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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister

June 22, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) has reacted strongly to accusations by Sudan Foreign Minister Ali Karti that Darfur rebels are fighting alongside the Libyan leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi against rebels in his country, saying it will seek to have the minister prosecuted for his “crime” against Sudanese people in Libya.

Sudan's Foreign Minister Ali Karti speaks during a joint news conference with newly appointed U.S. special envoy for Sudan Princeton Lyman in Khartoum April 6, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
Sudan’s Foreign Minister Ali Karti speaks during a joint news conference with newly appointed U.S. special envoy for Sudan Princeton Lyman in Khartoum April 6, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
Sudan’s top diplomat Ali Karti told the national parliament on Monday that investigations conducted by his ministry had concluded that rebel groups from the country’s war-battered, western region of Darfur were fighting alongside Gaddafi’s forces as they battled rebels backed by a Nato-led coalition.

Karti, however, strongly denied that the accusation, which was previously made by the ministry’s official spokesman, had caused harm to any Sudanese citizen living in Libya.

His statement drew an angry response from Darfur rebel group JEM whose official spokesman, Jibril Adam Bilal, on Tuesday called for prosecuting Ali Karti following his “persistence on racial incitation” against Sudanese people in Libya.

“This deliberate mistake by the minister must not go unpunished. He [Karti] must face legal accountability if there was a free, fair and independent judiciary in Sudan,” Adam said.

“Unfortunately,” the spokesman added, “all judicial bodies in Sudan render absolute allegiance to the [ruling] National Congress [Party], starting from the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and Ministry of Justice. Many judges are affiliated to the ruling party and even the Sudanese bar association was not saved from the NCP.”

The JEM official went on to deny that the ministry’s accusation did not result in any harm to Sudanese people in Libya.

“What happened to the Sudanese people in Libya as a result of Karti’s statements constitutes a crime against them,” he said, adding that some of the Sudanese people in Libya were killed and some are in prison due to the minister’s statement which is an “incitation to kill.”

Adam further declared that JEM would instigate legal proceedings against Karti in all the countries he will visit in the future, especially in Europe and America.

“We will take this matter to the judiciary in these countries because it now involves many victims,” he said.

He claimed that the families of those who were killed in Libya want Ali Karti to be tried at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

JEM spokesman said that Karti’s statement came as a no surprise to them given the man’s security background as a commander of the notorious paramilitary Popular Defense Forces.

He lamented the fact that Karti’s statement was endorsed by many parliamentarians, saying it proves the claim that justice in Sudan will not be served unless through an international mechanism.

Sudan has hitherto failed to prosecute any individual for the atrocities committed in the country’s western region of Darfur since rebels there took up arms against the government in 2003, accusing it of marginalising the region.

The Khartoum-led counterinsurgency in Darfur has led to the killing of 300,000 people and displacement of 2.7 million, according to UN figures.

The ICC has issued arrest warrants for three Sudanese officials including the country’s president Omar Al-Bashir on charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide allegedly committed in Darfur.




    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister
    vow to hunt Ali Karti!!!!!!!
    war is everywhere in sudan guys!!!
    Karti is A big liar against humanity too.
    Jangaweed are the one hired everywhere in Africa to fight proxy-wars.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister
    It is not only the Foreign Minister who said that. We have with our eyes on different tv screens Darfur rebells been arrested by the Lybians. We read reports from different news agencies incrminating Darfur rebels.We have heard on tv Lybian claiming accusing Darfur rebells for fighting with Gadafi.

    For quite long time every body know that Gadafi is supplying arms to different rebells groups and fighting tribal factions to destabilize Sudan.Was that free? They have to pay for Gadafi. He said I have the millions from Africa to fight for me.

    It is not Karti who brought shame and destruction to Darfur, it is you who brougt shame not only to Darfur or Sudan but to all of Africa.

    Time will come for justice when Colonel Gadafi falls.It is going to be soon!

  • Bush

    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister
    Just hunt him down, this man has a bad attitude towards others as if he own Sudan. He is just pleasing Beshir so that he can keep his job.

    Christians United for Israel

  • Sam.Eto

    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister
    Ha Ha Ha Ha – Adam your a moron – hunt him down and in court ? What a fool. What you have said adam was we deny helping gadafi’s forces in libya – maybe then people might have believed you. The only people that suffered (Sudanese) in libya were your forces who were attack by the NATO, US and UN backed rebels in bangazi…. so no one will be hunting anyone down but you when they capture Gadafi and send him and khalil to the ICC.

    I would book a ticket there early if i were you, your boss might need some psychological support.

    As for you barbaric SPLM supporters – your minister the other day proved how barbaric your behaviour can be. You always crying for war, hunt him down and kill him – just shows your capacity to reason.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister
    Gaddafi was supporting Basheir against ICC now both are criminals wanted by ICC, even for the first time gulf states did not support Basheir against ICC.

    Things are getting closer, Omer el Basheir number 1, Gaddafi number 2

    Next will be Bashar al Asad of Syria, Ali of Yemen and forth with. Big stick has been pushed into the anus of arabs they are now struggling with it. Just push the stick soon most will be off in political arena.

  • Dicksons Deng
    Dicksons Deng

    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister
    Durfur or darr-six should know that we southerners will not support them in any fight against khartoum.
    They were used to fight spla in the bush before and bombing our children and women, why suport them now?

  • DeltaBravo

    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister
    Please stop lying there Black African in Libya. You are just wasting your time supporting your Uncle Bashir. he will be in ICC COURT soon. mark ma word, it doesnt matter whether he Million army he still going to take him to COURT anyway.

  • Joseph Canada
    Joseph Canada

    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister
    Mohamed Ali,
    do you think your Arab Tv Channels controlled by the National criminal Party will tell the truth?
    Do you think that Arab Lies of yours will be accepted by the international community?. Man I don’t know how you were raised. The nature of lie in Sudanese Government and its Arabs have gone beyond Sodom and Gomorrah Punishment!!. To hell with you people. how long will you lie to those who are loyal to you in the name of Humanity?..

  • Joseph Canada
    Joseph Canada

    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister

    thats not the case. Even some of the southerners were used to fight their own Brother Southerners.
    saw it during the 2005 CPA Signing in Nairobi. Those Generals who escorted Bashir were Black tall toothless and scratched headed Southerners. They were promoted to the ranks of Brigadiers because they set the ambushes on their Brothers in the south. So if Darfurians need help, we should do so in the name of Humanity. We might not help on the fighting but through other means. South sudan Army might be chosen to be deployed there by the AU, or the UN for example. Therefore, Unity within the Africans who were Born to the African ancestry should be kept strong. Unless you were born to the midle Eastern Backgroud.
    Peaces be to you all.

  • TheRealSudan

    Darfur rebels vow to hunt down Sudan foreign minister
    Dear JEM,

    If you cared about your people you wouldn’t be lounging in London and Paris while Darfuri’s have been starving in IDP camps for the past 8 years.

    If you cared about your people you wouldn’t have spent your money on Nigerian whores while you were in Abuja and your people were suffering in IDP camps.

    If you cared about your people you wouldn’t have taken money from a mad man who called himself the King of Kings and promised to kill his people.

    Khalil is in Tripoli why? Is he or is he not on an interpol wanted list? Is he or is he not taking refuge with a criminal that is wanted by the same court that you have previously supported?

    Stop your lying Mr Adam – you are after money and power – you don’t care about your people – you never did and never will.

    If you gave two shits about the impact of Karti’s word on Sudanese living in Libya – you would have told your brothers in JEM to say no to the Dollars and Euros that Gaddafi gave you.

    We all saw with shame the faces of Darfuris captured because they were unleashed on innocent unarmed civilians in Benghazi.

    You are not freedom fighters – you have sold your people a long long time ago and are being exposed for the ruthless mercenaries that you are.

    Even if GOS signs a peace agreement with you villains – we know what you are.

    Real recognise real. Remember that.

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