legacies. So, did you intentionally ommit Garang’s name because of your treachorous ideologies or do you think crediting traitors is the way we Southerners can be better at practicing democracy?

    Umaar Bashir your former master, doesn’t need honoring because we real Southerners have seen his acts since 1989 to present. He has done everything he could to thwart the right of everyone in Sudan, especially the marginalized, to come to reality. Rewarding him would be ridiculous. Only those getting paid by his regime would want him rewarded for that particular reason alone, not because he is anything better than a vile criminal.

    Salva Kiir should raise the flag, and even though the celebration will take place at the Moseoleum, Garang’s names need mentioning excessively by anyone who will be allowed to say anything including former traitors.

    You got it all twisted up in this article Mr. Traitor/unpatrotic Abraham. Have a sounding mind, these are shallow thoughts which you tried to sugar-coat to become somewhat sensible. You are insane my friend, enjoy our Martyrs blood.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Things to do during Southern Sudan Independence Day
    Isaiah Abraham,

    All you have mentioned in your article are correct execpt raising flag by Joseph Lagu. Joseph Lagu should be honored in the same way other martyer, heroes and heroines be honored. Needless to say, President Kiir deserve to raise the flag period.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Things to do during Southern Sudan Independence Day
    Isaiah Abraham,

    You have attempt to remind the South Sudanese about things to do during the July9th. My friend 1/7 you mention seem right.The GOSS should make sure that the population have the water supply. The water tanks should be available with the water in the city.But the remaining points are nonsense and you have waste your time elaborating on them.

    Sometime, I really feel sorry on how some people reasons and you are one of those who I feel sorry for. My friend,Even though Joseph Lagu is one of South Sudanese, he should not even be close to rise the flag.

    Tell me which town was Captured during Joseph Lagu leadership? and tell me which accord was honor under Joseph Lagu? and tell me which weapons are we using under Lagu? and finally, where were Joseph Lagu from 1983-2005? and more importantly,you need to check most of videos in Kurmuk battles, Kapoeta , Jokow battle, and many other SPLA graduation ceremonies whether you will not say that Salva Kiir Mayardit desrved to rise our flag since was the only survival among the Ranks of those who liberate the South Sudan.

    It;s disappointing when people missed the target and try to mumble around while knowing the truth.Whether you like it or not Salva Kiir Mayardit,who is the elect president of South Sudan will rise our flag without preconditions and your likes illusion. Please try to respect leaders who did their best to help our kids to see the lights of the world. If not then the Son of Dr John Garang should be the one who can rise the flag if anybody can rise the flag.

    Secondly, you are encouraging insecurity in the South and that is why you support the release of Militia Major general Tang. They must stay in prisons especially the one like Tang who has been the killer of people of Upper Nile and Jonglei states. Also, the other militia groups have no place to be found because they refuse to grant the presidency pardon.So you want them to cause problems in the celebration while this important one will be attended worldwide. We do not want the militia and the criminals to attend because they might harms the populations.
    My advise to you is that you have return to your usual writing and I am helping you to focus on national issues other then your hidden agenda.

    You will not take away the legacy of our leaders who liberate us from oppressions and we really witness this through our eyes. Check the you tubes videos whether you will not say that Salva Kiir deserved every right at this time. We know why you do not take about Dr John Garang and you want to mumble about Salva Kiir,but you have no were to hide with your illusions. SPLM is monitoring those like you. SPLM/A oyee

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    Things to do during Southern Sudan Independence Day
    Brothers and sisters.

    It is a very good thing to know the real History of some thing without taking part or unfounded conclusions.

    1- all details of Libration are there and we can insult ourselves but that will not take out the truth.

    2- Most of our Leaders betray us in one or another, they are in the books of records,each of them will explain himself before the public, during the Election including Gen. Salva Kiir for his second time which I strongly believe he will not make it again they way he uses now.

    3- Honuring the enemies is insulting the dead Heroes and heroens and will be great mistake,to forgive the killers like Gen. Tanganya who killed 300 hundred is right from U?

    4- Kiir why do U insisted on the powers of dismissing elected Governors,State Assemblies,South Sudan Assembly,do U want to make sure U appoint all south Sudanese on every day basis to the positions, so that all of us taste it?
    why do u want the powers of announcing the war without Parliament? Do u want to take us to war even and if, when your children have a fight in night club in any of the foreign countries, and said dad I am badly beaten in this country and it was so bad that I want U to help me.

  • Aleu

    Things to do during Southern Sudan Independence Day
    Mr. Isaiah Abraham.

    I am always supporting your statement for 100% but not this time however, I am okay with others things you mention and let me list down things that, I do not support and I have a reason to disagree.

    1. I do not think it is good Idea to let the Flag for New nation not only New natio but a person who was been given million by Northern domination to deny their own people should be given to raise up the Flag. There is no question, he had fought against Khartoum government but in the end game he was been bribe by Northern Sudan Arab. Mr. Joseph Lagu Yanga is our uncle of Southern Sudanese and I do respect him very much however, he is not qualify to raise up the Flag which was brought by the SPLA/SPLM period.

    2. Giving a gift to Omar al Bashir will be like trusting the Lion’s kids when they are too small not able to bite on you, but later when they grow up you might be feel sorry for fooling yourself supposedly you kill them. Back to the story, Atem Deng Garang told the NCP in Northern Sudan that, the peace agreement was not a gift from NCP and it did not came as a plate on the Table therefore, both side the SPLM and Bashir government were all tired for war and none of both sides wouldn’t win the war but million lives were losing in the Sudan. There was also too much pressures from the International body and human rights about human wast concerned in the Sudan. Second Omar al Bashir and his NCP were underestimating the capabilities of the SPLM leadership bascially, they thinks they will bribes all SPLA/SPLM Top leadership just same like what they did in Joseph Lagu’s movement and quite frankely, they felt sorry lately for allowing Southern Sudanese to signed peace agreement. I think Omar al Bashir is not qualify for gift but he has the right to receive letter for good beye domination.

    3. I have no any problem in number three and I am supporing that.

    4. I think the number four would be fair answer to say yes or no. Why because we Southern Sudanese of the SPLA fought for religion freedom and YES, we need separation between Church and the State and we also need a freedom for citizens living in Southern Sudan thus, we do not need Arabism Islamization and extremely radicalization to be in Southern Sudan. I would say Yes or NO. Base on the individual rights and religion freedom rights.

    5. This is the big No. You can not let all these criminals backing in the St, to murder innocents people just because of independence. It would be fair if you mention that, the simple cases must be let go by judges, but the Idea of empties all prisoners and most of them have committed killing on Southern Sudanese citizens, I say this is a dumb Idea and there is no excuse in another word it is unacceptable to happen.

    6. Wait a minute, are you planning to make coup.? I belief this is important to put whatever mean larger security around, because you never knows someone is not happy like you do. I say, put whatever, big security during this day.

    7.Yes, I have no objection.

    8.No objection.

    9. Yes, but ROSS and the GOSS must be careful about amesty being given to buy time and rember the enemies of Southern Sudan is telling rebels to reject peace mean and also there were people who put their foot in GOSS and one feet in the rebels side.

    10. NO objection and I am happy for bringing up this issue. I guess uncle Kuol Manyang Juuk will smile during Southern Sudan independence day, because he had promised long time ago that, he would never laughing until the SPLA have captured Sudan.

    Finally, I would like to see those Southerners Sudanese who have betraying the SPLA/SPLM to make apologized before Southern Sudan independence day and show A sorrowful for unhelpfulness which they have done during the SPLA/SPLM and they need to do this Public in front of Southern Sudanese people. In addition to that, all lates leaders which died because of Southern Sudan name such as William Deng Nhial, Dr. John Garang de Mabior, Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, another Willima Nyuon Bany and many more others, there must be a recognition to them and their Sons and daughters and that is what I want to add to your notion.

  • AdierCien

    Things to do during Southern Sudan Independence Day
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen


    You are contributing to our Nation in some other ways through your writting but you need to adopt a professional ethics ways of writting when posting article for public consumption. Be honest to your country. Respecting yourself mean wisdom.

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