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Sudan Tribune

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U.S. denies endorsing Sudanese president’s China visit

June 21, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The United States on Tuesday denied that it has approved of a visit by the Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir to China despite an outstanding warrant of arrest against him by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hong Lei (AFP)
China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hong Lei (AFP)
Bashir who faces ten counts of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity he allegedly committed in Darfur was invited by Beijing for a three-day visit which starts next Monday. He is expected to meet with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao and other officials.

Eight years of conflict between mostly non-Arab rebels and government troops backed by largely Arab militias in Darfur has led to one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. The United Nations estimates some 300,000 people have died.

Violence has fallen from levels seen in 2003 and 2004, but fighting in Darfur has intensified again in recent months, displacing more than 70,000 people.

Last week the U.S. State department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland when asked whether she thinks it is appropriate for China to receive Bashir responded by saying that this is a “national decision”.

Nuland called on Beijing to press the Sudanese leader on ending violence in his country and implementing the North-South peace accord signed in 2005.

The remarks by the spokeswoman were seen as an endorsement by Washington to Bashir’s trip.

But a U.S. official told Sudan Tribune today that this is not the case adding that it is his country’s policy to “strongly” urge other states not to invite those charged with war crimes

“U.S. policy toward the International Criminal Court’s investigations and prosecutions pertaining to the situation in Darfur is well known and has not changed. The United States believes that there cannot be a lasting peace in Sudan without justice and accountability, and we strongly support international efforts to bring those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes to justice,” said the state department official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

“We urge China to join the international community in its call for Sudan to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court, as required by UN Security Council resolution 1593. United States policy is to oppose invitations, facilitation or support for travel by ICC indictees. We have a longstanding policy of strongly urging other nations to do the same”.

Today the Chinese government insisted that it has not violated the norms by inviting the Sudanese president.

“It’s quite reasonable for China to invite the head of a state that has diplomatic ties with China to come for a visit” foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters today.

“In recent years President Bashir has made many visits to other countries and was warmly welcomed by the relevant countries,” Lei added.

This would be the first time Bashir traveled to China since the issuance of the warrant and the first to a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

In March 2005 the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) referred the situation Darfur to the ICC in a Chapter VII resolution despite Sudan not being party to the Rome Statute. China surprised observers and its strong ally Sudan by simply abstaining rather than using its veto power to block it.

The Chinese official stressed that Beijing has no obligation to apprehend Bashir.

“China is not one of the parties of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. China has reserved its opinion towards the International Criminal Court lawsuit against President Omer al-Bashir,” Lei said.

Bashir is the first sitting head of state to be targeted by a warrant of the ICC, which means that any member country of the court is obliged to arrest Bashir if he visits. China, along with the United States, is not party.

The Sudanese leader has seen his travel being limited to friendly nations and in many instances was forced to cancel appearance at a handful of regional and international events over the fear of arrest.

Right groups have criticised China’s decision to invite Bashir

“Beijing will signal its total disregard for victims of heinous crimes in Darfur if it welcomes al-Bashir,” said Richard Dicker, international justice director at Human Rights Watch.

“Al-Bashir’s flouting of international arrest warrants should be cause for condemnation, not for an invitation. Beijing should instead be using its influence to press for justice in Darfur”.

Last week U.S. Representative Frank Wolf, who has traveled to Sudan’s violence-torn Darfur region, said that he saw first-hand that China was supplying planes, helicopters and arms that have fueled the conflict.

“The number one supporter of the genocide in Darfur that many people are so concerned about is the Chinese government,” said Wolf, a Republican from Virginia and outspoken critic of Beijing.

“Now we find that they’re welcoming Bashir. What more do we need to know? Lives hang in the balance,” Wolf added.

Bashir’s visit comes a few weeks ahead of the secession of oil-rich South Sudan from the North which is the result of a referendum held earlier in the year.

Bashir and his government in Khartoum — Beijing’s long-time ally — stand to lose a third of the country’s territory and up to three quarters of its oil reserves when the south leaves.

Violence has erupted since last month in North-South border regions of Abyei and South Kordofan between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Sudan people Liberation Army (SPLA). It was only yesterday that an accord was reached with regard to Abyei.

In both cases thousands of civilians were forced to flee amid reports of the conflict taking on an ethnic dimension.



  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    U.S. denies endorsing Sudanese president’s China visit
    The best way will for the US to join the ICC first and abide by its law. Then we can call this justice!

    It is rediculous to send other people to a court which you donnot respect and abide by its law.It is unfair.

  • Joseph Canada
    Joseph Canada

    U.S. denies endorsing Sudanese president’s China visit
    Mohamed Ali,
    who would you like to be arrested by the ICC In US?
    I don’t see any Criminals in US who murdered or used Chemicals to killed their own countrymen.

    Or do you?

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    U.S. denies endorsing Sudanese president’s China visit
    Mr. Joseph Canada;
    You have really asked Mohamed Ali a good question? He would not name any person or official from US to be taken to ICC. You know China and Sudan headed by Bashir are strong allies. Do you know what is the binding element there? It is because of what China foriegn Minister revealed- the Issue of Oil from the South. Chinese Companies are now in charge with Oil exploration in the Sudan both North and South and therefore, would be an opportunity for them to find ways on how to take Oil from the South. That is why Bashir threatened Southerners to allow current oil deal to continue. It is all Nonsenses. If China does cooperate with Bashir then, their company will go out from the South Oil fields. Bashir should visit US first if he prove that he is strong. Bashir go to US first before visiting China. Just try and if you go and come back Safely then you would be free to travel anywhere. Just do that, please try it and see whether it will work for you.

  • eye-of-an-eye

    U.S. denies endorsing Sudanese president’s China visit
    China invite Bashir coz they worked in the same boat, the weapons that murder people in Darfur are from China even the chemicals weapon used against SPLA in Torit were from the Asia, we can’t hide the truth, China claming to be among the super powers nation that can protect people and again is standing 50%50 also Obama admistration is to weak I wish Bush would have came back to Power he would have solve such situation in no minutes he would have arrest Bashir.

    may be he is going for more weapons and construct human bucheries.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    U.S. denies endorsing Sudanese president’s China visit
    Mohammed Ali if you were to choose who to be arrested between you and Omar Bashir , who would you choose, you or him the genocidal criminal?

    Sound minded people such you Mohammed Ali should not support this evil man with blood written all his body. Bashir will start burning in the grave when he is hanged by the ICC before reaching the Almighty God. If you want some one to support then support Yasir Arman but you people always support bad people like Osama Bin Ledin and now Iman Al Zuhuri. Shame on you people, always on the wrong side of history. Karti is another criminal of Defa al Shabi who killed many people and has history of paying primitive Bagaras and southern militias to do their dirty work as well.

  • TheRealSudan

    U.S. denies endorsing Sudanese president’s China visit
    Dear Mr Joseph Canada et al,

    Please read the following – maybe then you can understand why it is convenient for the USA not to sign up to the ICC.

    And then maybe you can ask yourself why the UK is having a third inquiry into the Iraq war – with Blair being called twice to testify as to his actions.

    Does this answer your question?

    “Luis Moreno-Ocampo has told the Sunday Telegraph he is willing to start an inquiry by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and possibly a trial, for war crimes committed in Iraq involving British Prime Minister Tony Blair and American President George W. Bush.[40] Though under the Rome Statute, the ICC has no jurisdiction over Bush, since the USA is not a State Party to the relevant treaty—unless Bush were accused of crimes inside a State Party, or the UN Security Council (where the USA has a veto) requested an investigation. However Blair does fall under ICC jurisdiction as Britain is a State Party”


    Real recognise real. Remember that.

  • TheRealSudan

    U.S. denies endorsing Sudanese president’s China visit
    Dear USA,

    You seem to have a problem. You can’t seem to make up your mind what you want to do in Sudan.

    You’ve tried gold stars, carrots, sticks – we are tired of playing your silly games.

    We gave you a chance – because you know how much us Sudanese love Pepsi and Coke (because we sell you the arabic gum to make the damn drinks) but I am sorry to say but this is getting a bit tiring.

    Neither us nor the Chinese need your permission – so take that endorsement and stick it up where the sun don’t shine

    Ni Hao
    Ni Hao
    Bu Xie
    Bu Xie
    Zai Jian
    Zai Jian

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